Object: Open cluster NGC 1746 Constell: TAU RA: 05h 04.2m (own) Decl: +23�47' (own) Epoch: 2000 Mag: 6.1m Size: 44' Type: III 2 p Observer: Jere Kahanp�� Obs. place: Jyv�skyl�, Finland Date/Time: 16./17.2.1994, 20.05 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 40x Filter: Field: 83' NE Lim.mag: 5.2m Background sky: 4 Seeing: 3-4 Weather: 1/5 Moon WSW. Faint aurorae N. Brightness: 2 Alt: 50� Description: One obvious cluster., visible even in a 6x30 finder. The brightest stars (7-8m) a in two lines. Together these two lines outline a L. About 30 stars of mixed magnitudes. Megastar shows 3 cluster labels in this area: NGC 1746 centered in the western parts of the obvious cluster. Size given as 41', class III 2 p and #stars 20. The SAC database lists it as mag. 6.1 and gives a descr: "Cl,Poor" I think this is the bright and large cluster which is clearly seen in the drawing. NGC 1750 is labelled (at the position marked with a "x" in the drawing) in Megastar, but no other data is diven. SAC: "Cl,st L, vc sc" "Part of -46" This is probably the clump of bright stars visible in the drawing a bit W of the given position. NGC 1758 is centered in the eastern parts of the big cluster in Megastar. Size is given as 40', Tr type III 2 p and #stars 20 which is exactly the same data as for -46! But there is a clear cluster of fainter stars (10,12...) very near the position. Diam 10'. The place of this group is shown as a circle in the drawing. SAC: IV 1 p, "Cl, pC, st L & S" I think this fainter group fits the NGC description better than the large group. Summary: NGC 1746: The large cluster. NGC 1750: A clump of stars in -46. NGC 1758: A smaller cl. in the eastern parts of -46. Prob. not real.