IVY Working Group M. Palmero Internet-Draft F. Brockners Intended status: Standards Track Cisco Systems Expires: 9 January 2025 S. Kumar NC State University C. Cardona NTT D. Lopez Telefonica I+D 8 July 2024 Data Model for Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations draft-palmero-ivy-dmalmo-02 Abstract This document includes a data model for assets lifecycle management and operations. The primary objective of the data model is to measure and improve the network operators' experience along the lifecycle journey, from technical requirements and technology selection through renewal, including the end of life of an asset. This model is based on the information model introduced in "Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations: A Problem Statement" (ALMO) [I-D.draft-palmero-opsawg-ps-almo-00] IETF draft. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 January 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/ license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1. Requirements language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4. Data Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.2. Tree Diagrams of ALMO Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.2.1. Aggregated Assets Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.2.2. Entitlements Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.2.3. Features Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2.4. Usage Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2.5. Event Report Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.2.6. Organization Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.2.7. User Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.3. YANG data models of ALMO Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.3.1. LMO Common Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.3.2. LMO Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.3.3. Entitlements Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.3.4. Features Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.3.5. Usage Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.3.6. Event Report Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.3.7. User Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5. Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.1. The IETF XML Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.2. The YANG Module Names Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 8.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 8.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Change log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Appendix A: DMALMO independent of any based inventory YANG models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Appendix B: Entitlement explanation, scope and modelling . . . . 67 Scope of the entitlement model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Out of scope elmements of the DLMO entitlement model . . . . . 68 Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Entitlements Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Use case A: What entitlements are administered/owned by the organization (entitlement's inventory)? . . . . . . . . . 69 Use case B: What is the link between a license and assets/ actors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Use case C: What constraints do assets in the context impose on the actors' use of the asset's features? . . . . . . . . . 71 Use case D: Entitlements utilization, the actors using features backed by entilements, and how close the features-usage is to the imposed limits (cases where the entitlements provide limits). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Single Device with a single license allowing its general functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 A device with multiple features set on different license levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 A DB being license, need to add limitation . . . . . . . . . . 80 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 1. Introduction The dynamicity in "where", "how" and "who" uses an asset introduces challenges for both lifecycle and adoption management of the assets. These challenges and the motivation to fix the problems are shown with some examples in the companion draft "Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations: A Problem Statement" (ALMO) [I-D.draft-palmero-opsawg-ps-almo-00] IETF draft. Taking inspiration from the use cases and the Information Model given in Section 5 of the companion draft, we attempt to standardize some of the associations (with the data attributes) between the entities in the Information model. The YANG data models specified in this draft are subject to modification and refinement subsequent to the IVY Working Group's ratification of a stable iteration of the core inventory data models. Please note, the data model presented in the draft can be extended as per the expandability provided by the Information Model using the entity Future Expansion. 1.1. Requirements language The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 2. Terminology The document makes use of the following terms: * Asset: refers to hardware, software, applications, or services. An asset can be physical or virtual. The granularity of what constitutes an asset is deployment and implementation specific. * Features: are options or functional capabilities offered by an asset. * Entitlement: commonly implemented as license; it represents the rights obtained by the user, that allow them to access and utilize certain capabilities of the asset, including a feature or set of features. * Lifecycle Management and Operations (LMO) connects to: 1. Assets as a generalized entity subject to Lifecycle Management (LCM). 2. Entitlements as the essential policy root for LCM. 3. Metrics as the evidence for LCM transitions. 4. Reports (no incidents) as the way of collecting input from users. * Usage: refers to how an asset is being used (e.g., which features are used). Abbreviations: * ALMO: Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations * EOL: End of Life * EoS: End of Support * LCM: Lifecycle Management * PID: Product Identifier Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 3. Motivation The motivation behind ALMO is to address the existing gap that network operators and business architects face in measuring and producing data related to various issues. This includes challenges such as unactivated entitlements, underutilized features, incident resolution, virtualized asset lifecycle events, DevOps deployment, and supply chain management. By implementing ALMO, developer organizations can optimize their features by identifying and deprecating infrequently used features. They can also focus on widely deployed assets and improve usability and integration. ALMO provides a structured approach for users to provide feedback about an asset, enabling developers to assess the impact of potential deficiencies based on user feedback. Overall, ALMO aims to bridge the gap in data measurement and production, helping operators and business architects improve asset management, optimize features, and gather valuable user feedback for continuous improvement. DMALMO offers a common data model to implement ALMO data. 4. Data Models 4.1. Overview Based on the ALMO IETF draft, assets can be characterized by their features, entitlements, and other attributes. Features represent the specific capabilities or functionalities of an asset. Entitlements, on the other hand, are related to asset usage and determine the level of access granted to users for utilizing the features. This implies that users have the necessary rights or licenses to use the asset and its associated features. Entitlements can be complex to model as they vary in coverage and limitations. Some entitlements cover all features, while others target specific ones. For example, advanced or additional licenses may be required to access certain features like "MPLS-EVPN". It is common in the industry to have tables that outline the entitlements and the features they cover, enabling users to understand their access based on entitlements. Some entitlements also impose restrictions on feature usage, such as limiting the number of users or CPUs. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 The DMALMO model does not aim to provide a catalog of features and entitlements, but rather provides an inventory with focus on connecting features and entitlements to assets and tracking their usage. While it is possible to have multiple usage limits, the model may not support interrelating them. For instance, the statement "Entitlement covers up to N CPUs if you have more than X users, if not then M CPUs" may not be supported, but "Entitlement covers up to N CPUs and up to X users" is supported. The usage aspect is particularly relevant in business use cases as it helps understand how to effectively utilize an asset. It provides insights into asset usage and highlights the importance of tracking it. While there may be other models addressing different aspects of an asset's lifecycle, the usage model serves a unique purpose by specifically focusing on practical utilization. Therefore, it is not redundant with other models and offers valuable insights into asset usage. The different modules included in DMALMO are: * Aggregated Assets Module In the context of ALMO, the Asset module represents specific entity, that can include various elements such as hardware, software, virtualized components, or even services. The assets module can be linked to specific network inventory and can also augment certain attributes that might be required for the implementation of a specific use case. * Entitlements Module Entitlement module defines the level of access or permission granted to a user or entity to utilize specific features, functionalities, or resources associated with an asset. It represents the rights or licenses obtained by the user that allow them to access and utilize certain capabilities of the asset. * Features Module Feature module includes various attributes and relationships that describe the characteristics, properties, and associations of the feature within a specific context. A well-defined feature enhances the asset's value, differentiates it from others, and meets the requirements and expectations of users. * Usage Module Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 The Usage model of a feature includes various elements that capture information about how the feature is utilized within the asset. As part of the ALMO future extension modules, DMALMO considers: * Event Report Module * Organization Module, and * User Module Where the Event Report module includes various components that capture information about specific events or incidents that occur within ALMO related entities. And the Organization and User Modules encompass various components to capture information about users and organizations and their relationship to assets, features and/or entitlements. 4.2. Tree Diagrams of ALMO Modules 4.2.1. Aggregated Assets Module This specification uses [RFC9179], [RFC9472] module: ietf-almo-assets Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw role? identityref +--rw aggregation? boolean +--rw number-of-instances? uint32 +--rw platform-dependency-os? identityref +--rw install-location | +--rw geo-location | +--rw reference-frame | | +--rw alternate-system? string {alternate-systems}? | | +--rw astronomical-body? string | | +--rw geodetic-system | | +--rw geodetic-datum? string | | +--rw coord-accuracy? decimal64 | | +--rw height-accuracy? decimal64 | +--rw (location)? | | +--:(ellipsoid) | | | +--rw latitude? decimal64 | | | +--rw longitude? decimal64 | | | +--rw height? decimal64 | | +--:(cartesian) | | +--rw x? decimal64 | | +--rw y? decimal64 | | +--rw z? decimal64 | +--rw velocity | | +--rw v-north? decimal64 | | +--rw v-east? decimal64 | | +--rw v-up? decimal64 | +--rw timestamp? yang:date-and-time | +--rw valid-until? yang:date-and-time +--rw deployment-mode? identityref +--rw activation-date? yang:date-and-time +--rw software-version? string +--ro hotfixes | +--ro hostfix* [] | +--ro version? identityref | +--ro order? uint8 +--rw software-type? string +--rw sign-of-life-timestamp? yang:date-and-time +--rw tags? string 4.2.2. Entitlements Module Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 module: ietf-almo-entitlements augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw uid? string +--rw state? ietf-almo-common:entitlement-state-t +--rw renewal-profile | +--rw activation-date? yang:date-and-time | +--rw expiration-date? yang:date-and-time +--rw parent-entitlement | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class=current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw entitlement-attachements +--rw entity | +--rw organizations | +--rw organization* [almo-class id] | +--rw almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw assets +--rw assets +--rw asset* [almo-class id] +--rw almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class +--rw id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-feature:features/ietf-almo-feature:feature: +--ro entitlements-info +--ro entities-entitlement-info* [] +--ro entity-entitlement-info | +--ro organizations | +--ro organization* [almo-class id] | +--ro almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--ro id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--ro entitlements | +--ro entitlement* [almo-class id] | +--ro almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--ro id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--ro entitled? boolean +--ro infriges? boolean +--ro in-use? boolean +--ro entitlement-limit +--ro users | +--ro value? uint32 | +--ro maximum? uint32 +--ro cpus | +--ro value? uint32 | +--ro maximum? uint32 +--ro bandwidth +--ro value? decimal64 +--ro maximum? decimal64 Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 4.2.3. Features Module module: ietf-almo-feature augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw features +--rw feature* [almo-class id] +--rw almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class +--rw id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw name? string +--rw summary? string +--rw category? string +--rw entitlement? string +--rw first-available-version? string +--ro backported-versions | +--ro backported-version* [] | +--ro version? identityref +--rw scope? identityref +--rw config-options* [id] | +--rw id string | +--rw name? string | +--rw summary? string | +--rw characteristic* [id] | +--rw id string | +--rw name? string | +--rw value? string +--rw asset | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw subfeatures +--rw subfeature* [almo-class id] +--rw almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class +--rw id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id 4.2.4. Usage Module Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 module: ietf-almo-usage augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw feature | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw name? string +--rw summary? string +--rw uri? string +--rw deployment-mode? identityref +--rw scope? identityref +--rw activation-status? string +--rw instances? uint32 +--rw timestamp? yang:date-and-time +--rw count? uint32 +--rw frequency* [name] | +--rw name string | +--rw type-freq? string | +--rw value? yang:counter64 +--rw resource-consumption* [id] +--rw id string +--rw name? string +--rw summary? string +--rw characteristic* [id] +--rw id string +--rw name? string +--rw unit? string +--rw value? yang:counter64 +--rw value-max? yang:counter64 4.2.5. Event Report Module Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 module: ietf-almo-event-report augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw id? string +--rw title? string +--rw summary? string +--rw severity? string +--rw status? string +--rw created? yang:date-and-time +--rw last_updated? yang:date-and-time +--rw capability? string +--rw technology? string +--rw subtechnology? string +--rw problem-type? string +--rw resolution? string +--rw owner? string +--rw support-engineer? string +--rw asset | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw feature | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw contract-number? string 4.2.6. Organization Module module: ietf-almo-organization augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw address? string +--rw department? boolean 4.2.7. User Module Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 module: ietf-almo-user augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst: +--rw billing-account? uint32 +--rw represents | +--rw almo-class? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw id? -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id +--rw authority? enumeration +--rw email? string augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements/ietf-almo-entitlements:entity: +--rw users +--rw users* [almo-class id] +--rw almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class +--rw id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-feature:features/ietf-almo-feature:feature/ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info/ietf-almo-entitlements:entities-entitlement-info/ietf-almo-entitlements:entity-entitlement-info: +--ro users +--ro users* [almo-class id] +--ro almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class +--ro id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id 4.3. YANG data models of ALMO Modules 4.3.1. LMO Common Module file "ietf-almo-common@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-common { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-common"; prefix ietf-almo-common; organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Marisol Palmero Editor: Josh Suhr Editor: Sudhendu Kumar "; description "This YANG module defines a collection of useful data types and identity for Lifecycle Management and Operations (LMO). Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } typedef entitlement-id-t { type string; description "Entitlement ID Type"; } typedef entitlement-model-t { type enumeration { enum perpetual { description "Perpetual entitlement"; } enum subscription { description "Subscription entitlement"; } enum usage-based { description "Usage-based entitlement"; } enum other { description "Undefined entitlement type"; } } description "Entitlement Model Type"; } identity entitlement-buying-program-t { description Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "Entitlement Buying Program that contains the plan to generate revenue for specific asset"; } identity enterprise-agreement { base entitlement-buying-program-t; description "Enterprise Agreement"; } identity managed-service-entitlement-agreement { base entitlement-buying-program-t; description "Managed Service Entitlement Agreement"; } identity service-provider-network-agreement { base entitlement-buying-program-t; description "Service Provider Network Agreement"; } identity collab-active-user { base entitlement-buying-program-t; description "Collaboration Active User"; } identity service-full-coverage { base entitlement-buying-program-t; description "Service Full-Coverage"; } identity offer-type-t { description "License Offer Type, part of the plan to generate revenue for specific asset"; } identity perpetual-software { base offer-type-t; description "Perpetual softwar gives the user the right to use the program indefinitely"; } identity standalone-hardware { base offer-type-t; description "Standalone hardware is able to function independently of other hardware"; } identity on-premise-software-subscription { base offer-type-t; description Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "On-Premise software subscription, relates to a temporary on-prem licencing model, allowing users to pay a per user fee"; } identity cloud-software-saas-subscription { base offer-type-t; description "Cloud Software (SaaS) subscription is a service busines model where the user is entitled to use the cloud software for a specific time period"; } identity third-party-software { base offer-type-t; description "It includes licenses, entitlements, agreements, obligations or other commitment under which the user can use the asset not directly sold by the manufacturer"; } identity flex-cloud-prem-subscription { base offer-type-t; description "Flex Cloud-Prem subscription allows software vendors to limit the number of entitlements for the use of the specific asset"; } typedef purchase-order-t { type string; description "License purchase order number"; } typedef entitlement-state-t { type enumeration { enum inactive { description "Inactive State"; } enum active { description "Active State"; } enum unknown { description "Unknown State"; } } description "Entitlement State Type"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 typedef asset-id { type string; description "Asset ID Type"; } typedef vendor-id { type enumeration { enum cisco { description "Vendor-id is Cisco"; } enum other { description "Vendor-id is not determined"; } } description "Vendor identifier"; } identity asset-type { description "type of the asset: hardware, software, software cloud, ..."; } identity hw { base asset-type; description "Hardware refers to any physical device"; } identity sw { base asset-type; description "Software refers to a collection of code installed on a hardware asset"; } identity sw-cloud { base asset-type; description "Cloud-based software, that allows users access to software application that run on a shared computing resources via Internet"; } identity nfv { base asset-type; description "irtual assets, as a separate type to connect with NFV practice"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 identity phone { base asset-type; description "Mobile telephone or a handheld two-way communication device over a cellular network."; } identity other { base asset-type; description "Different or additional type not specified as part of another defined asset-type."; } identity asset-subtype { description "subtype of the asset: router, switch, wireless, controller, ..."; } identity router { base asset-subtype; description "Network connecting device. It operates at layer-3 of the OSI model."; } identity switch { base asset-subtype; description "Network connecting device. It operates at layer-2(Data Link Layer) of the OSI model."; } identity wireless { base asset-subtype; description "Network connecting device. It creates a wireless local area network. It connects to a wired router, switch, or hub via an Ethernet cable, and projects a Wi-Fi signal to a designated area"; } identity controller { base asset-subtype; description "Centralized device in the network which is used in combination with network connection devices, when there is a need to manage them in large quantities."; } identity board { base asset-subtype; description "Electronic circuit board in an asset which interconnects Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 another hardware assets attached to it."; } identity p-supply { base asset-subtype; description "Power supply, as it might have independent identity."; } identity transceiver { base asset-subtype; description "Device that is both a transmitter and a receiver. Usually it's in a single device. This is commonly used as a modular network interface"; } identity others { base asset-subtype; description "Different or additional type not specified as part of another defined asset-subtype. To be considered a few specific subtype of assets related to: 3GPP, BBF, TMF, I2NSF (and security in general), PCE, etc"; } identity version { description "Base identity for all version types"; } identity version-sw { base version; description "Version release of the operating system that runs on the asset"; } identity platform-dependency-os { description "Operating system that creates an environment for the asset to get deployed. Enum of options covering OS platform dependency."; } identity linux { base platform-dependency-os; description "UNIX like operating system"; } identity windows { base platform-dependency-os; description "Windows operating system"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 identity macOS { base platform-dependency-os; description "Mac operating system develop by Apple, Inc."; } identity darwin { base platform-dependency-os; description "Open-source Unix-like operating system first released by Apple Inc."; } identity ubuntu { base platform-dependency-os; description "Linux distribution, used in desktop distribution"; } identity red-hat { base platform-dependency-os; description "Red Hat Enterprise Linux, released in multiple server and desktop versions"; } // NEED to extend and include iOS, Android, etc.; identity role { description "What the role of a given device/component is in the network. This attribute normally will be configured on the specific component during setup. This attribute normally will be configured on the specific component during setup"; } identity border-router { base role; description "Router that provides connectivity between interior and exterior network routers or to the cloud"; } identity access { base role; description "Router that provides access to a larger communication network of some sort."; } identity control-plane { base role; description "Network component that controls how data packets are forwarded"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 } identity edge { base role; description "Router that provides an entry point into enterprise or service provider core networks"; } identity core { base role; description "Component part of the high-speed backbone of the network. It provides fast and efficient data transport, excluding 3GPP"; } identity ran { base role; description "RAN links user equipment, such as a cellphone, computer or any remotely controlled machine, over a fiber or wireless backhaul connection. That link goes to the core network, which manages subscriber information, location and more."; } identity datacenter { base role; description "Component placed in the data center, mantaining and housing back-end IT system and data stores"; } identity branch { base role; description "Router in a remote branch of an enterprise's network"; } identity deployment-mode { description "This attribute will denote the configured deployment mode for the asset and features, if applicable; e.g., High Availability(HA) or Faiover cluster, virtual appliance, etc."; } identity primary { base deployment-mode; description "Asset or featurs that support critical applications to minimize system downtime, to achieve high availabiilty or failover"; } identity secondary { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 base deployment-mode; description "Redundant asset or feature, that is triggered when the primary encounters performance issues, to achieve high availability or failover"; } identity cloud { base deployment-mode; description "Especially it refers to remote, distributed and shared asset resources (i.e. data storage, computing power, etc.), which are hooked together and meant to operate as a single ecosystem."; } identity virtual-appliance { base deployment-mode; description "pre-configured virtual machine image, ready to run on a hypervisor"; } identity container { base deployment-mode; description "Standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another"; } identity undeployed { base deployment-mode; description "it refers to an asset that is undeployed"; } identity metric-type { description "Specify the different type of metrics, i.e accumulated-count, average-count, last-count, high-water mark count, low-water mark count" ; } identity feature-scope { description "Optional tag that could apply to any usage feature, so that if there are multiple dimensions of reporting that need to be accommodated (i.e., report feature usage by 'site')"; } identity site { base feature-scope; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 description "Single location, part of the network"; } identity network { base feature-scope; description "scope limited to the networking assets"; } typedef feature-usage-type { type enumeration { enum none { description "No Usage"; } enum low { description "Usage meeting the Low Threshold"; } enum medium { description "Usage meeting the Medium Threshold"; } enum high { description "Usage meeting the High Threshold"; } // NEED to elaborate more on this list, based on use case // validation } description "feature usage % 0-25-50-75-100"; } identity almo-class { description "Base identity for classes of LMOs"; } 4.3.2. LMO Module file "ietf-almo@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo"; prefix ietf-almo; import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jan Lindblad Editor: Marisol Palmero "; description "This YANG module add the flexibility to define its own and extensible set of almo classes. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } container almos { //config false; //temporarily commented out for easy testing description "Container that includes instances for all types of datasets which are part of DMLMO"; list almo { key almo-class; description "list that includes the instances for all DMLMO datasets"; leaf almo-class { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 type identityref { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; } description "almo-class defining the type of instance"; } list inst { key id; description "defines the specific instance"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies the instance"; } container parent { description "identifies the hierarchy structure for a given instance"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path /almos/almo/almo-class; } description "almo-class that defines the parent type of instance"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class" + "=current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "identifies the parent type of instance"; } } container capture-info { // Moved capture-info to the instance level, as // asset/... data will generally be collected // from one source at one time. description "Capture information for this data"; leaf collected-on { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time at which this data was collected"; } leaf collected-from { type string; description Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "Identifier for original source of this data"; } } } } } 4.3.3. Entitlements Module file "ietf-almo-entitlements@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-entitlements { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-entitlements"; prefix ietf-almo-entitlements; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; } import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-almo-assets { prefix ietf-almo-asset; } import ietf-almo-feature { prefix ietf-almo-feature; } import ietf-almo-organization { prefix ietf-almo-organization; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Marisol Palmero Editor: Josh Suhr Editor: Sudhendu Kumar "; description "This YANG module includes the entitlement attributes of a product. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices. The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL NOT', 'SHOULD', 'SHOULD NOT', 'RECOMMENDED', 'NOT RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. "; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } // Can we capture entitlement ties to API access where we may be // entitled on events queries per second, minute, hour, etc. // This is a popular model in the cloud space for example the Google // MAPs API?? identity entitlement { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; description "A entitlement is a class of ALMO that represents how the asset(s) or feature(s) can be leveraged and what is required in cases the asset(s) or feature(s) are changed."; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement')"; description "entitlements container includes attributes for entitlements"; leaf uid { type string; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 description "Unique Entitlement Identifier"; } leaf state { type ietf-almo-common:entitlement-state-t; description "Entitlement state; e.g., active, inactive, or unknown"; } container renewal-profile { description "Profile of entitlement renewal status and information"; leaf activation-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Activation Date"; } leaf expiration-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Expiration Date"; } } container parent-entitlement { // There is already a parent in the base model but we have to force this to // be entilement.. can we do something else? description "identifies the hierarchy structure for a given instance"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement')"; description "almo-class that defines the parent type of instance"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class" + "=current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "identifies the parent type of instance"; } } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 container entitlement-attachements { description "An entilement entitles an entity to the use of a feature under an asset."; container entity { description "The entity to which the entilemets entitles. There can be multiple. Empty entity attachments can occur for special licenses. This value still SHOULD always be explicitly filed. It might be expanded to cover selection cases e.g. all users in a special country."; container organizations { description "Attachment to specifc organizations."; list organization { key "almo-class id"; description "list of organizations"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-organization:organization')"; description "organization to which this entitlement is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "organization to which this entitlement is attached"; } } } } // We could expand this to more generic selections of users // or organizations, but not to save lines, but when the attachment // is loose per the license: "e.g. users in Asia" container assets { description "Descriptive set of assets to which the license is attached. Some licenses might not be attached to specific assets"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 container assets { description "list of assets to which this license is attached"; list asset { key "almo-class id"; description "list of assets to which this license is attached"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; description "organization to which this entitlement is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "organization to which this entitlement is attached"; } } } // We could have other container with more descriptive set of assets // such as "all laptops in school Y (site license)" } } } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-feature:features/ietf-almo-feature:feature { when "derived-from-or-self(../../../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; description "Augmenting features with entilement info."; container entitlements-info { config false; description "information over this feature under this asset"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 list entities-entitlement-info { description "include info for the entitlement"; container entity-entitlement-info { description "Entities that uses the feature. It can be empty but each server should provide meaning to this. It could mean general use of the feature"; container organizations { description "link to organizations."; list organization { key "almo-class id"; description "list of organizations"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-organization:organization')"; description "organization to which this entitlement is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "organization to which this feature and entitlement is related"; } } } } container entitlements { description "List of entitlements that enable the use of this feature."; list entitlement { key "almo-class id"; description "Subfeature ID"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement')"; description "Reference to almo-class"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Reference to Feature ID"; } } } leaf entitled { type boolean; description "Means one or more entitles allows the use of this feature. This does not deal with limits, just the general use of the feature The lack of this leaf means the server state is not determined"; } leaf infriges { type boolean; description "Whether the feature use is infriging its entilement level. It means the feature is in use iwthout an entitlement, or going over a level."; } leaf in-use { type boolean; description "Whther the level of usage of the feature will leave it to infrigement if the entilement in entitlements is removed"; } container entitlement-limit { // TODO: this was failing even without the entitled. //must "../entitled = 'true'" { // error-message "entiltlement-limit can only exist if entitled is set to true"; //} description "Limits of the entilement"; // Check with Jan if it is better to use the usage class, but thsi one is specific // for licenses. // This container should be expanded if needed by augmentation // This could also be a grouping with the usage, but then the meanings Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 // could change.. // And one cannot really augment groupins, so yeah.. // Pending: Will the meaning of this containers mean anything? // Maybe the container without the value as None? container users { description "Number of users"; leaf value { type uint32; units "users"; description "Limit in number of users"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; units "users"; description "Maximum number of users allowed by the current entilement. Lack of this container means there is no user limit"; } } container cpus { description "Number of cpus"; leaf value { type uint32; units "cpus"; description "Limit in number of cpus. Some vendors have their own meaning of cpus in the commercial sense. This could mean that too."; } leaf maximum { type uint32; units "cpus"; description "Maximum number of cpus allowed by the current entilement. Lack of this container means there is no cpu limit on the entitlement level"; } } container bandwidth { description "Limit in bandwidth"; leaf value { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; } units "Mbps"; description "Limit in the bandwidth of a service."; } leaf maximum { type decimal64 { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 fraction-digits 6; } units "Mbps"; description "Maximum amount of bandwidth of the server by license restriction."; } } // do an expansion of egress and ingress queues as an example } } } } 4.3.4. Features Module file "ietf-almo-feature@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-feature { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-feature"; prefix ietf-almo-feature; import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; } import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-almo-assets { prefix ietf-almo-asset; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Marisol Palmero Editor: Josh Suhr Editor: Sudhendu Kumar "; description "This YANG module includes the different attributes that define description, usage and resource consumption for specific Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 features or capabilities of assets. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } identity feature { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; description "A feature is a class of almo that represents options or functional capabilities available in an asset"; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, 'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; description "feature attributes related to assets"; container features { description "Features supported by an asset"; list feature { key "almo-class id"; description "Subfeature ID"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-feature:feature')"; description "Reference to almo-class"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Reference to Feature ID"; } } } //Fill more leafs for license when organization //module is present here... } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-feature:feature')"; description "feature attributes"; leaf name { type string; description "Friendly name of the feature"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Brief description of the feature"; } leaf category { type string; description "Feature category or tag list (as applicable to the product)"; } leaf entitlement { type string; description Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "Minimum entitlement level, subscription, or license level required for the feature"; } leaf first-available-version { type string; description "The first version in which this feature was enabled"; } container backported-versions { config false; description "software patch or update is taken from a recent software version and applied to an older version of the same software"; list backported-version { config false; description "Backport releases to older release"; leaf version { type identityref { base ietf-almo-common:version; } description "version of the backport release"; } } } leaf scope { type identityref { base ietf-almo-common:feature-scope; } description "Optional tag that could apply to any of the usage features, so that if there are multiple dimensions of reporting that need to be accommodated (i.e., report feature usage by 'site')"; } list config-options { key "id"; description "Feature configuration profile - optional, for features that require configuration beyond enable/disable"; leaf id { type string; description "Identify feature configuration option uniquely across all products"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 leaf name { type string; description "Friendly name of the feature option"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Brief description of the feature option"; } list characteristic { key "id"; description "Characteristics of feature configuration options, i.e. value=enabled/disabled"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier for feature option configuration characteristic"; } leaf name { type string; description "Friendly name for feature option configuration characteristic"; } leaf value { type string; description "Configuration characteristic value; describes how this feature option characteristic is configured"; } } } container asset{ description "Asset that this feature is attached to"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; default ietf-almo-asset:asset; description "Asset class to which this feature is attached"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 38] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ "current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Asset to which this feature is attached"; } } container subfeatures { description "Sub-features to the top-level feature"; list subfeature { key "almo-class id"; description "Subfeature ID"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-feature:feature')"; description "almo-class reference"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Reference to Feature ID"; } } } } 4.3.5. Usage Module file "ietf-almo-usage@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-usage { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-usage"; prefix ietf-almo-usage; import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 39] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-almo-feature { prefix ietf-almo-feature; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jan Lindblad Editor: Marisol Palmero "; description "This YANG module includes the different attributes that define description, usage and resource consumption for specific features or capabilities of assets. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to initial DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } identity usage { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 40] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 description "A usage is a class of almo that represents how features of an asset are used"; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-usage:usage')"; description "usage attributes"; container feature { leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-feature:feature')"; default ietf-almo-feature:feature; description "feature to which this license is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Feature to which this license is attached"; } description "usage link to a feature"; } leaf name { type string; description "Name of feature usage characteristic"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Brief description of feature usage characteristic"; } leaf uri { type string; description "Target URI of feature characteristic, if applicable - e.g., for clickstream or API"; } leaf deployment-mode { type identityref { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 41] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 base ietf-almo-common:deployment-mode; } description "Deployment mode for the feature. When applicable, feature might be independent of the deployment mode in the asset; e.g., cloud, HA cluster, virtual appliance, etc."; } leaf scope { type identityref { base ietf-almo-common:feature-scope; } description "Optional tag that could apply to any of the usage features, so that if there are multiple dimensions of reporting that need to be accommodated, (i.e., report feature usage by 'site')"; } leaf activation-status { type string; description "Feature activation status for this instance of the product (on/off; active/inactive; enabled/disabled)"; } leaf instances { type uint32; description "Number of instances or end-points using this feature"; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Some counters will benefit from timestamp based on the time when the counter has been collected"; } leaf count { type uint32; units "times"; description "Count of times the feature has been used"; } list frequency { key "name"; description "Frequency with which the feature is used"; leaf name { type string { length "1..64"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 42] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 } description "reference in case that feature is for different purpose of usage"; } leaf type-freq { type string; description "Frequency type, i.e daily, weekly, monthly"; } leaf value { type yang:counter64; description "Value collected for the usage"; } } list resource-consumption { key "id"; description "Resource consumption profile"; leaf id { type string; description "Identify resource for consumption measurement"; } leaf name { type string; description "Friendly name of the resource"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Brief description of the resource"; } list characteristic { key "id"; description "Characteristic of resource consumption"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier for resource consumption characteristic"; } leaf name { type string; description "Friendly name for resource consumption Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 43] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 characteristic"; } leaf unit { type string; description "unit of measurement for the characteristic"; } // NEED to define identity type for unit: min, hour, sec, // days, ... leaf value { type yang:counter64; description "Resource consumption characteristic measurement"; } leaf value-max { type yang:counter64; description "Maximum resource consumption characteristic value"; } } } } 4.3.6. Event Report Module file "ietf-almo-event-report@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-event-report { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-event-report"; prefix ietf-almo-event; import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; } import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-almo-assets { prefix ietf-almo-asset; } import ietf-almo-feature { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 44] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 prefix ietf-almo-feature; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Marisol Palmero Editor: Josh Suhr Editor: Sudhendu Kumar "; description "This YANG module includes the incident management attributes to handle event reports. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } identity event { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; description "An event is a class of ALMO that represents an event that is not part of normal operations that disrupts operational processes."; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 45] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 " 'ietf-almo-event:event')"; description "event container includes attributes for event reports"; leaf id { type string; description "Technical Support Center Case Number id"; } leaf title { type string; description "headline Incident Case"; } leaf summary { type string; description "Problem description summary"; } leaf severity { type string; description "severity, in some cases also defined as priority"; // NEED to define different levels of severity, from // severity 1 to 6, i.e. Sev1: network down, Sev6: enhacement } leaf status { type string; description "case status, i.e. Customer-Pending, Customer Engineer-Pending, Developer-Pending, Closed, Open, etc."; // NEED to define different status } leaf created { type yang:date-and-time; description "created date-and-time"; } leaf last_updated { type yang:date-and-time; description "last updated date-and-time"; } leaf capability { type string; description "i.e. to reveal associated RMA items"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 46] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 leaf technology{ type string; description "Technology related"; } leaf subtechnology{ type string; description "Subtechnology related"; } leaf problem-type{ type string; description "Problem type definition, i.e. network, faulty hardware, performance, security, etc. "; } leaf resolution{ type string; description "code (closed cases only)"; } leaf owner{ type string; description "Customer in charge of the case"; // NEED to refer to user almo-class } leaf support-engineer{ type string; description "Customer Support Engineer in charge of the case"; // NEED to refer to user almo-class } container asset { description "Asset container to which this event is attached"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; default ietf-almo-asset:asset; description "Asset class to which this event is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 47] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Asset to which this event is attached"; } } container feature { description "Feature to which this event is attached"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-feature:feature')"; default ietf-almo-feature:feature; description "Feature class to which this event is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Feature to which this event is attached"; } } leaf contract-number { type string; description "Support contract number"; // NEED to evaluate if it should be independent container. It // should be associated to asset and license } } 4.3.7. User Module file "ietf-almo-user@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-user { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-user"; prefix ietf-almo-user; import ietf-almo-common { prefix ietf-almo-common; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 48] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 } import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-almo-entitlements { prefix ietf-almo-entitlements; } import ietf-almo-organization { prefix ietf-almo-organization; } import ietf-almo-feature { prefix ietf-almo-feature; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jan Lindblad Editor: Marisol Palmero "; description "This YANG module includes the user module and the different attributes that defines it. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 49] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 identity user { base ietf-almo-common:almo-class; description "A user is a class of almo that refers to owner or consumer of the asset. User belongs to an organization. Within the organization there are entities that: a) use the assets in their operations, b) manage the assets. "; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-user:user')"; description "user attributes"; leaf billing-account { type uint32; description "billing account information"; } container represents { description "Organization to which this user is attached"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'ietf-almo-organization:organization')"; description "Organization class to which this user is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "Organization to which this user is attached"; } } leaf authority { type enumeration { enum super-user { description "super-user"; } enum standard-user { description "standard-user"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 50] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 } enum restricted-user { description "restricted-user"; } enum admin { description "admin"; } } default standard-user; description "authority assign to the user"; } leaf email { type string; description "user email"; } // Fill in more leafs you want on organizations here... } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements/ietf-almo-entitlements:entity { when "derived-from-or-self(../../../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement')"; description "entitlement attributes related to user"; container users { description "Users to which the entilement is attached"; list users { key "almo-class id"; description "list of users"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'users')"; description "users to which this entitlement is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 51] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 description "users to which this entitlement is attached"; } } } } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo-feature:features/ietf-almo-feature:feature/ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info/ietf-almo-entitlements:entities-entitlement-info/ietf-almo-entitlements:entity-entitlement-info { when "derived-from-or-self(../../../../../../ietf-almo:almo-class, "+ " 'ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement')"; description "entitlement attributes related to user"; container users { description "Users to which the entilement is attached"; list users { key "almo-class id"; description "list of users"; leaf almo-class { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:almo-class"; } must "derived-from-or-self(current(), "+ " 'users')"; description "users to which this entitlement is attached"; } leaf id { type leafref { path "/ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = "+ " current()/../almo-class]/ietf-almo:inst/ietf-almo:id"; } description "users to which this entitlement is attached"; } } } } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 52] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 5. Deployment Considerations ALMO Data Models defines the data schemas for ALMO data. ALMO Data Models are based on YANG. YANG data models can be used independent of the transport and can be converted into any encoding format supported by the network configuration protocol. YANG is a protocol independent. To enable the exchange of ALMO data among all interested parties, deployment considerations that are out of the scope of this document, will need to include: * The data structure to describe all metrics and quantify relevant data consistently, i.e. specific formats like XML or JSON encoded message would be deemed valid or invalid based on ALMO models. * The process to share and collect ALMO data across the consumers consistently, including the transport mechanism. The ALMO YANG models can be used with network management protocols such as NETCONF [RFC6241], RESTCONF [RFC8040], streaming telemetry, etc. OpenAPI specification might also help to consume ALMO metrics. * How the configuration of assets should be done. 6. Security Considerations The security considerations mentioned in section 17 of [RFC7950] apply. LMO brings several security and privacy implications because of the various components and attributes of the information model. For example, each functional component can be tampered with to give manipulated data. ALMO when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify an individual, revealing Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Misconfigurations can lead to data being accessed by unauthorized entities. Methods exist to secure the communication of management information. The transport entity of the functional model MUST implement methods for secure transport. This document also contains an Information model and Data-Model in which none of the objects defined are writable. If the objects are deemed sensitive in a particular environment, access to them MUST be restricted using appropriately configured security and access control rights. The information model contains several optional elements which can be enabled or disabled for the sake of privacy and security. Proper authentication and audit trail MUST be included for all the users/processes that access ALMO data. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 53] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 7. IANA Considerations 7.1. The IETF XML Registry This document registers URIs in the IETF XML registry [RFC3688]. Following the format in [RFC3688], the registrations defined below are requested: URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-common Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-assets Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-entitlements Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-feature Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-usage Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-event-report Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-organization Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-user Registrant Contact: The OPSA WG of the IETF. XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 54] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 7.2. The YANG Module Names Registry This document registers YANG modules in the YANG Module Names registry [RFC7950]. Following the format in [RFC7950], the registrations defined below are requested: name: ietf-almo namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-common namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-common maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-common reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-assets namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-assets maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-asset reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-entitlements namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-entitlements maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-entitlements reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-feature namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-feature maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-feature reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-usage namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-usage maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-usage reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-event-report namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-event-report maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-event reference: RFC XXXX Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 55] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 name: ietf-almo-organization namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-organization maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-organization reference: RFC XXXX name: ietf-almo-user namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-user maintained by IANA: N prefix: ietf-almo-user reference: RFC XXXX 8. References 8.1. Normative References [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . 8.2. Informative References [I-D.draft-palmero-opsawg-ps-almo-00] Palmero, M., Brockners, F., Kumar, S., Cardona, C., and D. Lopez, "Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations, Problem Statement", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft- palmero-opsawg-ps-almo-00, 29 June 2023, . [RFC3688] Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688, DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004, . [RFC6241] Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011, . [RFC7950] Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language", RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016, . Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 56] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 [RFC8040] Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017, . [RFC8345] Clemm, A., Medved, J., Varga, R., Bahadur, N., Ananthakrishnan, H., and X. Liu, "A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies", RFC 8345, DOI 10.17487/RFC8345, March 2018, . [RFC9179] Hopps, C., "A YANG Grouping for Geographic Locations", RFC 9179, DOI 10.17487/RFC9179, February 2022, . [RFC9472] Lear, E. and S. Rose, "A YANG Data Model for Reporting Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) and Vulnerability Information", RFC 9472, DOI 10.17487/RFC9472, October 2023, . Change log RFC Editor Note: This section is to be removed during the final publication of the document. version 02 * Added Appendix B for Entitlements Use Case. version 01 * DMALMO data models will be adjusted once the terminology of the core IVY WG data models is agreed. version 00 * Initial version of DMALMO, based on ALMO version 01 and DMLMO version 10. Acknowledgments This document was created by meaningful contributions from Josh Suhr, Eric Vyncke, Yannis Viniotis, Nagendra Kumar Nainar, Yenu Gobena, Dhiren Tailor, Jan Lindblad and Shwetha Bhandari. The authors wish to thank Gonzalo Salgueiro, Martin Beverley, Mohamed Boucadair, Ignacio Dominguez Martinez, and many others for their helpful comments and suggestions. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 57] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Appendix A: DMALMO independent of any based inventory YANG models Hardware network inventory is described as part of network topology which is defined in [RFC8345], it has been explored in several IETF work as it might need an extension for some of the use cases that need to consume inventory information. This is the case for ALMO and DMALMO, as assets are defined as hardware, software or even service instances. This section summarizes and provides an example with the changes to make DMALMO compatible to any future changes that will come as part of the current inventory discussions and decisions. DMLMO version -09 provided the approach to make DMALMO independent from the network inventory discussions, providing a way to consume any inventory management module(s). Version -09 contains changes to accommodate ietf-almo-assets, to any other inventory module that might be required. The following example considers iana-hardware and ietf-network- inventory YANG modules as inventory YANG modules to consider. It could include others, i.e., openconfig-platform. file "iana-hardware@.yang" module iana-hardware { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-hardware"; prefix ianahw; organization "IANA"; contact " Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Postal: ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 United States of America Tel: +1 310 301 5800 E-Mail: iana@iana.org>"; description "IANA-defined identities for hardware class. The latest revision of this YANG module can be obtained from the IANA website. Requests for new values should be made to IANA via Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 58] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 email (iana@iana.org). Copyright (c) 2018 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). The initial version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8348; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; reference "https://www.iana.org/assignments/yang-parameters"; revision 2018-03-13 { description "Initial revision."; reference "RFC 8348: A YANG Data Model for Hardware Management"; } /* * Identities */ identity hardware-class { description "This identity is the base for all hardware class identifiers."; } identity unknown { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is unknown to the server."; } identity chassis { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is an overall container for networking equipment. Any class of physical component, except a stack, may be contained within a Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 59] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 chassis; a chassis may only be contained within a stack."; } identity backplane { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of device for aggregating and forwarding networking traffic, such as a shared backplane in a modular ethernet switch. Note that an implementation may model a backplane as a single physical component, which is actually implemented as multiple discrete physical components (within a chassis or stack)."; } identity container { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is capable of containing one or more removable physical entities, possibly of different types. For example, each (empty or full) slot in a chassis will be modeled as a container. Note that all removable physical components should be modeled within a container component, such as field-replaceable modules, fans, or power supplies. Note that all known containers should be modeled by the agent, including empty containers."; } identity power-supply { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is a power-supplying component."; } identity fan { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is a fan or other heat-reduction component."; } identity sensor { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of sensor, such as a temperature sensor within a router chassis."; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 60] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 } identity module { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of self-contained sub-system. If a module component is removable, then it should be modeled within a container component; otherwise, it should be modeled directly within another physical component (e.g., a chassis or another module)."; } identity port { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of networking port capable of receiving and/or transmitting networking traffic."; } identity stack { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of super-container (possibly virtual) intended to group together multiple chassis entities. A stack may be realized by a virtual cable, a real interconnect cable attached to multiple chassis, or multiple interconnect cables. A stack should not be modeled within any other physical components, but a stack may be contained within another stack. Only chassis components should be contained within a stack."; } identity cpu { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of central processing unit."; } identity energy-object { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of energy object, i.e., it is a piece of equipment that is part of or attached to a communications network that is Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 61] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 monitored, it is controlled, or it aids in the management of another device for Energy Management."; } identity battery { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of battery."; } identity storage-drive { base ianahw:hardware-class; description "This identity is applicable if the hardware class is some sort of component with data storage capability as its main functionality, e.g., hard disk drive (HDD), solid-state device (SSD), solid-state hybrid drive (SSHD), object storage device (OSD), or other."; } The YANG modules ietf-almo-example-mapping-ietf-network-inventory and ietf-almo-example-mapping-openconfig-platform make the import of the inventory module(s) and augment the ietf-almo-assets YANG module to include inventory attributes to the asset identity. For this practice, ietf-almo-assets.yang, removes vendor, name, description, pid, serial-number, vid, mac-address, ip-address, entity-name, product-description, udi, transparency-info as these and similar properties are expected to be managed using other inventory mechanism. This process requires to include a mapping YANG module per imported inventory YANG module. Module ietf-almo-example-mapping-ietf-network-inventory, makes the mapping between ietf-network-inventory and ietf-almo-assets, augmenting asset identity: file "ietf-almo-example-mapping-ietf-network-inventory@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-example-mapping-ietf-network-inventory { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-example-mapping-ietf-network-inventory"; prefix ietf-almo-example-map-ietf; import ietf-almo { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 62] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-almo-assets { prefix ietf-almo-asset; } import ietf-network-inventory { prefix ni; } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jan Lindblad Editor: Marisol Palmero "; description "This YANG module maps the IETF LMO asset concept to the IETF network inventory framework. Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class,'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 63] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 choice mapping-type { // config true; description "mapping type description"; case network-element { leaf network-element-ref { type leafref { path "/ni:network-inventory/ni:network-elements/" + "ni:network-element/ni:uuid"; } description "network element reference description"; } } case component { leaf component-network-element-ref { type leafref { path "/ni:network-inventory/ni:network-elements/" + "ni:network-element/ni:uuid"; } description "component network element reference description"; } leaf component-ref { type leafref { path "/ni:network-inventory/ni:network-elements/" + "ni:network-element" + "[ni:uuid = current()/../network-element-ref]/" + "ni:components/ni:component/ni:uuid"; } description "component reference description"; } } case rack { leaf rack-equipment-room-ref { type leafref { path "/ni:network-inventory/ni:equipment-rooms/" + "ni:equipment-room/ni:uuid"; } description "rack equipment room reference description"; } leaf rack-ref { type leafref { path "/ni:network-inventory/ni:equipment-rooms/" + "ni:equipment-room" + "[ni:uuid = current()/../rack-equipment-room-ref]/" Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 64] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 + "ni:racks/ni:rack/ni:uuid"; } description "rack reference description"; } } } description "This adds a reference from LMO instances of class 'asset' to the IETF network inventory tree."; } Module ietf-almo-example-mapping-openconfig-platform, includes the mapping between openconfig-platform and ietf-almo-assets, augmenting asset identity: file "ietf-almo-example-mapping-openconfig-platform@2023-10-23.yang" module ietf-almo-example-mapping-openconfig-platform { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-almo-example-mapping-openconfig-platform"; prefix ietf-almo-example-map-oc; import ietf-almo { prefix ietf-almo; } import ietf-almo-assets { prefix ietf-almo-asset; } // For the show case, import statement should be uncommented, // import openconfig-platform { // prefix oc-platform; // } organization "IETF OPSA (Operations and Management Area) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: Editor: Jan Lindblad Editor: Marisol Palmero "; description "This YANG module maps the IETF LMO asset concept to the OpenConfig platform framework. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 65] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info). This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfcXXXX); see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-23 { description "Renamed all references from LMO to ALMO. Refer to DMLMO draft"; reference "RFC XXXX: ALMO YANG Model"; } augment /ietf-almo:almos/ietf-almo:almo/ietf-almo:inst { when "derived-from-or-self(../ietf-almo:almo-class,'ietf-almo-asset:asset')"; leaf oc-component-ref { type string; config true; // leafref path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" // + "oc-platform:name"; // this is simplified version to show case description "simplified example to include component reference"; } description "This adds a reference from LMO instances of class 'asset' to the OpenConfig platform tree."; } openconfig-platform.yang is not included in the section for simplicity of the output. Once compilation is applied to the YANG modules, the following configuration, considers network element "router2" as a hardware network element, which is described under network-inventory YANG module: Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 66] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 network-inventory network-elements network-element 22222 name router2 hardware-rev 1.1 software-rev 17.1 mfg-name cisco serial-number AF123456 product-name ASR1k components component fan part-number 678678 components component psu part-number 654321 "router2" asset identity is augmented including attributes from ietf- network-inventory(i.e. rack-equipment-room-ref, rack-ref, network- element-ref, etc) and any other imported YANG module, i.e. openconfig-platform inventory YANG modules, with oc-component-ref. lmo0(config)#lmos lmo asset inst router2 ? Possible completions: activation-date age aggregation capture-info component-network- element-ref component-ref ietf-almo-asset:deployment-mode ietf-almo- feature:features install-location interfaces licenses network- element-ref number-of-instances oc-component-ref parent platform-dependency-os rack-equipment-room-ref rack-ref role sign-of- life-timestamp software-type software-version tags Changes in future versions of DMLMO, might require one unique import statement in the mapping YANG module, from another inventory YANG module. Appendix B: Entitlement explanation, scope and modelling Under DLMO, Entitlements entitle an actor (e.g. organisations, individuals) the use of a feature provided by an asset. Entitlements under this context could also be called actor’s rights, commercial usage entitlements, or Commercial licensing agreements. Based on the context mentioned, one of the models is shown below. Please note that DLMO entitlements are not security entitlements or access list type of control. Scope of the entitlement model The DLMO YANG model aims to establish an inventory of entitlements, providing details on each entitlement it encompasses. This includes the entitled actors and the features to which they are entitled. Additionally, it offers further information into the utilization of the entitlements, facilitating an understanding of how close a feature is to reaching its entitlement limit. In general, this model seeks to address the following questions: Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 67] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 *What entitlements are administered/owned by the organization (entitlement's inventory)? *How are entitlements linked to actors/ assets? *What constraints do assets, under the current entitlements, impose on the actors' use of the asset's features? *How are entitlements utilized? Which actors are using features backed by entilements? And in cases where the entitlements provide limits, how close the use of those features is to those limits. These points will be elaborated further in sections below. Initially, we will delineate some aspects not covered by this model, followed by an explanation of features. The model is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for expansion through the utilization of tools provided by YANG. Out of scope elmements of the DLMO entitlement model The realm of entitlements or licenses is inherently complex, presenting challenges in creating a model that can comprehensively encompass all scenarios without ambiguity. While we strive to address various situations through examples and use cases, it's important to acknowledge that the model might not be able to cover all corner cases without ambiguity. In such cases, we recommend implementations provide additional documentation to clarify potential ambiguities. The current model does not aim to serve as a catalog of licenses. While it may accommodate basic scenarios, it does not aim to cover the full spectrum of license characteristics, which can vary significantly. Instead, our focus is on providing a general framework for describing relationships and answering the questions we in scope mentioned above. To clarify, here are some questions that our model does not attempt to answer: *What are the implications of purchasing a specific entitlement? *Which license should I acquire to get feature X? *Is license migration feasible? It's important to emphasize that this model primarily addresses the commercial utilization of features, rather than access control. For instance, if a network device cannot be configured for MPLS due to licensing restrictions, this implies that the organization owning the router (the actor in this scenario) is not permitted to utilize the MPLS feature. This distinction is separate from, for instance, the ability of user Y to configure MPLS due to access control limitations. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 68] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 In some cases, the model will not contain information on why an actor can use a feature. The model does provide information on the attachments of entitlements to actors, but some licenses can entiltle actors without being attached to them. The model could provide descriptive information on which actors are covered by a license (by expanding the mdoel, see use case B below), but it does not say directly why an actor is entitled. Features Entitlements entitle an actor to enjoy a feature of an asset. In some cases, this feature can simply be the use of the asset itself (e.g., the use of software, the use of network equipment). However, in common cases, assets can offer a rich array of features that are subject to entitlement levels. Under DLMO, we do not attempt to model features exhaustively. Instead, we provide a descriptive definition of features, which falls under the responsibility of the model's implementers. We'll provide examples of feature definitions in our use cases. Entitlements Modeling The model aims to provide a framework for addressing the questions outlined above across various use cases. In this section, we delve deeper into these questions, offering examples to demonstrate why some are more complex than initially perceived. Use case A: What entitlements are administered/owned by the organization (entitlement's inventory)? The model should facilitate listing all entitlements associated with a set of assets under the same asset administration. In scenarios where entitlements are tied to assets, the asset itself could provide this information. Alternatively, providers may support something similar to a license server, which could house comprehensive information regarding an organization's licenses. Within the model, all entitlements and features are listed using their respective ietf-almo class: module: ietf-almo +--rw almos +--rw almo* [almo-class] +--rw almo-class identityref +--rw inst* [id] Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 69] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Just by listing the entitlements, and provide their basic information, a netconf client will be able to retrieve basic inventory information of existing entitlements, without processing the more complex relationships that we will describe in the next section. Entitlements might be listed by multiple assets. For instance, a license server, functioning as an asset, might list an entitlement, while the asset entitled by the license might also list it. Proper identification of entitlements is imperative to ensure consistency across systems, enabling monitoring systems to recognize when multiple assets list the same entitlement. Furthermore, there are cases where an authorized asset might not be aware of the covering license. Consider the scenario of a site license, wherein any device under the site may utilize a feature without explicit knowledge of the covering license. In such cases, asset awareness relies on management controls or a service license capable of listing it. The model accommodates listing entitlements acquired by the organization but not yet applied or utilized by any actor/asset. For these "pending" entitlements, logistical constraints may arise in informing their existence, as there must be at least one element exporting the model that is aware of their existence. Use case B: What is the link between a license and assets/actors? Attaching an entitlement to an asset/actor means that the entitlement is exclusively used by that actor/asset. The "attachhement" of licenses to actors and assets is done within the entitlement class: Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 70] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:entity | | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:organizations | | | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:organization* [almo-class id] | | | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | | +--rw ietf-almo-user:users | | +--rw ietf-almo-user:users* [almo-class id] | | +--rw ietf-almo-user:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | +--rw ietf-almo-user:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:assets | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:assets | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:asset* [almo-class id] | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id Many licenses are inherently associated with an actor and user. For example, a software license might be directly attached to a user. Also, the use of a network device might come with a basic license provided solely to an organization. It's important to note that the current model does not provide information on whether an entitlement can be reassigned to other devices (e.g., fixed or floating license). Such scenarios fall under the "what if" category, which is not covered by this model. Additionally, some licenses may entitle a user to an asset without the entitlement being explicitly attached to either party. For instance, a site license may provide access to multiple users without being directly linked to them. Note that attachment is optional. Entitlements are normally linked to an organization, but this is not mandatory by the model. Entilements might also not be linked to any asset, for instance, when they are able of covering multiple ones. While attachment is optional, the model should be capable of expressing attachment in various scenarios. The model can be expanded to list to which actors/assets an entitlement is aimed for, when this link is more vague, such as a site license (e.g., assets located in a specific site), or more open licenses (e.g., free software for all users subscribed to a streaming platform). Use case C: What constraints do assets in the context impose on the actors' use of the asset's features? Assets provide various features or capabilities to actors, which may be restricted based on the availability of proper entitlements. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 71] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 The use of an entitlement signifies permission to access specific features associated with an asset. However, it's essential for the model to provide information on the status of the entitlement, particularly if it is at risk of being infringed upon. This can help organizations stay informed about their entitlement usage and take necessary actions to prevent potential violations or overuse of features. All the information related to how an asset provides a feature to actors is included under the feature container wihtin the asset class, under the entitlements-info container. +--rw ietf-almo-feature:features | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:feature* [almo-class id] | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entities-entitlement-info* [] | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entity-entitlement-info | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:organizations | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:organization* [almo-class id] | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:users | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:users* [almo-class id] | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement* [almo-class id] | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled? boolean | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges? boolean | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use? boolean For focus, the leafs related to the use of features are hidden, but are explained in the next section. Note that here the actor (e.g. organization or user) is linked again with the feature. This might look redundant for simple cases (see use case 1), but if it is important when the element has the ability of providing detailed information of enttilement for specific users (see other use case, TBD). This also allwos to explicitly state which users have attempted to use the feature, but did not have the correct entitlement. Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 72] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 Use case D: Entitlements utilization, the actors using features backed by entilements, and how close the features-usage is to the imposed limits (cases where the entitlements provide limits). +--rw ietf-almo-feature:features | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:feature* [almo-class id] | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | +--rw ietf-almo-feature:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entities-entitlement-info* [] | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entity-entitlement-info | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:organizations | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:organization* [almo-class id] | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:users | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:users* [almo-class id] | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | +--ro ietf-almo-user:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement* [almo-class id] | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:almo-class -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo/almo-class | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:id -> /ietf-almo:almos/almo[ietf-almo:almo-class = current()/../almo-class]/inst/id | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled? boolean | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges? boolean | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use? boolean | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-limit | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:users | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:value? uint32 | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:maximum? uint32 | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:cpus | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:value? uint32 | | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:maximum? uint32 | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:bandwidth | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:value? decimal64 | +--ro ietf-almo-entitlements:maximum? decimal64 Use cases Single Device with a single license allowing its general functionality { "ietf-almo:almos": { "ietf-almo:almo": [ { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "inst": [ { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 73] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "id": "device_one", "ietf-almo-feature:features": { "feature": [ { "almo-class": "feature", "id": "general_device_operation", "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info": { "entities-entitlement-info": [ { "entity-entitlement-info": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "entitlements": { "entitlement": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "id": "entilement_one" } ] }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges": false } ] } } ] } } ] }, { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-feature:feature", "inst": [ { "id": "general_device_operation" } ] }, { Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 74] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "inst": [ { "id": "main_organization" } ] }, { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "inst": [ { "id": "entilement_one", "ietf-almo-entitlements:uid": "uid12345", "ietf-almo-entitlements:state": "active", "ietf-almo-entitlements:renewal-profile": { "activation-date": "2020-10-10T00:00:01Z", "expiration-date": "2030-10-10T00:00:01Z" }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements": { "entity": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "assets": { "assets": { "asset": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "id": "device_one" } ] } } } } ] } ] } } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 75] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 A device with multiple features set on different license levels { "ietf-almo:almos": { "ietf-almo:almo": [ { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "inst": [ { "id": "device_one", "ietf-almo-feature:features": { "feature": [ { "almo-class": "feature", "id": "general_device_operation", "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info": { "entities-entitlement-info": [ { "entity-entitlement-info": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "entitlements": { "entitlement": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "id": "medium_entitlement" } ] }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges": false } ] } }, { "almo-class": "feature", "id": "basic_feature", "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info": { "entities-entitlement-info": [ Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 76] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 { "entity-entitlement-info": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "entitlements": { "entitlement": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "id": "medium_entitlement" } ] }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges": false } ] } }, { "almo-class": "feature", "id": "medium_feature", "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info": { "entities-entitlement-info": [ { "entity-entitlement-info": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "entitlements": { "entitlement": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "id": "medium_entitlement" } Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 77] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 ] }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use": true, "ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges": false } ] } }, { "almo-class": "feature", "id": "advanced_feature", "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlements-info": { "entities-entitlement-info": [ { "entity-entitlement-info": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitled": false, "ietf-almo-entitlements:in-use": false, "ietf-almo-entitlements:infriges": false } ] } } ] } } ] }, { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-feature:feature", "inst": [ { "id": "general_device_operation" }, { "id": "basic_feature" }, { "id": "medium_feature" Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 78] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 }, { "id": "advanced_feature" } ] }, { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "inst": [ { "id": "main_organization" } ] }, { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement", "inst": [ { "id": "basic_entitlement", "ietf-almo-entitlements:uid": "uid123451", "ietf-almo-entitlements:state": "active", "ietf-almo-entitlements:renewal-profile": { "activation-date": "2020-10-10T00:00:01Z", "expiration-date": "2030-10-10T00:00:01Z" }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements": { "entity": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "assets": { "assets": { "asset": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "id": "device_one" } ] } } } }, Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 79] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 { "id": "medium_entitlement", "ietf-almo-entitlements:uid": "uid123453", "ietf-almo-entitlements:state": "active", "ietf-almo-entitlements:renewal-profile": { "activation-date": "2020-10-10T00:00:01Z", "expiration-date": "2030-10-10T00:00:01Z" }, "ietf-almo-entitlements:entitlement-attachements": { "entity": { "organizations": { "organization": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-organization:organization", "id": "main_organization" } ] } }, "assets": { "assets": { "asset": [ { "almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "id": "device_one" } ] } } } } ] } ] } } A DB being license, need to add limitation { "ietf-almo:almos": { "ietf-almo:almo": [ { "ietf-almo:almo-class": "ietf-almo-assets:asset", "inst": [ { "id": "database_one", "parent": { Palmero, et al. 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Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 82] Internet-Draft DMALMO July 2024 ] } } Authors' Addresses Marisol Palmero Cisco Systems Email: mpalmero@cisco.com Frank Brockners Cisco Systems Email: fbrockne@cisco.com Sudhendu Kumar NC State University Email: skumar23@ncsu.edu Camilo Cardona NTT Email: camilo@ntt.net Diego Lopez Telefonica I+D Email: diego.r.lopez@telefonica.com Palmero, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page 83]