CCAMP Working Group A. Guo Internet-Draft Futurewei Technologies Intended status: Standards Track S. Belotti Expires: 8 January 2025 Nokia G. Galimberti Individual J.E.L.d.V. Mendez Naudit HPCN D.P. Burrero Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 7 July 2024 A YANG Data Model for WDM Tunnels draft-ietf-ccamp-wdm-tunnel-yang-02 Abstract This document defines a YANG data model for the provisioning and management of Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnels and Label Switched Paths (LSPs) in Optical Networks (Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) and Flexi-Grid Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Networks). The YANG data model defined in this document conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA). Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 January 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.1. Integrated vs. External Optical Transponder . . . . . . . 5 4. Example of Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. YANG Model for WDM Tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.1. YANG Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2. YANG Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 8.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 8.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 1. Introduction Transport networks have evolved from traditional fixed-grid Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) [RFC6163] to more scalable and flexible elastic optical networks. These utilize flexi- grid Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technologies [RFC7698] to optimize bandwidth usage. Current DWDM Optical Network deployments may include fixed-grid WSON, flexi-grid DWDM, or a combination of both. In the optical domain, a WDM tunnel typically originates and concludes at a pair of transponders using one or more transceivers dependent upon the data rate and encoding type of the transceivers. These transponders are then connected to an intermediate line system composed of optical switches and multiplexers, including Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) and add-drop multiplexers, complemented by optical amplifiers to boost the transmission distance. The optical wavelength can be routed from the transponder or an incoming fiber, through multiplexing, to various outgoing fibers in the DWDM network. At optical nodes, wavelengths Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 may undergo conversion via optical-electrical-optical (OEO) regenerators, depending on the switching setup and fiber configuration. Optical services, transmitted via analog signals, require careful provisioning across the network to maintain signal quality and prevent interference between different wavelength channels. The technology within optical nodes, like tunable transceivers or Colorless, Directionless and Contentionless Flexi-grid (CDC-F) ROADMs, introduces specific constraints that can limit WDM tunnel path options. These constraints must be factored into WDM tunnel provisioning and pre-computation. Additionally, assessing the end- to-end optical performance-measuring metrics like Generalized Signal- to-noise Ratio (G-SNR), Bit Error Rate (BER), and Q-factor - is crucial to ensure transmission quality and receiver signal integrity. This draft introduces a YANG [RFC7950] data model for setting up and managing TE tunnels and LSPs in DWDM Optical Networks. It aims to provide an intent-based interface used by a control entity such as a Software-defined Network (SDN) controller at its northbound to establish services between endpoints, typically optical transponders. Clients can utilize this model to either partially or fully delegate service provisioning to the SDN controller, while still capable to express additional constraints to guide its operation. Service provisioning can be as simple as identifying the source and destination transponders and delegate the rest of determination to the SDN controller, or as explicit as specifying a complete detailed path complete with tuned wavelengths and transceiver details. This document identifies the WDM tunnel components, parameters and their values, and characterizes the features and the performances of the WDM elements. An application example is provided towards the end of the document to understand their utility better. 2. Conventions and Definitions The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. The terminology for describing YANG data models is found in [RFC7950]. Refer to [RFC7446] and [RFC7699] for the key terms used in this document. Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 The following terms are defined in [RFC7950] and are not redefined here: - client * server * augment * data model * data node The following terms are defined in [RFC6241] and are not redefined here: - configuration data * state data 3. Overview The YANG data model in this draft builds upon the generic TE tunnel model from [I-D.ietf-teas-yang-te]. This base model is suitable for all TE-enabled networks and includes universal TE tunnel elements like node addresses, tunnel termination points (TTPs), and path-level constraints such as explicit path hops, label restrictions, and path diversity. The current model enhances [I-D.ietf-teas-yang-te] by incorporating WDM-specific attributes and constraints relevant to WDM tunnels, including definitions for: * Network-scope optical transceiver configuration constraints, e.g., operational modes, transceiver tuning constraints * Network-scope WDM path routing policies for influencing WDM TE path selection. For exmaple, whether or not using regenerator or wavelength conversion is allowed, whether or not wavelength retuing is allowed for tunable transceivers, etc. * Network-scope optical performance constraints, e.g. the generalized Signal-to-noise (G-SNR) margin and delta power of a feasible optical path * Path-scope WDM layer constraints and transceiver configurations for working and protection path within a WDM tunnel * List of WDM nodes, links, and optical wavelength that constitute an end-to-end WDM path * Other relevant optical attributes which characterize the optical signal Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 The attributes described above are optional, allowing the model to support both simplified and fully-explicit WDM tunnel provisioning to meet diverse client requirements. Additionally, the YANG model provides the status of a WDM tunnel, which includes: * Computed paths for various roles such as working, protection, and restoration, indicating potential optical paths confirmed by the SDN controller via pre-computation. * Actual LSPs for each tunnel path, representing the optical paths currently established in the network. 3.1. Integrated vs. External Optical Transponder In optical networks built with traditional chassis-based DWDM optical equipment, optical transponder (OTs) are typically inserted into the chassis installed as cards. WDM tunnels are established between pairs of OTs, with the SDN controller serving as the central entity for provisioning and managing these tunnels. In scenarios like data center interconnects (DCI), optical transponders may be externally mounted on a 'pizza box' and linked via dedicated fiber or wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer to the optical line system. These external OTs could be managed by the same SDN controller or a different entity, such as an orchestrator. Consequently, a WDM tunnel might be composed of several segments joined to create a continuous end-to-end tunnel. The YANG data model offers a cohesive interface for managing WDM tunnels and tunnel segments, irrespective of transponder location. 4. Example of Use To illustrate the model's application, consider an optical network with various transponders, switches, and links. A depicted topology outlines two WDM tunnel scenarios. In the first, an end-to-end WDM tunnel (WDM Tunnel 1) comprises two physical paths (WDM Primary Path 1 and 2) linking two integrated optical transponders, Transponder A and E, through WSON and Flexi-grid nodes. The second scenario describes three WDM tunnel segments (WDM Tunnel Segment 2a to 2c) connecting two external OTs, External OT node X and Y, via the same nodes and links. Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 WDM Tunnel 1 <===================================================> WDM Primary Path 1 <---------------------------------------------------> WDM Tunnel WDM Tunnel WDM Tunnel Segment 2a Segment 2b Segment 2c <=================><===============><===============> +----------+ +----------+ | External | | External | | OT |<----------+ +---------->| OT | | node X | | | | node Y | +----------+ | | +----------+ | | | | +----------+ | | +----------+ | Flexi- | | | | Flexi- | | grid | | | | grid | | node A | | | | node E | | | +--v---+ +---v--+ | | | | Link 1 |Flexi-| Link 2 | WSON | Link 3 | | | |<------>| grid |<------>| |<------>| | |......... | |node B| |node C| | .........| | Trans- : | +------+ +------+ | : Trans- | | ponder : | | : ponder | | A : | +----------+ | : E | |........: | Link 4 |Flexi-grid| Link 5 | :........| | | | D | | | | |<------------>| node |<------------>| | | | +----------+ | | +----------+ +----------+ <---------------------------------------------------> WDM Secondary Path 1 Figure 1: Topology Example To configure an end-to-end WDM tunnel to interconnect transponders A and E, first of all we have to populate the flexi-grid topology YANG model with all elements in the network: * We define the transponders within nodes A and E as tunnel termination points (TTPs) and provide their internal local link connectivity towards the node interfaces. We also provide nodes A and E identifiers, addresses and interfaces. Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 * We do the same for the nodes B, C and D, providing their identifiers, addresses and interfaces, as well as the internal connectivity matrix between interfaces. * Then, we also define the links 1 to 5 that interconnect nodes, indicating which WSON or flexi-grid labels are available. * Other information, such as the slot frequency and granularity are also provided. After the nodes, links and transponders have been defined using [I-D.ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-yang] and [RFC9094] we can configure the tunnel from the information we have stored in the flexi-grid topology, by querying which elements are available, and planning the resources that have to be provided on each situation, taking into account the global and path-specific WDM tunnel constraints. Note that every element in the flexi-grid topology has a reference, and this is the way in which they are called in the tunnel. * Depending on the case, it is possible to define either the source and destination node ports, or the source and destination node and transponder. In our case, we would define a network tunnel, with source transponder A and source node B, and destination transponder E and destination node C. Thus, we are going to follow path x. * Then, for each link in the path x, we indicate which channel we are going to use, providing information about the slots, and what nodes are connected. * Finally, the flexi-grid topology has to be updated with each element usage status each time a tunnel is created or torn down. 5. YANG Model for WDM Tunnel 5.1. YANG Tree module: ietf-wdm-tunnel augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel: +--rw wdm-constraint +--rw transceiver-constraint | +--rw operational-modes* string | +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz | +--rw tx-tune-constraints | | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref | +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr +--rw use-regen? boolean +--rw wavelength-conversion? boolean +--rw wavelength-assignment? identityref +--rw guard-band-size? l0-types:frequency-thz +--rw matching-fwd-rev-wavelength? boolean +--rw allow-retuning? boolean +--rw delta-power? l0-types:power-ratio augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--rw path-in-transceiver | +--rw transponder-id? uint32 | +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] | +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 | +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 | +--rw operational-modes* string | +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz | +--rw tx-tune-constraints | | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz | +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref | +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr +--rw path-out-transceiver +--rw transponder-id? uint32 +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 +--rw operational-modes* string +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz +--rw tx-tune-constraints | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:explicit-route-objects/te:route-object-exclude-always Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--rw path-in-transceiver | +--rw transponder-id? uint32 | +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] | +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 | +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 | +--rw operational-modes* string | +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz | +--rw tx-tune-constraints | | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz | +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref | +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr +--rw path-out-transceiver +--rw transponder-id? uint32 +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 +--rw operational-modes* string +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz +--rw tx-tune-constraints | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--rw path-in-transceiver | +--rw transponder-id? uint32 | +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] | +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 | +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 | +--rw operational-modes* string | +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz | +--rw tx-tune-constraints | | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz | +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref | +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr +--rw path-out-transceiver +--rw transponder-id? uint32 +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 +--rw operational-modes* string +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz +--rw tx-tune-constraints | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--rw path-in-transceiver | +--rw transponder-id? uint32 | +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] | +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 | +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 | +--rw operational-modes* string | +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz | +--rw tx-tune-constraints | | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz | +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref | +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm | +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr +--rw path-out-transceiver +--rw transponder-id? uint32 +--rw transceivers* [otsi-carrier-id] +--rw otsi-carrier-id uint16 +--rw transceiver-id? uint32 +--rw operational-modes* string +--rw otsi-carrier-frequency? l0-types:frequency-thz +--rw tx-tune-constraints | +--rw min-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw max-central-frequency? frequency-thz | +--rw transceiver-tunability? frequency-ghz +--rw line-coding-bitrate* identityref Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw tx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw preferred-rx-channel-power? l0-types:power-dbm +--rw gsnr-extra-margin? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--ro path-in-transceiver | +--ro transponder-id? uint32 | +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] | +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 | +--ro transceiver-id uint32 | +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union | +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr +--ro path-out-transceiver +--ro transponder-id? uint32 +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 +--ro transceiver-id uint32 +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:computed-paths-properties/te:computed-path-properties /te:path-properties/te:path-route-objects /te:path-route-object/te:type/te:numbered-node-hop /te:numbered-node-hop: +--ro path-in-transceiver | +--ro transponder-id? uint32 | +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] | +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 | +--ro transceiver-id uint32 | +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union | +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr +--ro path-out-transceiver Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--ro transponder-id? uint32 +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 +--ro transceiver-id uint32 +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--ro path-in-transceiver | +--ro transponder-id? uint32 | +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] | +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 | +--ro transceiver-id uint32 | +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union | +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr +--ro path-out-transceiver +--ro transponder-id? uint32 +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 +--ro transceiver-id uint32 +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--ro path-in-transceiver | +--ro transponder-id? uint32 | +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] | +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 | +--ro transceiver-id uint32 | +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr | +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr +--ro path-out-transceiver +--ro transponder-id? uint32 +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 +--ro transceiver-id uint32 +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro estimated-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-eol-gsnr? snr +--ro estimated-lowest-gsnr? snr augment /te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/te:lsp-actual-route-information /te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type /te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop: +--ro path-in-transceiver | +--ro transponder-id? uint32 | +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] | +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 | +--ro transceiver-id uint32 | +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union | +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null | +--ro pre-fec-ber | | +--ro timestamp? yang:timestamp | | +--ro value? decimal64 | +--ro q-factor | +--ro timestamp? yang:timestamp | +--ro value? l0-types:decimal-2-or-null +--ro path-out-transceiver +--ro transponder-id? uint32 +--ro transceivers* [transceiver-id] +--ro otsi-carrier-id? uint16 +--ro transceiver-id uint32 +--ro otsi-carrier-frequency? union +--ro rx-channel-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro rx-total-power? power-dbm-or-null +--ro pre-fec-ber | +--ro timestamp? yang:timestamp | +--ro value? decimal64 +--ro q-factor +--ro timestamp? yang:timestamp +--ro value? l0-types:decimal-2-or-null augment /te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/te:lsp-actual-route-information Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type /te:numbered-link-hop/te:numbered-link-hop: +--ro e2e-mc-path-id* uint16 augment /te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/te:lsp-actual-route-information /te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type /te:unnumbered-link-hop/te:unnumbered-link-hop: +--ro e2e-mc-path-id* uint16 augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction: +--rw grid-type? identityref +--rw priority? uint8 +--rw flexi-grid Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw slot-width-granularity? identityref +--rw min-slot-width-factor? uint16 +--rw max-slot-width-factor? uint16 augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints /te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric /te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-exclude-objects /te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric /te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-include-objects /te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-start/te:te-label /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-end/te:te-label /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-out-segment Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:label/te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--ro (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--ro (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--ro dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--ro subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--ro cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--ro (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--ro flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--ro subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--ro frequency-slots +--ro frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/te:optimizations /te:algorithm/te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-exclude-objects /te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/te:optimizations /te:algorithm/te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-include-objects /te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:explicit-route-objects/te:route-object-exclude-always /te:type/te:label/te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-start/te:te-label /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-end/te:te-label /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-start/te:te-label /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-end/te:te-label /te:technology: Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions /te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths /te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path /te:computed-paths-properties/te:computed-path-properties /te:path-properties/te:path-route-objects /te:path-route-object/te:type/te:label/te:label-hop /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--ro (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--ro (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--ro dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--ro subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--ro cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--ro (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--ro flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--ro subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--ro frequency-slots +--ro frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm /te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-exclude-objects /te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm /te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-include-objects /te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths /te:secondary-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:label/te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--ro (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--ro (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--ro dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--ro subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--ro cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--ro (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--ro flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--ro subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--ro frequency-slots +--ro frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm /te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-exclude-objects /te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:optimizations/te:algorithm /te:metric/te:optimization-metric /te:explicit-route-include-objects /te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:explicit-route-objects /te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--rw subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--rw subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(multi) +--rw frequency-slots +--rw frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--rw flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--rw flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-in-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction /te:label-start/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-end /te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--rw cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--rw flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:path-out-segment /te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label-step /te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--rw (l0-grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--rw wson-dwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(cwdm) | +--rw wson-cwdm-channel-spacing? identityref +--:(flexi-grid) x--rw flexi-grid-channel-spacing? identityref +--rw flexi-ncfg? identityref +--rw flexi-n-step? uint8 augment /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths /te:secondary-reverse-path/te:computed-paths-properties /te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties /te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/te:type /te:label/te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--ro (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--ro (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--ro dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--ro subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--ro cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 +--:(flexi-grid) +--ro (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--ro flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--ro subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--ro frequency-slots +--ro frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m augment /te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/te:lsp-actual-route-information /te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/te:label /te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology: +--:(wdm) +--ro (grid-type)? +--:(fixed-dwdm) | +--ro (fixed-single-or-super-channel)? | +--:(single) | | +--ro dwdm-n? l0-types:dwdm-n | +--:(multi) | +--ro subcarrier-dwdm-n* l0-types:dwdm-n +--:(cwdm) | +--ro cwdm-n? l0-types:cwdm-n +--:(flexi-grid) +--ro (single-or-super-channel)? +--:(single) | +--ro flexi-n? l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m x--:(super) | x--ro subcarrier-flexi-n* [flexi-n] | +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n | +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m +--:(multi) +--ro frequency-slots +--ro frequency-slot* [flexi-n] +--ro flexi-n l0-types:flexi-n +--ro flexi-m? l0-types:flexi-m Figure 2: WDM Tunnel YANG tree 5.2. YANG Code Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 file "ietf-wdm-tunnel@2024-07-02.yang" module ietf-wdm-tunnel { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-wdm-tunnel"; prefix "wdm-tnl"; import ietf-te { prefix "te"; reference "RFC YYYY: A YANG Data Model for Traffic Engineering Tunnels, Label Switched Paths and Interfaces."; } /* RFC Ed.: replace YYYY with the number assigned to the RFC once draft-ietf-teas-yang-te becomes an RFC.*/ import ietf-layer0-types { prefix "l0-types"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } organization "IETF CCAMP Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jorge E. Lopez de Vergara Editor: Daniel Perdices Editor: Victor Lopez Editor: Italo Busi Editor: Aihua Guo "; description "This module defines a YANG data model for configuring and managing Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) switched Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 38] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 optical tunnels. The model fully conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA). Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision "2024-07-02" { description "Updated revision with combined WSON and Flexi-grid tunnel YANG model"; reference "RFC XXXX: YANG data model for WDM tunnels"; // RFC Ed.: replace XXXX with actual RFC number, update date // information and remove this note } /* * Groupings */ grouping additional-transceiver-configuration-constraints { description "This grouping defines additional optional constraints for transceiver configurations related to tunnel selection. These constraints further limit the resources available to the tunnel. All constraints operate inclusively, using an AND logic. For example, if a specific frequency range is selected, the tunnel must also be constrained to match only that range. When these constraints are combined with the operational mode, the list of operational modes should exclude any modes that cannot satisfy the additional constraints. For instance, if the frequency is restricted to the C-band, the list of operational modes should not include any modes applicable only to the L-band."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 39] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 leaf otsi-carrier-frequency { type l0-types:frequency-thz; description "OTSi carrier frequency, i.e. configured transmitter frequency."; } container tx-tune-constraints { description "The permissible tuning frequency range for the transmitter."; uses l0-types:transmitter-tuning-range; } leaf-list line-coding-bitrate { type identityref { base l0-types:line-coding; } description "The list of the bit rate/line coding of the optical tributary signal that constrains the configuration of the transceiver."; reference "ITU-T G.698.2 section 7.1.2"; } leaf tx-channel-power { type l0-types:power-dbm; description "The preferred channel transmit power."; } leaf preferred-rx-channel-power { type l0-types:power-dbm; description "The preferred channel received power."; } uses l0-types:l0-path-constraints; } grouping transceiver-constraints { description "This grouping defines constraints for transceiver configurations"; leaf-list operational-modes { Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 40] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 type string { length "1..255"; } description "List of operational mode ids of the transceiver."; } uses additional-transceiver-configuration-constraints; } grouping transceiver-config { description "This grouping defines explicit transceiver configurations."; leaf transponder-id { type uint32; description "transponder identifier"; } list transceivers { key "otsi-carrier-id"; description "List of transceivers used within the transponder."; leaf otsi-carrier-id { type uint16; description "OTSi carrier identifier associated with the transceiver."; } leaf transceiver-id { type uint32; description "transceiver identifier"; } uses transceiver-constraints; } } grouping path-transceiver-config { description "This grouping defines a set of transceivers on a node, serving as either starting transceivers, terminating transceivers, or regenerators. The position of each transceiver is determined by the direction of the path. For instance, consider the following uni-directional Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 41] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 path with nodes labeled A, B, and C, where a, b1, b2, and c correspond to transceivers on the nodes: A(a) --> (b1)B(b2) --> (c)C - Use path-out-transceiver for the starting transceiver a and the regenerator transceiver b2. - Use path-in-transceiver for the terminating transceiver c and the regenerator transceiver b1."; container path-in-transceiver { description "Constraints for incoming direction transceiver configurations"; uses transceiver-config; } container path-out-transceiver { description "Constraints for outgoing direction transceiver configurations."; uses transceiver-config; } } grouping transceiver-measured-parameters { description "Measured transceiver parameters."; container pre-fec-ber { description "Timestamp and value of the Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate (BER) of the received signal."; leaf timestamp { type yang:timestamp; description "Timestamp associated with the Pre-FEC BER."; } leaf value { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 18; } description "Pre-FEC BER of the received signal."; } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 42] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 } container q-factor { description "Timestamp and value of the estimated Q-factor based on the pre-FEC BER."; leaf timestamp { type yang:timestamp; description "Timestamp associated with the Q-factor."; } leaf value { type l0-types:decimal-2-or-null; units "dB"; description "Estimated Q-factor based on the pre-FEC BER."; } } } grouping transceiver-state { description "This grouping includes common transceiver state information."; leaf transponder-id { type uint32; description "transponder identifier"; } list transceivers { key "transceiver-id"; description "List of transceivers used within the transponder."; leaf otsi-carrier-id { type uint16; description "OTSi carrier identifier associated with the transceiver."; } leaf transceiver-id { type uint32; description "transceiver identifier"; } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 43] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 leaf otsi-carrier-frequency { type union { type l0-types:frequency-thz; type empty; } description "OTSi carrier frequency, equivalent to the actual configured transmitter frequency, when known, or an empty value when unknown."; } uses l0-types:common-transceiver-readonly-param; } } grouping e2e-media-channel-info { description "This grouping includes end-to-end media channel path id information."; leaf-list e2e-mc-path-id { type uint16; description "The list of the possible end-to-end Media Channel (e2e-MC) paths associated with the OTSi which have different optical impairments. This list is meaningful in case the OTSi can be associated with multiple end-to-end Media Channel (e2e-MC) paths (e.g., when OPS protection is configured). The list can be empty when the OTSi has only one e2e-MC path."; } } grouping path-transceiver-state { description "This grouping defines the state of transceivers on a node functioning as starting, terminating transceivers, or regenerators."; container path-in-transceiver { description "Transceiver state on the incoming direction."; uses transceiver-state; } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 44] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 container path-out-transceiver { description "Transceiver state on the outgoing direction."; uses transceiver-state; } } grouping global-transceiver-constraint { description "This grouping defines the constraints for transceiver configurations."; container transceiver-constraint { description "Constraints for transceiver configurations"; uses transceiver-constraints; } } grouping wdm-constraint { description "Grouping for WDM tunnel constraints"; container wdm-constraint { description "WDM tunnel constraints."; uses global-transceiver-constraint; leaf use-regen { type boolean; default false; description "Indicate whether or not regenerators (e.g. 3R) should be considered. When this parameter is set to true, the tunnel path may include a regen when the path is not feasible for direct optical reach."; } leaf wavelength-conversion { when '../use-regen = "true"' { description "Regenerator must be enabled for wavelength conversion to be considered."; } type boolean; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 45] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 default false; description "Indicate whether or not wavelength conversion is allowed along the tunnel path. Applicable only when 3R regeneration is enabled."; } uses l0-types:l0-tunnel-attributes; leaf guard-band-size { type l0-types:frequency-thz; description "Guard band size in THz."; } leaf matching-fwd-rev-wavelength { type boolean; default true; description "Indicate whether or not the assigned channels for forward and reverse wavelength path must be the same."; } leaf allow-retuning { type boolean; default false; description "Indicate whether or not re-tuning is allowed when one or more paths of a WDM tunnel is being restored. Typically, wavelength retuning is not preferred for wavelength planning considerations."; } leaf delta-power { type l0-types:power-ratio; description "Delta power in dB indicating the per-channel power deviation from the nominal power per channel at the output of an OMS."; } } } /* * Data nodes */ /* * Global constraints for WDM tunnel Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 46] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel" { description "Augment with additional parameters required for WDM tunnel configurations."; uses wdm-constraint; } /* * Transceiver constraints for primary path * Applicable to starting, terminating and regenerator * transceivers. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE primary path with transceiver configurations."; uses path-transceiver-config; } /* * Transceiver constraints for primary reverse path * Applicable to starting, terminating and regenerator * transceivers. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE primary reverse path with transceiver configurations."; uses path-transceiver-config; } /* * Transceiver constraints for secondary path * Applicable to starting, terminating and regenerator * transceivers. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths/" + "te:secondary-path/te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 47] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE secondary path with transceiver configurations."; uses path-transceiver-config; } /* * Transceiver constraints for secondary reverse path * Applicable to starting, terminating and regenerator * transceivers. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/" + "te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE secondary reverse path with transceiver configurations."; uses path-transceiver-config; } /* * Computed transceiver properties for primary path. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE computed primary path with transceiver properties."; uses path-transceiver-state; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-in-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 48] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-out-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } /* * Computed transceiver properties for primary reverse path. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE computed primary path with transceiver properties."; uses path-transceiver-state; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-in-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:primary-paths/" + "te:primary-path/te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 49] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-out-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } /* * Computed transceiver properties for secondary path. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths/" + "te:secondary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE computed primary path with transceiver properties."; uses path-transceiver-state; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths/" + "te:secondary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-in-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-paths/" + "te:secondary-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-out-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 50] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 /* * Computed transceiver properties for secondary reverse path. */ augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths/" + "te:secondary-reverse-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE computed primary path with transceiver properties."; uses path-transceiver-state; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths/" + "te:secondary-reverse-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-in-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:secondary-reverse-paths/" + "te:secondary-reverse-path/te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-out-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional estimated parameters."; uses l0-types:l0-path-properties; } /* * Actual transceiver state. */ augment "/te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop" { description "Augment TE LSP with WDM path state."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 51] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 uses path-transceiver-state; } augment "/te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-in-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional measured parameters."; uses transceiver-measured-parameters; } augment "/te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/" + "te:numbered-node-hop/te:numbered-node-hop/" + "wdm-tnl:path-out-transceiver/wdm-tnl:transceivers" { description "Augment transceiver with additional measured parameters."; uses transceiver-measured-parameters; } augment "/te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/" + "te:numbered-link-hop/te:numbered-link-hop" { description "Augment TE LSP with end-to-end media channel information."; uses e2e-media-channel-info; } augment "/te:te/te:lsps/te:lsp/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/" + "te:unnumbered-link-hop/te:unnumbered-link-hop" { description "Augment TE LSP with end-to-end media channel information."; uses e2e-media-channel-info; } /* Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 52] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 * Augment TE label range information */ augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the ingress segment of the named path constraint."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the egress segment of the named path constraint."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the ingress segment of the primay path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the egress segment of the primay path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 53] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 "Augment TE label range information for the ingress segment of the primay reverse path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the egress segment of the primay reverse path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the ingress segment of the secondary path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the egress segment of the secondary path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the ingress segment of the secondary reverse path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 54] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction" { description "Augment TE label range information for the egress segment of the secondary reverse path."; uses l0-types:wdm-label-range-info; } /* * Augment TE label. */ augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects always excluded by the path computation with the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects included or excluded by the path computation with the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the ingress segment of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 55] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the ingress segment of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-in-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/" + "te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the ingress segment of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the egress segment of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 56] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:globals/te:named-path-constraints/" + "te:named-path-constraint/te:path-out-segment/" + "te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/" + "te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the egress segment of the named path constraint."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-exclude-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects excluded by the path computation of the primary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-include-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects included by the path computation of the primary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 57] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects always excluded by the path computation of the primary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects included or excluded by the path computation of the primary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the ingress segment of the primay path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the ingress segment of the primay path."; case wdm { Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 58] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the ingress segment of the primay path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the egress segment of the primay path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment of the primay path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 59] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 of the primay path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/te:path-properties/" + "te:path-route-objects/te:path-route-object/" + "te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the route object of the computed primary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-exclude-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects excluded by the path computation of the primary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-include-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects included by the path computation of the primary reverse path."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 60] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/" + "te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects always excluded by the path computation of the primary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-exclude/" + "te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects included or excluded by the path computation of the primary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the ingress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 61] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the ingress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the ingress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the egress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 62] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the egress segment of the primay reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:primary-paths/te:primary-path/" + "te:primary-reverse-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/te:computed-path-properties/" + "te:path-properties/te:path-route-objects/" + "te:path-route-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the route object of the computed primary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-exclude-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects excluded by the path computation of the secondary path."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 63] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-include-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects included by the path computation of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects always excluded by the path computation of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects included or excluded by the path computation of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 64] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the ingress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the ingress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the ingress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the egress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 65] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the egress segment of the secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-paths/te:secondary-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/" + "te:path-properties/te:path-route-objects/" + "te:path-route-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the route object of the computed secondary path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-exclude-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 66] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 route objects excluded by the path computation of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:optimizations/te:algorithm/te:metric/" + "te:optimization-metric/te:explicit-route-include-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the optimization of the explicit route objects included by the path computation of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-exclude-always/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects always excluded by the path computation of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:explicit-route-objects/" + "te:route-object-include-exclude/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the explicit route objects included or excluded by the path computation of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 67] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the ingress segment of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the ingress segment of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-in-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the ingress segment of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-start/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range start for the egress segment of the secondary reverse path."; Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 68] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-end/" + "te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range end for the egress segment of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-start-end; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:path-out-segment/te:label-restrictions/" + "te:label-restriction/te:label-step/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label range step for the egress segment of the secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-step; } } augment "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:secondary-reverse-paths/te:secondary-reverse-path/" + "te:computed-paths-properties/" + "te:computed-path-properties/" + "te:path-properties/te:path-route-objects/" + "te:path-route-object/te:type/te:label/" + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the route object of the computed secondary reverse path."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } augment "/te:te/te:lsps/" + "te:lsp/te:lsp-actual-route-information/" + "te:lsp-actual-route-information/te:type/te:label/" Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 69] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 + "te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology" { description "Augment TE label hop for the actual route of the LSP."; case wdm { uses l0-types:wdm-label-hop; } } } Figure 3: WDM Tunnel YANG module 6. Security Considerations The configuration, state, and action data defined in this document are designed to be accessed via a management protocol with a secure transport layer, such as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040]. The NETCONF access control model [RFC8341] provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF protocol operations and content. There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG module that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. Write operations (e.g., edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability: * /te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel * /te:te/.../te:te-bandwidth/te:technology * /te:te/.../te:type/te:label/te:label-hop/te:te-label/te:technology * /te:te/.../te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label- start/te:te-label/te:technology * /te:te/.../te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/te:label- end/te:te-label/te:technology * /te:te/.../te:label-restrictions/te:label-restriction/ Editors note: we are using simplified description by folding similar branches to avoid repetition. Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 70] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 7. IANA Considerations This document requests IANA to register the following URIs in the "ns" subregistry within the "IETF XML Registry" [RFC3688]. Following the format in [RFC3688], the following registrations are requested. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-wdm-tunnel Registrant Contact: The IESG XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace. This document requests IANA to register the following YANG modules in the "IANA Module Names" [RFC6020]. Following the format in [RFC6020], the following registrations are requested: name: ietf-wdm-tunnel namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-wdm-tunnel prefix: wdm-tnl reference: RFC XXXX RFC Editor: Please replace XXXX with the RFC number assigned to this document. 8. References 8.1. Normative References [RFC7950] Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language", RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016, . [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . [RFC7446] Lee, Y., Ed., Bernstein, G., Ed., Li, D., and W. Imajuku, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment Information Model for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks", RFC 7446, DOI 10.17487/RFC7446, February 2015, . Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 71] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 [RFC7699] Farrel, A., King, D., Li, Y., and F. Zhang, "Generalized Labels for the Flexi-Grid in Lambda Switch Capable (LSC) Label Switching Routers", RFC 7699, DOI 10.17487/RFC7699, November 2015, . [RFC6241] Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011, . [I-D.ietf-teas-yang-te] Saad, T., Gandhi, R., Liu, X., Beeram, V. P., and I. Bryskin, "A YANG Data Model for Traffic Engineering Tunnels, Label Switched Paths and Interfaces", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-36, 2 February 2024, . [I-D.ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-yang] de Madrid, U. A., Burrero, D. P., King, D., Lee, Y., and H. Zheng, "A YANG Data Model for Flexi-Grid Optical Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf- ccamp-flexigrid-yang-16, 29 January 2024, . [RFC9094] Zheng, H., Lee, Y., Guo, A., Lopez, V., and D. King, "A YANG Data Model for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs)", RFC 9094, DOI 10.17487/RFC9094, August 2021, . [RFC8040] Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017, . [RFC8341] Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341, DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018, . [RFC3688] Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688, DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004, . [RFC6020] Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020, DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010, . Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 72] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 8.2. Informative References [RFC6163] Lee, Y., Ed., Bernstein, G., Ed., and W. Imajuku, "Framework for GMPLS and Path Computation Element (PCE) Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs)", RFC 6163, DOI 10.17487/RFC6163, April 2011, . [RFC7698] Gonzalez de Dios, O., Ed., Casellas, R., Ed., Zhang, F., Fu, X., Ceccarelli, D., and I. Hussain, "Framework and Requirements for GMPLS-Based Control of Flexi-Grid Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Networks", RFC 7698, DOI 10.17487/RFC7698, November 2015, . Acknowledgments This work is also partially funded by the Spanish State Research Agency under the project AgileMon (AEI PID2019-104451RB-C21) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the program for the training of university lecturers (Grant number: FPU19/05678). Contributors Daniel King Old Dog Consulting Email: Haomian Zheng Huawei Technologies H1, Xiliu Beipo Village, Songshan Lake Dongguan China Email: Italo Busi Huawei Technologies Email: Oscar Gonzalez de Dios Telefonica Email: Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 73] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 Victor Lopez Nokia Email: Dieter Beller Nokia Email: Ricard Vilalta CTTC Email: Young Lee Samsung Email: Bin Yeong Yoon ETRI Email: Daniel Michaud Vallinoto Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Email: Zafar Ali Cisco Email: Esther Le Rouzic Orange Email: Julien Meuric Orange Email: Gert Grammel Juniper Email: Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 74] Internet-Draft WDM Tunnel YANG Model July 2024 Roberto Manzotti Cisco Email: Authors' Addresses Aihua Guo Futurewei Technologies Email: Sergio Belotti Nokia Email: G. Galimberti Individual Email: Jorge E. Lopez de Vergara Mendez Naudit HPCN Email: Daniel Perdices Burrero Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Email: Guo, et al. Expires 8 January 2025 [Page 75]