<NIC.MERIT.EDU> /internet/resources/merit.cruise.readme.txt READ ME FIRST Merit Network presents A Cruise of the Internet Version 1.0.Beta March 27, 1992 WHAT IS IT? The "Cruise" is an interactive instructional guide to the Internet which runs on a color Macintosh computer. The Introduction section compares the Internet to an ocean. In the Navigation Tools section, you will be introduced to some of the tools which can help you navigate the Internet such as e-mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Telnet. The Applications section includes several examples of how people are using some of the Internet resources and how you may access those resources. HOW TO INSTALL IT: 1. Use anonymous FTP to connect to nic.merit.edu, "cd internet/resources" and get the file "merit.cruise.sea.hqx". 2. Convert this file using BinHex 4.0. (Fetch, if you use it to retrieve the file, will do this automatically.) 3. Double click on the file "Merit's Cruise.sea". 4. When prompted, select your destination volume with at least 2 MB of disk space available. 5. With the destination drive selected, click on the EXTRACT button. The file "Merit's Cruise" will automatically be extracted and copied to your selected hard drive. 6. To run the Cruise, double click on your copy of the file "Merit's Cruise." SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: "Merit's Cruise.sea" is a self-extracting archive (.sea). To extract the Cruise from the archive and run the presentation you will need the following: - A Macintosh II or Quadra with color monitor and FDHD disk drive - System 6.07 or higher - Approximately 2 MB of available disk space - 4 MB RAM is recommended DISTRIBUTION This beta version (1.0.Beta) of Merit Network's "Cruise of the Internet" is being distributed without charge for your evaluation and use. Merit is interested in what you think of this presentation and how you might want to use it. Please send your comments via e-mail to: cruise-feedback@merit.edu You may copy and distribute this file without charge. You must include this README file with the Cruise and you may not charge any fees for the distribution of this Cruise. THE NEXT VERSION Your input will be considered during the development of the next version. Version 2.0, when ready, will also be available via anonymous ftp on nic.merit.edu in the internet/resources directory. A DOS-Windows version may be available at that time. CREDITS Created by Steve Burdick, Merit Network, Inc. Based on a presentation written by Laura Kelleher and Mark Davis-Craig, Merit Network, Inc. Copyright 1992, Merit Network, Inc, Ann Arbor MI