patch-2.1.106 linux/drivers/sound/dmasound.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.105/linux/drivers/sound/dmasound.c linux/drivers/sound/dmasound.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 OSS/Free compatible Atari TT/Falcon and Amiga DMA sound driver for Linux/m68k
+Extended to support Power Macintosh for Linux/ppc by Paul Mackerras
 (c) 1995 by Michael Schlueter & Michael Marte
@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@
 #include <linux/mm.h>
 #include <linux/malloc.h>
+#ifdef __mc68000__
 #include <asm/setup.h>
 #include <asm/system.h>
 #include <asm/irq.h>
 #include <asm/pgtable.h>
@@ -100,10 +103,23 @@
 #include <asm/amigahw.h>
 #include <asm/amigaints.h>
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+#include <asm/prom.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/dbdma.h>
+#include <asm/adb.h>
+#include <asm/pmu.h>
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK */
+#include "awacs_defs.h"
+#include <linux/nvram.h>
+#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 #include "dmasound.h"
 #include <linux/soundcard.h>
+#define HAS_8BIT_TABLES
 #ifdef MODULE
 static int chrdev_registered = 0;
@@ -143,6 +159,90 @@
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+ * Interrupt numbers and addresses, obtained from the device tree.
+ */
+static int awacs_irq, awacs_tx_irq, awacs_rx_irq;
+static volatile struct awacs_regs *awacs;
+static volatile struct dbdma_regs *awacs_txdma, *awacs_rxdma;
+static int awacs_rate_index;
+ * Space for the DBDMA command blocks.
+ */
+static void *awacs_tx_cmd_space;
+static volatile struct dbdma_cmd *awacs_tx_cmds;
+ * Cached values of AWACS registers (we can't read them).
+ */
+int awacs_reg[5];
+#define HAS_16BIT_TABLES
+ * Stuff for outputting a beep.  The values range from -327 to +327
+ * so we can multiply by an amplitude in the range 0..100 to get a
+ * signed short value to put in the output buffer.
+ */
+static short beep_wform[256] = {
+	0,	40,	79,	117,	153,	187,	218,	245,
+	269,	288,	304,	316,	323,	327,	327,	324,
+	318,	310,	299,	288,	275,	262,	249,	236,
+	224,	213,	204,	196,	190,	186,	183,	182,
+	182,	183,	186,	189,	192,	196,	200,	203,
+	206,	208,	209,	209,	209,	207,	204,	201,
+	197,	193,	188,	183,	179,	174,	170,	166,
+	163,	161,	160,	159,	159,	160,	161,	162,
+	164,	166,	168,	169,	171,	171,	171,	170,
+	169,	167,	163,	159,	155,	150,	144,	139,
+	133,	128,	122,	117,	113,	110,	107,	105,
+	103,	103,	103,	103,	104,	104,	105,	105,
+	105,	103,	101,	97,	92,	86,	78,	68,
+	58,	45,	32,	18,	3,	-11,	-26,	-41,
+	-55,	-68,	-79,	-88,	-95,	-100,	-102,	-102,
+	-99,	-93,	-85,	-75,	-62,	-48,	-33,	-16,
+	0,	16,	33,	48,	62,	75,	85,	93,
+	99,	102,	102,	100,	95,	88,	79,	68,
+	55,	41,	26,	11,	-3,	-18,	-32,	-45,
+	-58,	-68,	-78,	-86,	-92,	-97,	-101,	-103,
+	-105,	-105,	-105,	-104,	-104,	-103,	-103,	-103,
+	-103,	-105,	-107,	-110,	-113,	-117,	-122,	-128,
+	-133,	-139,	-144,	-150,	-155,	-159,	-163,	-167,
+	-169,	-170,	-171,	-171,	-171,	-169,	-168,	-166,
+	-164,	-162,	-161,	-160,	-159,	-159,	-160,	-161,
+	-163,	-166,	-170,	-174,	-179,	-183,	-188,	-193,
+	-197,	-201,	-204,	-207,	-209,	-209,	-209,	-208,
+	-206,	-203,	-200,	-196,	-192,	-189,	-186,	-183,
+	-182,	-182,	-183,	-186,	-190,	-196,	-204,	-213,
+	-224,	-236,	-249,	-262,	-275,	-288,	-299,	-310,
+	-318,	-324,	-327,	-327,	-323,	-316,	-304,	-288,
+	-269,	-245,	-218,	-187,	-153,	-117,	-79,	-40,
+#define BEEP_SPEED	2	/* 22050 Hz sample rate */
+#define BEEP_BUFLEN	512
+#define BEEP_VOLUME	15	/* 0 - 100 */
+static int beep_volume = BEEP_VOLUME;
+static int beep_playing = 0;
+static short *beep_buf;
+static volatile struct dbdma_cmd *beep_dbdma_cmd;
+static void (*orig_mksound)(unsigned int, unsigned int);
+ * Stuff for restoring after a sleep.
+ */
+static int awacs_sleep_notify(struct notifier_block *, unsigned long, void *);
+struct notifier_block awacs_sleep_notifier = {
+	awacs_sleep_notify
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK */
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 /*** Some declarations *******************************************************/
@@ -150,6 +250,7 @@
 #define DMASND_TT		1
 #define DMASND_FALCON		2
 #define DMASND_AMIGA		3
+#define DMASND_AWACS		4
 #define MAX_CATCH_RADIUS	10
 #define MIN_BUFFERS		4
@@ -165,164 +266,164 @@
 #define le2be16dbl(x)	(((x)<<8 & 0xff00ff00) | ((x)>>8 & 0x00ff00ff))
 #define IOCTL_IN(arg, ret) \
- do { int error = get_user(ret, (int *)(arg)); \
-      if (error) return error; \
- } while (0)
+	do { int error = get_user(ret, (int *)(arg)); \
+		if (error) return error; \
+	} while (0)
 #define IOCTL_OUT(arg, ret)	ioctl_return((int *)(arg), ret)
 /*** Some low level helpers **************************************************/
 /* 8 bit mu-law */
 static char ulaw2dma8[] = {
-    -126,   -122,   -118,   -114,   -110,   -106,   -102,    -98,
-     -94,    -90,    -86,    -82,    -78,    -74,    -70,    -66,
-     -63,    -61,    -59,    -57,    -55,    -53,    -51,    -49,
-     -47,    -45,    -43,    -41,    -39,    -37,    -35,    -33,
-     -31,    -30,    -29,    -28,    -27,    -26,    -25,    -24,
-     -23,    -22,    -21,    -20,    -19,    -18,    -17,    -16,
-     -16,    -15,    -15,    -14,    -14,    -13,    -13,    -12,
-     -12,    -11,    -11,    -10,    -10,     -9,     -9,     -8,
-      -8,     -8,     -7,     -7,     -7,     -7,     -6,     -6,
-      -6,     -6,     -5,     -5,     -5,     -5,     -4,     -4,
-      -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,
-      -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,
-      -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,
-      -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
-      -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
-      -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,      0,
-     125,    121,    117,    113,    109,    105,    101,     97,
-      93,     89,     85,     81,     77,     73,     69,     65,
-      62,     60,     58,     56,     54,     52,     50,     48,
-      46,     44,     42,     40,     38,     36,     34,     32,
-      30,     29,     28,     27,     26,     25,     24,     23,
-      22,     21,     20,     19,     18,     17,     16,     15,
-      15,     14,     14,     13,     13,     12,     12,     11,
-      11,     10,     10,      9,      9,      8,      8,      7,
-       7,      7,      6,      6,      6,      6,      5,      5,
-       5,      5,      4,      4,      4,      4,      3,      3,
-       3,      3,      3,      3,      2,      2,      2,      2,
-       2,      2,      2,      2,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-       1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-       0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-       0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-       0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0
+	-126,	-122,	-118,	-114,	-110,	-106,	-102,	-98,
+	-94,	-90,	-86,	-82,	-78,	-74,	-70,	-66,
+	-63,	-61,	-59,	-57,	-55,	-53,	-51,	-49,
+	-47,	-45,	-43,	-41,	-39,	-37,	-35,	-33,
+	-31,	-30,	-29,	-28,	-27,	-26,	-25,	-24,
+	-23,	-22,	-21,	-20,	-19,	-18,	-17,	-16,
+	-16,	-15,	-15,	-14,	-14,	-13,	-13,	-12,
+	-12,	-11,	-11,	-10,	-10,	-9,	-9,	-8,
+	-8,	-8,	-7,	-7,	-7,	-7,	-6,	-6,
+	-6,	-6,	-5,	-5,	-5,	-5,	-4,	-4,
+	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,
+	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,
+	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,
+	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,
+	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,
+	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	0,
+	125,	121,	117,	113,	109,	105,	101,	97,
+	93,	89,	85,	81,	77,	73,	69,	65,
+	62,	60,	58,	56,	54,	52,	50,	48,
+	46,	44,	42,	40,	38,	36,	34,	32,
+	30,	29,	28,	27,	26,	25,	24,	23,
+	22,	21,	20,	19,	18,	17,	16,	15,
+	15,	14,	14,	13,	13,	12,	12,	11,
+	11,	10,	10,	9,	9,	8,	8,	7,
+	7,	7,	6,	6,	6,	6,	5,	5,
+	5,	5,	4,	4,	4,	4,	3,	3,
+	3,	3,	3,	3,	2,	2,	2,	2,
+	2,	2,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0
 /* 8 bit A-law */
 static char alaw2dma8[] = {
-     -22,    -21,    -24,    -23,    -18,    -17,    -20,    -19,
-     -30,    -29,    -32,    -31,    -26,    -25,    -28,    -27,
-     -11,    -11,    -12,    -12,     -9,     -9,    -10,    -10,
-     -15,    -15,    -16,    -16,    -13,    -13,    -14,    -14,
-     -86,    -82,    -94,    -90,    -70,    -66,    -78,    -74,
-    -118,   -114,   -126,   -122,   -102,    -98,   -110,   -106,
-     -43,    -41,    -47,    -45,    -35,    -33,    -39,    -37,
-     -59,    -57,    -63,    -61,    -51,    -49,    -55,    -53,
-      -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,
-      -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,     -2,
-      -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
-      -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
-      -6,     -6,     -6,     -6,     -5,     -5,     -5,     -5,
-      -8,     -8,     -8,     -8,     -7,     -7,     -7,     -7,
-      -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,     -3,
-      -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,     -4,
-      21,     20,     23,     22,     17,     16,     19,     18,
-      29,     28,     31,     30,     25,     24,     27,     26,
-      10,     10,     11,     11,      8,      8,      9,      9,
-      14,     14,     15,     15,     12,     12,     13,     13,
-      86,     82,     94,     90,     70,     66,     78,     74,
-     118,    114,    126,    122,    102,     98,    110,    106,
-      43,     41,     47,     45,     35,     33,     39,     37,
-      59,     57,     63,     61,     51,     49,     55,     53,
-       1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-       1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-       0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-       0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-       5,      5,      5,      5,      4,      4,      4,      4,
-       7,      7,      7,      7,      6,      6,      6,      6,
-       2,      2,      2,      2,      2,      2,      2,      2,
-       3,      3,      3,      3,      3,      3,      3,      3
+	-22,	-21,	-24,	-23,	-18,	-17,	-20,	-19,
+	-30,	-29,	-32,	-31,	-26,	-25,	-28,	-27,
+	-11,	-11,	-12,	-12,	-9,	-9,	-10,	-10,
+	-15,	-15,	-16,	-16,	-13,	-13,	-14,	-14,
+	-86,	-82,	-94,	-90,	-70,	-66,	-78,	-74,
+	-118,	-114,	-126,	-122,	-102,	-98,	-110,	-106,
+	-43,	-41,	-47,	-45,	-35,	-33,	-39,	-37,
+	-59,	-57,	-63,	-61,	-51,	-49,	-55,	-53,
+	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,
+	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,	-2,
+	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,
+	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,
+	-6,	-6,	-6,	-6,	-5,	-5,	-5,	-5,
+	-8,	-8,	-8,	-8,	-7,	-7,	-7,	-7,
+	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,	-3,
+	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,	-4,
+	21,	20,	23,	22,	17,	16,	19,	18,
+	29,	28,	31,	30,	25,	24,	27,	26,
+	10,	10,	11,	11,	8,	8,	9,	9,
+	14,	14,	15,	15,	12,	12,	13,	13,
+	86,	82,	94,	90,	70,	66,	78,	74,
+	118,	114,	126,	122,	102,	98,	110,	106,
+	43,	41,	47,	45,	35,	33,	39,	37,
+	59,	57,	63,	61,	51,	49,	55,	53,
+	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	5,	5,	5,	5,	4,	4,	4,	4,
+	7,	7,	7,	7,	6,	6,	6,	6,
+	2,	2,	2,	2,	2,	2,	2,	2,
+	3,	3,	3,	3,	3,	3,	3,	3
+#endif /* HAS_8BIT_TABLES */
 #ifdef HAS_16BIT_TABLES
 /* 16 bit mu-law */
-static char ulaw2dma16[] = {
-    -32124, -31100, -30076, -29052, -28028, -27004, -25980, -24956,
-    -23932, -22908, -21884, -20860, -19836, -18812, -17788, -16764,
-    -15996, -15484, -14972, -14460, -13948, -13436, -12924, -12412,
-    -11900, -11388, -10876, -10364,  -9852,  -9340,  -8828,  -8316,
-     -7932,  -7676,  -7420,  -7164,  -6908,  -6652,  -6396,  -6140,
-     -5884,  -5628,  -5372,  -5116,  -4860,  -4604,  -4348,  -4092,
-     -3900,  -3772,  -3644,  -3516,  -3388,  -3260,  -3132,  -3004,
-     -2876,  -2748,  -2620,  -2492,  -2364,  -2236,  -2108,  -1980,
-     -1884,  -1820,  -1756,  -1692,  -1628,  -1564,  -1500,  -1436,
-     -1372,  -1308,  -1244,  -1180,  -1116,  -1052,   -988,   -924,
-      -876,   -844,   -812,   -780,   -748,   -716,   -684,   -652,
-      -620,   -588,   -556,   -524,   -492,   -460,   -428,   -396,
-      -372,   -356,   -340,   -324,   -308,   -292,   -276,   -260,
-      -244,   -228,   -212,   -196,   -180,   -164,   -148,   -132,
-      -120,   -112,   -104,    -96,    -88,    -80,    -72,    -64,
-       -56,    -48,    -40,    -32,    -24,    -16,     -8,      0,
-     32124,  31100,  30076,  29052,  28028,  27004,  25980,  24956,
-     23932,  22908,  21884,  20860,  19836,  18812,  17788,  16764,
-     15996,  15484,  14972,  14460,  13948,  13436,  12924,  12412,
-     11900,  11388,  10876,  10364,   9852,   9340,   8828,   8316,
-      7932,   7676,   7420,   7164,   6908,   6652,   6396,   6140,
-      5884,   5628,   5372,   5116,   4860,   4604,   4348,   4092,
-      3900,   3772,   3644,   3516,   3388,   3260,   3132,   3004,
-      2876,   2748,   2620,   2492,   2364,   2236,   2108,   1980,
-      1884,   1820,   1756,   1692,   1628,   1564,   1500,   1436,
-      1372,   1308,   1244,   1180,   1116,   1052,    988,    924,
-       876,    844,    812,    780,    748,    716,    684,    652,
-       620,    588,    556,    524,    492,    460,    428,    396,
-       372,    356,    340,    324,    308,    292,    276,    260,
-       244,    228,    212,    196,    180,    164,    148,    132,
-       120,    112,    104,     96,     88,     80,     72,     64,
-        56,     48,     40,     32,     24,     16,      8,      0,
+static short ulaw2dma16[] = {
+	-32124,	-31100,	-30076,	-29052,	-28028,	-27004,	-25980,	-24956,
+	-23932,	-22908,	-21884,	-20860,	-19836,	-18812,	-17788,	-16764,
+	-15996,	-15484,	-14972,	-14460,	-13948,	-13436,	-12924,	-12412,
+	-11900,	-11388,	-10876,	-10364,	-9852,	-9340,	-8828,	-8316,
+	-7932,	-7676,	-7420,	-7164,	-6908,	-6652,	-6396,	-6140,
+	-5884,	-5628,	-5372,	-5116,	-4860,	-4604,	-4348,	-4092,
+	-3900,	-3772,	-3644,	-3516,	-3388,	-3260,	-3132,	-3004,
+	-2876,	-2748,	-2620,	-2492,	-2364,	-2236,	-2108,	-1980,
+	-1884,	-1820,	-1756,	-1692,	-1628,	-1564,	-1500,	-1436,
+	-1372,	-1308,	-1244,	-1180,	-1116,	-1052,	-988,	-924,
+	-876,	-844,	-812,	-780,	-748,	-716,	-684,	-652,
+	-620,	-588,	-556,	-524,	-492,	-460,	-428,	-396,
+	-372,	-356,	-340,	-324,	-308,	-292,	-276,	-260,
+	-244,	-228,	-212,	-196,	-180,	-164,	-148,	-132,
+	-120,	-112,	-104,	-96,	-88,	-80,	-72,	-64,
+	-56,	-48,	-40,	-32,	-24,	-16,	-8,	0,
+	32124,	31100,	30076,	29052,	28028,	27004,	25980,	24956,
+	23932,	22908,	21884,	20860,	19836,	18812,	17788,	16764,
+	15996,	15484,	14972,	14460,	13948,	13436,	12924,	12412,
+	11900,	11388,	10876,	10364,	9852,	9340,	8828,	8316,
+	7932,	7676,	7420,	7164,	6908,	6652,	6396,	6140,
+	5884,	5628,	5372,	5116,	4860,	4604,	4348,	4092,
+	3900,	3772,	3644,	3516,	3388,	3260,	3132,	3004,
+	2876,	2748,	2620,	2492,	2364,	2236,	2108,	1980,
+	1884,	1820,	1756,	1692,	1628,	1564,	1500,	1436,
+	1372,	1308,	1244,	1180,	1116,	1052,	988,	924,
+	876,	844,	812,	780,	748,	716,	684,	652,
+	620,	588,	556,	524,	492,	460,	428,	396,
+	372,	356,	340,	324,	308,	292,	276,	260,
+	244,	228,	212,	196,	180,	164,	148,	132,
+	120,	112,	104,	96,	88,	80,	72,	64,
+	56,	48,	40,	32,	24,	16,	8,	0,
 /* 16 bit A-law */
-static char alaw2dma16[] = {
-     -5504,  -5248,  -6016,  -5760,  -4480,  -4224,  -4992,  -4736,
-     -7552,  -7296,  -8064,  -7808,  -6528,  -6272,  -7040,  -6784,
-     -2752,  -2624,  -3008,  -2880,  -2240,  -2112,  -2496,  -2368,
-     -3776,  -3648,  -4032,  -3904,  -3264,  -3136,  -3520,  -3392,
-    -22016, -20992, -24064, -23040, -17920, -16896, -19968, -18944,
-    -30208, -29184, -32256, -31232, -26112, -25088, -28160, -27136,
-    -11008, -10496, -12032, -11520,  -8960,  -8448,  -9984,  -9472,
-    -15104, -14592, -16128, -15616, -13056, -12544, -14080, -13568,
-      -344,   -328,   -376,   -360,   -280,   -264,   -312,   -296,
-      -472,   -456,   -504,   -488,   -408,   -392,   -440,   -424,
-       -88,    -72,   -120,   -104,    -24,     -8,    -56,    -40,
-      -216,   -200,   -248,   -232,   -152,   -136,   -184,   -168,
-     -1376,  -1312,  -1504,  -1440,  -1120,  -1056,  -1248,  -1184,
-     -1888,  -1824,  -2016,  -1952,  -1632,  -1568,  -1760,  -1696,
-      -688,   -656,   -752,   -720,   -560,   -528,   -624,   -592,
-      -944,   -912,  -1008,   -976,   -816,   -784,   -880,   -848,
-      5504,   5248,   6016,   5760,   4480,   4224,   4992,   4736,
-      7552,   7296,   8064,   7808,   6528,   6272,   7040,   6784,
-      2752,   2624,   3008,   2880,   2240,   2112,   2496,   2368,
-      3776,   3648,   4032,   3904,   3264,   3136,   3520,   3392,
-     22016,  20992,  24064,  23040,  17920,  16896,  19968,  18944,
-     30208,  29184,  32256,  31232,  26112,  25088,  28160,  27136,
-     11008,  10496,  12032,  11520,   8960,   8448,   9984,   9472,
-     15104,  14592,  16128,  15616,  13056,  12544,  14080,  13568,
-       344,    328,    376,    360,    280,    264,    312,    296,
-       472,    456,    504,    488,    408,    392,    440,    424,
-        88,     72,    120,    104,     24,      8,     56,     40,
-       216,    200,    248,    232,    152,    136,    184,    168,
-      1376,   1312,   1504,   1440,   1120,   1056,   1248,   1184,
-      1888,   1824,   2016,   1952,   1632,   1568,   1760,   1696,
-       688,    656,    752,    720,    560,    528,    624,    592,
-       944,    912,   1008,    976,    816,    784,    880,    848,
+static short alaw2dma16[] = {
+	-5504,	-5248,	-6016,	-5760,	-4480,	-4224,	-4992,	-4736,
+	-7552,	-7296,	-8064,	-7808,	-6528,	-6272,	-7040,	-6784,
+	-2752,	-2624,	-3008,	-2880,	-2240,	-2112,	-2496,	-2368,
+	-3776,	-3648,	-4032,	-3904,	-3264,	-3136,	-3520,	-3392,
+	-22016,	-20992,	-24064,	-23040,	-17920,	-16896,	-19968,	-18944,
+	-30208,	-29184,	-32256,	-31232,	-26112,	-25088,	-28160,	-27136,
+	-11008,	-10496,	-12032,	-11520,	-8960,	-8448,	-9984,	-9472,
+	-15104,	-14592,	-16128,	-15616,	-13056,	-12544,	-14080,	-13568,
+	-344,	-328,	-376,	-360,	-280,	-264,	-312,	-296,
+	-472,	-456,	-504,	-488,	-408,	-392,	-440,	-424,
+	-88,	-72,	-120,	-104,	-24,	-8,	-56,	-40,
+	-216,	-200,	-248,	-232,	-152,	-136,	-184,	-168,
+	-1376,	-1312,	-1504,	-1440,	-1120,	-1056,	-1248,	-1184,
+	-1888,	-1824,	-2016,	-1952,	-1632,	-1568,	-1760,	-1696,
+	-688,	-656,	-752,	-720,	-560,	-528,	-624,	-592,
+	-944,	-912,	-1008,	-976,	-816,	-784,	-880,	-848,
+	5504,	5248,	6016,	5760,	4480,	4224,	4992,	4736,
+	7552,	7296,	8064,	7808,	6528,	6272,	7040,	6784,
+	2752,	2624,	3008,	2880,	2240,	2112,	2496,	2368,
+	3776,	3648,	4032,	3904,	3264,	3136,	3520,	3392,
+	22016,	20992,	24064,	23040,	17920,	16896,	19968,	18944,
+	30208,	29184,	32256,	31232,	26112,	25088,	28160,	27136,
+	11008,	10496,	12032,	11520,	8960,	8448,	9984,	9472,
+	15104,	14592,	16128,	15616,	13056,	12544,	14080,	13568,
+	344,	328,	376,	360,	280,	264,	312,	296,
+	472,	456,	504,	488,	408,	392,	440,	424,
+	88,	72,	120,	104,	24,	8,	56,	40,
+	216,	200,	248,	232,	152,	136,	184,	168,
+	1376,	1312,	1504,	1440,	1120,	1056,	1248,	1184,
+	1888,	1824,	2016,	1952,	1632,	1568,	1760,	1696,
+	688,	656,	752,	720,	560,	528,	624,	592,
+	944,	912,	1008,	976,	816,	784,	880,	848,
 #endif /* HAS_16BIT_TABLES */
@@ -332,75 +433,75 @@
 /* 14 bit mu-law (LSB) */
 static char alaw2dma14l[] = {
-        33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,
-        33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,
-        33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,
-        33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,     33,
-         1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-         1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,      1,
-        49,     17,     49,     17,     49,     17,     49,     17,
-        49,     17,     49,     17,     49,     17,     49,     17,
-        41,     57,      9,     25,     41,     57,      9,     25,
-        41,     57,      9,     25,     41,     57,      9,     25,
-        37,     45,     53,     61,      5,     13,     21,     29,
-        37,     45,     53,     61,      5,     13,     21,     29,
-        35,     39,     43,     47,     51,     55,     59,     63,
-         3,      7,     11,     15,     19,     23,     27,     31,
-        34,     36,     38,     40,     42,     44,     46,     48,
-        50,     52,     54,     56,     58,     60,     62,      0,
-        31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,
-        31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,
-        31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,
-        31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,     31,
-        63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,
-        63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,     63,
-        15,     47,     15,     47,     15,     47,     15,     47,
-        15,     47,     15,     47,     15,     47,     15,     47,
-        23,      7,     55,     39,     23,      7,     55,     39,
-        23,      7,     55,     39,     23,      7,     55,     39,
-        27,     19,     11,      3,     59,     51,     43,     35,
-        27,     19,     11,      3,     59,     51,     43,     35,
-        29,     25,     21,     17,     13,      9,      5,      1,
-        61,     57,     53,     49,     45,     41,     37,     33,
-        30,     28,     26,     24,     22,     20,     18,     16,
-        14,     12,     10,      8,      6,      4,      2,      0
+	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,
+	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,
+	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,
+	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,	33,
+	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,	1,
+	49,	17,	49,	17,	49,	17,	49,	17,
+	49,	17,	49,	17,	49,	17,	49,	17,
+	41,	57,	9,	25,	41,	57,	9,	25,
+	41,	57,	9,	25,	41,	57,	9,	25,
+	37,	45,	53,	61,	5,	13,	21,	29,
+	37,	45,	53,	61,	5,	13,	21,	29,
+	35,	39,	43,	47,	51,	55,	59,	63,
+	3,	7,	11,	15,	19,	23,	27,	31,
+	34,	36,	38,	40,	42,	44,	46,	48,
+	50,	52,	54,	56,	58,	60,	62,	0,
+	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,
+	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,
+	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,
+	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,	31,
+	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,
+	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,	63,
+	15,	47,	15,	47,	15,	47,	15,	47,
+	15,	47,	15,	47,	15,	47,	15,	47,
+	23,	7,	55,	39,	23,	7,	55,	39,
+	23,	7,	55,	39,	23,	7,	55,	39,
+	27,	19,	11,	3,	59,	51,	43,	35,
+	27,	19,	11,	3,	59,	51,	43,	35,
+	29,	25,	21,	17,	13,	9,	5,	1,
+	61,	57,	53,	49,	45,	41,	37,	33,
+	30,	28,	26,	24,	22,	20,	18,	16,
+	14,	12,	10,	8,	6,	4,	2,	0
 /* 14 bit A-law (LSB) */
 static char alaw2dma14l[] = {
-        32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,
-        32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,
-        16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,
-        16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-        42,     46,     34,     38,     58,     62,     50,     54,
-        10,     14,      2,      6,     26,     30,     18,     22,
-        42,     46,     34,     38,     58,     62,     50,     54,
-        10,     14,      2,      6,     26,     30,     18,     22,
-        40,     56,      8,     24,     40,     56,      8,     24,
-        40,     56,      8,     24,     40,     56,      8,     24,
-        20,     28,      4,     12,     52,     60,     36,     44,
-        20,     28,      4,     12,     52,     60,     36,     44,
-        32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,
-        32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,     32,
-        48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,
-        48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,     48,     16,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
-        22,     18,     30,     26,      6,      2,     14,     10,
-        54,     50,     62,     58,     38,     34,     46,     42,
-        22,     18,     30,     26,      6,      2,     14,     10,
-        54,     50,     62,     58,     38,     34,     46,     42,
-        24,      8,     56,     40,     24,      8,     56,     40,
-        24,      8,     56,     40,     24,      8,     56,     40,
-        44,     36,     60,     52,     12,      4,     28,     20,
-        44,     36,     60,     52,     12,      4,     28,     20
+	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,
+	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,
+	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,
+	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	42,	46,	34,	38,	58,	62,	50,	54,
+	10,	14,	2,	6,	26,	30,	18,	22,
+	42,	46,	34,	38,	58,	62,	50,	54,
+	10,	14,	2,	6,	26,	30,	18,	22,
+	40,	56,	8,	24,	40,	56,	8,	24,
+	40,	56,	8,	24,	40,	56,	8,	24,
+	20,	28,	4,	12,	52,	60,	36,	44,
+	20,	28,	4,	12,	52,	60,	36,	44,
+	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,
+	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,	32,
+	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,
+	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,	48,	16,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
+	22,	18,	30,	26,	6,	2,	14,	10,
+	54,	50,	62,	58,	38,	34,	46,	42,
+	22,	18,	30,	26,	6,	2,	14,	10,
+	54,	50,	62,	58,	38,	34,	46,	42,
+	24,	8,	56,	40,	24,	8,	56,	40,
+	24,	8,	56,	40,	24,	8,	56,	40,
+	44,	36,	60,	52,	12,	4,	28,	20,
+	44,	36,	60,	52,	12,	4,	28,	20
 #endif /* HAS_14BIT_TABLES */
@@ -456,26 +557,48 @@
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+static long pmac_ct_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ct_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ct_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ct_s16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ct_u16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ctx_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ctx_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ctx_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ctx_s16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+static long pmac_ctx_u16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 /*** Machine definitions *****************************************************/
 typedef struct {
-    int type;
-    void *(*dma_alloc)(unsigned int, int);
-    void (*dma_free)(void *, unsigned int);
-    int (*irqinit)(void);
+	int type;
+	void *(*dma_alloc)(unsigned int, int);
+	void (*dma_free)(void *, unsigned int);
+	int (*irqinit)(void);
 #ifdef MODULE
-    void (*irqcleanup)(void);
+	void (*irqcleanup)(void);
 #endif /* MODULE */
-    void (*init)(void);
-    void (*silence)(void);
-    int (*setFormat)(int);
-    int (*setVolume)(int);
-    int (*setBass)(int);
-    int (*setTreble)(int);
-    int (*setGain)(int);
-    void (*play)(void);
+	void (*init)(void);
+	void (*silence)(void);
+	int (*setFormat)(int);
+	int (*setVolume)(int);
+	int (*setBass)(int);
+	int (*setTreble)(int);
+	int (*setGain)(int);
+	void (*play)(void);
@@ -483,38 +606,38 @@
 typedef struct {
-    int format;		/* AFMT_* */
-    int stereo;		/* 0 = mono, 1 = stereo */
-    int size;		/* 8/16 bit*/
-    int speed;		/* speed */
+	int format;		/* AFMT_* */
+	int stereo;		/* 0 = mono, 1 = stereo */
+	int size;		/* 8/16 bit*/
+	int speed;		/* speed */
 typedef struct {
-    long (*ct_ulaw)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_alaw)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_s8)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_u8)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_s16be)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_u16be)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_s16le)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
-    long (*ct_u16le)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_ulaw)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_alaw)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_s8)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_u8)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_s16be)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_u16be)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_s16le)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
+	long (*ct_u16le)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long);
 struct sound_settings {
-    MACHINE mach;	/* machine dependent things */
-    SETTINGS hard;	/* hardware settings */
-    SETTINGS soft;	/* software settings */
-    SETTINGS dsp;	/* /dev/dsp default settings */
-    TRANS *trans;	/* supported translations */
-    int volume_left;	/* volume (range is machine dependent) */
-    int volume_right;
-    int bass;		/* tone (range is machine dependent) */
-    int treble;
-    int gain;
-    int minDev;		/* minor device number currently open */
-    int bal;		/* balance factor for expanding (not volume!) */
-    u_long data;	/* data for expanding */
+	MACHINE mach;		/* machine dependent things */
+	SETTINGS hard;		/* hardware settings */
+	SETTINGS soft;		/* software settings */
+	SETTINGS dsp;		/* /dev/dsp default settings */
+	TRANS *trans;		/* supported translations */
+	int volume_left;	/* volume (range is machine dependent) */
+	int volume_right;
+	int bass;		/* tone (range is machine dependent) */
+	int treble;
+	int gain;
+	int minDev;		/* minor device number currently open */
+#if defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_PMAC)
+	int bal;		/* balance factor for expanding (not volume!) */
+	u_long data;		/* data for expanding */
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
@@ -561,6 +684,26 @@
 static void ami_sq_interrupt(int irq, void *dummy, struct pt_regs *fp);
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+static void *PMacAlloc(unsigned int size, int flags);
+static void PMacFree(void *ptr, unsigned int size);
+static int PMacIrqInit(void);
+#ifdef MODULE
+static void PMacIrqCleanup(void);
+#endif /* MODULE */
+static void PMacSilence(void);
+static void PMacInit(void);
+static void PMacPlay(void);
+static int PMacSetFormat(int format);
+static int PMacSetVolume(int volume);
+static void pmac_awacs_tx_intr(int irq, void *devid, struct pt_regs *regs);
+static void pmac_awacs_intr(int irq, void *devid, struct pt_regs *regs);
+static void awacs_write(int val);
+static int awacs_get_volume(int reg, int lshift);
+static int awacs_volume_setter(int volume, int n, int mute, int lshift);
+static void awacs_mksound(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks);
+static void awacs_nosound(unsigned long xx);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 /*** Mid level stuff *********************************************************/
@@ -574,7 +717,9 @@
 static int sound_set_bass(int bass);
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
+#if defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_AMIGA)
 static int sound_set_treble(int treble);
 static long sound_copy_translate(const u_char *userPtr,
 				 unsigned long userCount,
 				 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed,
@@ -603,29 +748,30 @@
 struct sound_queue {
-    int max_count, block_size;
-    char **buffers;
-    /* it shouldn't be necessary to declare any of these volatile */
-    int front, rear, count;
-    int rear_size;
-    /*
-     *	The use of the playing field depends on the hardware
-     *
-     *	Atari: The number of frames that are loaded/playing
-     *
-     *	Amiga: Bit 0 is set: a frame is loaded
-     *	       Bit 1 is set: a frame is playing
-     */
-    int playing;
-    struct wait_queue *write_queue, *open_queue, *sync_queue;
-    int open_mode;
-    int busy, syncing;
+	int max_count, block_size;
+	char **buffers;
+	int max_active;
+	/* it shouldn't be necessary to declare any of these volatile */
+	int front, rear, count;
+	int rear_size;
+	/*
+	 *	The use of the playing field depends on the hardware
+	 *
+	 *	Atari, PMac: The number of frames that are loaded/playing
+	 *
+	 *	Amiga: Bit 0 is set: a frame is loaded
+	 *	       Bit 1 is set: a frame is playing
+	 */
+	int playing;
+	struct wait_queue *write_queue, *open_queue, *sync_queue;
+	int open_mode;
+	int busy, syncing;
-    int ignore_int;		/* ++TeSche: used for Falcon */
+	int ignore_int;		/* ++TeSche: used for Falcon */
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-    int block_size_half, block_size_quarter;
+	int block_size_half, block_size_quarter;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
@@ -648,6 +794,7 @@
 static void sq_reset(void);
 static int sq_sync(void);
 static int sq_release(void);
+static void init_settings(void);
@@ -655,9 +802,9 @@
 struct sound_state {
-    int busy;
-    char buf[512];
-    int len, ptr;
+	int busy;
+	char buf[512];
+	int len, ptr;
 static struct sound_state state;
@@ -681,10 +828,10 @@
 			   loff_t *ppos);
 static inline int ioctl_return(int *addr, int value)
-    if (value < 0)
-	return(value);
+	if (value < 0)
+		return(value);
-    return put_user(value, addr);
+	return put_user(value, addr)? -EFAULT: 0;
 static int unknown_minor_dev(char *fname, int dev);
 static int sound_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, u_int cmd,
@@ -730,554 +877,581 @@
 static long ata_ct_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
-    long count, used;
-    u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-    count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
-    if (sound.soft.stereo)
-	count &= ~1;
-    used = count;
-    while (count > 0) {
-	u_char data;
-	get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	*p++ = table[data];
-	count--;
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
+	long count, used;
+	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+	count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+	if (sound.soft.stereo)
+		count &= ~1;
+	used = count;
+	while (count > 0) {
+		u_char data;
+		if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		*p++ = table[data];
+		count--;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		      u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    void *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+	long count, used;
+	void *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-    count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
-    if (sound.soft.stereo)
-	count &= ~1;
-    used = count;
-    copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count);
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+	if (sound.soft.stereo)
+		count &= ~1;
+	used = count;
+	if (copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		      u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
+	long count, used;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
-	used = count;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_char data;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *p++ = data ^ 0x80;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_short data;
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    *p++ = data ^ 0x8080;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+		used = count;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_char data;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = data ^ 0x80;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_short data;
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = data ^ 0x8080;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_s16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    count--;
-	}
-	*frameUsed += used*2;
-    } else {
-	void *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~3;
-	used = count;
-	copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count);
-	*frameUsed += used;
-    }
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used*2;
+	} else {
+		void *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~3;
+		used = count;
+		if (copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		*frameUsed += used;
+	}
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_u16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data ^= 0x8000;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    count--;
-	}
-	*frameUsed += used*2;
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
-	used = count*4;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-	    *p++ = data ^ 0x80008000;
-	    count--;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= 0x8000;
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used*2;
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = data ^ 0x80008000;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used;
-	*frameUsed += used;
-    }
-    return(used);
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_s16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    count = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data);
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    count--;
-	}
-	*frameUsed += used*2;
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
-	used = count*4;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16dbl(data);
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    count--;
+	count = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data);
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used*2;
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16dbl(data);
+			*p++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used;
-	*frameUsed += used;
-    }
-    return(used);
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ct_u16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    count = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	}
-	*frameUsed += used*2;
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
-	used = count;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16dbl(data) ^ 0x80008000;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    count--;
+	count = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used*2;
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2;
+		used = count;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16dbl(data) ^ 0x80008000;
+			*p++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+		*frameUsed += used;
-	*frameUsed += used;
-    }
-    return(used);
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft) {
-	    u_char c;
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (!userCount)
-		    break;
-		get_user(c, userPtr++);
-		data = table[c];
-		userCount--;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft--;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 2) {
-	    u_char c;
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(c, userPtr++);
-		data = table[c] << 8;
-		get_user(c, userPtr++);
-		data |= table[c];
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 2;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft) {
+			u_char c;
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (!userCount)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = table[c];
+				userCount--;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft--;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 2) {
+			u_char c;
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = table[c] << 8;
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data |= table[c];
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 2;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (!userCount)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, userPtr++);
-		userCount--;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft--;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 2) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 2;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (!userCount)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				userCount--;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft--;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 2) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 2;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (!userCount)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, userPtr++);
-		data ^= 0x80;
-		userCount--;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft--;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 2) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		data ^= 0x8080;
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 2;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (!userCount)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data ^= 0x80;
+				userCount--;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft--;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 2) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data ^= 0x8080;
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 2;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_s16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			  u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 4)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-		userCount -= 4;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 4)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				userCount -= 4;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_u16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			  u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		data ^= 0x8000;
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 4)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-		data ^= 0x80008000;
-		userCount -= 4;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data ^= 0x8000;
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 4)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data ^= 0x80008000;
+				userCount -= 4;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_s16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			  u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		data = le2be16(data);
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 4)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-		data = le2be16dbl(data);
-		userCount -= 4;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = le2be16(data);
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 4)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = le2be16dbl(data);
+				userCount -= 4;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 static long ata_ctx_u16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			  u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    /* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
-    u_long data =;
-    long bal = sound.bal;
-    long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
-    long used, usedf;
-    used = userCount;
-    usedf = frameLeft;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 2)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-		data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
-		userCount -= 2;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
-	while (frameLeft >= 4) {
-	    if (bal < 0) {
-		if (userCount < 4)
-		    break;
-		get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++);
-		data = le2be16dbl(data) ^ 0x80008000;
-		userCount -= 4;
-		bal += hSpeed;
-	    }
-	    *p++ = data;
-	    frameLeft -= 4;
-	    bal -= sSpeed;
-	}
-    }
-    sound.bal = bal;
- = data;
-    used -= userCount;
-    *frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
-    return(used);
+	/* this should help gcc to stuff everything into registers */
+	u_long data =;
+	long bal = sound.bal;
+	long hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	long used, usedf;
+	used = userCount;
+	usedf = frameLeft;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_short *p = (u_short *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 2)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
+				userCount -= 2;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_long *p = (u_long *)&frame[*frameUsed];
+		while (frameLeft >= 4) {
+			if (bal < 0) {
+				if (userCount < 4)
+					break;
+				if (get_user(data, ((u_int *)userPtr)++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = le2be16dbl(data) ^ 0x80008000;
+				userCount -= 4;
+				bal += hSpeed;
+			}
+			*p++ = data;
+			frameLeft -= 4;
+			bal -= sSpeed;
+		}
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	used -= userCount;
+	*frameUsed += usedf-frameLeft;
+	return(used);
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
@@ -1286,291 +1460,698 @@
 static long ami_ct_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
-    long count, used;
+	char *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma8 : alaw2dma8;
+	long count, used;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
-	used = count;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_char data;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *p++ = table[data];
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_char data;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *left++ = table[data];
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *right++ = table[data];
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
+		used = count;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_char data;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = table[data];
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_char data;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*left++ = table[data];
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*right++ = table[data];
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		      u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
+	long count, used;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	void *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
-	used = count;
-	copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count);
-    } else {
-	u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(*left++, userPtr++);
-	    get_user(*right++, userPtr++);
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		void *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
+		used = count;
+		if (copy_from_user(p, userPtr, count))
+			return -EFAULT;
+	} else {
+		u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(*left++, userPtr++)
+			    || get_user(*right++, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 		      u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
+	long count, used;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
-	used = count;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_char data;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *p++ = data ^ 0x80;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    u_char data;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *left++ = data ^ 0x80;
-	    get_user(data, userPtr++);
-	    *right++ = data ^ 0x80;
-	    count--;
-        }
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		char *p = &frame[*frameUsed];
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft) & ~1;
+		used = count;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_char data;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*p++ = data ^ 0x80;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *left = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *right = left+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			u_char data;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*left++ = data ^ 0x80;
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*right++ = data ^ 0x80;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_s16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    *high++ = data>>8;
-	    *low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
-	u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
-	u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
-	used = count*4;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    *lefth++ = data>>8;
-	    *leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    *righth++ = data>>8;
-	    *rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-       }
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*high++ = data>>8;
+			*low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
+		u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
+		u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*lefth++ = data>>8;
+			*leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*righth++ = data>>8;
+			*rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_u16be(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data ^= 0x8000;
-	    *high++ = data>>8;
-	    *low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
-	u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
-	u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
-	used = count*4;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data ^= 0x8000;
-	    *lefth++ = data>>8;
-	    *leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data ^= 0x8000;
-	    *righth++ = data>>8;
-	    *rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= 0x8000;
+			*high++ = data>>8;
+			*low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
+		u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
+		u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= 0x8000;
+			*lefth++ = data>>8;
+			*leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= 0x8000;
+			*righth++ = data>>8;
+			*rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_s16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data);
-	    *high++ = data>>8;
-	    *low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
-	u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
-	u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
-	used = count*4;
-	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data);
-	    *lefth++ = data>>8;
-	    *leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data);
-	    *righth++ = data>>8;
-	    *rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data);
+			*high++ = data>>8;
+			*low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
+		u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
+		u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data);
+			*lefth++ = data>>8;
+			*leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data);
+			*righth++ = data>>8;
+			*rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
 static long ami_ct_u16le(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
 			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
-    long count, used;
-    u_long data;
+	long count, used;
+	u_long data;
+	if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
+		u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
+		u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
+		used = count*2;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
+			*high++ = data>>8;
+			*low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
+		u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
+		u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
+		count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
+		used = count*4;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
+			*lefth++ = data>>8;
+			*leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			if (get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
+			*righth++ = data>>8;
+			*rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
+			count--;
+		}
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used;
+	return(used);
+#endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+static long pmac_ct_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	short *table = sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma16: alaw2dma16;
+	long count, used;
+	short *p = (short *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	int val, stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	used = count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+	while (count > 0) {
+		u_char data;
+		if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		val = table[data];
+		*p++ = val;
+		if (stereo) {
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			val = table[data];
+		}
+		*p++ = val;
+		count--;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used * 4;
+	return stereo? used * 2: used;
+static long pmac_ct_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	long count, used;
+	short *p = (short *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	int val, stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	used = count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+	while (count > 0) {
+		u_char data;
+		if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		val = data << 8;
+		*p++ = val;
+		if (stereo) {
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			val = data << 8;
+		}
+		*p++ = val;
+		count--;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used * 4;
+	return stereo? used * 2: used;
-    if (!sound.soft.stereo) {
-	u_char *high = &frame[*frameUsed>>1];
-	u_char *low = high+sq.block_size_half;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>1 & ~1;
-	used = count*2;
+static long pmac_ct_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+		       u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	long count, used;
+	short *p = (short *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	int val, stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	used = count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
 	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
-	    *high++ = data>>8;
-	    *low++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    } else {
-	u_char *lefth = &frame[*frameUsed>>2];
-	u_char *leftl = lefth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	u_char *righth = lefth+sq.block_size_half;
-	u_char *rightl = righth+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	count = min(userCount, frameLeft)>>2 & ~1;
-	used = count*4;
+		u_char data;
+		if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		val = (data ^ 0x80) << 8;
+		*p++ = val;
+		if (stereo) {
+			if (get_user(data, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			val = (data ^ 0x80) << 8;
+		}
+		*p++ = val;
+		count--;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used * 4;
+	return stereo? used * 2: used;
+static long pmac_ct_s16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	long count, used;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	short *fp = (short *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	userCount >>= (stereo? 2: 1);
+	used = count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
+	if (!stereo) {
+		short *up = (short *) userPtr;
+		while (count > 0) {
+			short data;
+			if (get_user(data, up++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			*fp++ = data;
+			*fp++ = data;
+			count--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (copy_from_user(fp, userPtr, count * 4))
+			return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used * 4;
+	return stereo? used * 4: used * 2;
+static long pmac_ct_u16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	long count, used;
+	int mask = (sound.soft.format == AFMT_U16_LE? 0x0080: 0x8000);
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	short *fp = (short *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	short *up = (short *) userPtr;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	userCount >>= (stereo? 2: 1);
+	used = count = min(userCount, frameLeft);
 	while (count > 0) {
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
-	    *lefth++ = data>>8;
-	    *leftl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    get_user(data, ((u_short *)userPtr)++);
-	    data = le2be16(data) ^ 0x8000;
-	    *righth++ = data>>8;
-	    *rightl++ = (data>>2) & 0x3f;
-	    count--;
-	}
-    }
-    *frameUsed += used;
-    return(used);
+		int data;
+		if (get_user(data, up++))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		data ^= mask;
+		*fp++ = data;
+		if (stereo) {
+			if (get_user(data, up++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= mask;
+		}
+		*fp++ = data;
+		count--;
+	}
+	*frameUsed += used * 4;
+	return stereo? used * 4: used * 2;
+static long pmac_ctx_law(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	unsigned short *table = (unsigned short *)
+		(sound.soft.format == AFMT_MU_LAW ? ulaw2dma16: alaw2dma16);
+	unsigned int data =;
+	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	int bal = sound.bal;
+	int hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	int utotal, ftotal;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	ftotal = frameLeft;
+	utotal = userCount;
+	while (frameLeft) {
+		u_char c;
+		if (bal < 0) {
+			if (userCount == 0)
+				break;
+			if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = table[c];
+			if (stereo) {
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = (data << 16) + table[c];
+			} else
+				data = (data << 16) + data;
+			userCount--;
+			bal += hSpeed;
+		}
+		*p++ = data;
+		frameLeft--;
+		bal -= sSpeed;
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	*frameUsed += (ftotal - frameLeft) * 4;
+	utotal -= userCount;
+	return stereo? utotal * 2: utotal;
+static long pmac_ctx_s8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	unsigned int data =;
+	int bal = sound.bal;
+	int hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	int utotal, ftotal;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	ftotal = frameLeft;
+	utotal = userCount;
+	while (frameLeft) {
+		u_char c;
+		if (bal < 0) {
+			if (userCount == 0)
+				break;
+			if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = c << 8;
+			if (stereo) {
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = (data << 16) + (c << 8);
+			} else
+				data = (data << 16) + data;
+			userCount--;
+			bal += hSpeed;
+		}
+		*p++ = data;
+		frameLeft--;
+		bal -= sSpeed;
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	*frameUsed += (ftotal - frameLeft) * 4;
+	utotal -= userCount;
+	return stereo? utotal * 2: utotal;
+static long pmac_ctx_u8(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	unsigned int data =;
+	int bal = sound.bal;
+	int hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	int utotal, ftotal;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	ftotal = frameLeft;
+	utotal = userCount;
+	while (frameLeft) {
+		u_char c;
+		if (bal < 0) {
+			if (userCount == 0)
+				break;
+			if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data = (c ^ 0x80) << 8;
+			if (stereo) {
+				if (get_user(c, userPtr++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = (data << 16) + ((c ^ 0x80) << 8);
+			} else
+				data = (data << 16) + data;
+			userCount--;
+			bal += hSpeed;
+		}
+		*p++ = data;
+		frameLeft--;
+		bal -= sSpeed;
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	*frameUsed += (ftotal - frameLeft) * 4;
+	utotal -= userCount;
+	return stereo? utotal * 2: utotal;
+static long pmac_ctx_s16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	unsigned int data =;
+	unsigned short *up = (unsigned short *) userPtr;
+	int bal = sound.bal;
+	int hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	int utotal, ftotal;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	ftotal = frameLeft;
+	utotal = userCount;
+	while (frameLeft) {
+		unsigned short c;
+		if (bal < 0) {
+			if (userCount == 0)
+				break;
+			if (get_user(data, up++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			if (stereo) {
+				if (get_user(c, up++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = (data << 16) + c;
+			} else
+				data = (data << 16) + data;
+			userCount--;
+			bal += hSpeed;
+		}
+		*p++ = data;
+		frameLeft--;
+		bal -= sSpeed;
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	*frameUsed += (ftotal - frameLeft) * 4;
+	utotal -= userCount;
+	return stereo? utotal * 4: utotal * 2;
+static long pmac_ctx_u16(const u_char *userPtr, unsigned long userCount,
+			 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed, long frameLeft)
+	int mask = (sound.soft.format == AFMT_U16_LE? 0x0080: 0x8000);
+	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) &frame[*frameUsed];
+	unsigned int data =;
+	unsigned short *up = (unsigned short *) userPtr;
+	int bal = sound.bal;
+	int hSpeed = sound.hard.speed, sSpeed = sound.soft.speed;
+	int stereo = sound.soft.stereo;
+	int utotal, ftotal;
+	frameLeft >>= 2;
+	if (stereo)
+		userCount >>= 1;
+	ftotal = frameLeft;
+	utotal = userCount;
+	while (frameLeft) {
+		unsigned short c;
+		if (bal < 0) {
+			if (userCount == 0)
+				break;
+			if (get_user(data, up++))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			data ^= mask;
+			if (stereo) {
+				if (get_user(c, up++))
+					return -EFAULT;
+				data = (data << 16) + (c ^ mask);
+			} else
+				data = (data << 16) + data;
+			userCount--;
+			bal += hSpeed;
+		}
+		*p++ = data;
+		frameLeft--;
+		bal -= sSpeed;
+	}
+	sound.bal = bal;
+ = data;
+	*frameUsed += (ftotal - frameLeft) * 4;
+	utotal -= userCount;
+	return stereo? utotal * 4: utotal * 2;
-#endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 static TRANS transTTNormal = {
-    ata_ct_law, ata_ct_law, ata_ct_s8, ata_ct_u8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
+	ata_ct_law, ata_ct_law, ata_ct_s8, ata_ct_u8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
 static TRANS transTTExpanding = {
-    ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_s8, ata_ctx_u8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
+	ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_s8, ata_ctx_u8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
 static TRANS transFalconNormal = {
-    ata_ct_law, ata_ct_law, ata_ct_s8, ata_ct_u8, ata_ct_s16be, ata_ct_u16be,
-    ata_ct_s16le, ata_ct_u16le
+	ata_ct_law, ata_ct_law, ata_ct_s8, ata_ct_u8,
+	ata_ct_s16be, ata_ct_u16be, ata_ct_s16le, ata_ct_u16le
 static TRANS transFalconExpanding = {
-    ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_s8, ata_ctx_u8, ata_ctx_s16be,
-    ata_ctx_u16be, ata_ctx_s16le, ata_ctx_u16le
+	ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_law, ata_ctx_s8, ata_ctx_u8,
+	ata_ctx_s16be, ata_ctx_u16be, ata_ctx_s16le, ata_ctx_u16le
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
 static TRANS transAmiga = {
-    ami_ct_law, ami_ct_law, ami_ct_s8, ami_ct_u8, ami_ct_s16be, ami_ct_u16be,
-    ami_ct_s16le, ami_ct_u16le
+	ami_ct_law, ami_ct_law, ami_ct_s8, ami_ct_u8,
+	ami_ct_s16be, ami_ct_u16be, ami_ct_s16le, ami_ct_u16le
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+static TRANS transAwacsNormal = {
+	pmac_ct_law, pmac_ct_law, pmac_ct_s8, pmac_ct_u8,
+	pmac_ct_s16, pmac_ct_u16, pmac_ct_s16, pmac_ct_u16
+static TRANS transAwacsExpand = {
+	pmac_ctx_law, pmac_ctx_law, pmac_ctx_s8, pmac_ctx_u8,
+	pmac_ctx_s16, pmac_ctx_u16, pmac_ctx_s16, pmac_ctx_u16
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 /*** Low level stuff *********************************************************/
@@ -1583,40 +2164,40 @@
 static void *AtaAlloc(unsigned int size, int flags)
-    return( atari_stram_alloc( size, NULL, "dmasound" ));
+	return( atari_stram_alloc( size, NULL, "dmasound" ));
 static void AtaFree(void *obj, unsigned int size)
-    atari_stram_free( obj );
+	atari_stram_free( obj );
 static int AtaIrqInit(void)
-    /* Set up timer A. Timer A
-    will receive a signal upon end of playing from the sound
-    hardware. Furthermore Timer A is able to count events
-    and will cause an interrupt after a programmed number
-    of events. So all we need to keep the music playing is
-    to provide the sound hardware with new data upon
-    an interrupt from timer A. */
-    mfp.tim_ct_a = 0;		/* ++roman: Stop timer before programming! */
-    mfp.tim_dt_a = 1;		/* Cause interrupt after first event. */
-    mfp.tim_ct_a = 8;		/* Turn on event counting. */
-    /* Register interrupt handler. */
-    request_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA, ata_sq_interrupt, IRQ_TYPE_SLOW,
-                "DMA sound", ata_sq_interrupt);
-    mfp.int_en_a |= 0x20;	/* Turn interrupt on. */
-    mfp.int_mk_a |= 0x20;
-    return(1);
+	/* Set up timer A. Timer A
+	   will receive a signal upon end of playing from the sound
+	   hardware. Furthermore Timer A is able to count events
+	   and will cause an interrupt after a programmed number
+	   of events. So all we need to keep the music playing is
+	   to provide the sound hardware with new data upon
+	   an interrupt from timer A. */
+	mfp.tim_ct_a = 0;	/* ++roman: Stop timer before programming! */
+	mfp.tim_dt_a = 1;	/* Cause interrupt after first event. */
+	mfp.tim_ct_a = 8;	/* Turn on event counting. */
+	/* Register interrupt handler. */
+	request_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA, ata_sq_interrupt, IRQ_TYPE_SLOW,
+		    "DMA sound", ata_sq_interrupt);
+	mfp.int_en_a |= 0x20;	/* Turn interrupt on. */
+	mfp.int_mk_a |= 0x20;
+	return(1);
 #ifdef MODULE
 static void AtaIrqCleanUp(void)
-    mfp.tim_ct_a = 0;		/* stop timer */
-    mfp.int_en_a &= ~0x20;	/* turn interrupt off */
-    free_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA, ata_sq_interrupt);
+	mfp.tim_ct_a = 0;	/* stop timer */
+	mfp.int_en_a &= ~0x20;	/* turn interrupt off */
+	free_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA, ata_sq_interrupt);
 #endif /* MODULE */
@@ -1628,17 +2209,17 @@
 static int AtaSetBass(int bass)
-    sound.bass = TONE_VOXWARE_TO_DB(bass);
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BASS(sound.bass));
-    return(TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.bass));
+	sound.bass = TONE_VOXWARE_TO_DB(bass);
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BASS(sound.bass));
+	return(TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.bass));
 static int AtaSetTreble(int treble)
-    sound.treble = TONE_VOXWARE_TO_DB(treble);
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_TREBLE(sound.treble));
-    return(TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.treble));
+	sound.treble = TONE_VOXWARE_TO_DB(treble);
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_TREBLE(sound.treble));
+	return(TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.treble));
@@ -1650,86 +2231,86 @@
 static void TTSilence(void)
-    tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_PSG_HIGH); /* mix in PSG signal 1:1 */
+	tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_PSG_HIGH); /* mix in PSG signal 1:1 */
 static void TTInit(void)
-    int mode, i, idx;
-    const int freq[4] = {50066, 25033, 12517, 6258};
+	int mode, i, idx;
+	const int freq[4] = {50066, 25033, 12517, 6258};
-    /* search a frequency that fits into the allowed error range */
+	/* search a frequency that fits into the allowed error range */
-    idx = -1;
-    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(freq); i++)
-	/* this isn't as much useful for a TT than for a Falcon, but
-	 * then it doesn't hurt very much to implement it for a TT too.
-	 */
-	if ((100 * abs(sound.soft.speed - freq[i]) / freq[i]) < catchRadius)
-	    idx = i;
-    if (idx > -1) {
-	sound.soft.speed = freq[idx];
-	sound.trans = &transTTNormal;
-    } else
-	sound.trans = &transTTExpanding;
-    TTSilence();
-    sound.hard = sound.soft;
-    if (sound.hard.speed > 50066) {
-	/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
-	sound.hard.speed = 50066;
-	mode = DMASND_MODE_50KHZ;
-	sound.trans = &transTTNormal;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 25033) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 50066;
-	mode = DMASND_MODE_50KHZ;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 12517) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 25033;
-	mode = DMASND_MODE_25KHZ;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 6258) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 12517;
-	mode = DMASND_MODE_12KHZ;
-    } else {
-	sound.hard.speed = 6258;
-	mode = DMASND_MODE_6KHZ;
-    }
-    tt_dmasnd.mode = (sound.hard.stereo ?
-		     DMASND_MODE_8BIT | mode;
+	idx = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < arraysize(freq); i++)
+		/* this isn't as much useful for a TT than for a Falcon, but
+		 * then it doesn't hurt very much to implement it for a TT too.
+		 */
+		if ((100 * abs(sound.soft.speed - freq[i]) / freq[i]) < catchRadius)
+			idx = i;
+	if (idx > -1) {
+		sound.soft.speed = freq[idx];
+		sound.trans = &transTTNormal;
+	} else
+		sound.trans = &transTTExpanding;
+	TTSilence();
+	sound.hard = sound.soft;
+	if (sound.hard.speed > 50066) {
+		/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
+		sound.hard.speed = 50066;
+		mode = DMASND_MODE_50KHZ;
+		sound.trans = &transTTNormal;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 25033) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 50066;
+		mode = DMASND_MODE_50KHZ;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 12517) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 25033;
+		mode = DMASND_MODE_25KHZ;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 6258) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 12517;
+		mode = DMASND_MODE_12KHZ;
+	} else {
+		sound.hard.speed = 6258;
+		mode = DMASND_MODE_6KHZ;
+	}
+	tt_dmasnd.mode = (sound.hard.stereo ?
+		DMASND_MODE_8BIT | mode;
-    sound.bal = -sound.soft.speed;
+	sound.bal = -sound.soft.speed;
 static int TTSetFormat(int format)
-    /* TT sound DMA supports only 8bit modes */
+	/* TT sound DMA supports only 8bit modes */
-    switch (format) {
+	switch (format) {
 	case AFMT_QUERY:
-	    return(sound.soft.format);
+		return(sound.soft.format);
 	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
 	case AFMT_A_LAW:
 	case AFMT_S8:
 	case AFMT_U8:
-	    break;
+		break;
-	    format = AFMT_S8;
-    }
+		format = AFMT_S8;
+	}
-    sound.soft.format = format;
-    sound.soft.size = 8;
-    if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
-	sound.dsp.format = format;
-	sound.dsp.size = 8;
-    }
-    TTInit();
+	sound.soft.format = format;
+	sound.soft.size = 8;
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
+		sound.dsp.format = format;
+		sound.dsp.size = 8;
+	}
+	TTInit();
-    return(format);
+	return(format);
@@ -1740,12 +2321,12 @@
 static int TTSetVolume(int volume)
-    sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_DB(volume & 0xff);
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALLEFT(sound.volume_left));
-    sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_DB((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALRIGHT(sound.volume_right));
-    return(VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-	   (VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
+	sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_DB(volume & 0xff);
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALLEFT(sound.volume_left));
+	sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_DB((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALRIGHT(sound.volume_right));
+	return(VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+	       (VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
@@ -1755,9 +2336,9 @@
 static int TTSetGain(int gain)
-    sound.gain = GAIN_VOXWARE_TO_DB(gain);
-    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_VOLUME(sound.gain));
-    return GAIN_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.gain);
+	sound.gain = GAIN_VOXWARE_TO_DB(gain);
+	atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_VOLUME(sound.gain));
+	return GAIN_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.gain);
@@ -1769,133 +2350,133 @@
 static void FalconSilence(void)
-    /* stop playback, set sample rate 50kHz for PSG sound */
-    tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
-    tt_dmasnd.int_div = 0; /* STE compatible divider */
-    tt_dmasnd.int_ctrl = 0x0;
-    tt_dmasnd.cbar_src = 0x0000; /* no matrix inputs */
-    tt_dmasnd.cbar_dst = 0x0000; /* no matrix outputs */
-    tt_dmasnd.dac_src = 1; /* connect ADC to DAC, disconnect matrix */
-    tt_dmasnd.adc_src = 3; /* ADC Input = PSG */
+	/* stop playback, set sample rate 50kHz for PSG sound */
+	tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
+	tt_dmasnd.int_div = 0; /* STE compatible divider */
+	tt_dmasnd.int_ctrl = 0x0;
+	tt_dmasnd.cbar_src = 0x0000; /* no matrix inputs */
+	tt_dmasnd.cbar_dst = 0x0000; /* no matrix outputs */
+	tt_dmasnd.dac_src = 1; /* connect ADC to DAC, disconnect matrix */
+	tt_dmasnd.adc_src = 3; /* ADC Input = PSG */
 static void FalconInit(void)
-    int divider, i, idx;
-    const int freq[8] = {49170, 32780, 24585, 19668, 16390, 12292, 9834, 8195};
+	int divider, i, idx;
+	const int freq[8] = {49170, 32780, 24585, 19668, 16390, 12292, 9834, 8195};
-    /* search a frequency that fits into the allowed error range */
+	/* search a frequency that fits into the allowed error range */
-    idx = -1;
-    for (i = 0; i < arraysize(freq); i++)
-	/* if we will tolerate 3% error 8000Hz->8195Hz (2.38%) would
-	 * be playable without expanding, but that now a kernel runtime
-	 * option
-	 */
-	if ((100 * abs(sound.soft.speed - freq[i]) / freq[i]) < catchRadius)
-	    idx = i;
-    if (idx > -1) {
-	sound.soft.speed = freq[idx];
-	sound.trans = &transFalconNormal;
-    } else
-	sound.trans = &transFalconExpanding;
-    FalconSilence();
-    sound.hard = sound.soft;
+	idx = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < arraysize(freq); i++)
+		/* if we will tolerate 3% error 8000Hz->8195Hz (2.38%) would
+		 * be playable without expanding, but that now a kernel runtime
+		 * option
+		 */
+		if ((100 * abs(sound.soft.speed - freq[i]) / freq[i]) < catchRadius)
+			idx = i;
+	if (idx > -1) {
+		sound.soft.speed = freq[idx];
+		sound.trans = &transFalconNormal;
+	} else
+		sound.trans = &transFalconExpanding;
-    if (sound.hard.size == 16) {
-	/* the Falcon can play 16bit samples only in stereo */
-	sound.hard.stereo = 1;
-    }
+	FalconSilence();
+	sound.hard = sound.soft;
-    if (sound.hard.speed > 49170) {
-	/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
-	sound.hard.speed = 49170;
-	divider = 1;
-	sound.trans = &transFalconNormal;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 32780) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 49170;
-	divider = 1;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 24585) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 32780;
-	divider = 2;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 19668) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 24585;
-	divider = 3;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 16390) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 19668;
-	divider = 4;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 12292) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 16390;
-	divider = 5;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 9834) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 12292;
-	divider = 7;
-    } else if (sound.hard.speed > 8195) {
-	sound.hard.speed = 9834;
-	divider = 9;
-    } else {
-	sound.hard.speed = 8195;
-	divider = 11;
-    }
-    tt_dmasnd.int_div = divider;
-    /* Setup Falcon sound DMA for playback */
-    tt_dmasnd.int_ctrl = 0x4; /* Timer A int at play end */
-    tt_dmasnd.track_select = 0x0; /* play 1 track, track 1 */
-    tt_dmasnd.cbar_src = 0x0001; /* DMA(25MHz) --> DAC */
-    tt_dmasnd.cbar_dst = 0x0000;
-    tt_dmasnd.rec_track_select = 0;
-    tt_dmasnd.dac_src = 2; /* connect matrix to DAC */
-    tt_dmasnd.adc_src = 0; /* ADC Input = Mic */
-    tt_dmasnd.mode = (sound.hard.stereo ?
-		     ((sound.hard.size == 8) ?
+	if (sound.hard.size == 16) {
+		/* the Falcon can play 16bit samples only in stereo */
+		sound.hard.stereo = 1;
+	}
+	if (sound.hard.speed > 49170) {
+		/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
+		sound.hard.speed = 49170;
+		divider = 1;
+		sound.trans = &transFalconNormal;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 32780) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 49170;
+		divider = 1;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 24585) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 32780;
+		divider = 2;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 19668) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 24585;
+		divider = 3;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 16390) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 19668;
+		divider = 4;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 12292) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 16390;
+		divider = 5;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 9834) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 12292;
+		divider = 7;
+	} else if (sound.hard.speed > 8195) {
+		sound.hard.speed = 9834;
+		divider = 9;
+	} else {
+		sound.hard.speed = 8195;
+		divider = 11;
+	}
+	tt_dmasnd.int_div = divider;
+	/* Setup Falcon sound DMA for playback */
+	tt_dmasnd.int_ctrl = 0x4; /* Timer A int at play end */
+	tt_dmasnd.track_select = 0x0; /* play 1 track, track 1 */
+	tt_dmasnd.cbar_src = 0x0001; /* DMA(25MHz) --> DAC */
+	tt_dmasnd.cbar_dst = 0x0000;
+	tt_dmasnd.rec_track_select = 0;
+	tt_dmasnd.dac_src = 2; /* connect matrix to DAC */
+	tt_dmasnd.adc_src = 0; /* ADC Input = Mic */
+	tt_dmasnd.mode = (sound.hard.stereo ?
+		((sound.hard.size == 8) ?
-    sound.bal = -sound.soft.speed;
+	sound.bal = -sound.soft.speed;
 static int FalconSetFormat(int format)
-    int size;
-    /* Falcon sound DMA supports 8bit and 16bit modes */
+	int size;
+	/* Falcon sound DMA supports 8bit and 16bit modes */
-    switch (format) {
+	switch (format) {
 	case AFMT_QUERY:
-	    return(sound.soft.format);
+		return(sound.soft.format);
 	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
 	case AFMT_A_LAW:
 	case AFMT_U8:
 	case AFMT_S8:
-	    size = 8;
-	    break;
+		size = 8;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_BE:
 	case AFMT_U16_BE:
 	case AFMT_S16_LE:
 	case AFMT_U16_LE:
-	    size = 16;
-	    break;
+		size = 16;
+		break;
 	default: /* :-) */
-	    size = 8;
-	    format = AFMT_S8;
-    }
-    sound.soft.format = format;
-    sound.soft.size = size;
-    if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
-	sound.dsp.format = format;
-	sound.dsp.size = sound.soft.size;
-    }
+		size = 8;
+		format = AFMT_S8;
+	}
+	sound.soft.format = format;
+	sound.soft.size = size;
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
+		sound.dsp.format = format;
+		sound.dsp.size = sound.soft.size;
+	}
-    FalconInit();
+	FalconInit();
-    return(format);
+	return(format);
@@ -1909,164 +2490,164 @@
 static int FalconSetVolume(int volume)
-    sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_ATT(volume & 0xff);
-    sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_ATT((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
-    tt_dmasnd.output_atten = sound.volume_left << 8 | sound.volume_right << 4;
-    return(VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-	   VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8);
+	sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_ATT(volume & 0xff);
+	sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_ATT((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
+	tt_dmasnd.output_atten = sound.volume_left << 8 | sound.volume_right << 4;
+	return(VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+	       VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8);
 static void ata_sq_play_next_frame(int index)
-    char *start, *end;
+	char *start, *end;
-    /* used by AtaPlay() if all doubts whether there really is something
-     * to be played are already wiped out.
-     */
-    start = sq_block_address(sq.front);
-    end = start+((sq.count == index) ? sq.rear_size : sq.block_size);
-    /* end might not be a legal virtual address. */
-    DMASNDSetEnd(VTOP(end - 1) + 1);
-    DMASNDSetBase(VTOP(start));
+	/* used by AtaPlay() if all doubts whether there really is something
+	 * to be played are already wiped out.
+	 */
+	start = sq_block_address(sq.front);
+	end = start+((sq.count == index) ? sq.rear_size : sq.block_size);
+	/* end might not be a legal virtual address. */
+	DMASNDSetEnd(VTOP(end - 1) + 1);
+	DMASNDSetBase(VTOP(start));
 	/* Since only an even number of samples per frame can
-	be played, we might lose one byte here. (TO DO) */
-    sq.front = (sq.front+1) % sq.max_count;
-    sq.playing++;
-    tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_ON | DMASND_CTRL_REPEAT;
+	   be played, we might lose one byte here. (TO DO) */
+	sq.front = (sq.front+1) % sq.max_count;
+	sq.playing++;
 static void AtaPlay(void)
-    /* ++TeSche: Note that sq.playing is no longer just a flag but holds
-     * the number of frames the DMA is currently programmed for instead,
-     * may be 0, 1 (currently being played) or 2 (pre-programmed).
-     *
-     * Changes done to sq.count and sq.playing are a bit more subtle again
-     * so now I must admit I also prefer disabling the irq here rather
-     * than considering all possible situations. But the point is that
-     * disabling the irq doesn't have any bad influence on this version of
-     * the driver as we benefit from having pre-programmed the DMA
-     * wherever possible: There's no need to reload the DMA at the exact
-     * time of an interrupt but only at some time while the pre-programmed
-     * frame is playing!
-     */
-    atari_disable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+	/* ++TeSche: Note that sq.playing is no longer just a flag but holds
+	 * the number of frames the DMA is currently programmed for instead,
+	 * may be 0, 1 (currently being played) or 2 (pre-programmed).
+	 *
+	 * Changes done to sq.count and sq.playing are a bit more subtle again
+	 * so now I must admit I also prefer disabling the irq here rather
+	 * than considering all possible situations. But the point is that
+	 * disabling the irq doesn't have any bad influence on this version of
+	 * the driver as we benefit from having pre-programmed the DMA
+	 * wherever possible: There's no need to reload the DMA at the exact
+	 * time of an interrupt but only at some time while the pre-programmed
+	 * frame is playing!
+	 */
+	atari_disable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-    if (sq.playing == 2 ||	/* DMA is 'full' */
-	sq.count <= 0) {	/* nothing to do */
-	atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-	return;
-    }
+	if (sq.playing == 2 ||	/* DMA is 'full' */
+	    sq.count <= 0) {	/* nothing to do */
+		atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+		return;
+	}
-    if (sq.playing == 0) {
-	/* looks like there's nothing 'in' the DMA yet, so try
-	 * to put two frames into it (at least one is available).
-	 */
-	if (sq.count == 1 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
-	    /* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
-	     * yet filled and we're not syncing?
-	     */
-	    atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-	    return;
-	}
-	ata_sq_play_next_frame(1);
-	if (sq.count == 1) {
-	    /* no more frames */
-	    atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-	    return;
-	}
-	if (sq.count == 2 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
-	    /* hmmm, there were two frames, but the second
-	     * one is not yet filled and we're not syncing?
-	     */
-	    atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-	    return;
-	}
-	ata_sq_play_next_frame(2);
-    } else {
-	/* there's already a frame being played so we may only stuff
-	 * one new into the DMA, but even if this may be the last
-	 * frame existing the previous one is still on sq.count.
-	 */
-	if (sq.count == 2 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
-	    /* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
-	     * yet filled and we're not syncing?
-	     */
-	    atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
-	    return;
-	}
-	ata_sq_play_next_frame(2);
-    }
-    atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+	if (sq.playing == 0) {
+		/* looks like there's nothing 'in' the DMA yet, so try
+		 * to put two frames into it (at least one is available).
+		 */
+		if (sq.count == 1 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
+			/* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
+			 * yet filled and we're not syncing?
+			 */
+			atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+			return;
+		}
+		ata_sq_play_next_frame(1);
+		if (sq.count == 1) {
+			/* no more frames */
+			atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+			return;
+		}
+		if (sq.count == 2 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
+			/* hmmm, there were two frames, but the second
+			 * one is not yet filled and we're not syncing?
+			 */
+			atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+			return;
+		}
+		ata_sq_play_next_frame(2);
+	} else {
+		/* there's already a frame being played so we may only stuff
+		 * one new into the DMA, but even if this may be the last
+		 * frame existing the previous one is still on sq.count.
+		 */
+		if (sq.count == 2 && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
+			/* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
+			 * yet filled and we're not syncing?
+			 */
+			atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
+			return;
+		}
+		ata_sq_play_next_frame(2);
+	}
+	atari_enable_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMA);
 static void ata_sq_interrupt(int irq, void *dummy, struct pt_regs *fp)
 #if 0
-    /* ++TeSche: if you should want to test this... */
-    static int cnt = 0;
-    if (sq.playing == 2)
-	if (++cnt == 10) {
-	    /* simulate losing an interrupt */
-	    cnt = 0;
-	    return;
-	}
+	/* ++TeSche: if you should want to test this... */
+	static int cnt = 0;
+	if (sq.playing == 2)
+		if (++cnt == 10) {
+			/* simulate losing an interrupt */
+			cnt = 0;
+			return;
+		}
-    if (sq.ignore_int && (sound.mach.type == DMASND_FALCON)) {
-	/* ++TeSche: Falcon only: ignore first irq because it comes
-	 * immediately after starting a frame. after that, irqs come
-	 * (almost) like on the TT.
-	 */
-	sq.ignore_int = 0;
-	return;
-    }
+	if (sq.ignore_int && (sound.mach.type == DMASND_FALCON)) {
+		/* ++TeSche: Falcon only: ignore first irq because it comes
+		 * immediately after starting a frame. after that, irqs come
+		 * (almost) like on the TT.
+		 */
+		sq.ignore_int = 0;
+		return;
+	}
-    if (!sq.playing) {
-	/* playing was interrupted and sq_reset() has already cleared
-	 * the sq variables, so better don't do anything here.
-	 */
-	WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
-	return;
-    }
+	if (!sq.playing) {
+		/* playing was interrupted and sq_reset() has already cleared
+		 * the sq variables, so better don't do anything here.
+		 */
+		WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
+		return;
+	}
-    /* Probably ;) one frame is finished. Well, in fact it may be that a
-     * pre-programmed one is also finished because there has been a long
-     * delay in interrupt delivery and we've completely lost one, but
-     * there's no way to detect such a situation. In such a case the last
-     * frame will be played more than once and the situation will recover
-     * as soon as the irq gets through.
-     */
-    sq.count--;
-    sq.playing--;
+	/* Probably ;) one frame is finished. Well, in fact it may be that a
+	 * pre-programmed one is also finished because there has been a long
+	 * delay in interrupt delivery and we've completely lost one, but
+	 * there's no way to detect such a situation. In such a case the last
+	 * frame will be played more than once and the situation will recover
+	 * as soon as the irq gets through.
+	 */
+	sq.count--;
+	sq.playing--;
-    if (!sq.playing) {
-	tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
-	sq.ignore_int = 1;
-    }
+	if (!sq.playing) {
+		tt_dmasnd.ctrl = DMASND_CTRL_OFF;
+		sq.ignore_int = 1;
+	}
-    WAKE_UP(sq.write_queue);
+	WAKE_UP(sq.write_queue);
 	/* At least one block of the queue is free now
-	so wake up a writing process blocked because
-	of a full queue. */
+	   so wake up a writing process blocked because
+	   of a full queue. */
-    if ((sq.playing != 1) || (sq.count != 1))
-	/* We must be a bit carefully here: sq.count indicates the
-	 * number of buffers used and not the number of frames to
-	 * be played. If sq.count==1 and sq.playing==1 that means
-	 * the only remaining frame was already programmed earlier
-	 * (and is currently running) so we mustn't call AtaPlay()
-	 * here, otherwise we'll play one frame too much.
-	 */
-	AtaPlay();
+	if ((sq.playing != 1) || (sq.count != 1))
+		/* We must be a bit carefully here: sq.count indicates the
+		 * number of buffers used and not the number of frames to
+		 * be played. If sq.count==1 and sq.playing==1 that means
+		 * the only remaining frame was already programmed earlier
+		 * (and is currently running) so we mustn't call AtaPlay()
+		 * here, otherwise we'll play one frame too much.
+		 */
+		AtaPlay();
-    if (!sq.playing) WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
+	if (!sq.playing) WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
 	/* We are not playing after AtaPlay(), so there
-	is nothing to play any more. Wake up a process
-	waiting for audio output to drain. */
+	   is nothing to play any more. Wake up a process
+	   waiting for audio output to drain. */
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
@@ -2080,107 +2661,107 @@
 static void *AmiAlloc(unsigned int size, int flags)
-    return(amiga_chip_alloc((long)size));
+	return(amiga_chip_alloc((long)size));
 static void AmiFree(void *obj, unsigned int size)
-    amiga_chip_free (obj);
+	amiga_chip_free (obj);
 static int AmiIrqInit(void)
-    /* turn off DMA for audio channels */
-    custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
+	/* turn off DMA for audio channels */
+	custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
-    /* Register interrupt handler. */
-    if (request_irq(IRQ_AMIGA_AUD0, ami_sq_interrupt, 0,
-                    "DMA sound", ami_sq_interrupt))
-	return(0);
-    return(1);
+	/* Register interrupt handler. */
+	if (request_irq(IRQ_AMIGA_AUD0, ami_sq_interrupt, 0,
+			"DMA sound", ami_sq_interrupt))
+		return(0);
+	return(1);
 #ifdef MODULE
 static void AmiIrqCleanUp(void)
-    /* turn off DMA for audio channels */
-    custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
-    /* release the interrupt */
-    free_irq(IRQ_AMIGA_AUD0, ami_sq_interrupt);
+	/* turn off DMA for audio channels */
+	custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
+	/* release the interrupt */
+	free_irq(IRQ_AMIGA_AUD0, ami_sq_interrupt);
 #endif /* MODULE */
 static void AmiSilence(void)
-    /* turn off DMA for audio channels */
-    custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
+	/* turn off DMA for audio channels */
+	custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
 static void AmiInit(void)
-    int period, i;
+	int period, i;
-    AmiSilence();
+	AmiSilence();
-    if (sound.soft.speed)
-	period = amiga_colorclock/sound.soft.speed-1;
-    else
-	period = amiga_audio_min_period;
-    sound.hard = sound.soft;
-    sound.trans = &transAmiga;
-    if (period < amiga_audio_min_period) {
-	/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
-	period = amiga_audio_min_period;
-    } else if (period > 65535) {
-	period = 65535;
-    }
-    sound.hard.speed = amiga_colorclock/(period+1);
-    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-	custom.aud[i].audper = period;
-    amiga_audio_period = period;
+	if (sound.soft.speed)
+		period = amiga_colorclock/sound.soft.speed-1;
+	else
+		period = amiga_audio_min_period;
+	sound.hard = sound.soft;
+	sound.trans = &transAmiga;
+	if (period < amiga_audio_min_period) {
+		/* we would need to squeeze the sound, but we won't do that */
+		period = amiga_audio_min_period;
+	} else if (period > 65535) {
+		period = 65535;
+	}
+	sound.hard.speed = amiga_colorclock/(period+1);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+		custom.aud[i].audper = period;
+	amiga_audio_period = period;
-    AmiSetTreble(50);  /* recommended for newer amiga models */
+	AmiSetTreble(50);  /* recommended for newer amiga models */
 static int AmiSetFormat(int format)
-    int size;
+	int size;
-    /* Amiga sound DMA supports 8bit and 16bit (pseudo 14 bit) modes */
+	/* Amiga sound DMA supports 8bit and 16bit (pseudo 14 bit) modes */
-    switch (format) {
+	switch (format) {
 	case AFMT_QUERY:
-	    return(sound.soft.format);
+		return(sound.soft.format);
 	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
 	case AFMT_A_LAW:
 	case AFMT_U8:
 	case AFMT_S8:
-	    size = 8;
-	    break;
+		size = 8;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_BE:
 	case AFMT_U16_BE:
 	case AFMT_S16_LE:
 	case AFMT_U16_LE:
-	    size = 16;
-	    break;
+		size = 16;
+		break;
 	default: /* :-) */
-	    size = 8;
-	    format = AFMT_S8;
-    }
-    sound.soft.format = format;
-    sound.soft.size = size;
-    if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
-	sound.dsp.format = format;
-	sound.dsp.size = sound.soft.size;
-    }
-    AmiInit();
+		size = 8;
+		format = AFMT_S8;
+	}
+	sound.soft.format = format;
+	sound.soft.size = size;
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
+		sound.dsp.format = format;
+		sound.dsp.size = sound.soft.size;
+	}
+	AmiInit();
-    return(format);
+	return(format);
@@ -2190,22 +2771,22 @@
 static int AmiSetVolume(int volume)
-    sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_AMI(volume & 0xff);
-    custom.aud[0].audvol = sound.volume_left;
-    sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_AMI((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
-    custom.aud[1].audvol = sound.volume_right;
-    return(VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-	   (VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
+	sound.volume_left = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_AMI(volume & 0xff);
+	custom.aud[0].audvol = sound.volume_left;
+	sound.volume_right = VOLUME_VOXWARE_TO_AMI((volume & 0xff00) >> 8);
+	custom.aud[1].audvol = sound.volume_right;
+	return(VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+	       (VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
 static int AmiSetTreble(int treble)
-    sound.treble = treble;
-    if (treble < 50)
-	ciaa.pra &= ~0x02;
-    else
-	ciaa.pra |= 0x02;
-    return(treble);
+	sound.treble = treble;
+	if (treble < 50)
+		ciaa.pra &= ~0x02;
+	else
+		ciaa.pra |= 0x02;
+	return(treble);
@@ -2216,164 +2797,550 @@
 static void ami_sq_play_next_frame(int index)
-    u_char *start, *ch0, *ch1, *ch2, *ch3;
-    u_long size;
+	u_char *start, *ch0, *ch1, *ch2, *ch3;
+	u_long size;
-    /* used by AmiPlay() if all doubts whether there really is something
-     * to be played are already wiped out.
-     */
-    start = sq_block_address(sq.front);
-    size = (sq.count == index ? sq.rear_size : sq.block_size)>>1;
-    if (sound.hard.stereo) {
-	ch0 = start;
-	ch1 = start+sq.block_size_half;
-	size >>= 1;
-    } else {
-	ch0 = start;
-	ch1 = start;
-    }
-    if (sound.hard.size == 8) {
-	custom.aud[0].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch0);
-	custom.aud[0].audlen = size;
-	custom.aud[1].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch1);
-	custom.aud[1].audlen = size;
-	custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_8;
-    } else {
-	size >>= 1;
-	custom.aud[0].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch0);
-	custom.aud[0].audlen = size;
-	custom.aud[1].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch1);
-	custom.aud[1].audlen = size;
-	if (sound.volume_left == 64 && sound.volume_right == 64) {
-	    /* We can play pseudo 14-bit only with the maximum volume */
-	    ch3 = ch0+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	    ch2 = ch1+sq.block_size_quarter;
-	    custom.aud[2].audvol = 1;  /* we are being affected by the beeps */
-	    custom.aud[3].audvol = 1;  /* restoring volume here helps a bit */
-	    custom.aud[2].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch2);
-	    custom.aud[2].audlen = size;
-	    custom.aud[3].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch3);
-	    custom.aud[3].audlen = size;
-	    custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_14;
-	} else
-	    custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_8;
-    }
-    sq.front = (sq.front+1) % sq.max_count;
-    sq.playing |= AMI_PLAY_LOADED;
+	/* used by AmiPlay() if all doubts whether there really is something
+	 * to be played are already wiped out.
+	 */
+	start = sq_block_address(sq.front);
+	size = (sq.count == index ? sq.rear_size : sq.block_size)>>1;
+	if (sound.hard.stereo) {
+		ch0 = start;
+		ch1 = start+sq.block_size_half;
+		size >>= 1;
+	} else {
+		ch0 = start;
+		ch1 = start;
+	}
+	if (sound.hard.size == 8) {
+		custom.aud[0].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch0);
+		custom.aud[0].audlen = size;
+		custom.aud[1].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch1);
+		custom.aud[1].audlen = size;
+		custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_8;
+	} else {
+		size >>= 1;
+		custom.aud[0].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch0);
+		custom.aud[0].audlen = size;
+		custom.aud[1].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch1);
+		custom.aud[1].audlen = size;
+		if (sound.volume_left == 64 && sound.volume_right == 64) {
+			/* We can play pseudo 14-bit only with the maximum volume */
+			ch3 = ch0+sq.block_size_quarter;
+			ch2 = ch1+sq.block_size_quarter;
+			custom.aud[2].audvol = 1;  /* we are being affected by the beeps */
+			custom.aud[3].audvol = 1;  /* restoring volume here helps a bit */
+			custom.aud[2].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch2);
+			custom.aud[2].audlen = size;
+			custom.aud[3].audlc = (u_short *)ZTWO_PADDR(ch3);
+			custom.aud[3].audlen = size;
+			custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_14;
+		} else
+			custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_8;
+	}
+	sq.front = (sq.front+1) % sq.max_count;
+	sq.playing |= AMI_PLAY_LOADED;
 static void AmiPlay(void)
-    int minframes = 1;
+	int minframes = 1;
-    custom.intena = IF_AUD0;
+	custom.intena = IF_AUD0;
-    if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_LOADED) {
-	/* There's already a frame loaded */
-	custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
-	return;
-    }
+	if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_LOADED) {
+		/* There's already a frame loaded */
+		custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
+		return;
+	}
-    if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_PLAYING)
-	/* Increase threshold: frame 1 is already being played */
-	minframes = 2;
+	if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_PLAYING)
+		/* Increase threshold: frame 1 is already being played */
+		minframes = 2;
-    if (sq.count < minframes) {
-	/* Nothing to do */
-	custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
-	return;
-    }
+	if (sq.count < minframes) {
+		/* Nothing to do */
+		custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
+		return;
+	}
-    if (sq.count <= minframes && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
-	/* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
-	 * yet filled and we're not syncing?
-	 */
-	custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
-	return;
-    }
+	if (sq.count <= minframes && sq.rear_size < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing) {
+		/* hmmm, the only existing frame is not
+		 * yet filled and we're not syncing?
+		 */
+		custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
+		return;
+	}
-    ami_sq_play_next_frame(minframes);
+	ami_sq_play_next_frame(minframes);
-    custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
+	custom.intena = IF_SETCLR | IF_AUD0;
 static void ami_sq_interrupt(int irq, void *dummy, struct pt_regs *fp)
-    int minframes = 1;
+	int minframes = 1;
-    if (!sq.playing) {
-	/* Playing was interrupted and sq_reset() has already cleared
-	 * the sq variables, so better don't do anything here.
-	 */
-	WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
-	return;
-    }
+	if (!sq.playing) {
+		/* Playing was interrupted and sq_reset() has already cleared
+		 * the sq variables, so better don't do anything here.
+		 */
+		WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
+		return;
+	}
-    if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_PLAYING) {
-	/* We've just finished a frame */
-	sq.count--;
-	WAKE_UP(sq.write_queue);
-    }
+	if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_PLAYING) {
+		/* We've just finished a frame */
+		sq.count--;
+		WAKE_UP(sq.write_queue);
+	}
-    if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_LOADED)
-	/* Increase threshold: frame 1 is already being played */
-	minframes = 2;
+	if (sq.playing & AMI_PLAY_LOADED)
+		/* Increase threshold: frame 1 is already being played */
+		minframes = 2;
-    /* Shift the flags */
-    sq.playing = (sq.playing<<1) & AMI_PLAY_MASK;
+	/* Shift the flags */
+	sq.playing = (sq.playing<<1) & AMI_PLAY_MASK;
-    if (!sq.playing)
-	/* No frame is playing, disable audio DMA */
-	custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
+	if (!sq.playing)
+		/* No frame is playing, disable audio DMA */
+		custom.dmacon = AMI_AUDIO_OFF;
+	if (sq.count >= minframes)
+		/* Try to play the next frame */
+		AmiPlay();
-    if (sq.count >= minframes)
-    	/* Try to play the next frame */
-	AmiPlay();
-    if (!sq.playing)
-	/* Nothing to play anymore.
-	   Wake up a process waiting for audio output to drain. */
-	WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
+	if (!sq.playing)
+		/* Nothing to play anymore.
+		   Wake up a process waiting for audio output to drain. */
+		WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+ * PCI PowerMac, with AWACS and DBDMA.
+ */
+static void *PMacAlloc(unsigned int size, int flags)
+	return kmalloc(size, flags);
+static void PMacFree(void *ptr, unsigned int size)
+	kfree(ptr);
+static int PMacIrqInit(void)
+	if (request_irq(awacs_irq, pmac_awacs_intr, 0, "AWACS", 0)
+	    || request_irq(awacs_tx_irq, pmac_awacs_tx_intr, 0, "AWACS out", 0))
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
+#ifdef MODULE
+static void PMacIrqCleanup(void)
+	/* turn off output dma */
+	out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, RUN<<16);
+	/* disable interrupts from awacs interface */
+	out_le32(&awacs->control, in_le32(&awacs->control) & 0xfff);
+	free_irq(awacs_irq, pmac_awacs_intr);
+	free_irq(awacs_tx_irq, pmac_awacs_tx_intr);
+	kfree(awacs_tx_cmd_space);
+	if (beep_buf)
+		kfree(beep_buf);
+	kd_mksound = orig_mksound;
+#endif /* MODULE */
+static void PMacSilence(void)
+	/* turn off output dma */
+	out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, RUN<<16);
+static int awacs_freqs[8] = {
+	44100, 29400, 22050, 17640, 14700, 11025, 8820, 7350
+static void PMacInit(void)
+	int i, tolerance;
+	switch (sound.soft.format) {
+	case AFMT_S16_LE:
+	case AFMT_U16_LE:
+		sound.hard.format = AFMT_S16_LE;
+		break;
+	default:
+		sound.hard.format = AFMT_S16_BE;
+		break;
+	}
+	sound.hard.stereo = 1;
+	sound.hard.size = 16;
+	/*
+	 * If we have a sample rate which is within catchRadius percent
+	 * of the requested value, we don't have to expand the samples.
+	 * Otherwise choose the next higher rate.
+	 */
+	i = 8;
+	do {
+		tolerance = catchRadius * awacs_freqs[--i] / 100;
+	} while (sound.soft.speed > awacs_freqs[i] + tolerance && i > 0);
+	if (sound.soft.speed >= awacs_freqs[i] - tolerance)
+		sound.trans = &transAwacsNormal;
+	else
+		sound.trans = &transAwacsExpand;
+	sound.hard.speed = awacs_freqs[i];
+	awacs_rate_index = i;
+	PMacSilence();
+	out_le32(&awacs->control, MASK_IEPC | MASK_IEE | (i << 8) | 0x11);
+	awacs_reg[1] = (awacs_reg[1] & ~MASK_SAMPLERATE) | (i << 3);
+	awacs_write(awacs_reg[1] | MASK_ADDR1);
+	out_le32(&awacs->byteswap, sound.hard.format != AFMT_S16_BE);
+	sound.bal = -sound.soft.speed;
+static int PMacSetFormat(int format)
+	int size;
+	switch (format) {
+	case AFMT_QUERY:
+		return sound.soft.format;
+	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
+	case AFMT_A_LAW:
+	case AFMT_U8:
+	case AFMT_S8:
+		size = 8;
+		break;
+	case AFMT_S16_BE:
+	case AFMT_U16_BE:
+	case AFMT_S16_LE:
+	case AFMT_U16_LE:
+		size = 16;
+		break;
+	default: /* :-) */
+		printk(KERN_ERR "dmasound: unknown format 0x%x, using AFMT_U8\n",
+		       format);
+		size = 8;
+		format = AFMT_U8;
+	}
+	sound.soft.format = format;
+	sound.soft.size = size;
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP) {
+		sound.dsp.format = format;
+		sound.dsp.size = size;
+	}
+	PMacInit();
+	return format;
+#define AWACS_VOLUME_TO_MASK(x)	(15 - ((((x) - 1) * 15) / 99))
+#define AWACS_MASK_TO_VOLUME(y)	(100 - ((y) * 99 / 15))
+static int awacs_get_volume(int reg, int lshift)
+	int volume;
+	volume = AWACS_MASK_TO_VOLUME((reg >> lshift) & 0xf);
+	volume |= AWACS_MASK_TO_VOLUME(reg & 0xf) << 8;
+	return volume;
+static int awacs_volume_setter(int volume, int n, int mute, int lshift)
+	int r1, rn;
+	if (mute && volume == 0) {
+		r1 = awacs_reg[1] | mute;
+	} else {
+		r1 = awacs_reg[1] & ~mute;
+		rn = awacs_reg[n] & ~(0xf | (0xf << lshift));
+		rn |= ((AWACS_VOLUME_TO_MASK(volume & 0xff) & 0xf) << lshift);
+		rn |= AWACS_VOLUME_TO_MASK((volume >> 8) & 0xff) & 0xf;
+		awacs_reg[n] = rn;
+		awacs_write((n << 12) | rn);
+		volume = awacs_get_volume(rn, lshift);
+	}
+	if (r1 != awacs_reg[1]) {
+		awacs_reg[1] = r1;
+		awacs_write(r1 | MASK_ADDR1);
+	}
+	return volume;
+static int PMacSetVolume(int volume)
+	return awacs_volume_setter(volume, 2, MASK_AMUTE, 6);
+static void PMacPlay(void)
+	volatile struct dbdma_cmd *cp;
+	int i, count;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	save_flags(flags); cli();
+	if (beep_playing) {
+		/* sound takes precedence over beeps */
+		out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, (RUN|PAUSE|FLUSH|WAKE) << 16);
+		out_le32(&awacs->control,
+			 (in_le32(&awacs->control) & ~0x1f00)
+			 || (awacs_rate_index << 8));
+		out_le32(&awacs->byteswap, sound.hard.format != AFMT_S16_BE);
+		beep_playing = 0;
+	}
+	i = sq.front + sq.playing;
+	if (i >= sq.max_count)
+		i -= sq.max_count;
+	while (sq.playing < 2 && sq.playing < sq.count) {
+		count = (sq.count == sq.playing + 1)? sq.rear_size: sq.block_size;
+		if (count < sq.block_size && !sq.syncing)
+			/* last block not yet filled, and we're not syncing. */
+			break;
+		cp = &awacs_tx_cmds[i];
+		st_le16(&cp->req_count, count);
+		st_le16(&cp->xfer_status, 0);
+		if (++i >= sq.max_count)
+			i = 0;
+		out_le16(&awacs_tx_cmds[i].command, DBDMA_STOP);
+		out_le16(&cp->command, OUTPUT_MORE + INTR_ALWAYS);
+		if (sq.playing == 0)
+			out_le32(&awacs_txdma->cmdptr, virt_to_bus(cp));
+		out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, ((RUN|WAKE) << 16) + (RUN|WAKE));
+		++sq.playing;
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);
+static void
+pmac_awacs_tx_intr(int irq, void *devid, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	int i = sq.front;
+	int stat;
+	volatile struct dbdma_cmd *cp;
+	while (sq.playing > 0) {
+		cp = &awacs_tx_cmds[i];
+		stat = ld_le16(&cp->xfer_status);
+		if ((stat & ACTIVE) == 0)
+			break;	/* this frame is still going */
+		--sq.count;
+		--sq.playing;
+		if (++i >= sq.max_count)
+			i = 0;
+	}
+	if (i != sq.front)
+		WAKE_UP(sq.write_queue);
+	sq.front = i;
+	PMacPlay();
+	if (!sq.playing)
+		WAKE_UP(sq.sync_queue);
+static void
+pmac_awacs_intr(int irq, void *devid, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	int ctrl = in_le32(&awacs->control);
+	if (ctrl & MASK_PORTCHG) {
+		/* do something when headphone is plugged/unplugged? */
+	}
+	if (ctrl & MASK_CNTLERR) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "AWACS: error, status = %x\n",
+		       in_le32(&awacs->codec_stat));
+	}
+	/* Writing 1s to the CNTLERR and PORTCHG bits clears them... */
+	out_le32(&awacs->control, ctrl);
+static void
+awacs_write(int val)
+	while (in_le32(&awacs->codec_ctrl) & MASK_NEWECMD)
+		;	/* XXX should have timeout */
+	out_le32(&awacs->codec_ctrl, val);
+static void awacs_nosound(unsigned long xx)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	save_flags(flags); cli();
+	if (beep_playing) {
+		st_le16(&beep_dbdma_cmd->command, DBDMA_STOP);
+		beep_playing = 0;
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);
+static struct timer_list beep_timer = {
+	NULL, NULL, 0, 0, awacs_nosound
+static void awacs_mksound(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int srate = awacs_freqs[BEEP_SPEED];
+	int period, ncycles, nsamples;
+	int i, j, f;
+	short *p;
+	static int beep_hz_cache;
+	static int beep_nsamples_cache;
+	static int beep_volume_cache;
+	if (hz <= srate / BEEP_BUFLEN || hz > srate / 2) {
+#if 1
+		/* this is a hack for broken X server code */
+		hz = 750;
+		ticks = 12;
+		/* cancel beep currently playing */
+		awacs_nosound(0);
+		return;
+	}
+	save_flags(flags); cli();
+	del_timer(&beep_timer);
+	if (ticks) {
+		beep_timer.expires = jiffies + ticks;
+		add_timer(&beep_timer);
+	}
+	if (beep_playing || sq.playing || beep_buf == NULL) {
+		restore_flags(flags);
+		return;		/* too hard, sorry :-( */
+	}
+	beep_playing = 1;
+	st_le16(&beep_dbdma_cmd->command, OUTPUT_MORE + BR_ALWAYS);
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	if (hz == beep_hz_cache && beep_volume == beep_volume_cache) {
+		nsamples = beep_nsamples_cache;
+	} else {
+		period = srate * 256 / hz;	/* fixed point */
+		ncycles = BEEP_BUFLEN * 256 / period;
+		nsamples = (period * ncycles) >> 8;
+		f = ncycles * 65536 / nsamples;
+		j = 0;
+		p = beep_buf;
+		for (i = 0; i < nsamples; ++i, p += 2) {
+			p[0] = p[1] = beep_wform[j >> 8] * beep_volume;
+			j = (j + f) & 0xffff;
+		}
+		beep_hz_cache = hz;
+		beep_volume_cache = beep_volume;
+		beep_nsamples_cache = nsamples;
+	}
+	st_le16(&beep_dbdma_cmd->req_count, nsamples*4);
+	st_le16(&beep_dbdma_cmd->xfer_status, 0);
+	st_le32(&beep_dbdma_cmd->cmd_dep, virt_to_bus(beep_dbdma_cmd));
+	st_le32(&beep_dbdma_cmd->phy_addr, virt_to_bus(beep_buf));
+	save_flags(flags); cli();
+	if (beep_playing) {	/* i.e. haven't been terminated already */
+		out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, (RUN|WAKE|FLUSH|PAUSE) << 16);
+		out_le32(&awacs->control,
+			 (in_le32(&awacs->control) & ~0x1f00)
+			 | (BEEP_SPEED << 8));
+		out_le32(&awacs->byteswap, 0);
+		out_le32(&awacs_txdma->cmdptr, virt_to_bus(beep_dbdma_cmd));
+		out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, RUN | (RUN << 16));
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);
+ * Save state when going to sleep, restore it afterwards.
+ */
+static int awacs_sleep_notify(struct notifier_block *this,
+			      unsigned long code, void *x)
+	switch (code) {
+		/* XXX we should stop any dma in progress when going to sleep
+		   and restart it when we wake. */
+		PMacSilence();
+		break;
+	case PBOOK_WAKE:
+		out_le32(&awacs->control, MASK_IEPC | MASK_IEE |
+			 (awacs_rate_index << 8) | 0x11);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[0] | MASK_ADDR0);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[1] | MASK_ADDR1);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[2] | MASK_ADDR2);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[4] | MASK_ADDR4);
+		out_le32(&awacs->byteswap, sound.hard.format != AFMT_S16_BE);
+	}
+	return NOTIFY_DONE;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK */
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
 /*** Machine definitions *****************************************************/
 static MACHINE machTT = {
-    DMASND_TT, AtaAlloc, AtaFree, AtaIrqInit,
+	DMASND_TT, AtaAlloc, AtaFree, AtaIrqInit,
 #ifdef MODULE
-    AtaIrqCleanUp,
+	AtaIrqCleanUp,
 #endif /* MODULE */
-    TTInit, TTSilence, TTSetFormat, TTSetVolume, AtaSetBass, AtaSetTreble,
-    TTSetGain,
-    AtaPlay
+	TTInit, TTSilence, TTSetFormat, TTSetVolume,
+	AtaSetBass, AtaSetTreble, TTSetGain,
+	AtaPlay
 static MACHINE machFalcon = {
-    DMASND_FALCON, AtaAlloc, AtaFree, AtaIrqInit,
+	DMASND_FALCON, AtaAlloc, AtaFree, AtaIrqInit,
 #ifdef MODULE
-    AtaIrqCleanUp,
+	AtaIrqCleanUp,
 #endif /* MODULE */
-    FalconInit, FalconSilence, FalconSetFormat, FalconSetVolume, AtaSetBass,
-    AtaSetTreble, NULL, AtaPlay
+	FalconInit, FalconSilence, FalconSetFormat, FalconSetVolume,
+	AtaSetBass, AtaSetTreble, NULL,
+	AtaPlay
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
 static MACHINE machAmiga = {
-    DMASND_AMIGA, AmiAlloc, AmiFree, AmiIrqInit,
+	DMASND_AMIGA, AmiAlloc, AmiFree, AmiIrqInit,
+#ifdef MODULE
+	AmiIrqCleanUp,
+#endif /* MODULE */
+	AmiInit, AmiSilence, AmiSetFormat, AmiSetVolume,
+	NULL, AmiSetTreble, NULL,
+	AmiPlay
+#endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+static MACHINE machPMac = {
+	DMASND_AWACS, PMacAlloc, PMacFree, PMacIrqInit,
 #ifdef MODULE
-    AmiIrqCleanUp,
+	PMacIrqCleanup,
 #endif /* MODULE */
-    AmiInit, AmiSilence, AmiSetFormat, AmiSetVolume, NULL, AmiSetTreble,
-    NULL,
-    AmiPlay
+	PMacInit, PMacSilence, PMacSetFormat, PMacSetVolume,
+	NULL, NULL, NULL,	/* bass, treble, gain */
+	PMacPlay
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
@@ -2383,78 +3350,79 @@
 static void sound_silence(void)
-    /* update hardware settings one more */
-    (*sound.mach.init)();
+	/* update hardware settings one more */
+	(*sound.mach.init)();
-    (*sound.mach.silence)();
+	(*sound.mach.silence)();
 static void sound_init(void)
-    (*sound.mach.init)();
+	(*sound.mach.init)();
 static int sound_set_format(int format)
-    return(*sound.mach.setFormat)(format);
+	return(*sound.mach.setFormat)(format);
 static int sound_set_speed(int speed)
-    if (speed < 0)
-	return(sound.soft.speed);
+	if (speed < 0)
+		return(sound.soft.speed);
-    sound.soft.speed = speed;
-    (*sound.mach.init)();
-    if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP)
-	sound.dsp.speed = sound.soft.speed;
+	sound.soft.speed = speed;
+	(*sound.mach.init)();
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP)
+		sound.dsp.speed = sound.soft.speed;
-    return(sound.soft.speed);
+	return(sound.soft.speed);
 static int sound_set_stereo(int stereo)
-    if (stereo < 0)
-	return(sound.soft.stereo);
+	if (stereo < 0)
+		return(sound.soft.stereo);
-    stereo = !!stereo;    /* should be 0 or 1 now */
+	stereo = !!stereo;    /* should be 0 or 1 now */
-    sound.soft.stereo = stereo;
-    if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP)
-	sound.dsp.stereo = stereo;
-    (*sound.mach.init)();
+	sound.soft.stereo = stereo;
+	if (sound.minDev == SND_DEV_DSP)
+		sound.dsp.stereo = stereo;
+	(*sound.mach.init)();
-    return(stereo);
+	return(stereo);
 static int sound_set_volume(int volume)
-    return(*sound.mach.setVolume)(volume);
+	return(*sound.mach.setVolume)(volume);
 static int sound_set_bass(int bass)
-    return(sound.mach.setBass ? (*sound.mach.setBass)(bass) : 50);
+	return(sound.mach.setBass ? (*sound.mach.setBass)(bass) : 50);
 static int sound_set_gain(int gain)
-    return sound.mach.setGain ? sound.mach.setGain(gain) : 100;
+	return sound.mach.setGain ? sound.mach.setGain(gain) : 100;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
+#if defined(CONFIG_ATARI) || defined(CONFIG_AMIGA)
 static int sound_set_treble(int treble)
-    return(sound.mach.setTreble ? (*sound.mach.setTreble)(treble) : 50);
+	return(sound.mach.setTreble ? (*sound.mach.setTreble)(treble) : 50);
 static long sound_copy_translate(const u_char *userPtr,
@@ -2462,38 +3430,38 @@
 				 u_char frame[], long *frameUsed,
 				 long frameLeft)
-    long (*ct_func)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long) = NULL;
+	long (*ct_func)(const u_char *, unsigned long, u_char *, long *, long) = NULL;
-    switch (sound.soft.format) {
+	switch (sound.soft.format) {
 	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_ulaw;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_ulaw;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_A_LAW:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_alaw;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_alaw;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S8:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s8;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s8;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U8:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u8;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u8;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_BE:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s16be;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s16be;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U16_BE:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u16be;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u16be;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_LE:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s16le;
-	    break;
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_s16le;
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U16_LE:
-	    ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u16le;
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (ct_func)
-	return(ct_func(userPtr, userCount, frame, frameUsed, frameLeft));
-    else
-	return(0);
+		ct_func = sound.trans->ct_u16le;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (ct_func)
+		return(ct_func(userPtr, userCount, frame, frameUsed, frameLeft));
+	else
+		return(0);
@@ -2509,201 +3477,308 @@
 static void mixer_init(void)
-    mixer.busy = 0;
-    sound.treble = 0;
-    sound.bass = 0;
-    switch (sound.mach.type) {
+	mixer.busy = 0;
+	sound.treble = 0;
+	sound.bass = 0;
+	switch (sound.mach.type) {
 	case DMASND_TT:
-	    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_VOLUME(0));
-	    sound.volume_left = 0;
-	    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALLEFT(0));
-	    sound.volume_right = 0;
-	    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALRIGHT(0));
-	    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_TREBLE(0));
-	    atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BASS(0));
-	    break;
+		atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_VOLUME(0));
+		sound.volume_left = 0;
+		atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALLEFT(0));
+		sound.volume_right = 0;
+		atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BALRIGHT(0));
+		atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_TREBLE(0));
+		atari_microwire_cmd(MW_LM1992_BASS(0));
+		break;
-	    sound.volume_left = (tt_dmasnd.output_atten & 0xf00) >> 8;
-	    sound.volume_right = (tt_dmasnd.output_atten & 0xf0) >> 4;
-	    break;
+		sound.volume_left = (tt_dmasnd.output_atten & 0xf00) >> 8;
+		sound.volume_right = (tt_dmasnd.output_atten & 0xf0) >> 4;
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-	    sound.volume_left = 64;
-	    sound.volume_right = 64;
-	    custom.aud[0].audvol = sound.volume_left;
-	    custom.aud[3].audvol = 1;			/* For pseudo 14bit */
-	    custom.aud[1].audvol = sound.volume_right;
-	    custom.aud[2].audvol = 1;			/* For pseudo 14bit */
-	    sound.treble = 50;
-	    break;
+		sound.volume_left = 64;
+		sound.volume_right = 64;
+		custom.aud[0].audvol = sound.volume_left;
+		custom.aud[3].audvol = 1;	/* For pseudo 14bit */
+		custom.aud[1].audvol = sound.volume_right;
+		custom.aud[2].audvol = 1;	/* For pseudo 14bit */
+		sound.treble = 50;
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
+	}
 static int mixer_open(int open_mode)
-    if (mixer.busy)
-	return(-EBUSY);
-    mixer.busy = 1;
-    return(0);
+	mixer.busy = 1;
+	return(0);
 static int mixer_release(void)
-    mixer.busy = 0;
-    return(0);
+	mixer.busy = 0;
+	return(0);
 static int mixer_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, u_int cmd,
 		       u_long arg)
-    int data;
-    switch (sound.mach.type) {
+	int data;
+	switch (sound.mach.type) {
-	    switch (cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_MIC));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_MIC));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_CAP_EXCL_INPUT));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
-			VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-			VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
+				VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+				VOLUME_ATT_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    tt_dmasnd.input_gain =
-			RECLEVEL_VOXWARE_TO_GAIN(data & 0xff) << 4 |
-			RECLEVEL_VOXWARE_TO_GAIN(data >> 8 & 0xff);
-		    /* fall thru, return set value */
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			tt_dmasnd.input_gain =
+				RECLEVEL_VOXWARE_TO_GAIN(data & 0xff) << 4 |
+				RECLEVEL_VOXWARE_TO_GAIN(data >> 8 & 0xff);
+			/* fall thru, return set value */
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
-			RECLEVEL_GAIN_TO_VOXWARE(tt_dmasnd.input_gain >> 4 & 0xf) |
-			RECLEVEL_GAIN_TO_VOXWARE(tt_dmasnd.input_gain & 0xf) << 8));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
+				RECLEVEL_GAIN_TO_VOXWARE(tt_dmasnd.input_gain >> 4 & 0xf) |
+				RECLEVEL_GAIN_TO_VOXWARE(tt_dmasnd.input_gain & 0xf) << 8));
-		    {
-			int porta;
-			cli();
-			sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
-			porta = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel;
-			sti();
-			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
-		    }
+			{
+				int porta;
+				cli();
+				sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
+				porta = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel;
+				sti();
+				return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
+			}
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
-		    {
-			int porta;
 			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-			cli();
-			sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
-			porta = (sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel & ~0x40) |
-				(data < 50 ? 0x40 : 0);
-			sound_ym.wd_data = porta;
-			sti();
-			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
-		    }
-	    }
-	    break;
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
+			{
+				int porta;
+				IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+				cli();
+				sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
+				porta = (sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel & ~0x40) |
+					(data < 50 ? 0x40 : 0);
+				sound_ym.wd_data = porta;
+				sti();
+				return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
+			}
+		}
+		break;
 	case DMASND_TT:
-	    switch (cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, 0));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, 0));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_VOLUME));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_VOLUME));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
-			VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-			(VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8)));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
+					 VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+					 (VOLUME_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8)));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.bass)));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.bass)));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.treble)));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, TONE_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.treble)));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, GAIN_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.gain)));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, GAIN_DB_TO_VOXWARE(sound.gain)));
-		    {
-			int porta;
-			if (MACH_IS_TT) {
-			    cli();
-			    sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
-			    porta = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel;
-			    sti();
-			    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
-			} else
-			    return(-EINVAL);
-		    }
+			{
+				int porta;
+				if (MACH_IS_TT) {
+					cli();
+					sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
+					porta = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel;
+					sti();
+					return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
+				} else
+					return(-EINVAL);
+			}
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_bass(data)));
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_bass(data)));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_treble(data)));
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_treble(data)));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_gain(data)));
-		    if (MACH_IS_TT) {
-			int porta;
 			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-			cli();
-			sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
-			porta = (sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel & ~0x40) |
-				(data < 50 ? 0x40 : 0);
-			sound_ym.wd_data = porta;
-			sti();
-			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
-		    } else
-			return(-EINVAL);
-	    }
-	    break;
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_gain(data)));
+			if (MACH_IS_TT) {
+				int porta;
+				IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+				cli();
+				sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
+				porta = (sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel & ~0x40) |
+					(data < 50 ? 0x40 : 0);
+				sound_ym.wd_data = porta;
+				sti();
+				return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, porta & 0x40 ? 0 : 100));
+			} else
+				return(-EINVAL);
+		}
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-	    switch (cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, 0));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, 0));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_VOLUME));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, SOUND_MASK_VOLUME));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
-			VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
-			VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg,
+				VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_left) |
+				VOLUME_AMI_TO_VOXWARE(sound.volume_right) << 8));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data)));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound.treble));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound.treble));
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_treble(data)));
-	    }
-	    break;
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_treble(data)));
+		}
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
-    return(-EINVAL);
+		switch (cmd) {
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			data = 0;
+			if (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_AUDIN)
+				data |= SOUND_MASK_LINE;
+			if (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_MIC)
+				data |= SOUND_MASK_MIC;
+			if (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_CD)
+				data |= SOUND_MASK_CD;
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			data &= (SOUND_MASK_LINE
+			awacs_reg[0] &= ~(MASK_MUX_CD | MASK_MUX_MIC
+					| MASK_MUX_AUDIN);
+			if (data & SOUND_MASK_LINE)
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_AUDIN;
+			if (data & SOUND_MASK_MIC)
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_MIC;
+			if (data & SOUND_MASK_CD)
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_CD;
+			awacs_write(awacs_reg[0] | MASK_ADDR0);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, 0);
+			data = (awacs_reg[1] & MASK_AMUTE)? 0:
+				awacs_get_volume(awacs_reg[2], 6);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_volume(data));
+			data = (awacs_reg[1] & MASK_CMUTE)? 0:
+				awacs_get_volume(awacs_reg[4], 6);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			data = awacs_volume_setter(data, 4, MASK_CMUTE, 6);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+		case SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_ALTPCM:	/* really bell volume */
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			beep_volume = data & 0xff;
+			/* fall through */
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, beep_volume);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			awacs_reg[0] &= ~MASK_MUX_AUDIN;
+			if ((data & 0xff) >= 50)
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_AUDIN;
+			awacs_write(MASK_ADDR0 | awacs_reg[0]);
+			/* fall through */
+			data = (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_AUDIN)? 100: 0;
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			data &= 0xff;
+			awacs_reg[0] &= ~(MASK_MUX_MIC | MASK_GAINLINE);
+			if (data >= 25) {
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_MIC;
+				if (data >= 75)
+					awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_GAINLINE;
+			}
+			awacs_write(MASK_ADDR0 | awacs_reg[0]);
+			/* fall through */
+			data = (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_MIC)?
+				(awacs_reg[0] & MASK_GAINLINE? 100: 50): 0;
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			awacs_reg[0] &= ~MASK_MUX_CD;
+			if ((data & 0xff) >= 50)
+				awacs_reg[0] |= MASK_MUX_CD;
+			awacs_write(MASK_ADDR0 | awacs_reg[0]);
+			/* fall through */
+			data = (awacs_reg[0] & MASK_MUX_CD)? 100: 0;
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			data = awacs_volume_setter(data, 0, 0, 4);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+			data = awacs_get_volume(awacs_reg[0], 4);
+			return IOCTL_OUT(arg, data);
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return(-EINVAL);
@@ -2715,62 +3790,88 @@
 static void sq_init(int numBufs, int bufSize, char **buffers)
-    sq.max_count = numBufs;
-    sq.block_size = bufSize;
-    sq.buffers = buffers;
-    sq.front = sq.count = 0;
-    sq.rear = -1;
-    sq.write_queue = sq.open_queue = sq.sync_queue = 0;
-    sq.busy = 0;
-    sq.syncing = 0;
+	int i;
+	volatile struct dbdma_cmd *cp;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
+	sq.max_count = numBufs;
+	sq.max_active = numBufs;
+	sq.block_size = bufSize;
+	sq.buffers = buffers;
+	sq.front = sq.count = 0;
+	sq.rear = -1;
+	sq.write_queue = sq.open_queue = sq.sync_queue = 0;
+	sq.busy = 0;
+	sq.syncing = 0;
-    sq.playing = 0;
+	sq.playing = 0;
-    sq.ignore_int = 0;
+	sq.ignore_int = 0;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-    sq.block_size_half = sq.block_size>>1;
-    sq.block_size_quarter = sq.block_size_half>>1;
+	sq.block_size_half = sq.block_size>>1;
+	sq.block_size_quarter = sq.block_size_half>>1;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
+	cp = awacs_tx_cmds;
+	memset((void *) cp, 0, (numBufs + 1) * sizeof(struct dbdma_cmd));
+	for (i = 0; i < numBufs; ++i, ++cp) {
+		st_le32(&cp->phy_addr, virt_to_bus(buffers[i]));
+	}
+	st_le16(&cp->command, DBDMA_NOP + BR_ALWAYS);
+	st_le32(&cp->cmd_dep, virt_to_bus(awacs_tx_cmds));
+	out_le32(&awacs_txdma->control, (RUN|PAUSE|FLUSH|WAKE) << 16);
+	out_le32(&awacs_txdma->cmdptr, virt_to_bus(awacs_tx_cmds));
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
+static void
+	/* whatever you like as startup mode for /dev/dsp,
+	 * (/dev/audio hasn't got a startup mode). note that
+	 * once changed a new open() will *not* restore these!
+	 */
+	sound.dsp.format = AFMT_U8;
+	sound.dsp.stereo = 0;
+	sound.dsp.size = 8;
-    sound_silence();
-    /* whatever you like as startup mode for /dev/dsp,
-     * (/dev/audio hasn't got a startup mode). note that
-     * once changed a new open() will *not* restore these!
-     */
-    sound.dsp.format = AFMT_S8;
-    sound.dsp.stereo = 0;
-    sound.dsp.size = 8;
-    /* set minimum rate possible without expanding */
-    switch (sound.mach.type) {
+	/* set minimum rate possible without expanding */
+	switch (sound.mach.type) {
 	case DMASND_TT:
-	    sound.dsp.speed = 6258;
-	    break;
+		sound.dsp.speed = 6258;
+		break;
-	    sound.dsp.speed = 8195;
-	    break;
+		sound.dsp.speed = 8195;
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-	    sound.dsp.speed = 8000;
-	    break;
+		sound.dsp.speed = 8000;
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
+		sound.dsp.speed = 8000;
+		break;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
+	}
+	/* before the first open to /dev/dsp this wouldn't be set */
+	sound.soft = sound.dsp;
+	sound.hard = sound.dsp;
-    /* before the first open to /dev/dsp this wouldn't be set */
-    sound.soft = sound.dsp;
-    sound.hard = sound.dsp;
+	sound_silence();
 static void sq_play(void)
-    (*;
+	(*;
@@ -2778,133 +3879,139 @@
 static long sq_write(const char *src, unsigned long uLeft)
-    long uWritten = 0;
-    u_char *dest;
-    long uUsed, bUsed, bLeft;
-    /* ++TeSche: Is something like this necessary?
-     * Hey, that's an honest question! Or does any other part of the
-     * filesystem already checks this situation? I really don't know.
-     */
-    if (uLeft == 0)
-	return(0);
+	long uWritten = 0;
+	u_char *dest;
+	long uUsed, bUsed, bLeft;
+	/* ++TeSche: Is something like this necessary?
+	 * Hey, that's an honest question! Or does any other part of the
+	 * filesystem already checks this situation? I really don't know.
+	 */
+	if (uLeft == 0)
+		return(0);
-    /* The interrupt doesn't start to play the last, incomplete frame.
-     * Thus we can append to it without disabling the interrupts! (Note
-     * also that sq.rear isn't affected by the interrupt.)
-     */
-    if (sq.count > 0 && (bLeft = sq.block_size-sq.rear_size) > 0) {
-	dest = sq_block_address(sq.rear);
-	bUsed = sq.rear_size;
-	uUsed = sound_copy_translate(src, uLeft, dest, &bUsed, bLeft);
-	src += uUsed;
-	uWritten += uUsed;
-	uLeft -= uUsed;
-	sq.rear_size = bUsed;
-    }
-    do {
-	while (sq.count == sq.max_count) {
-	    sq_play();
-	    if (NON_BLOCKING(sq.open_mode))
-		return(uWritten > 0 ? uWritten : -EAGAIN);
-	    SLEEP(sq.write_queue, ONE_SECOND);
-		return(uWritten > 0 ? uWritten : -EINTR);
-	}
-	/* Here, we can avoid disabling the interrupt by first
-	 * copying and translating the data, and then updating
-	 * the sq variables. Until this is done, the interrupt
-	 * won't see the new frame and we can work on it
-	 * undisturbed.
+	/* The interrupt doesn't start to play the last, incomplete frame.
+	 * Thus we can append to it without disabling the interrupts! (Note
+	 * also that sq.rear isn't affected by the interrupt.)
-	dest = sq_block_address((sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count);
-	bUsed = 0;
-	bLeft = sq.block_size;
-	uUsed = sound_copy_translate(src, uLeft, dest, &bUsed, bLeft);
-	src += uUsed;
-	uWritten += uUsed;
-	uLeft -= uUsed;
-	if (bUsed) {
-	    sq.rear = (sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count;
-	    sq.rear_size = bUsed;
-	    sq.count++;
-	}
-    } while (bUsed);   /* uUsed may have been 0 */
+	if (sq.count > 0 && (bLeft = sq.block_size-sq.rear_size) > 0) {
+		dest = sq_block_address(sq.rear);
+		bUsed = sq.rear_size;
+		uUsed = sound_copy_translate(src, uLeft, dest, &bUsed, bLeft);
+		if (uUsed <= 0)
+			return uUsed;
+		src += uUsed;
+		uWritten += uUsed;
+		uLeft -= uUsed;
+		sq.rear_size = bUsed;
+	}
+	do {
+		while (sq.count == sq.max_active) {
+			sq_play();
+			if (NON_BLOCKING(sq.open_mode))
+				return(uWritten > 0 ? uWritten : -EAGAIN);
+			SLEEP(sq.write_queue, ONE_SECOND);
+				return(uWritten > 0 ? uWritten : -EINTR);
+		}
-    sq_play();
+		/* Here, we can avoid disabling the interrupt by first
+		 * copying and translating the data, and then updating
+		 * the sq variables. Until this is done, the interrupt
+		 * won't see the new frame and we can work on it
+		 * undisturbed.
+		 */
+		dest = sq_block_address((sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count);
+		bUsed = 0;
+		bLeft = sq.block_size;
+		uUsed = sound_copy_translate(src, uLeft, dest, &bUsed, bLeft);
+		if (uUsed <= 0)
+			break;
+		src += uUsed;
+		uWritten += uUsed;
+		uLeft -= uUsed;
+		if (bUsed) {
+			sq.rear = (sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count;
+			sq.rear_size = bUsed;
+			sq.count++;
+		}
+	} while (bUsed);   /* uUsed may have been 0 */
-    return(uWritten);
+	sq_play();
+	return(uUsed < 0? uUsed: uWritten);
 static int sq_open(int open_mode)
-    if (sq.busy) {
-	if (NON_BLOCKING(open_mode))
-	    return(-EBUSY);
-	while (sq.busy) {
-	    SLEEP(sq.open_queue, ONE_SECOND);
-		return(-EINTR);
-	}
-    }
-    sq.open_mode = open_mode;
-    sq.busy = 1;
+	if (sq.busy) {
+		if (NON_BLOCKING(open_mode))
+			return(-EBUSY);
+		while (sq.busy) {
+			SLEEP(sq.open_queue, ONE_SECOND);
+				return(-EINTR);
+		}
+	}
+	sq_init(numBufs, bufSize << 10, sound_buffers);
+	sq.open_mode = open_mode;
+	sq.busy = 1;
-    sq.ignore_int = 1;
+	sq.ignore_int = 1;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-    return(0);
+	return(0);
 static void sq_reset(void)
-    sound_silence();
-    sq.playing = 0;
-    sq.count = 0;
-    sq.front = (sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count;
+	sound_silence();
+	sq.playing = 0;
+	sq.count = 0;
+	sq.front = (sq.rear+1) % sq.max_count;
 static int sq_sync(void)
-    int rc = 0;
+	int rc = 0;
-    sq.syncing = 1;
-    sq_play();	/* there may be an incomplete frame waiting */
+	sq.syncing = 1;
+	sq_play();	/* there may be an incomplete frame waiting */
-    while (sq.playing) {
-	SLEEP(sq.sync_queue, ONE_SECOND);
-	    /* While waiting for audio output to drain, an interrupt occurred.
-	       Stop audio output immediately and clear the queue. */
-	    sq_reset();
-	    rc = -EINTR;
-	    break;
+	while (sq.playing) {
+		SLEEP(sq.sync_queue, ONE_SECOND);
+			/* While waiting for audio output to drain, an
+			 * interrupt occurred.  Stop audio output immediately
+			 * and clear the queue. */
+			sq_reset();
+			rc = -EINTR;
+			break;
+		}
-    }
-    sq.syncing = 0;
-    return(rc);
+	sq.syncing = 0;
+	return(rc);
 static int sq_release(void)
-    int rc = 0;
-    if (sq.busy) {
-	rc = sq_sync();
-	sq.busy = 0;
-	WAKE_UP(sq.open_queue);
-	/* Wake up a process waiting for the queue being released.
-	   Note: There may be several processes waiting for a call to open()
-		 returning. */
-    }
-    return(rc);
+	int rc = 0;
+	if (sq.busy) {
+		rc = sq_sync();
+		sq.busy = 0;
+		WAKE_UP(sq.open_queue);
+		/* Wake up a process waiting for the queue being released.
+		 * Note: There may be several processes waiting for a call
+		 * to open() returning. */
+	}
+	return(rc);
@@ -2916,7 +4023,7 @@
 static void state_init(void)
-    state.busy = 0;
+	state.busy = 0;
@@ -2924,118 +4031,125 @@
 static int state_open(int open_mode)
-    char *buffer = state.buf, *mach = "";
-    int len = 0;
+	char *buffer = state.buf, *mach = "";
+	int len = 0;
-    if (state.busy)
-	return(-EBUSY);
+	if (state.busy)
+		return(-EBUSY);
-    state.ptr = 0;
-    state.busy = 1;
+	state.ptr = 0;
+	state.busy = 1;
-    switch (sound.mach.type) {
+	switch (sound.mach.type) {
 	case DMASND_TT:
-	    mach = "Atari ";
-	    break;
+		mach = "Atari ";
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-	    mach = "Amiga ";
-	    break;
+		mach = "Amiga ";
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%sDMA sound driver:\n", mach);
+		mach = "PowerMac ";
+		break;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
+	}
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%sDMA sound driver:\n", mach);
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.format = 0x%x", sound.soft.format);
-    switch (sound.soft.format) {
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.format = 0x%x", sound.soft.format);
+	switch (sound.soft.format) {
 	case AFMT_MU_LAW:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (mu-law)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (mu-law)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_A_LAW:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (A-law)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (A-law)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U8:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 8 bit)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 8 bit)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S8:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 8 bit)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 8 bit)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_BE:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 16 bit big)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 16 bit big)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U16_BE:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 16 bit big)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 16 bit big)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_S16_LE:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 16 bit little)");
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (signed 16 bit little)");
+		break;
 	case AFMT_U16_LE:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 16 bit little)");
-	    break;
-    }
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\n");
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.speed = %dHz (phys. %dHz)\n",
-		   sound.soft.speed, sound.hard.speed);
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.stereo = 0x%x (%s)\n",
-		   sound.soft.stereo, sound.soft.stereo ? "stereo" : "mono");
-    switch (sound.mach.type) {
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, " (unsigned 16 bit little)");
+		break;
+	}
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\n");
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.speed = %dHz (phys. %dHz)\n",
+		       sound.soft.speed, sound.hard.speed);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.stereo = 0x%x (%s)\n",
+		       sound.soft.stereo, sound.soft.stereo ? "stereo" : "mono");
+	switch (sound.mach.type) {
 	case DMASND_TT:
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %ddB [-40...0]\n",
-			   sound.volume_left);
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %ddB [-40...0]\n",
-			   sound.volume_right);
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.bass = %ddB [-12...+12]\n",
-			   sound.bass);
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.treble = %ddB [-12...+12]\n",
-			   sound.treble);
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %ddB [-40...0]\n",
+			       sound.volume_left);
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %ddB [-40...0]\n",
+			       sound.volume_right);
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.bass = %ddB [-12...+12]\n",
+			       sound.bass);
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.treble = %ddB [-12...+12]\n",
+			       sound.treble);
+		break;
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %ddB [-22.5...0]\n",
-			   sound.volume_left);
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %ddB [-22.5...0]\n",
-			   sound.volume_right);
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %ddB [-22.5...0]\n",
+			       sound.volume_left);
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %ddB [-22.5...0]\n",
+			       sound.volume_right);
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %d [0...64]\n",
-			   sound.volume_left);
-	    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %d [0...64]\n",
-			   sound.volume_right);
-	    break;
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_left = %d [0...64]\n",
+			       sound.volume_left);
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsound.volume_right = %d [0...64]\n",
+			       sound.volume_right);
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.block_size = %d sq.max_count = %d\n",
-		   sq.block_size, sq.max_count);
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.count = %d sq.rear_size = %d\n", sq.count,
-		   sq.rear_size);
-    len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.playing = %d sq.syncing = %d\n",
-		   sq.playing, sq.syncing);
-    state.len = len;
-    return(0);
+	}
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.block_size = %d sq.max_count = %d"
+		       " sq.max_active = %d\n",
+		       sq.block_size, sq.max_count, sq.max_active);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.count = %d sq.rear_size = %d\n", sq.count,
+		       sq.rear_size);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tsq.playing = %d sq.syncing = %d\n",
+		       sq.playing, sq.syncing);
+	state.len = len;
+	return(0);
 static int state_release(void)
-    state.busy = 0;
-    return(0);
+	state.busy = 0;
+	return(0);
 static long state_read(char *dest, unsigned long count)
-    int n = state.len-state.ptr;
-    if (n > count)
-	n = count;
-    if (n <= 0)
-	return(0);
-    copy_to_user(dest, &state.buf[state.ptr], n);
-    state.ptr += n;
-    return(n);
+	int n = state.len-state.ptr;
+	if (n > count)
+		n = count;
+	if (n <= 0)
+		return(0);
+	if (copy_to_user(dest, &state.buf[state.ptr], n))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	state.ptr += n;
+	return(n);
@@ -3045,230 +4159,252 @@
 static int sound_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-    int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev) & 0x0f;
-    int rc = 0;
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev) & 0x0f;
+	int rc = 0;
-    switch (dev) {
+	switch (dev) {
-	    rc = state_open(file->f_flags);
-	    break;
+		rc = state_open(file->f_flags);
+		break;
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
-	    rc = mixer_open(file->f_flags);
-	    break;
+		rc = mixer_open(file->f_flags);
+		break;
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    rc = sq_open(file->f_flags);
-	    if (rc == 0) {
-		sound.minDev = dev;
-		sound.soft = sound.dsp;
-		sound.hard = sound.dsp;
-		sound_init();
-		if (dev == SND_DEV_AUDIO) {
-		    sound_set_speed(8000);
-		    sound_set_stereo(0);
-		    sound_set_format(AFMT_MU_LAW);
+		rc = sq_open(file->f_flags);
+		if (rc == 0) {
+			sound.minDev = dev;
+			sound.soft = sound.dsp;
+			sound.hard = sound.dsp;
+			sound_init();
+			if (dev == SND_DEV_AUDIO) {
+				sound_set_speed(8000);
+				sound_set_stereo(0);
+				sound_set_format(AFMT_MU_LAW);
+			}
-	    }
-	    break;
+		break;
-	    rc = -ENXIO;
-    }
+		rc = -ENXIO;
+	}
 #ifdef MODULE
-    if (rc >= 0)
+	if (rc >= 0)
-    return(rc);
+	return(rc);
 static int sound_fsync(struct file *filp, struct dentry *dentry)
-    int dev = MINOR(dentry->d_inode->i_rdev) & 0x0f;
+	int dev = MINOR(dentry->d_inode->i_rdev) & 0x0f;
-    switch (dev) {
+	switch (dev) {
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
-	    return(0);
+		return(0);
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    return(sq_sync());
+		return(sq_sync());
-	    return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_fsync", dev));
-    }
+		return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_fsync", dev));
+	}
 static int sound_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-    int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
-    switch (dev & 0x0f) {
+	switch (dev & 0x0f) {
-	    state_release();
-	    break;
+		state_release();
+		break;
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
-	    mixer_release();
-	    break;
+		mixer_release();
+		break;
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    sq_release();
-	    sound.soft = sound.dsp;
-	    sound.hard = sound.dsp;
-	    sound_silence();
-	    break;
+		sq_release();
+		sound.soft = sound.dsp;
+		sound.hard = sound.dsp;
+		sound_silence();
+		break;
-	    return unknown_minor_dev("sound_release", dev);
-    }
+		return unknown_minor_dev("sound_release", dev);
+	}
 #ifdef MODULE
-    return 0;
+	return 0;
 static long long sound_lseek(struct file *file, long long offset, int orig)
-    return -ESPIPE;
+	return -ESPIPE;
 static ssize_t sound_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count,
 			  loff_t *ppos)
-    struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-    int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
-    switch (dev & 0x0f) {
+	switch (dev & 0x0f) {
-	    return(state_read(buf, count));
+		return(state_read(buf, count));
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    return(-EPERM);
+		return(-EPERM);
-	    return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_read", dev));
-    }
+		return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_read", dev));
+	}
 static ssize_t sound_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count,
 			   loff_t *ppos)
-    struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-    int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
-    switch (dev & 0x0f) {
+	switch (dev & 0x0f) {
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
-	    return(-EPERM);
+		return(-EPERM);
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    return(sq_write(buf, count));
+		return(sq_write(buf, count));
-	    return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_write", dev));
-    }
+		return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_write", dev));
+	}
 static int unknown_minor_dev(char *fname, int dev)
-    /* printk("%s: Unknown minor device %d\n", fname, dev); */
-    return(-ENXIO);
+	/* printk("%s: Unknown minor device %d\n", fname, dev); */
+	return(-ENXIO);
 static int sound_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, u_int cmd,
 		       u_long arg)
-    int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
-    u_long fmt;
-    int data;
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	u_long fmt;
+	int data;
+	int size, nbufs;
-    switch (dev & 0x0f) {
+	switch (dev & 0x0f) {
-	    return(-EPERM);
+		return(-EPERM);
 	case SND_DEV_CTL:
-	    return(mixer_ioctl(inode, file, cmd, arg));
+		return(mixer_ioctl(inode, file, cmd, arg));
 	case SND_DEV_DSP:
-	    switch (cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
-		    sq_reset();
-		    return(0);
+			sq_reset();
+			return(0);
-		    return(sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry));
+			return(sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry));
-		/* ++TeSche: before changing any of these it's probably wise to
-		 * wait until sound playing has settled down
-		 */
+			/* ++TeSche: before changing any of these it's
+			 * probably wise to wait until sound playing has
+			 * settled down. */
-		    sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_speed(data)));
+			sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_speed(data)));
-		    sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_stereo(data)));
+			sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_stereo(data)));
-		    sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_stereo(data-1)+1));
+			sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_stereo(data-1)+1));
-		    sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
-		    IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_format(data)));
+			sound_fsync(file, file->f_dentry);
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, data);
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, sound_set_format(data)));
-		    fmt = 0;
-		    if (sound.trans) {
-			if (sound.trans->ct_ulaw)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_MU_LAW;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_alaw)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_A_LAW;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_s8)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_S8;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_u8)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_U8;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_s16be)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_S16_BE;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_u16be)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_U16_BE;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_s16le)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_S16_LE;
-			if (sound.trans->ct_u16le)
-			    fmt |= AFMT_U16_LE;
-		    }
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, fmt));
+			fmt = 0;
+			if (sound.trans) {
+				if (sound.trans->ct_ulaw)
+					fmt |= AFMT_MU_LAW;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_alaw)
+					fmt |= AFMT_A_LAW;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_s8)
+					fmt |= AFMT_S8;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_u8)
+					fmt |= AFMT_U8;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_s16be)
+					fmt |= AFMT_S16_BE;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_u16be)
+					fmt |= AFMT_U16_BE;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_s16le)
+					fmt |= AFMT_S16_LE;
+				if (sound.trans->ct_u16le)
+					fmt |= AFMT_U16_LE;
+			}
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, fmt));
-		    return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, 10240));
+			size = sq.block_size
+				* sound.soft.size * (sound.soft.stereo + 1)
+				/ (sound.hard.size * (sound.hard.stereo + 1));
+			return(IOCTL_OUT(arg, size));
+			break;
-		    break;
+			if (sq.count || sq.playing || sq.syncing)
+				return -EINVAL;
+			IOCTL_IN(arg, size);
+			nbufs = size >> 16;
+			if (nbufs < 2 || nbufs > numBufs)
+				nbufs = numBufs;
+			size &= 0xffff;
+			if (size >= 8 && size <= 30) {
+				size = 1 << size;
+				size *= sound.hard.size * (sound.hard.stereo + 1);
+				size /= sound.soft.size * (sound.soft.stereo + 1);
+				if (size > (bufSize << 10))
+					size = bufSize << 10;
+			} else
+				size = bufSize << 10;
+			sq_init(numBufs, size, sound_buffers);
+			sq.max_active = nbufs;
+			break;
-		    return(mixer_ioctl(inode, file, cmd, arg));
-	    }
-	    break;
+			return(mixer_ioctl(inode, file, cmd, arg));
+		}
+		break;
-	    return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_ioctl", dev));
-    }
-    return(-EINVAL);
+		return(unknown_minor_dev("sound_ioctl", dev));
+	}
+	return(-EINVAL);
 static struct file_operations sound_fops =
-    sound_lseek,
-    sound_read,
-    sound_write,
-    NULL,
-    NULL,                      /* select */
-    sound_ioctl,
-    NULL,
-    sound_open,
-    sound_release,
-    sound_fsync
+	sound_lseek,
+	sound_read,
+	sound_write,
+	NULL,                      /* select */
+	sound_ioctl,
+	sound_open,
+	sound_release,
+	sound_fsync
@@ -3278,87 +4414,142 @@
 void soundcard_init(void)
-    int has_sound = 0;
-    int i;
+	int has_sound = 0;
+	int i;
-    switch (m68k_machtype) {
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+	switch (m68k_machtype) {
 	case MACH_ATARI:
-		    sound.mach = machFalcon;
-		    sound.mach = machTT;
-		else
-		    break;
-		if ((mfp.int_en_a & mfp.int_mk_a & 0x20) == 0)
-		    has_sound = 1;
-		else
-		    printk("DMA sound driver: Timer A interrupt already in use\n");
-	    }
-	    break;
+				sound.mach = machFalcon;
+				sound.mach = machTT;
+			else
+				break;
+			if ((mfp.int_en_a & mfp.int_mk_a & 0x20) == 0)
+				has_sound = 1;
+			else
+				printk("DMA sound driver: Timer A interrupt already in use\n");
+		}
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_ATARI */
 	case MACH_AMIGA:
-		sound.mach = machAmiga;
-		has_sound = 1;
-	    }
-	    break;
+			sound.mach = machAmiga;
+			has_sound = 1;
+		}
+		break;
 #endif /* CONFIG_AMIGA */
-    }
-    if (!has_sound)
-	return;
+	}
+#endif /* __mc68000__ */
-    /* Set up sound queue, /dev/audio and /dev/dsp. */
-    sound_buffers = kmalloc (numBufs * sizeof(char *), GFP_KERNEL);
-    if (!sound_buffers) {
-	printk("DMA sound driver: Not enough buffer memory, driver disabled!\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < numBufs; i++) {
-	sound_buffers[i] = sound.mach.dma_alloc (bufSize << 10, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!sound_buffers[i]) {
-	    while (i--)
-		sound.mach.dma_free (sound_buffers[i], bufSize << 10);
-	    kfree (sound_buffers);
-	    sound_buffers = 0;
-	    goto out_of_memory;
-        }
-    }
+	struct device_node *np;
+	np = find_devices("awacs");
+	if (np != NULL && np->n_addrs >= 3 && np->n_intrs >= 3) {
+		int vol;
+		sound.mach = machPMac;
+		has_sound = 1;
+		awacs = (volatile struct awacs_regs *)
+			ioremap(np->addrs[0].address, 0x80);
+		awacs_txdma = (volatile struct dbdma_regs *)
+			ioremap(np->addrs[1].address, 0x100);
+		awacs_rxdma = (volatile struct dbdma_regs *)
+			ioremap(np->addrs[2].address, 0x100);
+		awacs_irq = np->intrs[0].line;
+		awacs_tx_irq = np->intrs[1].line;
+		awacs_rx_irq = np->intrs[2].line;
+		awacs_tx_cmd_space = kmalloc((numBufs + 4) * sizeof(struct dbdma_cmd),
+					     GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (awacs_tx_cmd_space == NULL)
+			goto out_of_memory;
+		awacs_tx_cmds = (volatile struct dbdma_cmd *)
+			DBDMA_ALIGN(awacs_tx_cmd_space);
+		awacs_reg[0] = MASK_MUX_CD;
+		awacs_reg[1] = MASK_LOOPTHRU | MASK_PAROUT;
+		/* get default volume from nvram */
+		vol = (~nvram_read_byte(0x1308) & 7) << 1;
+		awacs_reg[2] = vol + (vol << 6);
+		awacs_reg[4] = vol + (vol << 6);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[0] + MASK_ADDR0);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[1] + MASK_ADDR1);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[2] + MASK_ADDR2);
+		awacs_write(awacs_reg[4] + MASK_ADDR4);
+		/* Initialize beep stuff */
+		beep_dbdma_cmd = awacs_tx_cmds + (numBufs + 1);
+		orig_mksound = kd_mksound;
+		kd_mksound = awacs_mksound;
+		beep_buf = (short *) kmalloc(BEEP_BUFLEN * 2, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (beep_buf == NULL)
+			printk(KERN_WARNING "dmasound: no memory for "
+			       "beep buffer\n");
+		notifier_chain_register(&sleep_notifier_list,
+					&awacs_sleep_notifier);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK */
+	}
+#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC */
+	if (!has_sound)
+		return;
+	/* Set up sound queue, /dev/audio and /dev/dsp. */
+	sound_buffers = kmalloc (numBufs * sizeof(char *), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!sound_buffers) {
+	out_of_memory:
+		printk("DMA sound driver: Not enough buffer memory, driver disabled!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < numBufs; i++) {
+		sound_buffers[i] = sound.mach.dma_alloc (bufSize << 10, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!sound_buffers[i]) {
+			while (i--)
+				sound.mach.dma_free (sound_buffers[i], bufSize << 10);
+			kfree (sound_buffers);
+			sound_buffers = 0;
+			goto out_of_memory;
+		}
+	}
 #ifndef MODULE
-    /* Register driver with the VFS. */
-    register_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound", &sound_fops);
+	/* Register driver with the VFS. */
+	register_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound", &sound_fops);
-    sq_init(numBufs, bufSize << 10, sound_buffers);
+	sq_init(numBufs, bufSize << 10, sound_buffers);
-    /* Set up /dev/sndstat. */
-    state_init();
+	/* Set default settings. */
+	init_settings();
-    /* Set up /dev/mixer. */
-    mixer_init();
+	/* Set up /dev/sndstat. */
+	state_init();
-    if (!sound.mach.irqinit()) {
-	printk("DMA sound driver: Interrupt initialization failed\n");
-	return;
-    }
+	/* Set up /dev/mixer. */
+	mixer_init();
+	if (!sound.mach.irqinit()) {
+		printk("DMA sound driver: Interrupt initialization failed\n");
+		return;
+	}
 #ifdef MODULE
-    irq_installed = 1;
+	irq_installed = 1;
-    printk("DMA sound driver installed, using %d buffers of %dk.\n", numBufs,
-	   bufSize);
+	printk("DMA sound driver installed, using %d buffers of %dk.\n", numBufs,
+	       bufSize);
-    return;
+	return;
 void sound_setup(char *str, int *ints)
-    /* ++Martin: stub, could possibly be merged with soundcard.c et al later */
+	/* ++Martin: stub, could possibly be merged with soundcard.c et al later */
@@ -3366,30 +4557,30 @@
 void dmasound_setup(char *str, int *ints)
-    /* check the bootstrap parameter for "dmasound=" */
+	/* check the bootstrap parameter for "dmasound=" */
-    switch (ints[0]) {
+	switch (ints[0]) {
 	case 3:
-	    if ((ints[3] < 0) || (ints[3] > MAX_CATCH_RADIUS))
-		printk("dmasound_setup: illegal catch radius, using default = %d\n", catchRadius);
-	    else
-		catchRadius = ints[3];
-	    /* fall through */
+		if ((ints[3] < 0) || (ints[3] > MAX_CATCH_RADIUS))
+			printk("dmasound_setup: illegal catch radius, using default = %d\n", catchRadius);
+		else
+			catchRadius = ints[3];
+		/* fall through */
 	case 2:
-	    if (ints[1] < MIN_BUFFERS)
-		printk("dmasound_setup: illegal number of buffers, using default = %d\n", numBufs);
-	    else
-		numBufs = ints[1];
-	    if (ints[2] < MIN_BUFSIZE || ints[2] > MAX_BUFSIZE)
-		printk("dmasound_setup: illegal buffer size, using default = %d\n", bufSize);
-	    else
-		bufSize = ints[2];
-	    break;
+		if (ints[1] < MIN_BUFFERS)
+			printk("dmasound_setup: illegal number of buffers, using default = %d\n", numBufs);
+		else
+			numBufs = ints[1];
+		if (ints[2] < MIN_BUFSIZE || ints[2] > MAX_BUFSIZE)
+			printk("dmasound_setup: illegal buffer size, using default = %d\n", bufSize);
+		else
+			bufSize = ints[2];
+		break;
 	case 0:
-	    break;
+		break;
-	    printk("dmasound_setup: illegal number of arguments\n");
-    }
+		printk("dmasound_setup: illegal number of arguments\n");
+	}
@@ -3399,48 +4590,48 @@
 int init_module(void)
-    int err, i = 0;
-    int ints[MAXARGS+1];
+	int err, i = 0;
+	int ints[MAXARGS+1];
+	while (i < MAXARGS && dmasound[i])
+		ints[i + 1] = dmasound[i++];
+	ints[0] = i;
-    while (i < MAXARGS && dmasound[i])
-	ints[i + 1] = dmasound[i++];
-    ints[0] = i;
-    if (i)
-	dmasound_setup("dmasound=", ints);
-    err = register_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound", &sound_fops);
-    if (err) {
-	printk("dmasound: driver already loaded/included in kernel\n");
-	return err;
-    }
-    chrdev_registered = 1;
-    soundcard_init();
+	if (i)
+		dmasound_setup("dmasound=", ints);
+	err = register_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound", &sound_fops);
+	if (err) {
+		printk("dmasound: driver already loaded/included in kernel\n");
+		return err;
+	}
+	chrdev_registered = 1;
+	soundcard_init();
-    return 0;
+	return 0;
 void cleanup_module(void)
-    int i;
+	int i;
-    if (MOD_IN_USE)
-	return;
+	if (MOD_IN_USE)
+		return;
-    if (chrdev_registered)
-	unregister_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound");
+	if (chrdev_registered)
+		unregister_chrdev(SOUND_MAJOR, "sound");
-    if (irq_installed) {
-	sound_silence();
-	sound.mach.irqcleanup();
-    }
+	if (irq_installed) {
+		sound_silence();
+		sound.mach.irqcleanup();
+	}
-    if (sound_buffers) {
-	for (i = 0; i < numBufs; i++)
-	    sound.mach.dma_free(sound_buffers[i], bufSize << 10);
-	kfree(sound_buffers);
-    }
+	if (sound_buffers) {
+		for (i = 0; i < numBufs; i++)
+			sound.mach.dma_free(sound_buffers[i], bufSize << 10);
+		kfree(sound_buffers);
+	}
 #endif /* MODULE */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,