Object: HII-region SHARPLESS 2-235              Constell: AUR

RA: 05h 41.2m           Decl: +35� 51'          Epoch: 2000
Mag:                    Size: 10'               Type: 3 2 3

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Hartola, Finland
Date/Time: 3./4.3.1994, 21.45

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 40x               Filter: O-III
Field: 83'              NE Lim.mag: 5.8m
Background sky: 1-2     Seeing: 3 
Weather: No Moon, -10 �C. Occasional clouds.

Brightness: 5           Alt: 55�
Description: Not easy, but strongly suspected. A half-circle of
stars in some nebulosity. The nebula is slightly concentrated
towards the stars.