Object: Planetary nebula NGC 1535               Constell: ERI

RA: 04h 14.2m           Decl: -12� 44'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 9.6m (v)           Size: 20''x17''         Type:  4(2c)

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Jyv�skyl�, Finland
Date/Time: 20./21.12.1992, 22.30

Telescope: R 150/2063
Magn: 266x              Filter:
Field: 11'              NE Lim.mag: 5.6m
Background sky: 2-3     Seeing: 1 

Brightness: 3           Alt:    
Description: 52x: Barely non-stellar. At 266x an obvious double-
shell structure was visible. Central star easy, The E edge of
the inner ring is slightly brighter.