Object: Perseus galaxy cluster (Abell 426) Constell: PER RA: 03h 18.6m Decl: +41� 30' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 12.5m (10th) Size: 126' Type: 2 0 II-III Observer: Jere Kahanp�� Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 3./4.1.1997, 19.45 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.0m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3 Weather: -12 �C, no Moon. Brightness: Alt: 70� Description: Seven galaxies in one field. NGC 1275 (11.9m (v), 2.2'x1.7', P, Br3): Clearly the brightest and largest galaxy in the field. Quite faint but still easy. (Almost) round, strongly concentrated towards a non-stellar core. A mag. 14 star is visible on the W edge. NGC 1272 (11.7m (v), 2.1'x1.9', E+, Br4): Another obvious galaxy, visible as soon as the field glid into view for the first time. Surface brightness about as bright as in -75's disk. Slightly concentrated, round. The 'double galaxy' is NGC 1277 and -78 NGC 1277 (13.4m (v), 1.0'x0.4', S0+, Br5): Slightly fainter than -78. Small and strongly concentrated. Blends into -78 with averted vision. Quite easy NGC 1278 (12.4m (v), 1.6'x1.3', Ep:, Br5): Much like -77 but slightly larger and brighter. NGC 1274 (14.0m (v), 0.5'x0.4', E3, Br5): Very small, almost stellar. Magnitude OK. Strongly concentrated. NGC 1273 (13.2m (v), 1,1'x1,1', SA(r)0?, Br5): Slightly brighter than -74. Very small (size 30''). Somewhat less concentrated than -74. NGC 281 (13.3m (v), 1.0'x0.7', E5, Br5): Just outside the field. Much like -73 and -74 but even more concentrated. Almost stellar.