Object: Gaseous neb+cluster NGC 1893 + IC410    Constell: AUR

RA:A: 05h227.6m           Decl:33332331           Epoch: 2000
Ma7.5 -/.5m             Siz11' 'x30'/11'       Type: 2 Ir Af
                                                      /II 3 r n/

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Hartola, Finland
Date/Time: 16./17.10.1993, 22.40

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 40x               Filter: O-III
Field: 83'              NE Lim.mag: 5.5m
Background sky: 3       Seeing: 3 
Weather: Suprisinly poor. Clouds covered the area while drawing
=> a lot of stars are missing.

Brightness: 3 (neb)     Alt: 30�
Description: The neby is detectable w/o the filter but obvious
with it. The cluster is very elongated S-N and contains 3 very
bright stars. Total about 15 stars. The nebulosity follows the
shape of the cluster. The dark bay on the SW side is very
striking. Brightest around the northernmost bright star.