Object:  Galaxy cluster ABELL 1367/ NGC 3861    Constell: LEO

RA: 11h 45.07m          Decl: +19� 58.4'        Epoch: 2000
Mag: 12.6m (v)          Size: 2.3'x1.3'         Type:(R')SAB(r)b

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Hartola, Finland
Date/Time: 2./3.3.1994, 01.05

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 133x              Filter:
Field: 22'              NE Lim.mag: 6.2m
Background sky: 1-2     Seeing: 3 
Weather: No Moon, -21 �C           

Brightness: 4           Alt: 45� 
Description: A LSB galaxy. Quite easy. Size about 2'x1.5' with
only a hint of contentration. Easy to find.