patch-1.3.5 linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.4/linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.h linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.h
@@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
- *	hosts.h Copyright (C) 1992 Drew Eckhardt 
- *	mid to low-level SCSI driver interface header by	
- *		Drew Eckhardt 
+ *  hosts.h Copyright (C) 1992 Drew Eckhardt 
+ *  mid to low-level SCSI driver interface header by    
+ *      Drew Eckhardt 
- *	<>
+ *  <>
  *       Modified by Eric Youngdale to
  *       add scatter-gather, multiple outstanding request, and other
  *       enhancements.
- *	Further modified by Eric Youngdale to support multiple host adapters
- *	of the same type.
+ *  Further modified by Eric Youngdale to support multiple host adapters
+ *  of the same type.
 #ifndef _HOSTS_H
 #define _HOSTS_H
-	$Header: /usr/src/linux/kernel/blk_drv/scsi/RCS/hosts.h,v 1.3 1993/09/24 12:21:00 drew Exp drew $
+    $Header: /usr/src/linux/kernel/blk_drv/scsi/RCS/hosts.h,v 1.3 1993/09/24 12:21:00 drew Exp drew $
 /* It is senseless to set SG_ALL any higher than this - the performance
-   does not get any better, and it wastes memory */
+ *  does not get any better, and it wastes memory 
+ */
 #define SG_NONE 0
 #define SG_ALL 0xff
@@ -30,253 +31,274 @@
 /* The various choices mean:
-   NONE: Self evident.  Host adapter is not capable of scatter-gather.
-   ALL:  Means that the host adapter module can do scatter-gather,
-         and that there is no limit to the size of the table to which
-	 we scatter/gather data.
-  Anything else:  Indicates the maximum number of chains that can be
-        used in one scatter-gather request.
+ * NONE: Self evident.  Host adapter is not capable of scatter-gather.
+ * ALL:  Means that the host adapter module can do scatter-gather,
+ *       and that there is no limit to the size of the table to which
+ *       we scatter/gather data.
+ * Anything else:  Indicates the maximum number of chains that can be
+ *       used in one scatter-gather request.
+ */
-	The Scsi_Host_Template type has all that is needed to interface with a SCSI
-	host in a device independent matter.  There is one entry for each different
-	type of host adapter that is supported on the system.
+ * The Scsi_Host_Template type has all that is needed to interface with a SCSI
+ * host in a device independent matter.  There is one entry for each different
+ * type of host adapter that is supported on the system.
+ */
 typedef struct scsi_disk Disk;
 typedef struct  SHT
-	{
-	  /* Used with loadable modules so we can construct a linked list. */
-	  struct SHT * next;
-	  /* Used with loadable modules so that we know when it is safe to unload */
-	  int * usage_count;
+    /* Used with loadable modules so we can construct a linked list. */
+    struct SHT * next;
+    /* Used with loadable modules so that we know when it is safe to unload */
+    int * usage_count;
+    /* proc-fs info function.
+     * Can be used to export driver statistics and other infos to the world 
+     * outside the kernel ie. userspace and it also provides an interface
+     * to feed the driver with information. Check eata_dma_proc.c for reference.
+     */
+    int (*proc_info)(char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int);
+    /* driver name that will appear in the /proc/scsi directory */
+    char *procname;
+    /* low_ino of the drivers /proc/scsi entry. Defined in proc_fs.h */
+    unsigned short low_ino;
+    /*
+     * The name pointer is a pointer to the name of the SCSI
+     * device detected.
+     */
+    char *name;
+    /*
+     * The detect function shall return non zero on detection,
+     * indicating the number of host adapters of this particular
+     * type were found.  It should also
+     * initialize all data necessary for this particular
+     * SCSI driver.  It is passed the host number, so this host
+     * knows where the first entry is in the scsi_hosts[] array.
+     * 
+     * Note that the detect routine MUST not call any of the mid level
+     * functions to queue commands because things are not guaranteed
+     * to be set up yet.  The detect routine can send commands to
+     * the host adapter as long as the program control will not be
+     * passed to scsi.c in the processing of the command.  Note
+     * especially that scsi_malloc/scsi_free must not be called.
+     */
+    int (* detect)(struct SHT *); 
+    /* Used with loadable modules to unload the host structures.  Note:
+     * there is a default action built into the modules code which may
+     * be sufficient for most host adapters.  Thus you may not have to supply
+     * this at all. 
+     */
+    int (*release)(struct Scsi_Host *);
+    /*
+     * The info function will return whatever useful
+     * information the developer sees fit.  If not provided, then
+     * the name field will be used instead.
+     */
+    const char *(* info)(struct Scsi_Host *);
+    /*
+     * The command function takes a target, a command (this is a SCSI 
+     * command formatted as per the SCSI spec, nothing strange), a 
+     * data buffer pointer, and data buffer length pointer.  The return
+     * is a status int, bit fielded as follows : 
+     * Byte What
+     * 0    SCSI status code
+     * 1    SCSI 1 byte message
+     * 2    host error return.
+     * 3    mid level error return
+     */
+    int (* command)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+    /*
+     * The QueueCommand function works in a similar manner
+     * to the command function.  It takes an additional parameter,
+     * void (* done)(int host, int code) which is passed the host 
+     * # and exit result when the command is complete.  
+     * Host number is the POSITION IN THE hosts array of THIS
+     * host adapter.
+     */
+    int (* queuecommand)(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
+    /*
+     * Since the mid level driver handles time outs, etc, we want to 
+     * be able to abort the current command.  Abort returns 0 if the 
+     * abortion was successful.  The field SCpnt->abort reason
+     * can be filled in with the appropriate reason why we wanted
+     * the abort in the first place, and this will be used
+     * in the mid-level code instead of the host_byte().
+     * If non-zero, the code passed to it 
+     * will be used as the return code, otherwise 
+     * DID_ABORT  should be returned.
+     * 
+     * Note that the scsi driver should "clean up" after itself, 
+     * resetting the bus, etc.  if necessary. 
+     */
+    int (* abort)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+    /*
+     * The reset function will reset the SCSI bus.  Any executing 
+     * commands should fail with a DID_RESET in the host byte.
+     * The Scsi_Cmnd  is passed so that the reset routine can figure
+     * out which host adapter should be reset, and also which command
+     * within the command block was responsible for the reset in
+     * the first place.  Some hosts do not implement a reset function,
+     * and these hosts must call scsi_request_sense(SCpnt) to keep
+     * the command alive.
+     */ 
+    int (* reset)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
+    /*
+     * This function is used to select synchronous communications,
+     * which will result in a higher data throughput.  Not implemented
+     * yet.
+     */ 
+    int (* slave_attach)(int, int);
+    /*
+     * This function determines the bios parameters for a given
+     * harddisk.  These tend to be numbers that are made up by
+     * the host adapter.  Parameters:
+     * size, device number, list (heads, sectors, cylinders)
+     */ 
+    int (* bios_param)(Disk *, int, int []);
+    /*
+     * This determines if we will use a non-interrupt driven
+     * or an interrupt driven scheme,  It is set to the maximum number
+     * of simultaneous commands a given host adapter will accept.
+     */
+    int can_queue;
+    /*
+     * In many instances, especially where disconnect / reconnect are 
+     * supported, our host also has an ID on the SCSI bus.  If this is 
+     * the case, then it must be reserved.  Please set this_id to -1 if
+     * your setup is in single initiator mode, and the host lacks an 
+     * ID.
+     */
+    int this_id;
+    /*
+     * This determines the degree to which the host adapter is capable
+     * of scatter-gather.
+     */
+    short unsigned int sg_tablesize;
+    /*
+     * True if this host adapter can make good use of linked commands.
+     * This will allow more than one command to be queued to a given
+     * unit on a given host.  Set this to the maximum number of command
+     * blocks to be provided for each device.  Set this to 1 for one
+     * command block per lun, 2 for two, etc.  Do not set this to 0.
+     * You should make sure that the host adapter will do the right thing
+     * before you try setting this above 1.
+     */
+    short cmd_per_lun;
+    /*
+     * present contains counter indicating how many boards of this
+     * type were found when we did the scan.
+     */
+    unsigned char present;  
+    /*
+     * true if this host adapter uses unchecked DMA onto an ISA bus.
+     */
+    unsigned unchecked_isa_dma:1;
+    /*
+     * true if this host adapter can make good use of clustering.
+     * I originally thought that if the tablesize was large that it
+     * was a waste of CPU cycles to prepare a cluster list, but
+     * it works out that the Buslogic is faster if you use a smaller
+     * number of segments (i.e. use clustering).  I guess it is
+     * inefficient.
+     */
+    unsigned use_clustering:1;
-	/*
-		The name pointer is a pointer to the name of the SCSI
-		device detected.
-	*/
-	char *name;
-	/*
-		The detect function shall return non zero on detection,
-		indicating the number of host adapters of this particular
-		type were found.  It should also
-		initialize all data necessary for this particular
-		SCSI driver.  It is passed the host number, so this host
-		knows where the first entry is in the scsi_hosts[] array.
-		Note that the detect routine MUST not call any of the mid level
-		functions to queue commands because things are not guaranteed
-		to be set up yet.  The detect routine can send commands to
-		the host adapter as long as the program control will not be
-		passed to scsi.c in the processing of the command.  Note
-		especially that scsi_malloc/scsi_free must not be called.
-	*/
-	int (* detect)(struct SHT *); 
-	  /* Used with loadable modules to unload the host structures.  Note:
-	   there is a default action built into the modules code which may
-	   be sufficient for most host adapters.  Thus you may not have to supply
-	   this at all. */
-	int (*release)(struct Scsi_Host *);
-	/*
-		The info function will return whatever useful
-		information the developer sees fit.  If not provided, then
-		the name field will be used instead.
-	*/
-        const char *(* info)(struct Scsi_Host *);
-	/*
-		The command function takes a target, a command (this is a SCSI 
-		command formatted as per the SCSI spec, nothing strange), a 
-		data buffer pointer, and data buffer length pointer.  The return
-		is a status int, bit fielded as follows : 
-		Byte	What
-		0	SCSI status code
-		1	SCSI 1 byte message
-		2 	host error return.
-		3	mid level error return
-	*/
-	int (* command)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
-        /*
-                The QueueCommand function works in a similar manner
-                to the command function.  It takes an additional parameter,
-                void (* done)(int host, int code) which is passed the host 
-		# and exit result when the command is complete.  
-		Host number is the POSITION IN THE hosts array of THIS
-		host adapter.
-        */
-        int (* queuecommand)(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
-	/*
-		Since the mid level driver handles time outs, etc, we want to 
-		be able to abort the current command.  Abort returns 0 if the 
-		abortion was successful.  The field SCpnt->abort reason
-		can be filled in with the appropriate reason why we wanted
-		the abort in the first place, and this will be used
-		in the mid-level code instead of the host_byte().
-		If non-zero, the code passed to it 
-		will be used as the return code, otherwise 
-		DID_ABORT  should be returned.
-		Note that the scsi driver should "clean up" after itself, 
-		resetting the bus, etc.  if necessary. 
-	*/
-	int (* abort)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
-	/*
-		The reset function will reset the SCSI bus.  Any executing 
-		commands should fail with a DID_RESET in the host byte.
-		The Scsi_Cmnd  is passed so that the reset routine can figure
-		out which host adapter should be reset, and also which command
-		within the command block was responsible for the reset in
-		the first place.  Some hosts do not implement a reset function,
-		and these hosts must call scsi_request_sense(SCpnt) to keep
-		the command alive.
-	*/ 
-	int (* reset)(Scsi_Cmnd *);
-	/*
-		This function is used to select synchronous communications,
-		which will result in a higher data throughput.  Not implemented
-		yet.
-	*/ 
-	int (* slave_attach)(int, int);
-	/*
-		This function determines the bios parameters for a given
-		harddisk.  These tend to be numbers that are made up by
-		the host adapter.  Parameters:
-		size, device number, list (heads, sectors, cylinders)
-	*/ 
-	int (* bios_param)(Disk *, int, int []);
-	/*
-		This determines if we will use a non-interrupt driven
-		or an interrupt driven scheme,  It is set to the maximum number
-		of simultaneous commands a given host adapter will accept.
-	*/
-	int can_queue;
-	/*
-		In many instances, especially where disconnect / reconnect are 
-		supported, our host also has an ID on the SCSI bus.  If this is 
-		the case, then it must be reserved.  Please set this_id to -1 if
- 		your setup is in single initiator mode, and the host lacks an 
-		ID.
-	*/
-	int this_id;
-	/*
-	        This determines the degree to which the host adapter is capable
-		of scatter-gather.
-	*/
-	short unsigned int sg_tablesize;
-	/*
-	  True if this host adapter can make good use of linked commands.
-	  This will allow more than one command to be queued to a given
-	  unit on a given host.  Set this to the maximum number of command
-	  blocks to be provided for each device.  Set this to 1 for one
-	  command block per lun, 2 for two, etc.  Do not set this to 0.
-	  You should make sure that the host adapter will do the right thing
-	  before you try setting this above 1.
-	 */
-	short cmd_per_lun;
-	/*
-		present contains counter indicating how many boards of this
-		type were found when we did the scan.
-	*/
-	unsigned char present;	
-	/*
-	  true if this host adapter uses unchecked DMA onto an ISA bus.
-	*/
-	unsigned unchecked_isa_dma:1;
-	/*
-	  true if this host adapter can make good use of clustering.
-	  I originally thought that if the tablesize was large that it
-	  was a waste of CPU cycles to prepare a cluster list, but
-	  it works out that the Buslogic is faster if you use a smaller
-	  number of segments (i.e. use clustering).  I guess it is
-	  inefficient.
-	*/
-	unsigned use_clustering:1;
-	} Scsi_Host_Template;
+} Scsi_Host_Template;
-	The scsi_hosts array is	the array containing the data for all 
-	possible <supported> scsi hosts.   This is similar to the
-	Scsi_Host_Template, except that we have one entry for each
-	actual physical host adapter on the system, stored as a linked
-	list.  Note that if there are 2 aha1542 boards, then there will
-	be two Scsi_Host entries, but only 1 Scsi_Host_Template entries.
+ * The scsi_hosts array is the array containing the data for all 
+ * possible <supported> scsi hosts.   This is similar to the
+ * Scsi_Host_Template, except that we have one entry for each
+ * actual physical host adapter on the system, stored as a linked
+ * list.  Note that if there are 2 aha1542 boards, then there will
+ * be two Scsi_Host entries, but only 1 Scsi_Host_Template entries.
+ */
 struct Scsi_Host
-	{
-		struct Scsi_Host * next;
-		unsigned short extra_bytes;
-		volatile unsigned char host_busy;
-		char host_no;  /* Used for IOCTL_GET_IDLUN */
-		int last_reset;
-		struct wait_queue *host_wait;
-		Scsi_Cmnd *host_queue; 
-		Scsi_Host_Template * hostt;
-		/* Pointer to a circularly linked list - this indicates the hosts
-		   that should be locked out of performing I/O while we have an active
-		   command on this host. */
-		struct Scsi_Host * block;
-		unsigned wish_block:1;
-		/* These parameters should be set by the detect routine */
-		unsigned char *base;
-		unsigned int io_port;
-		unsigned char n_io_port;
-		unsigned char irq;
-		unsigned char dma_channel;
-		/*
-		  Set these if there are conflicts between memory
-		  in the < 1mb region and regions at 16mb multiples.
-		  The address must be on a page boundary.
-		*/
-		unsigned long forbidden_addr;
-		unsigned long forbidden_size;
-		/*
-		  The rest can be copied from the template, or specifically
-		  initialized, as required.
-		*/
-		int this_id;
-		int can_queue;
-		short cmd_per_lun;
-		short unsigned int sg_tablesize;
-		unsigned unchecked_isa_dma:1;
-		/*
-		   True if this host was loaded as a loadable module
-		*/
-		unsigned loaded_as_module:1;
-		int hostdata[0];  /* Used for storage of host specific stuff */
-	};
+    struct Scsi_Host * next;
+    unsigned short extra_bytes;
+    volatile unsigned char host_busy;
+    char host_no;  /* Used for IOCTL_GET_IDLUN, /proc/scsi et al. */
+    int last_reset;
+    struct wait_queue *host_wait;
+    Scsi_Cmnd *host_queue; 
+    Scsi_Host_Template * hostt;
+    /*
+     *  These three parameters can be used to allow for wide scsi,
+     *  and for host adapters that support multiple busses 
+     *  The first two should be set to 1 more than the actual max id
+     *  or lun (i.e. 8 for normal systems).
+     */
+    unsigned int max_id;
+    unsigned int max_lun;
+    unsigned int max_channel;
+    /*
+     * Pointer to a circularly linked list - this indicates the hosts
+     * that should be locked out of performing I/O while we have an active
+     * command on this host. 
+     */
+    struct Scsi_Host * block;
+    unsigned wish_block:1;
+    /* These parameters should be set by the detect routine */
+    unsigned char *base;
+    unsigned int  io_port;
+    unsigned char n_io_port;
+    unsigned char irq;
+    unsigned char dma_channel;
+    /*
+     * Set these if there are conflicts between memory
+     * in the < 1mb region and regions at 16mb multiples.
+     * The address must be on a page boundary.
+     */
+    unsigned long forbidden_addr;
+    unsigned long forbidden_size;
+    /*
+     * The rest can be copied from the template, or specifically
+     * initialized, as required.
+     */
+    int this_id;
+    int can_queue;
+    short cmd_per_lun;
+    short unsigned int sg_tablesize;
+    unsigned unchecked_isa_dma:1;
+    unsigned use_clustering:1;
+    /*
+     * True if this host was loaded as a loadable module
+     */
+    unsigned loaded_as_module:1;
+    int hostdata[0];  /* Used for storage of host specific stuff */
 extern struct Scsi_Host * scsi_hostlist;
 extern struct Scsi_Device_Template * scsi_devicelist;
@@ -284,19 +306,21 @@
 extern Scsi_Host_Template * scsi_hosts;
-	scsi_init initializes the scsi hosts.
+ *  scsi_init initializes the scsi hosts.
+ */
-/* We use these goofy things because the MM is not set up when we init
-   the scsi subsystem.  By using these functions we can write code that
-   looks normal.  Also, it makes it possible to use the same code for a
-   loadable module. */
+ * We use these goofy things because the MM is not set up when we init
+ * the scsi subsystem.  By using these functions we can write code that
+ * looks normal.  Also, it makes it possible to use the same code for a
+ * loadable module. 
+ */
 extern void * scsi_init_malloc(unsigned int size, int priority);
 extern void scsi_init_free(char * ptr, unsigned int size);
-void scan_scsis (struct Scsi_Host * shpnt);
+void scan_scsis (struct Scsi_Host * shpnt, unchar hardcoded,
+		 unchar hchannel, unchar hid, unchar hlun);
 extern int next_scsi_host;
@@ -310,20 +334,22 @@
 struct Scsi_Device_Template
-  struct Scsi_Device_Template * next;
-  char * name;
-  char * tag;
-  unsigned char scsi_type;
-  unsigned char major;
-  unsigned char nr_dev;  /* Number currently attached */
-  unsigned char dev_noticed; /* Number of devices detected. */
-  unsigned char dev_max; /* Current size of arrays */
-  unsigned blk:1;  /* 0 if character device */
-  int (*detect)(Scsi_Device *); /* Returns 1 if we can attach this device */
-  void (*init)(void);  /* Sizes arrays based upon number of devices detected */
-  void (*finish)(void);  /* Perform initialization after attachment */
-  int (*attach)(Scsi_Device *); /* Attach devices to arrays */
-  void (*detach)(Scsi_Device *);
+    struct Scsi_Device_Template * next;
+    char * name;
+    char * tag;
+    int * usage_count;            /* Used for loadable modules */
+    unsigned char scsi_type;
+    unsigned char major;
+    unsigned char nr_dev;         /* Number currently attached */
+    unsigned char dev_noticed;    /* Number of devices detected. */
+    unsigned char dev_max;        /* Current size of arrays */
+    unsigned blk:1;               /* 0 if character device */
+    int (*detect)(Scsi_Device *); /* Returns 1 if we can attach this device */
+    void (*init)(void);           /* Sizes arrays based upon number of devices
+				   *  detected */
+    void (*finish)(void);         /* Perform initialization after attachment */
+    int (*attach)(Scsi_Device *); /* Attach devices to arrays */
+    void (*detach)(Scsi_Device *);
 extern struct Scsi_Device_Template sd_template;
@@ -345,10 +371,10 @@
- * This is an ugly hack.  If we expect to be able to load devices at run time, we need
- * to leave extra room in some of the data structures.  Doing a realloc to enlarge
- * the structures would be riddled with race conditions, so until a better solution 
- * is discovered, we use this crude approach
+ * This is an ugly hack.  If we expect to be able to load devices at run time,
+ * we need to leave extra room in some of the data structures.  Doing a 
+ * realloc to enlarge the structures would be riddled with race conditions, 
+ * so until a better solution is discovered, we use this crude approach
 #define SD_EXTRA_DEVS 2
 #define ST_EXTRA_DEVS 2
@@ -363,12 +389,14 @@
  * of the file.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 8
+ * c-indent-level: 4
  * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -8
- * c-argdecl-indent: 8
- * c-label-offset: -8
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 8
+ * c-brace-offset: -4
+ * c-argdecl-indent: 4
+ * c-label-offset: -4
+ * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
  * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * tab-width: 4
  * End:

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this