Object: Nonex-open cluster NGC 1802             Constell: TAU

RA: 05h 10.2m           Decl: +24� 06'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 8m (own)           Size: 12' (own)         Type: III 2 p  
Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Helsinki, Finland
Date/Time: 8./9.11.1996, 22.20

Telescope: C 200/2000
Magn: 80x               Filter:
Field: 37'              NE Lim.mag: 5.8m
Background sky: 3       Seeing: 2 
Weather: -1 �C, no Moon. Dew on the corrector lens.  

Brightness: 2           Alt: 36�
Description: A scattered group stars 15 stars, magnitudes
9...13. Round, diameter about 12' and estim. Tr-type III (or IV)
2 p. Coordinates OK. 

W. Herschel (1785): "A co. Cl. of st. or projecting point of the