patch-2.1.67 linux/Documentation/networking/README.cops

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.66/linux/Documentation/networking/README.cops linux/Documentation/networking/README.cops
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-README for the COPS LocalTalk Linux driver (cops.c).
-	By Jay Schulist <>
-This driver compiles well against 2.1.29 - 2.1.41.
-Building the driver from the cops-0.0*.tar.gz file.
-1. Untar the cops-0.0*.tar.gz it will make a directory called cops.
-2. Copy the cops-kernel.diff to /usr/src/ and then type patch -p0 < cops-kernel.diff
-3. In the cops driver directory type make install. It will copy the driver to
-   the linux/drivers/net directory.
-4. When you configure your kernel select Y or M for COPS LocalTalk PC support.
-   Also make sure you have choosen Appletalk support.
-5. Compile like usual and you should bet set.
-This driver has 2 modes and they are: Dayna mode and Tangent mode.
-Each mode corresponds with the type of card. It has been found
-that there are 2 main types of cards and all other cards are
-the same and just have different names or only have minor differences
-such as more IO ports. As this driver is tested it will
-become more clear on exactly what cards are supported. The driver
-defaults to using Dayna mode. To change the drivers mode if you build
-a driver with dual support use board_type=1 or board_type=2 for
-dayna and tangent in the insmod.
-Operation/loading of the driver.
-Use modprobe like this:	/sbin/modprobe cops.o (IO #) (IRQ #)
-If you do not specify any options the driver will try and use the IO = 0x240,
-IRQ = 5. As of right now I would only use IRQ 5 for the card, if autoprobing.
-Use ifconfig like this: /sbin/ifconfig lt0 up
-You will need to configure atalkd with something like the following to make
-it work with the cops.c driver.
-dummy -seed -phase 2 -net 2000 -addr 2000.10 -zone "1033"
-lt0 -seed -phase 1 -net 1000 -addr 1000.50 -zone "1033"
-- Or -
-eth0 -seed -phase 2 -net 3000 -addr 3000.20 -zone "1033"
-lt0 -seed -phase 1 -net 1000 -addr 1000.50 -zone "1033"

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,