patch-1.3.5 linux/drivers/scsi/eata_pio.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.4/linux/drivers/scsi/eata_pio.c linux/drivers/scsi/eata_pio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+ *                                                          *
+ *               Linux EATA SCSI PIO driver                 *
+ *                                                          *
+ *  based on the CAM document CAM/89-004 rev. 2.0c,         *
+ *  DPT's driver kit, some internal documents and source,   *
+ *  and several other Linux scsi drivers and kernel docs.   *
+ *                                                          *
+ *  The driver currently:                                   *
+ *      -supports all EATA-PIO boards                       *
+ *      -only supports DASD devices                         *
+ *                                                          *
+ *  (c)1993,94,95 Michael Neuffer, Alfred Arnold            *
+ *                  *
+ *                         * 
+ *                                                          *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it  *
+ *  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General     *
+ *  Public License as published by the Free Software        *
+ *  Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
+ *  (at your option) any later version.                     *
+ *                                                          *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be *
+ *  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *
+ *  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A    *
+ *  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License *
+ *  for more details.                                       *
+ *                                                          *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General      *
+ *  Public License along with this kernel; if not, write to *
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,       *
+ *  Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                               *
+ *                                                          *
+ ************************************************************
+ *  last change: 95/06/20 OS: Linux 1.3.3 + pre1.3 SCSI pat.*
+ ************************************************************/
+/* Look in eata_pio.h for configuration information */
+#ifdef MODULE
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/in.h>
+#include <linux/bios32.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "eata_pio.h"
+#include "eata_dma_proc.h"
+#include "scsi.h"
+#include "sd.h"
+static uint ISAbases[MAXISA] =
+{0x1F0, 0x170, 0x330, 0x230};
+static uint ISAirqs[MAXISA] =
+static unchar EISAbases[] =
+{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+static uint registered_HBAs = 0;
+static struct Scsi_Host *last_HBA = NULL;
+static struct Scsi_Host *first_HBA = NULL;
+static unchar reg_IRQ[] =
+{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static unchar reg_IRQL[] =
+{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static uint internal_command_finished = TRUE;
+static ulong int_counter = 0;
+static ulong queue_counter = 0;
+void hprint(char *str)
+    char *hptr =(char *) 0x000b0000;
+    char *hptr2=(char *) 0x000b00a0; 
+    char *hptr3=(char *) 0x000b0f00;
+    int z;
+    memmove(hptr,hptr2,24*80*2);
+    for (z=0; z<strlen(str); z++)
+	hptr3[z*2]=str[z];
+    for (; z<80; z++)
+	hptr3[z*2]=' ';
+void eata_pio_scsi_done (Scsi_Cmnd * SCpnt)
+    return;
+#include "eata_pio_proc.c"
+#ifdef MODULE
+int eata_pio_release(struct Scsi_Host *sh)
+    if (sh->irq && reg_IRQ[sh->irq] == 1) free_irq(sh->irq);
+    else reg_IRQ[sh->irq]--;
+    if (SD(sh)->channel == 0) {
+	if (sh->io_port && sh->n_io_port)
+	    release_region(sh->io_port, sh->n_io_port);
+    }
+    return(TRUE);
+void IncStat(Scsi_Pointer *SCp, uint Increment)
+    SCp->ptr+=Increment; 
+    if ((SCp->this_residual-=Increment)==0)
+    {
+	if ((--SCp->buffers_residual)==0) SCp->Status=FALSE;
+	else
+	{
+	    SCp->buffer++;
+	    SCp->ptr=SCp->buffer->address;
+	    SCp->this_residual=SCp->buffer->length;
+	}
+    }
+void eata_pio_int_handler(int irq, struct pt_regs * regs)
+    uint eata_stat = 0xfffff;
+    Scsi_Cmnd *cmd;
+    hostdata *hd;
+    struct eata_ccb *cp;
+    uint base;
+    ulong flags;
+    uint x,z;
+    struct Scsi_Host *sh;
+    ushort zwickel=0;
+    unchar stat,odd;
+    save_flags(flags);
+    cli();
+    for (x = 1, sh = first_HBA; x <= registered_HBAs; x++, sh = SD(sh)->prev) {
+	if (sh->irq != irq)
+	    continue;
+	if (inb((uint)sh->base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SBUSY)
+	    continue;
+	int_counter++;
+	hd=SD(sh);
+	cp = &hd->ccb[0];
+	cmd = cp->cmd;
+	base = (uint) cmd->host->base;
+	do
+	{
+	    stat=inb(base+HA_RSTATUS);
+	    if (stat&HA_SDRQ)
+		if (cp->DataIn)
+		{
+		    z=256; odd=FALSE;
+		    while ((cmd->SCp.Status)&&((z>0)||(odd)))
+		    {
+			if (odd) 
+			{ 
+			    *(cmd->SCp.ptr)=zwickel>>8; 
+			    IncStat(&cmd->SCp,1);
+			    odd=FALSE;
+			}
+			x=min(z,cmd->SCp.this_residual/2);
+			insw(base+HA_RDATA,cmd->SCp.ptr,x);
+			z-=x; 
+			IncStat(&cmd->SCp,2*x);
+			if ((z>0)&&(cmd->SCp.this_residual==1))
+			{
+			    zwickel=inw(base+HA_RDATA); 
+			    *(cmd->SCp.ptr)=zwickel&0xff;
+			    IncStat(&cmd->SCp,1); z--; 
+			    odd=TRUE;
+			}
+		    }
+		    while (z>0) {
+			zwickel=inw(base+HA_RDATA); 
+			z--;
+		    } 
+		}
+		else /* cp->DataOut */
+		{
+		    odd=FALSE; z=256;
+		    while ((cmd->SCp.Status)&&((z>0)||(odd)))
+		    {
+			if (odd)
+			{
+			    zwickel+=*(cmd->SCp.ptr)<<8; 
+			    IncStat(&cmd->SCp,1);
+			    outw(zwickel,base+HA_RDATA); 
+			    z--; 
+			    odd=FALSE; 
+			}
+			x=min(z,cmd->SCp.this_residual/2);
+			outsw(base+HA_RDATA,cmd->SCp.ptr,x);
+			z-=x; 
+			IncStat(&cmd->SCp,2*x);
+			if ((z>0)&&(cmd->SCp.this_residual==1))
+			{
+			    zwickel=*(cmd->SCp.ptr); 
+			    zwickel&=0xff;
+			    IncStat(&cmd->SCp,1); 
+			    odd=TRUE;
+			}  
+		    }
+		    while (z>0||odd) {
+			outw(zwickel,base+HA_RDATA); 
+			z--; 
+			odd=FALSE;
+		    }
+		}
+	}
+	while ((stat&HA_SDRQ)||((stat&HA_SMORE)&&hd->moresupport));
+	/* terminate handler if HBA goes busy again, i.e. transfers
+	 * more data */
+	if (stat&HA_SBUSY) break;
+	/* OK, this is quite stupid, but I haven't found any correct
+	 * way to get HBA&SCSI status so far */
+	if (!(inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SERROR))
+	{
+	    cmd->result=(DID_OK<<16); 
+	    hd->devflags|=(1<<cp->cp_id);
+	}
+	else if (hd->devflags&1<<cp->cp_id) 
+	    cmd->result=(DID_OK<<16)+0x02;
+	else cmd->result=(DID_NO_CONNECT<<16);
+	if (cp->status == LOCKED) {
+	    cp->status = FREE;
+	    eata_stat = inb(base + HA_RSTATUS);
+	    printk("eata_pio: int_handler, freeing locked queueslot\n");
+	    restore_flags(flags);
+	    return;
+	}
+#if DBG_INTR2
+	if (stat != 0x50) 
+	    printk("stat: %#.2x, result: %#.8x\n", stat, cmd->result); 
+	cp->status = FREE;   /* now we can release the slot  */
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	if(cmd->scsi_done != eata_pio_scsi_done) cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+	else internal_command_finished = TRUE;
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+    }
+    restore_flags(flags);
+    return;
+inline uint eata_pio_send_command(uint base, unchar command)
+    uint loop = R_LIMIT;
+    while (inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SBUSY)
+	if (--loop == 0)
+	    return(TRUE);
+    outb(command, base + HA_WCOMMAND);
+    return(FALSE);
+int eata_pio_queue(Scsi_Cmnd * cmd, void (*done) (Scsi_Cmnd *))
+    uint x, y;
+    long flags;
+    uint base;
+    hostdata *hd;
+    struct Scsi_Host *sh;
+    struct eata_ccb *cp;
+    save_flags(flags);
+    cli();
+    queue_counter++;
+    if (done == (void *)eata_pio_scsi_done) { 
+	if (internal_command_finished == TRUE)
+	    internal_command_finished = FALSE;
+	else 
+	    cmd->result = (DID_ERROR << 16) + QUEUE_FULL;
+    }
+    hd = HD(cmd);
+    sh = cmd->host;
+    base = (uint) sh->base;
+    /* use only slot 0, as 2001 can handle only one cmd at a time */
+    y = x = 0;
+    if (hd->ccb[y].status!=FREE) { 
+	DBG(DBG_QUEUE, printk("can_queue %d, x %d, y %d\n",sh->can_queue,x,y));
+	panic("eata_pio: run out of queue slots cmdno:%ld intrno: %ld\n", 
+	      queue_counter, int_counter);
+	panic("eata_pio: run out of queue slots....\n");
+    }
+    cp = &hd->ccb[y];
+    memset(cp, 0, sizeof(struct eata_ccb));
+    memset(cmd->sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer));
+    cp->status = USED;      /* claim free slot */
+    DBG(DBG_QUEUE, printk("eata_pio_queue pid %ld, target: %x, lun: %x, y %d\n",
+			  cmd->pid, cmd->target, cmd->lun, y));
+    DBG(DBG_QUEUE && DBG_DELAY, DEL2(250));
+    cmd->scsi_done = (void *)done;
+    switch (cmd->cmnd[0]) {
+    case CHANGE_DEFINITION: case COMPARE:         case COPY:
+    case COPY_VERIFY:       case LOG_SELECT:      case MODE_SELECT:
+    case FORMAT_UNIT:       case REASSIGN_BLOCKS: case RESERVE:
+    case SEARCH_EQUAL:      case SEARCH_HIGH:     case SEARCH_LOW:
+    case WRITE_6:           case WRITE_10:        case WRITE_VERIFY:
+    case UPDATE_BLOCK:      case WRITE_LONG:      case WRITE_SAME:      
+    case SEARCH_HIGH_12:    case SEARCH_EQUAL_12: case SEARCH_LOW_12:
+    case WRITE_12:          case WRITE_VERIFY_12: case SET_WINDOW: 
+    case MEDIUM_SCAN:       case SEND_VOLUME_TAG:            
+    case 0xea:      /* alternate number for WRITE LONG */
+	cp->DataOut = TRUE; /* Output mode */
+	break;
+    case TEST_UNIT_READY:
+    default:
+	cp->DataIn = TRUE;  /* Input mode  */
+    }
+    cp->Interpret = (cmd->target==hd->hostid);
+    cp->cp_datalen=htonl((ulong)cmd->request_bufflen);
+    cp->Auto_Req_Sen = FALSE;
+    cp->cp_reqDMA = htonl(0);
+    cp->reqlen = 0;
+    cp->cp_id = cmd->target;
+    cp->cp_lun = cmd->lun;
+    cp->cp_dispri = FALSE;
+    cp->cp_identify = TRUE;
+    memcpy(cp->cp_cdb, cmd->cmnd, COMMAND_SIZE(*cmd->cmnd));
+    cp->cp_statDMA = htonl(0);
+    cp->cp_viraddr = cp;
+    cp->cmd = cmd;
+    cmd->host_scribble = (char *)&hd->ccb[y];   
+    if (cmd->use_sg==0)
+    { 
+	cmd->SCp.buffers_residual=1;
+	cmd->SCp.ptr=cmd->request_buffer;
+	cmd->SCp.this_residual=cmd->request_bufflen;
+	cmd->SCp.buffer=NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	cmd->SCp.buffer=cmd->request_buffer;
+	cmd->SCp.buffers_residual=cmd->use_sg;
+	cmd->SCp.ptr=cmd->SCp.buffer->address;
+	cmd->SCp.this_residual=cmd->SCp.buffer->length;
+    }
+    cmd->SCp.Status=(cmd->SCp.this_residual!=0);  /* TRUE as long as bytes 
+						     are to transfer */ 
+    if (eata_pio_send_command(base, EATA_CMD_PIO_SEND_CP)) 
+    {
+	cmd->result = DID_ERROR << 16;
+	printk("eata_pio_queue target %d, pid %ld, HBA busy, returning DID_ERROR, done.\n",
+	       cmd->target, cmd->pid);
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	if(done != (void *)eata_pio_scsi_done) done(cmd);
+	return (0);
+    }
+    while (!(inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SDRQ));
+    outsw(base + HA_RDATA, cp, hd->cplen);
+    outb(EATA_CMD_PIO_TRUNC, base + HA_WCOMMAND);
+    for (x=0; x<hd->cppadlen; x++) outw(0, base + HA_RDATA);
+    DBG(DBG_QUEUE,printk("Queued base %#.4lx pid: %ld target: %x lun: %x "
+			 "slot %d irq %d\n", (long)sh->base, cmd->pid, 
+			 cmd->target, cmd->lun, y, sh->irq));
+    DBG(DBG_QUEUE && DBG_DELAY, DEL2(200));
+    restore_flags(flags);
+    return (0);
+int eata_pio_abort(Scsi_Cmnd * cmd)
+    ulong flags;
+    uint loop = R_LIMIT;
+    save_flags(flags);
+    cli();
+    DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_abort called pid: %ld target: %x lun: %x reason %x\n",
+			   cmd->pid, cmd->target, cmd->lun, cmd->abort_reason));
+    while (inb((uint)(cmd->host->base) + HA_RAUXSTAT) & HA_ABUSY)
+	if (--loop == 0) {
+	    printk("eata_pio: abort, timeout error.\n");
+	    restore_flags(flags);
+	    DBG(DBG_ABNORM && DBG_DELAY, DEL2(500));
+	    return (SCSI_ABORT_ERROR);
+	}
+    if (CD(cmd)->status == FREE) {
+	DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("Returning: SCSI_ABORT_NOT_RUNNING\n")); 
+	restore_flags(flags);
+    }
+    if (CD(cmd)->status == USED) {
+	DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("Returning: SCSI_ABORT_BUSY\n"));
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	return (SCSI_ABORT_BUSY);  /* SNOOZE */ 
+    }
+    if (CD(cmd)->status == RESET) {
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	printk("eata_pio: abort, command reset error.\n");
+	return (SCSI_ABORT_ERROR);
+    }
+    if (CD(cmd)->status == LOCKED) {
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio: abort, queue slot locked.\n"));
+    } else
+	panic("eata_pio: abort: invalid slot status\n");
+int eata_pio_reset(Scsi_Cmnd * cmd)
+    uint x, z, time, limit = 0;
+    ulong flags;
+    unchar success = FALSE;
+    Scsi_Cmnd *sp; 
+    save_flags(flags);
+    cli();
+    hprint("reset");
+    DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_reset called pid:%ld target: %x lun: %x "
+			   "reason %x\n", cmd->pid, cmd->target, cmd->lun, 
+			   cmd->abort_reason));
+    if (HD(cmd)->state == RESET) {
+	printk("eata_pio_reset: exit, already in reset.\n");
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	return (SCSI_RESET_ERROR);
+    }
+    for (z = 0; z < MAXTARGET; z++) {
+	HD(cmd)->t_state[0][z] = RESET;
+	HD(cmd)->t_timeout[0][z] = NO_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    /* force all slots to be free */
+    for (x = 0; x < cmd->host->can_queue; x++) {
+	if (HD(cmd)->ccb[x].status == FREE) 
+	    continue;
+	sp = HD(cmd)->ccb[x].cmd;
+	HD(cmd)->ccb[x].status = RESET;
+	printk("eata_pio_reset: slot %d in reset, pid %ld.\n", x, sp->pid);
+	if (sp == NULL)
+	    panic("eata_pio_reset: slot %d, sp==NULL.\n", x);
+    }
+    /* hard reset the HBA  */
+    outb((uint) cmd->host->base+HA_WCOMMAND, EATA_CMD_RESET);
+    DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_reset: board reset done.\n"));
+    HD(cmd)->state = RESET;
+    time = jiffies;
+    while (jiffies < (time + 300) && limit++ < 10000000);
+    DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_reset: interrupts disabled, loops %d.\n", limit));
+    for (x = 0; x < cmd->host->can_queue; x++) {
+	/* Skip slots already set free by interrupt */
+	if (HD(cmd)->ccb[x].status != RESET)
+	    continue;
+	sp = HD(cmd)->ccb[x].cmd;
+	sp->result = DID_RESET << 16;
+	/* This mailbox is terminated */
+	printk("eata_pio_reset: resetted ccb %d.\n",x);
+	HD(cmd)->ccb[x].status = FREE;
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	sp->scsi_done(sp);
+	cli();
+    }
+    HD(cmd)->state = FALSE;
+    restore_flags(flags);
+    if (success) { /* hmmm... */
+	DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_reset: exit, success.\n"));
+    } else {
+	DBG(DBG_ABNORM, printk("eata_pio_reset: exit, wakeup.\n"));
+	return (SCSI_RESET_PUNT);
+    }
+char * get_pio_board_data(ulong base, uint irq, uint id, ulong cplen, ushort cppadlen)
+    struct eata_ccb cp;
+    static char buff[256];
+    int z;
+    memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(struct eata_ccb));
+    memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
+    cp.DataIn = TRUE;     
+    cp.Interpret = TRUE;   /* Interpret command */
+    cp.cp_datalen = htonl(254);  
+    cp.cp_dataDMA = htonl(0);
+    cp.cp_id = id;
+    cp.cp_lun = 0;
+    cp.cp_cdb[0] = INQUIRY;
+    cp.cp_cdb[1] = 0;
+    cp.cp_cdb[2] = 0;
+    cp.cp_cdb[3] = 0;
+    cp.cp_cdb[4] = 254;
+    cp.cp_cdb[5] = 0;
+    if (eata_pio_send_command((uint) base, EATA_CMD_PIO_SEND_CP)) return (NULL);
+    while (!(inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SDRQ));
+    outsw(base + HA_RDATA, &cp, cplen);
+    outb(EATA_CMD_PIO_TRUNC, base + HA_WCOMMAND);
+    for (z=0; z<cppadlen; z++) outw(0, base + HA_RDATA);
+    while (inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SBUSY);
+    if (inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SERROR)
+	return (NULL);
+    else if (!(inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SDRQ))
+	return (NULL);
+    else
+    {
+	insw(base+HA_RDATA, &buff, 127);
+	while (inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SDRQ) inw(base+HA_RDATA);
+	return (buff);
+    }
+int get_pio_conf_PIO(u32 base, struct get_conf *buf)
+    ulong loop = R_LIMIT;
+    int z;
+    ushort *p;
+    if(check_region(base, 9))  
+	return (FALSE);
+    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct get_conf));
+    while (inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SBUSY)
+	if (--loop == 0) 
+	    return (FALSE);
+	printk("Issuing PIO READ CONFIG to HBA at %#x\n", base));
+    eata_pio_send_command(base, EATA_CMD_PIO_READ_CONFIG);
+    loop = R_LIMIT;
+    for (p = (ushort *) buf; 
+	 (long)p <= ((long)buf + (sizeof(struct get_conf)/ 2)); p++) {
+	while (!(inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SDRQ))
+	    if (--loop == 0)
+		return (FALSE);
+	loop = R_LIMIT;
+	*p = inw(base + HA_RDATA);
+    }
+    if (!(inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SERROR)) {            /* Error ? */
+	if (htonl(EATA_SIGNATURE) == buf->signature) {
+	    DBG(DBG_PIO&&DBG_PROBE, printk("EATA Controller found at %#4x "
+					   "EATA Level: %x\n", base, 
+					   (uint) (buf->version)));
+	    while (inb(base + HA_RSTATUS) & HA_SDRQ) 
+		inw(base + HA_RDATA);
+		for (z = 0; z < MAXISA; z++)
+		    if (base == ISAbases[z]) {
+			buf->IRQ = ISAirqs[z]; 
+			break;
+		    }
+	    }
+	    return (TRUE);
+	} 
+    } else {
+	DBG(DBG_PROBE, printk("eata_dma: get_conf_PIO, error during transfer "
+			      "for HBA at %x\n", base));
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+void print_pio_config(struct get_conf *gc)
+    printk("Please check values: (read config data)\n");
+    printk("LEN: %d ver:%d OCS:%d TAR:%d TRNXFR:%d MORES:%d\n",
+	   (uint) ntohl(gc->len), gc->version,
+	   gc->OCS_enabled, gc->TAR_support, gc->TRNXFR, gc->MORE_support);
+    printk("HAAV:%d SCSIID0:%d ID1:%d ID2:%d QUEUE:%d SG:%d SEC:%d\n",
+	   gc->HAA_valid, gc->scsi_id[3], gc->scsi_id[2],
+	   gc->scsi_id[1], ntohs(gc->queuesiz), ntohs(gc->SGsiz), gc->SECOND);
+    printk("IRQ:%d IRQT:%d FORCADR:%d MCH:%d RIDQ:%d\n",
+	   gc->IRQ, gc->IRQ_TR, gc->FORCADR, 
+	   gc->MAX_CHAN, gc->ID_qest);
+    DBG(DPT_DEBUG, DELAY(1400));
+static uint print_selftest(uint base)
+    unchar buffer[512];
+    int z;
+    printk("eata_pio: executing controller self test & setup...\n");
+    while (inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SBUSY);
+    do {
+	while (inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SBUSY)
+	    /* nothing */ ;
+	if (inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SDRQ)
+	{
+	    insw(base+HA_RDATA,&buffer,256);
+	    /* no beeps please... */
+	    for (z=0; z < 511 && buffer[z]; z++)
+		if (buffer[z] != 7) printk("%c", buffer[z]);
+	}
+    } while (inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&(HA_SBUSY|HA_SDRQ));
+    return (!(inb(base+HA_RSTATUS)&HA_SERROR)); 
+int register_pio_HBA(long base, struct get_conf *gc, Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
+    ulong size = 0;
+    char *buff;
+    ulong cplen;
+    ushort cppadlen;
+    struct Scsi_Host *sh;
+    hostdata *hd;
+    DBG(DBG_REGISTER, print_pio_config(gc));
+    if (gc->DMA_support == TRUE) {
+	printk("HBA at %#.4lx supports DMA. Please use EATA-DMA driver.\n",base);
+	    return (FALSE);
+    }
+    if ((buff = get_pio_board_data((uint)base, gc->IRQ, gc->scsi_id[3], 
+			       cplen   =(htonl(gc->cplen   )+1)/2, 
+			       cppadlen=(htons(gc->cppadlen)+1)/2)) == NULL)
+    {
+	printk("HBA at %#lx didn't react on INQUIRY. Sorry.\n", (ulong) base);
+	return (FALSE);
+    }
+    if (print_selftest(base) == FALSE && ALLOW_DMA_BOARDS == FALSE)
+    {
+	printk("HBA at %#lx failed while performing self test & setup.\n", 
+	       (ulong) base);
+	return (FALSE);
+    }
+    if (!reg_IRQ[gc->IRQ]) {    /* Interrupt already registered ? */
+	if (!request_irq(gc->IRQ, eata_pio_int_handler, SA_INTERRUPT, 
+			 "EATA-PIO")){
+	    reg_IRQ[gc->IRQ]++;
+	    if (!gc->IRQ_TR)
+		reg_IRQL[gc->IRQ] = TRUE;   /* IRQ is edge triggered */
+	} else {
+	    printk("Couldn't allocate IRQ %d, Sorry.", gc->IRQ);
+	    return (FALSE);
+	}
+    } else {            /* More than one HBA on this IRQ */
+	if (reg_IRQL[gc->IRQ] == TRUE) {
+	    printk("Can't support more than one HBA on this IRQ,\n"
+		   "  if the IRQ is edge triggered. Sorry.\n");
+	    return (FALSE);
+	} else
+	    reg_IRQ[gc->IRQ]++;
+    }
+    request_region(base, 8, "eata_pio");
+    size = sizeof(hostdata) + (sizeof(struct eata_ccb) * ntohs(gc->queuesiz));
+    sh = scsi_register(tpnt, size);
+    hd = SD(sh);                   
+    memset(hd->ccb, 0, (sizeof(struct eata_ccb) * ntohs(gc->queuesiz)));
+    memset(hd->reads, 0, sizeof(ulong) * 26); 
+    strncpy(SD(sh)->vendor, &buff[8], 8);
+    SD(sh)->vendor[8] = 0;
+    strncpy(SD(sh)->name, &buff[16], 17);
+    SD(sh)->name[17] = 0;
+    SD(sh)->revision[0] = buff[32];
+    SD(sh)->revision[1] = buff[33];
+    SD(sh)->revision[2] = buff[34];
+    SD(sh)->revision[3] = '.';
+    SD(sh)->revision[4] = buff[35];
+    SD(sh)->revision[5] = 0;
+    switch (ntohl(gc->len)) {
+    case 0x1c:
+	SD(sh)->EATA_revision = 'a';
+	break;
+    case 0x1e:
+	SD(sh)->EATA_revision = 'b';
+	break;
+    case 0x22:
+	SD(sh)->EATA_revision = 'c';
+	break;
+    default:
+	SD(sh)->EATA_revision = '?';
+    }
+    SD(sh)->cplen=cplen;
+    SD(sh)->cppadlen=cppadlen;
+    SD(sh)->hostid=gc->scsi_id[3];
+    SD(sh)->devflags=1<<gc->scsi_id[3];
+    SD(sh)->moresupport=gc->MORE_support;
+    sh->base = (char *) base;
+    sh->io_port = (ushort) base;
+    sh->n_io_port = 8;
+    sh->irq = gc->IRQ;
+    sh->dma_channel = 0xfe;  /* PIO */
+    sh->this_id = gc->scsi_id[3];
+    sh->can_queue = 1;
+    sh->cmd_per_lun = 1;
+    sh->sg_tablesize = SG_ALL;
+    hd->channel = 0;
+    if(ntohl(gc->len) >= 0x22) {
+	if (gc->is_PCI == TRUE)
+	    hd->bustype = IS_PCI;
+	else if (gc->is_EISA == TRUE)
+	    hd->bustype = IS_EISA;
+	else
+	    hd->bustype = IS_ISA;
+    } else {
+	if (buff[21] == '4')
+	    hd->bustype = IS_PCI;
+	else if (buff[21] == '2')
+	    hd->bustype = IS_EISA;
+	else
+	    hd->bustype = IS_ISA;
+    }
+    sh->max_id = 8;
+    sh->max_lun = 8;
+    if (gc->SECOND)
+	hd->primary = FALSE;
+    else
+	hd->primary = TRUE;
+    sh->unchecked_isa_dma = FALSE; /* We can only do PIO */
+    hd->next = NULL;    /* build a linked list of all HBAs */
+    hd->prev = last_HBA;
+    if(hd->prev != NULL)
+	SD(hd->prev)->next = sh;
+    last_HBA = sh;
+    if (first_HBA == NULL)
+	first_HBA = sh;
+    registered_HBAs++;
+    return (1);
+void find_pio_ISA(struct get_conf *buf, Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXISA; i++) {  
+	if (ISAbases[i]) {  
+	    if (get_pio_conf_PIO(ISAbases[i], buf) == TRUE){
+		register_pio_HBA(ISAbases[i], buf, tpnt);
+	    }
+	    ISAbases[i] = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    return;
+void find_pio_EISA(struct get_conf *buf, Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
+    u32 base;
+    int i;
+    u8 pal1, pal2, pal3;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXEISA; i++) {
+	if (EISAbases[i] == TRUE) { /* Still a possibility ?          */
+	    base = 0x1c88 + (i * 0x1000);
+	    pal1 = inb((u16)base - 8);
+	    pal2 = inb((u16)base - 7);
+	    pal3 = inb((u16)base - 6);
+	    if (((pal1 == 0x12) && (pal2 == 0x14)) ||
+		((pal1 == 0x38) && (pal2 == 0xa3) && (pal3 == 0x82)) ||
+		((pal1 == 0x06) && (pal2 == 0x94) && (pal3 == 0x24))) {
+		DBG(DBG_PROBE, printk("EISA EATA id tags found: %x %x %x \n",
+				      (int)pal1, (int)pal2, (int)pal3));
+		if (get_pio_conf_PIO(base, buf) == TRUE) {
+		    DBG(DBG_PROBE && DBG_EISA, print_pio_config(buf));
+		    if (buf->IRQ) {
+			register_pio_HBA(base, buf, tpnt);
+		    } else
+			printk("eata_dma: No valid IRQ. HBA removed from list\n");
+		}
+		/* Nothing found here so we take it from the list */
+		EISAbases[i] = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return;
+void find_pio_PCI(struct get_conf *buf, Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
+#ifndef CONFIG_PCI
+    printk("Kernel PCI support not enabled. Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.\n");
+    u8 pci_bus, pci_device_fn;
+    static s16 pci_index = 0;   /* Device index to PCI BIOS calls */
+    u32 base = 0;
+    u16 com_adr;
+    u16 rev_device;
+    u32 error, i, x;
+    if (pcibios_present()) {
+	for (i = 0; i <= MAXPCI; ++i, ++pci_index) {
+	    if (pcibios_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_DPT, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DPT, 
+				    pci_index, &pci_bus, &pci_device_fn))
+		break;
+		printk("eata_pio: HBA at bus %d, device %d,"
+		       " function %d, index %d\n", (s32)pci_bus, 
+		       (s32)((pci_device_fn & 0xf8) >> 3),
+		       (s32)(pci_device_fn & 7), pci_index));
+	    if (!(error = pcibios_read_config_word(pci_bus, pci_device_fn, 
+				       PCI_CLASS_DEVICE, &rev_device))) {
+		if (rev_device == PCI_CLASS_STORAGE_SCSI) {
+		    if (!(error = pcibios_read_config_word(pci_bus, 
+					       pci_device_fn, PCI_COMMAND, 
+					       (u16 *) & com_adr))) {
+			if (!((com_adr & PCI_COMMAND_IO) && 
+			      (com_adr & PCI_COMMAND_MASTER))) {
+			    printk("HBA has IO or BUSMASTER mode disabled\n");
+			    continue;
+			}
+		    } else
+			printk("eata_pio: error %x while reading "
+			       "PCI_COMMAND\n", error);
+		} else
+		    printk("DEVICECLASSID %x didn't match\n", rev_device);
+	    } else {
+		printk("eata_pio: error %x while reading PCI_CLASS_BASE\n", 
+		       error);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    if (!(error = pcibios_read_config_dword(pci_bus, pci_device_fn,
+				       PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, (int *) &base))){
+		/* Check if the address is valid */
+		if (base & 0x01) {
+		    base &= 0xfffffffe;
+		    /* EISA tag there ? */
+		    if ((inb(base) == 0x12) && (inb(base + 1) == 0x14))
+			continue;   /* Jep, it's forced, so move on  */
+		    base += 0x10;   /* Now, THIS is the real address */
+		    if (base != 0x1f8) {
+			/* We didn't find it in the primary search */
+			if (get_pio_conf_PIO(base, buf) == TRUE) {
+			    if (buf->FORCADR)   /* If the address is forced */
+				continue;       /* we'll find it later      */
+			    /* OK. We made it till here, so we can go now  
+			     * and register it. We  only have to check and 
+			     * eventually remove it from the EISA and ISA list 
+			     */
+			    register_pio_HBA(base, buf, tpnt);
+			    if (base < 0x1000) {
+				for (x = 0; x < MAXISA; ++x) {
+				    if (ISAbases[x] == base) {
+					ISAbases[x] = 0;
+					break;
+				    }
+				}
+			    } else if ((base & 0x0fff) == 0x0c88) {
+				x = (base >> 12) & 0x0f;
+				EISAbases[x] = 0;
+			    }
+			    continue;  /* break; */
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    } else
+		printk("eata_pio: error %x while reading "
+		       "PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0\n", error);
+	}
+    } else
+	printk("No BIOS32 extensions present. This eata_pio release "
+	       "still depends on it.\n"
+	       "Skipping scan for PCI HBAs. Sorry.\n");
+#endif /* #ifndef CONFIG_PCI */
+    return;
+int eata_pio_detect(Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
+    struct Scsi_Host *HBA_ptr;
+    struct get_conf gc;
+    int i;
+	printk("Using lots of delays to let you read the debugging output\n"));
+#ifndef DBG_EISA
+printk("DBG_EISA not defined !!!\n");
+    find_pio_PCI(&gc, tpnt);
+    find_pio_EISA(&gc, tpnt);
+    find_pio_ISA(&gc, tpnt);
+    for (i = 0; i <= MAXIRQ; i++)
+	if (reg_IRQ[i])
+	    request_irq(i, eata_pio_int_handler, SA_INTERRUPT, "EATA-PIO");
+    HBA_ptr = first_HBA;
+    if (registered_HBAs != 0) {
+	printk("EATA (Extended Attachment) PIO driver version: %d.%d%s\n"
+	       "(c) 1993-95 Michael Neuffer,\n"
+	       "            Alfred Arnold,\n"
+	       "This release only supports DASD devices (harddisks)\n",
+	printk("Registered HBAs:\n");
+	printk("HBA no. Boardtype: Revis: EATA: Bus: BaseIO: IRQ: Ch: ID: Pr: QS: SG: CPL:\n");
+	for (i = 1; i <= registered_HBAs; i++) {
+	    printk("scsi%-2d: %.10s v%s 2.0%c  %s %#.4x   %2d   %d   %d   %c  %2d  %2d  %2d\n", 
+		   HBA_ptr->host_no, SD(HBA_ptr)->name, SD(HBA_ptr)->revision,
+		   SD(HBA_ptr)->EATA_revision, (SD(HBA_ptr)->bustype == 'P')?
+		   "PCI ":(SD(HBA_ptr)->bustype == 'E')?"EISA":"ISA ",
+		   (uint) HBA_ptr->base, HBA_ptr->irq, 
+		   SD(HBA_ptr)->channel, HBA_ptr->this_id, (SD(HBA_ptr)->primary == TRUE)?'Y':'N', 
+		   HBA_ptr->can_queue, HBA_ptr->sg_tablesize, HBA_ptr->cmd_per_lun);
+	    HBA_ptr = SD(HBA_ptr)->next;
+	}
+    }
+    DBG(DPT_DEBUG,DELAY(1200));
+    return (registered_HBAs);
+#ifdef MODULE
+/* Eventually this will go into an include file, but this will be later */
+Scsi_Host_Template driver_template = EATA_PIO;
+#include "scsi_module.c"
+ * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
+ * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
+ * adjust the settings for this buffer only.  This must remain at the end
+ * of the file.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-indent-level: 4
+ * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
+ * c-brace-offset: -4
+ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
+ * c-label-offset: -4
+ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
+ * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * tab-width: 8
+ * End:
+ */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this