patch-2.2.0-pre9 linux/scripts/tkgen.c
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- Lines: 1937
- Date:
Wed Jan 20 10:05:49 1999
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Tue Jan 19 11:32:53 1999
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.0-pre8/linux/scripts/tkgen.c linux/scripts/tkgen.c
@@ -77,1095 +77,970 @@
* 8 January 1999, Michael Elizabeth Chastain <>
* - Emit menus_per_column
- * 1999 01 04
- * Michael Elizabeth Chastain <>
- * - Call clear_globalflags when writing out update_mainmenu.
- * This fixes the missing global/vfix lines for ARCH=alpha on 2.2.0-pre4.
- *
- * TO DO:
- * - clean up - there are useless ifdef's everywhere.
- * - better comments throughout - C code generating tcl is really cryptic.
- * - eliminate silly "update idletasks" hack to improve display speed and
- * reduce flicker. But how?
- * - make canvas contents resize with the window (good luck).
- * - some way to make submenus inside of submenus (ie. Main->Networking->IP)
- * (perhaps a button where the description would be)
- * - make the main menu use the same tcl code as the submenus.
- * - make choice and int/hex input types line up vertically with
- * bool/tristate.
- * - general speedups - how? The canvas seems to slow it down a lot.
- * - clean up +/- 16 confusion for enabling/disabling variables; causes
- * (theoretical, at the moment) problems with dependencies.
- *
+ * 14 January 1999, Michael Elizabeth Chastain <>
+ * - Steam-clean this file. I tested this by generating for every
+ * architecture and comparing it character-for-character against the output
+ * of the old tkparse.
+ * - Fix flattening of nested menus. The old code simply assigned items to
+ * the most recent token_mainmenu_option, without paying attention to scope.
+ * For example: "menu-1 bool-a menu-2 bool-b endmenu bool-c bool-d endmenu".
+ * The old code would put bool-a in menu-1, bool-b in menu-2, and bool-c
+ * and bool-d in *menu-2*. This hosed the nested submenus in
+ * drives/net/ and other places.
+ * - Fix menu line wraparound at 128 menus (some fool used a 'char' for
+ * a counter).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "tkparse.h"
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE (1)
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE (0)
- * This is the total number of submenus that we have.
+ * Total number of menus.
-static int tot_menu_num =0;
+static int tot_menu_num = 0;
* Generate portion of wish script for the beginning of a submenu.
* The guts get filled in with the various options.
-static void start_proc(char * label, int menu_num, int flag)
+static void start_proc( char * label, int menu_num, int flag )
- if( flag )
- printf("menu_option menu%d %d \"%s\"\n", menu_num, menu_num, label);
- printf("proc menu%d {w title} {\n", menu_num);
- printf("\tcatch {destroy $w}\n");
- printf("\ttoplevel $w -class Dialog\n");
- printf("\twm withdraw $w\n");
- printf("\tmessage $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text \\\n");
- printf("\t\t\"%s\" -relief raised\n",label);
- printf("\tpack $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10\n");
- printf("\twm title $w \"%s\" \n\n", label);
- /*
- * Attach the "Prev", "Next" and "OK" buttons at the end of the window.
- */
- printf("\tset oldFocus [focus]\n");
- printf("\tframe $w.f\n");
- printf("\tbutton $w.f.back -text \"Main Menu\" \\\n"
- "\t\t-width 15 -command \"destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; update_mainmenu $w\"\n");
- printf("\tbutton $ -text \"Next\" \\\n"
- "\t\t-width 15 -command \" destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; menu%d .menu%d \\\"$title\\\"\"\n",
- menu_num+1, menu_num+1);
- if (menu_num == tot_menu_num)
- printf("\t$ configure -state disabled\n");
- printf("\tbutton $w.f.prev -text \"Prev\" \\\n"
- "\t\t-width 15 -command \" destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; menu%d .menu%d \\\"$title\\\"\"\n",
- menu_num-1, menu_num-1);
- if (1 == menu_num)
- printf("\t$w.f.prev configure -state disabled\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.f.back $ $w.f.prev -side left -expand on\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.f -pady 10 -side bottom -anchor w -fill x\n");
- /*
- * Lines between canvas and other areas of the window.
- */
- printf("\tframe $w.topline -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 -height 2\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.topline -side top -fill x\n\n");
- printf("\tframe $w.botline -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 -height 2\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.botline -side bottom -fill x\n\n");
- /*
- * The "config" frame contains the canvas and a scrollbar.
- */
- printf("\tframe $w.config\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.config -fill y -expand on\n\n");
- printf("\tscrollbar $w.config.vscroll -command \"$w.config.canvas yview\"\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.config.vscroll -side right -fill y\n\n");
- /*
- * The scrollable canvas itself, where the real work (and mess) gets done.
- */
- printf("\tcanvas $w.config.canvas -height 1\\\n"
- "\t\t-relief flat -borderwidth 0 -yscrollcommand \"$w.config.vscroll set\" \\\n"
- "\t\t-width [expr [winfo screenwidth .] * 1 / 2] \n");
- printf("\tframe $w.config.f\n");
- printf("\tpack $w.config.canvas -side right -fill y\n");
- printf("\n\n");
+ if ( flag )
+ printf( "menu_option menu%d %d \"%s\"\n", menu_num, menu_num, label );
+ printf( "proc menu%d {w title} {\n", menu_num );
+ printf( "\tcatch {destroy $w}\n" );
+ printf( "\ttoplevel $w -class Dialog\n" );
+ printf( "\twm withdraw $w\n" );
+ printf( "\tmessage $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t\"%s\" -relief raised\n", label );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10\n" );
+ printf( "\twm title $w \"%s\" \n\n", label );
+ /*
+ * Attach the "Prev", "Next" and "OK" buttons at the end of the window.
+ */
+ printf( "\tset oldFocus [focus]\n" );
+ printf( "\tframe $w.f\n" );
+ printf( "\tbutton $w.f.back -text \"Main Menu\" \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-width 15 -command \"destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; update_mainmenu $w\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tbutton $ -text \"Next\" \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-width 15 -command \" destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; menu%d .menu%d \\\"$title\\\"\"\n", menu_num+1, menu_num+1 );
+ if ( menu_num == tot_menu_num )
+ printf( "\t$ configure -state disabled\n" );
+ printf( "\tbutton $w.f.prev -text \"Prev\" \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-width 15 -command \" destroy $w; focus $oldFocus; menu%d .menu%d \\\"$title\\\"\"\n", menu_num-1, menu_num-1 );
+ if ( menu_num == 1 )
+ printf( "\t$w.f.prev configure -state disabled\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.f.back $ $w.f.prev -side left -expand on\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.f -pady 10 -side bottom -anchor w -fill x\n" );
+ /*
+ * Lines between canvas and other areas of the window.
+ */
+ printf( "\tframe $w.topline -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 -height 2\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.topline -side top -fill x\n\n" );
+ printf( "\tframe $w.botline -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 -height 2\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.botline -side bottom -fill x\n\n" );
+ /*
+ * The "config" frame contains the canvas and a scrollbar.
+ */
+ printf( "\tframe $w.config\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.config -fill y -expand on\n\n" );
+ printf( "\tscrollbar $w.config.vscroll -command \"$w.config.canvas yview\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.config.vscroll -side right -fill y\n\n" );
+ /*
+ * The scrollable canvas itself, where the real work (and mess) gets done.
+ */
+ printf( "\tcanvas $w.config.canvas -height 1\\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-relief flat -borderwidth 0 -yscrollcommand \"$w.config.vscroll set\" \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-width [expr [winfo screenwidth .] * 1 / 2] \n" );
+ printf( "\tframe $w.config.f\n" );
+ printf( "\tpack $w.config.canvas -side right -fill y\n" );
+ printf("\n\n");
* Each proc we create needs a global declaration for any global variables we
* use. To minimize the size of the file, we set a flag each time we output
* a global declaration so we know whether we need to insert one for a
* given function or not.
-void clear_globalflags(struct kconfig * cfg)
+void clear_globalflags( struct kconfig * scfg )
- for(; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
- {
- cfg->flags &= ~GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- }
+ struct kconfig * cfg;
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
+ cfg->global_written = 0;
* Output a "global" line for a given variable. Also include the
* call to "vfix". (If vfix is not needed, then it's fine to just printf
* a "global" line).
-void inline global(char *var)
+void global( const char *var )
- printf("\tglobal %s; vfix %s\n", var, var);
+ printf( "\tglobal %s; vfix %s\n", var, var );
- * This function walks the chain of conditions that we got from cond.c,
- * and creates a wish conditional to enable/disable a given widget.
+ * This function walks the chain of conditions that we got from cond.c
+ * and creates a TCL conditional to enable/disable a given widget.
-void generate_if(struct kconfig * item,
- struct condition * cond,
- int menu_num,
- int line_num)
+void generate_if( struct kconfig * cfg, struct condition * ocond,
+ int menu_num, int line_num )
- struct condition * ocond;
+ struct condition * cond;
- ocond = cond;
- /*
- * First write any global declarations we need for this conditional.
- */
- while(cond != NULL )
+ /*
+ * First write any global declarations we need for this conditional.
+ */
+ for ( cond = ocond; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next )
- switch(cond->op){
- case op_variable:
- global(cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_kvariable:
- if(cond->variable.cfg->flags & GLOBAL_WRITTEN) break;
- cond->variable.cfg->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- global(cond->variable.cfg->optionname);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cond = cond->next;
+ switch ( cond->op )
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case op_variable:
+ global( cond->str );
+ break;
+ case op_kvariable:
+ if ( ! cond->cfg->global_written )
+ {
+ cond->cfg->global_written = 1;
+ global( cond->cfg->optionname );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- /*
- * Now write this option.
- */
- if( (item->flags & GLOBAL_WRITTEN) == 0
- && (item->optionname != NULL) )
+ /*
+ * Now write this option.
+ */
+ if ( ! cfg->global_written && cfg->optionname != NULL )
- global(item->optionname);
- item->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
+ cfg->global_written = 1;
+ global( cfg->optionname );
- /*
- * Now generate the body of the conditional.
- */
- printf("\tif {");
- cond = ocond;
- while(cond != NULL )
+ /*
+ * Generate the body of the conditional.
+ */
+ printf( "\tif {" );
+ for ( cond = ocond; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next )
- switch(cond->op){
- case op_bang:
- printf(" ! ");
- break;
- case op_eq:
- printf(" == ");
- break;
- case op_neq:
- printf(" != ");
- break;
- case op_and:
- case op_and1:
- printf(" && ");
- break;
- case op_or:
- printf(" || ");
- break;
- case op_lparen:
- printf("(");
- break;
- case op_rparen:
- printf(")");
- break;
- case op_variable:
- printf("$%s", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_kvariable:
- printf("$%s", cond->variable.cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case op_shellcmd:
- printf("[exec %s]", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_constant:
- if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "y") == 0 )
- printf("1");
- else if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "n") == 0 )
- printf("0");
- else if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "m") == 0 )
- printf("2");
- else
- printf("\"%s\"", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cond = cond->next;
- }
+ switch ( cond->op )
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
- /*
- * Now we generate what we do depending upon the value of the conditional.
- * Depending upon what the token type is, there are different things
- * we must do to enable/disable the given widget - this code needs to
- * be closely coordinated with the widget creation procedures in
- */
- switch(item->tok)
+ case op_bang: printf( " ! " ); break;
+ case op_eq: printf( " == " ); break;
+ case op_neq: printf( " != " ); break;
+ case op_and: printf( " && " ); break;
+ case op_and1: printf( " && " ); break;
+ case op_or: printf( " || " ); break;
+ case op_lparen: printf( "(" ); break;
+ case op_rparen: printf( ")" ); break;
+ case op_variable:
+ printf( "$%s", cond->str );
+ break;
+ case op_kvariable:
+ printf( "$%s", cond->cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case op_constant:
+ if ( strcmp( cond->str, "y" ) == 0 ) printf( "1" );
+ else if ( strcmp( cond->str, "n" ) == 0 ) printf( "0" );
+ else if ( strcmp( cond->str, "m" ) == 0 ) printf( "2" );
+ else
+ printf( "\"%s\"", cond->str );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf( "} then { " );
+ /*
+ * Generate a procedure call to write the value.
+ * This code depends on procedures in
+ */
+ switch ( cfg->token )
- case tok_define:
- printf("} then { set %s %s } \n", item->optionname, item->value);
- break;
- case tok_menuoption:
- printf("} then { .f0.x%d configure -state normal } else { .f0.x%d configure -state disabled }\n",
- menu_num, menu_num);
- break;
- case tok_int:
- case tok_hex:
- case tok_string:
- printf("} then { ");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.x configure -state normal -foreground [ cget .ref -foreground ]; ", menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal; ", menu_num, line_num);
- printf("} else { ");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.x configure -state disabled -foreground [ cget .ref -disabledforeground ];", menu_num, line_num );
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;", menu_num, line_num );
- printf("}\n");
- break;
- case tok_bool:
- /*
- * If a bool is just a button, then use this definition.
- */
- printf("} then { .menu%d.config.f.x%d configure -state normal } else { .menu%d.config.f.x%d configure -state disabled }\n",
- menu_num, line_num,
- menu_num, line_num );
- /*
- * If a bool is a radiobutton, then use this instead.
- */
- printf("} then { ");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf("set %s [expr $%s&15];", item->optionname, item->optionname);
- printf("} else { ");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf("set %s [expr $%s|16];", item->optionname, item->optionname);
- printf("}\n");
- break;
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- printf("} then { ");
- if( item->tok == tok_dep_tristate )
- {
- global(item->depend.str);
- printf("if { $%s != 1 && $%s != 0 } then {",
- item->depend.str,item->depend.str);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf("} else {");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf("}; ");
- }
- else
- {
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- }
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf("global CONFIG_MODULES; if {($CONFIG_MODULES == 1)} then { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.m configure -state normal };",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal;",menu_num, line_num);
- /*
- * Or in a bit to the variable - this causes all of the radiobuttons
- * to be deselected (i.e. not be red).
- */
- printf("set %s [expr $%s&15];", item->optionname, item->optionname);
- printf("} else { ");
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.m configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- printf(".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;",menu_num, line_num);
- /*
- * Clear the disable bit - this causes the correct radiobutton
- * to appear selected (i.e. turn red).
- */
- printf("set %s [expr $%s|16];", item->optionname, item->optionname);
- printf("}\n");
- break;
- case tok_choose:
- case tok_choice:
- fprintf(stderr,"Fixme\n");
- exit(0);
- break;
+ printf( " }\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( "set %s [expr $%s&15];",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ printf( "} else { ");
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( "set %s [expr $%s|16];}\n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_choice_header:
+ fprintf( stderr, "Internal error on token_choice_header\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ case token_choice_item:
+ fprintf( stderr, "Internal error on token_choice_item\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ case token_define_bool:
+ printf( "set %s %s } \n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->value );
+ break;
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ case token_tristate:
+ if ( cfg->token == token_dep_tristate )
+ {
+ global( cfg->depend );
+ printf( "if { $%s != 1 && $%s != 0 } then {",
+ cfg->depend, cfg->depend );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( "} else {" );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num);
+ printf( "}; " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ }
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( "global CONFIG_MODULES; if {($CONFIG_MODULES == 1)} then { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.m configure -state normal };",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ /*
+ * Or in a bit to the variable - this causes all of the radiobuttons
+ * to be deselected (i.e. not be red).
+ */
+ printf( "set %s [expr $%s&15];",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ printf( "} else { " );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.n configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.m configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ /*
+ * Clear the disable bit to enable the correct radiobutton.
+ */
+ printf( "set %s [expr $%s|16];}\n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_hex:
+ case token_int:
+ case token_string:
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.x configure -state normal -foreground [ cget .ref -foreground ]; ",
+ menu_num, line_num);
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state normal; ",
+ menu_num, line_num);
+ printf( "} else { " );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.x configure -state disabled -foreground [ cget .ref -disabledforeground ];",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ printf( ".menu%d.config.f.x%d.l configure -state disabled;}\n",
+ menu_num, line_num );
+ break;
+ case token_mainmenu_option:
+ printf( ".f0.x%d configure -state normal } else { .f0.x%d configure -state disabled }\n",
+ menu_num, menu_num );
+ break;
- * Similar to generate_if, except we come here when generating an
- * output file. Thus instead of enabling/disabling a widget, we
- * need to decide whether to write out a given configuration variable
- * to the output file.
+ * Generate a line that writes a variable to the output file.
-void generate_if_for_outfile(struct kconfig * item,
- struct condition * cond)
+void generate_writeconfig( struct kconfig * cfg )
- struct condition * ocond;
+ struct condition * cond;
- /*
- * First write any global declarations we need for this conditional.
- */
- ocond = cond;
- for(; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next )
+ /*
+ * Generate global declaration for this symbol.
+ */
+ if ( cfg->token != token_comment )
- switch(cond->op){
- case op_variable:
- global(cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_kvariable:
- if(cond->variable.cfg->flags & GLOBAL_WRITTEN) break;
- cond->variable.cfg->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- global(cond->variable.cfg->optionname);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ if ( ! cfg->global_written )
+ {
+ cfg->global_written = 1;
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname );
+ }
- /*
- * Now generate the body of the conditional.
- */
- printf("\tif {");
- cond = ocond;
- while(cond != NULL )
+ /*
+ * Generate global declarations for the condition chain.
+ */
+ for ( cond = cfg->cond; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next )
- switch(cond->op){
- case op_bang:
- printf(" ! ");
- break;
- case op_eq:
- printf(" == ");
- break;
- case op_neq:
- printf(" != ");
- break;
- case op_and:
- case op_and1:
- printf(" && ");
- break;
- case op_or:
- printf(" || ");
- break;
- case op_lparen:
- printf("(");
- break;
- case op_rparen:
- printf(")");
- break;
- case op_variable:
- printf("$%s", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_shellcmd:
- printf("[exec %s]", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- case op_kvariable:
- printf("$%s", cond->variable.cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case op_constant:
- if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "y") == 0 )
- printf("1");
- else if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "n") == 0 )
- printf("0");
- else if( strcmp(cond->variable.str, "m") == 0 )
- printf("2");
- else
- printf("\"%s\"", cond->variable.str);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cond = cond->next;
- }
+ switch( cond->op )
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
- /*
- * Now we generate what we do depending upon the value of the
- * conditional. Depending upon what the token type is, there are
- * different things we must do write the value the given widget -
- * this code needs to be closely coordinated with the widget
- * creation procedures in
- */
- switch(item->tok)
- {
- case tok_define:
- printf("} then {write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s %s $notmod }\n", item->optionname, item->value);
- break;
- case tok_comment:
- printf("} then {write_comment $cfg $autocfg \"%s\"}\n", item->label);
- break;
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- printf("} then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $%s } \n",
- item->optionname, item->optionname, item->depend.str);
- break;
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_bool:
- printf("} then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod }\n",
- item->optionname, item->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_int:
- printf("} then { write_int $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod }\n",
- item->optionname, item->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_hex:
- printf("} then { write_hex $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod }\n",
- item->optionname, item->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_string:
- printf("} then { write_string $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod }\n",
- item->optionname, item->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_choose:
- case tok_choice:
- fprintf(stderr,"Fixme\n");
- exit(0);
- default:
- break;
+ case op_variable:
+ global( cond->str );
+ break;
+ case op_kvariable:
+ if ( ! cond->cfg->global_written )
+ {
+ cond->cfg->global_written = 1;
+ global( cond->cfg->optionname );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- * Generates a fragment of wish script that closes out a submenu procedure.
- */
-static void end_proc(int menu_num)
- struct kconfig * cfg;
+ /*
+ * Generate indentation.
+ */
+ if ( cfg->token != token_choice_header )
+ printf( "\t" );
- printf("\n\n\n");
- printf("\tfocus $w\n");
- printf("\tupdate_menu%d $w.config.f\n", menu_num);
- printf("\tglobal winx; global winy\n");
- printf("\tset winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]\n");
- printf("\twm geometry $w +$winx+$winy\n");
- /*
- * Now that the whole window is in place, we need to wait for an "update"
- * so we can tell the canvas what its virtual size should be.
- *
- * Unfortunately, this causes some ugly screen-flashing because the whole
- * window is drawn, and then it is immediately resized. It seems
- * unavoidable, though, since "frame" objects won't tell us their size
- * until after an update, and "canvas" objects can't automatically pack
- * around frames. Sigh.
- */
- printf("\tupdate idletasks\n");
- printf("\t$w.config.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.config.f\n\n");
- printf("\t$w.config.canvas configure \\\n"
- "\t\t-width [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1]\\\n"
- "\t\t-scrollregion \"-1 -1 [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1] \\\n"
- "\t\t\t [expr [winfo reqheight $w.config.f] + 1]\"\n\n");
- /*
- * If the whole canvas will fit in 3/4 of the screen height, do it;
- * otherwise, resize to around 1/2 the screen and let us scroll.
- */
- printf("\tset winy [expr [winfo reqh $w] - [winfo reqh $w.config.canvas]]\n");
- printf("\tset scry [expr [winfo screenh $w] / 2]\n");
- printf("\tset maxy [expr [winfo screenh $w] * 3 / 4]\n");
- printf("\tset canvtotal [expr [winfo reqh $w.config.f] + 2]\n");
- printf("\tif [expr $winy + $canvtotal < $maxy] {\n"
- "\t\t$w.config.canvas configure -height $canvtotal\n"
- "\t} else {\n"
- "\t\t$w.config.canvas configure -height [expr $scry - $winy]\n"
- "\t}\n");
- /*
- * Limit the min/max window size. Height can vary, but not width,
- * because of the limitations of canvas and our laziness.
- */
- printf("\tupdate idletasks\n");
- printf("\twm maxsize $w [winfo width $w] [winfo screenheight $w]\n");
- printf("\twm minsize $w [winfo width $w] 100\n\n");
- printf("\twm deiconify $w\n");
- printf("}\n\n\n");
- /*
- * Now we generate the companion procedure for the menu we just
- * generated. This procedure contains all of the code to
- * disable/enable widgets based upon the settings of the other
- * widgets, and will be called first when the window is mapped,
- * and each time one of the buttons in the window are clicked.
- */
- printf("proc update_menu%d {w} {\n", menu_num);
- printf("\tupdate_define\n");
- clear_globalflags(config);
- for(cfg = config;cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ /*
+ * Generate the conditional.
+ */
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
- /*
- * Skip items not for this menu, or ones having no conditions.
- */
- if (cfg->menu_number != menu_num ) continue;
- if (cfg->tok != tok_define) continue;
- /*
- * Clear all of the booleans that are defined in this menu.
- */
- if( (cfg->flags & GLOBAL_WRITTEN) == 0
- && (cfg->optionname != NULL) )
- {
- printf("\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname);
- cfg->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- printf("\tset %s 0\n", cfg->optionname);
- }
+ printf( "if {" );
+ for ( cond = cfg->cond; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next )
+ {
+ switch ( cond->op )
+ {
+ default: break;
+ case op_bang: printf( " ! " ); break;
+ case op_eq: printf( " == " ); break;
+ case op_neq: printf( " != " ); break;
+ case op_and: printf( " && " ); break;
+ case op_and1: printf( " && " ); break;
+ case op_or: printf( " || " ); break;
+ case op_lparen: printf( "(" ); break;
+ case op_rparen: printf( ")" ); break;
+ case op_variable:
+ printf( "$%s", cond->str );
+ break;
+ case op_kvariable:
+ printf( "$%s", cond->cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case op_constant:
+ if ( strcmp( cond->str, "n" ) == 0 ) printf( "0" );
+ else if ( strcmp( cond->str, "y" ) == 0 ) printf( "1" );
+ else if ( strcmp( cond->str, "m" ) == 0 ) printf( "2" );
+ else
+ printf( "\"%s\"", cond->str );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf( "} then {" );
- for(cfg = config;cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ /*
+ * Generate a procedure call to write the value.
+ * This code depends on the write_* procedures in
+ */
+ switch ( cfg->token )
- /*
- * Skip items not for this menu, or ones having no conditions.
- */
- if (cfg->menu_number != menu_num ) continue;
- if (cfg->tok == tok_menuoption) continue;
- if (cfg->cond != NULL )
- generate_if(cfg, cfg->cond, menu_num, cfg->menu_line);
- else
- {
- /*
- * If this token has no conditionals, check to see whether
- * it is a tristate - if so, then generate the conditional
- * to enable/disable the "y" button based upon the setting
- * of the option it depends upon.
- */
- if(cfg->tok == tok_dep_tristate)
+ default:
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ case token_tristate:
+ if ( cfg->cond )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_choice_header:
+ /*
+ * This is funky code -- it fails if there were any conditionals.
+ * Fortunately all the conditionals got stripped off somewhere
+ * else.
+ */
+ {
+ struct kconfig * cfg1;
+ for ( cfg1 = cfg->next;
+ cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->token == token_choice_item;
+ cfg1 = cfg1->next )
- global(cfg->depend.str);
- printf("\tif {$%s != 1 && $%s != 0 } then { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled } else { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal}\n",
- cfg->depend.str,cfg->depend.str,
- menu_num, cfg->menu_line,
- menu_num, cfg->menu_line);
+ printf("\tif { $%s == \"%s\" } then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 1 $notmod } else { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 0 $notmod }\n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg1->label,
+ cfg1->optionname,
+ cfg1->optionname );
+ break;
- }
+ case token_choice_item:
+ fprintf( stderr, "Internal error on token_choice_item\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ case token_comment:
+ printf( "write_comment $cfg $autocfg \"%s\"",
+ cfg->label );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( "}" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_define_bool:
+ if ( cfg->cond == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod\n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( "write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s %s $notmod }\n",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->value );
+ }
+ break;
- printf("}\n\n\n");
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ if ( cfg->cond )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $%s",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname, cfg->depend );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( " \n" );
+ break;
+ case token_hex:
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "write_hex $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_int:
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "write_int $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ case token_string:
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " " );
+ printf( "write_string $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod",
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->optionname );
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ printf( " }" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ break;
+ }
- * This function goes through and counts up the number of items in
- * each submenu. If there are too many options, we need to split it
- * into submenus. This function just calculates how many submenus,
- * and how many items go in each submenu.
+ * Generates the end of a menu procedure.
-static void find_menu_size(struct kconfig *cfg,
- int *menu_max,
- int *menu_maxlines)
+static void end_proc( struct kconfig * scfg, int menu_num )
- struct kconfig * pnt;
- int tot;
- /*
- * First count up the number of options in this menu.
- */
- tot = 0;
- for(pnt = cfg->next; pnt; pnt = pnt->next)
- {
- if( pnt->tok == tok_menuoption) break;
- switch (pnt->tok)
- {
- case tok_bool:
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- case tok_int:
- case tok_hex:
- case tok_string:
- case tok_choose:
- tot++;
- break;
- case tok_choice:
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
+ struct kconfig * cfg;
- *menu_max = cfg->menu_number;
- *menu_maxlines = tot;
+ printf( "\n\n\n" );
+ printf( "\tfocus $w\n" );
+ printf( "\tupdate_menu%d $w.config.f\n",
+ menu_num );
+ printf( "\tglobal winx; global winy\n" );
+ printf( "\tset winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]\n" );
+ printf( "\twm geometry $w +$winx+$winy\n" );
+ /*
+ * Now that the whole window is in place, we need to wait for an "update"
+ * so we can tell the canvas what its virtual size should be.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, this causes some ugly screen-flashing because the whole
+ * window is drawn, and then it is immediately resized. It seems
+ * unavoidable, though, since "frame" objects won't tell us their size
+ * until after an update, and "canvas" objects can't automatically pack
+ * around frames. Sigh.
+ */
+ printf( "\tupdate idletasks\n" );
+ printf( "\t$w.config.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.config.f\n\n" );
+ printf( "\t$w.config.canvas configure \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-width [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1]\\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t-scrollregion \"-1 -1 [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1] \\\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t\t [expr [winfo reqheight $w.config.f] + 1]\"\n\n" );
+ /*
+ * If the whole canvas will fit in 3/4 of the screen height, do it;
+ * otherwise, resize to around 1/2 the screen and let us scroll.
+ */
+ printf( "\tset winy [expr [winfo reqh $w] - [winfo reqh $w.config.canvas]]\n" );
+ printf( "\tset scry [expr [winfo screenh $w] / 2]\n" );
+ printf( "\tset maxy [expr [winfo screenh $w] * 3 / 4]\n" );
+ printf( "\tset canvtotal [expr [winfo reqh $w.config.f] + 2]\n" );
+ printf( "\tif [expr $winy + $canvtotal < $maxy] {\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t$w.config.canvas configure -height $canvtotal\n" );
+ printf( "\t} else {\n" );
+ printf( "\t\t$w.config.canvas configure -height [expr $scry - $winy]\n" );
+ printf( "\t}\n" );
+ /*
+ * Limit the min/max window size. Height can vary, but not width,
+ * because of the limitations of canvas and our laziness.
+ */
+ printf( "\tupdate idletasks\n" );
+ printf( "\twm maxsize $w [winfo width $w] [winfo screenheight $w]\n" );
+ printf( "\twm minsize $w [winfo width $w] 100\n\n" );
+ printf( "\twm deiconify $w\n" );
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
+ /*
+ * Now we generate the companion procedure for the menu we just
+ * generated. This procedure contains all of the code to
+ * disable/enable widgets based upon the settings of the other
+ * widgets, and will be called first when the window is mapped,
+ * and each time one of the buttons in the window are clicked.
+ */
+ printf( "proc update_menu%d {w} {\n", menu_num );
+ printf( "\tupdate_define\n" );
+ /*
+ * Clear all of the booleans that are defined in this menu.
+ */
+ clear_globalflags( scfg );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
+ {
+ if ( cfg->menu_number == menu_num && cfg->token == token_define_bool
+ && cfg->optionname != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! cfg->global_written )
+ {
+ cfg->global_written = 1;
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname );
+ printf( "\tset %s 0\n", cfg->optionname );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
+ {
+ if ( cfg->menu_number == menu_num
+ && cfg->token != token_mainmenu_option
+ && cfg->token != token_choice_item )
+ {
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ generate_if( cfg, cfg->cond, cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line );
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Treat tristate like conditional here.
+ */
+ if ( cfg->token == token_dep_tristate )
+ {
+ global( cfg->depend );
+ printf( "\tif {$%s != 1 && $%s != 0 } then { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state disabled } else { .menu%d.config.f.x%d.y configure -state normal}\n",
+ cfg->depend, cfg->depend,
+ menu_num, cfg->menu_line,
+ menu_num, cfg->menu_line );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("}\n\n\n");
* This is the top level function for generating the tk script.
-void dump_tk_script(struct kconfig *scfg)
+void dump_tk_script( struct kconfig * scfg )
- int menu_num =0;
- int menu_max =0;
- int menu_min =0;
- int menu_line = 0;
- int menu_maxlines = 0;
- struct kconfig * cfg;
- struct kconfig * cfg1 = NULL;
- char * menulabel = "tkgen error";
- /*
- * Start by assigning menu numbers, and submenu numbers.
- */
- for(cfg = scfg;cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ int menu_depth;
+ int menu_num [64];
+ struct kconfig * menu_first [256];
+ struct kconfig * menu_last [256];
+ int imenu;
+ struct kconfig * cfg;
+ struct kconfig * cfg1 = NULL;
+ const char * name = "No Name";
+ /*
+ * Thread the menu pointers so I can walk each menu separately.
+ */
+ tot_menu_num = 0;
+ menu_depth = 0;
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- switch (cfg->tok)
+ switch ( cfg->token )
- case tok_menuname:
- break;
- case tok_menuoption:
- /*
- * At the start of a new menu, calculate the number of items
- * we will put into each submenu so we know when to bump the
- * menu number. The submenus are really no different from a
- * normal menu, but the top level buttons only access the first
- * of the chain of menus, and the prev/next buttons are used
- * access the submenus.
- */
- cfg->menu_number = ++menu_num;
- find_menu_size(cfg, &menu_max, &menu_maxlines);
- cfg->submenu_start = menu_num;
- cfg->submenu_end = menu_max;
- menu_line = 0;
- break;
- case tok_bool:
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- case tok_int:
- case tok_hex:
- case tok_string:
- case tok_choose:
- /*
- * If we have overfilled the menu, then go to the next one.
- */
- if( menu_line == menu_maxlines )
- {
- menu_line = 0;
- menu_num++;
- }
- cfg->menu_number = menu_num;
- cfg->submenu_start = menu_min;
- cfg->submenu_end = menu_max;
- cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
- break;
- case tok_define:
- cfg->menu_number = -1;
- case tok_choice:
- break;
- };
- }
+ break;
- /*
- * Record this so we can set up the prev/next buttons correctly.
- * Menus per column computation has extra button space as follows:
- * 4 for the save/quit/load/store buttons,
- * 1 for the blank space above save/quit/load/store
- * 2 to make the rounding work
- */
- tot_menu_num = menu_num;
- printf( "set menus_per_column %d\n\n", (tot_menu_num + 4 + 1 + 2) / 3 );
- /*
- * Now start generating the actual wish script that we will use.
- * We need to keep track of the menu numbers of the min/max menu
- * for a range of submenus so that we can correctly limit the
- * prev and next buttons so that they don't go over into some other
- * category.
- */
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
- {
- switch (cfg->tok)
- {
- case tok_menuname:
- printf("mainmenu_name \"%s\"\n", cfg->label);
- break;
- case tok_menuoption:
- /*
- * We are at the start of a new menu. If we had one that
- * we were working on before, close it out, and then generate
- * the script to start the new one.
- */
- if( cfg->menu_number > 1 )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- }
- menulabel = cfg->label;
- start_proc(cfg->label, cfg->menu_number, TRUE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- menu_max = cfg->submenu_end;
- menu_min = cfg->submenu_start;
- break;
- case tok_bool:
- /*
- * If we reached the point where we need to switch over
- * to the next submenu, then bump the menu number and generate
- * the code to close out the old menu and start the new one.
- */
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\tbool $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_choice:
- printf("\t$ add radiobutton -label \"%s\" -variable %s -value \"%s\" -command \"update_menu%d .menu%d.config.f\"\n",
- cfg1->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg1->optionname,
- cfg->label,
- cfg1->menu_number, cfg1->menu_number);
- break;
- case tok_choose:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\tglobal %s\n",cfg->optionname);
- printf("\tminimenu $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname,
- /*
- * We rely on the fact that the first tok_choice corresponding
- * to the current tok_choose is cfg->next (compare parse() in
- * tkparse.c). We need its name to pick out the right help
- * text from
- */
- cfg->next->optionname);
- printf("\tmenu $\n", cfg->menu_line);
- cfg1 = cfg;
- break;
- case tok_tristate:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\ttristate $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\tdep_tristate $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->depend.str);
- break;
- case tok_int:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\tint $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_hex:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\thex $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_string:
- if( cfg->menu_number != menu_num )
- {
- end_proc(menu_num);
- start_proc(menulabel, cfg->menu_number, FALSE);
- menu_num = cfg->menu_number;
- }
- printf("\tistring $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
- cfg->menu_number,
- cfg->menu_line,
- cfg->label,
- cfg->optionname);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ case token_mainmenu_name:
+ name = cfg->label;
+ break;
+ case token_mainmenu_option:
+ if ( ++menu_depth >= 64 )
+ { fprintf( stderr, "menus too deep\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
+ if ( ++tot_menu_num >= 256 )
+ { fprintf( stderr, "too many menus\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
+ menu_num [menu_depth] = tot_menu_num;
+ menu_first [tot_menu_num] = cfg;
+ menu_last [tot_menu_num] = cfg;
+ break;
+ case token_endmenu:
+#if ! defined(BUG_COMPATIBLE)
+ /* flatten menus with proper scoping */
+ if ( --menu_depth < 0 )
+ { fprintf( stderr, "unmatched endmenu\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ case token_choice_header:
+ case token_choice_item:
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ case token_hex:
+ case token_int:
+ case token_string:
+ case token_tristate:
+ if ( menu_depth == 0 )
+ { fprintf( stderr, "statement not in menu\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
+ menu_last [menu_num [menu_depth]]->menu_next = cfg;
+ menu_last [menu_num [menu_depth]] = cfg;
+ cfg->menu_next = NULL;
+ break;
+ case token_define_bool:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Generate menus per column setting.
+ * There are:
+ * four extra buttons for save/quit/load/store;
+ * one blank button
+ * add two to round up for division
+ */
+ printf( "set menus_per_column %d\n\n", (tot_menu_num + 4 + 1 + 2) / 3 );
+ /*
+ * Generate the menus.
+ */
+ printf( "mainmenu_name \"%s\"\n", name );
+ for ( imenu = 1; imenu <= tot_menu_num; ++imenu )
+ {
+ int menu_line = 0;
+ clear_globalflags( scfg );
+ start_proc( menu_first[imenu]->label, imenu, 1 );
+ for ( cfg = menu_first[imenu]; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->menu_next )
+ {
+ cfg->menu_number = imenu;
+ switch ( cfg->token )
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\tbool $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_choice_header:
+ /*
+ * I need the first token_choice_item to pick out the right
+ * help text from Documentation/
+ */
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname );
+ printf( "\tminimenu $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->next->optionname );
+ printf( "\tmenu $\n", cfg->menu_line );
+ cfg1 = cfg;
+ break;
+ case token_choice_item:
+ /* note: no menu line; uses choice header menu line */
+ printf( "\t$ add radiobutton -label \"%s\" -variable %s -value \"%s\" -command \"update_menu%d .menu%d.config.f\"\n",
+ cfg1->menu_line, cfg->label, cfg1->optionname,
+ cfg->label, cfg1->menu_number, cfg1->menu_number );
+ break;
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\tdep_tristate $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname, cfg->depend );
+ break;
+ case token_hex:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\thex $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_int:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\tint $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_string:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\tistring $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_tristate:
+ cfg->menu_line = menu_line++;
+ printf( "\ttristate $w.config.f %d %d \"%s\" %s\n",
+ cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line, cfg->label,
+ cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ end_proc( scfg, imenu );
+ }
+ /*
+ * The top level menu also needs an update function. When we exit a
+ * submenu, we may need to disable one or more of the submenus on
+ * the top level menu, and this procedure will ensure that things are
+ * correct.
+ */
+ clear_globalflags( scfg );
+ printf( "proc update_mainmenu {w} {\n" );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
+ {
+ if ( cfg->token == token_mainmenu_option && cfg->cond != NULL )
+ generate_if( cfg, cfg->cond, cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line );
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
- /*
- * Generate the code to close out the last menu.
- */
- end_proc(menu_num);
- clear_globalflags(config);
- /*
- * The top level menu also needs an update function. When we exit a
- * submenu, we may need to disable one or more of the submenus on
- * the top level menu, and this procedure will ensure that things are
- * correct.
- */
- clear_globalflags(scfg);
- printf("proc update_mainmenu {w} {\n");
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * Generate code to set the variables that are "defined".
+ */
+ for ( cfg = config; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- switch (cfg->tok)
+ if ( cfg->token == token_define_bool )
- case tok_menuoption:
- if (cfg->cond != NULL )
- generate_if(cfg, cfg->cond, cfg->menu_number, cfg->menu_line);
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ if ( cfg->cond != NULL )
+ generate_if( cfg, cfg->cond, menu_num, cfg->menu_line );
+ else
+ printf( "\twrite_define %s %s\n", cfg->optionname, cfg->value );
+ #endif
- printf("}\n\n\n");
-#if 0
- /*
- * Generate some code to set the variables that are "defined".
- */
- for(cfg = config;cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ /*
+ * Generate code to load the default settings into the variables.
+ * The script in will attempt to load .config,
+ * which may override these settings, but that's OK.
+ */
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- /*
- * Skip items not for this menu, or ones having no conditions.
- */
- if( cfg->tok != tok_define) continue;
- if (cfg->cond != NULL )
- generate_if(cfg, cfg->cond, menu_num, cfg->menu_line);
- else
+ switch ( cfg->token )
- printf("\twrite_define %s %s\n", cfg->optionname, cfg->value);
- }
+ default:
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ case token_choice_item:
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ case token_tristate:
+ printf( "set %s 0\n", cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_choice_header:
+ printf( "set %s \"(not set)\"\n", cfg->optionname );
+ break;
+ case token_hex:
+ case token_int:
+ case token_string:
+ printf( "set %s %s\n", cfg->optionname, cfg->value );
+ break;
+ }
- /*
- * Now generate code to load the default settings into the variables.
- * Note that the script in will attempt to load .config,
- * which may override these settings, but that's OK.
- */
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ /*
+ * Generate a function to write all of the variables to a file.
+ */
+ printf( "proc writeconfig {file1 file2} {\n" );
+ printf( "\tset cfg [open $file1 w]\n" );
+ printf( "\tset autocfg [open $file2 w]\n" );
+ printf( "\tset notmod 1\n" );
+ printf( "\tset notset 0\n" );
+ printf( "\tputs $cfg \"#\"\n");
+ printf( "\tputs $cfg \"# Automatically generated make config: don't edit\"\n");
+ printf( "\tputs $cfg \"#\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tputs $autocfg \"/*\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tputs $autocfg \" * Automatically generated C config: don't edit\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tputs $autocfg \" */\"\n" );
+ printf( "\tputs $autocfg \"#define AUTOCONF_INCLUDED\"\n" );
+ clear_globalflags( scfg );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- switch (cfg->tok)
+ switch ( cfg->token )
- case tok_bool:
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- case tok_choice:
- printf("set %s 0\n", cfg->optionname);
- break;
- case tok_int:
- case tok_hex:
- case tok_string:
- printf("set %s %s\n", cfg->optionname, cfg->value);
- break;
- case tok_choose:
- printf("set %s \"(not set)\"\n",cfg->optionname);
- break;
+ break;
+ case token_bool:
+ case token_choice_header:
+ case token_comment:
+ case token_define_bool:
+ case token_dep_tristate:
+ case token_hex:
+ case token_int:
+ case token_string:
+ case token_tristate:
+ generate_writeconfig( cfg );
+ break;
+ printf( "\tclose $cfg\n" );
+ printf( "\tclose $autocfg\n" );
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
- /*
- * Next generate a function that can be called from the main menu that will
- * write all of the variables out. This also serves double duty - we can
- * save configuration to a file using this.
- */
- printf("proc writeconfig {file1 file2} {\n");
- printf("\tset cfg [open $file1 w]\n");
- printf("\tset autocfg [open $file2 w]\n");
- printf("\tset notmod 1\n");
- printf("\tset notset 0\n");
- clear_globalflags(config);
- printf("\tputs $cfg \"#\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $cfg \"# Automatically generated make config: don't edit\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $cfg \"#\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $autocfg \"/*\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $autocfg \" * Automatically generated C config: don't edit\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $autocfg \" */\"\n");
- printf("\tputs $autocfg \"#define AUTOCONF_INCLUDED\"\n");
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ /*
+ * Generate a simple function that updates the master choice
+ * variable depending upon what values were loaded from a .config
+ * file.
+ */
+ printf( "proc clear_choices { } {\n" );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- switch (cfg->tok)
+ if ( cfg->token == token_choice_header )
- case tok_int:
- case tok_hex:
- case tok_string:
- case tok_bool:
- case tok_tristate:
- case tok_dep_tristate:
- case tok_define:
- case tok_choose:
- if(!(cfg->flags & GLOBAL_WRITTEN))
+ for ( cfg1 = cfg->next;
+ cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->token == token_choice_item;
+ cfg1 = cfg1->next )
- cfg->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- printf("\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname);
+ printf( "\tglobal %s; set %s 0\n",
+ cfg1->optionname, cfg1->optionname );
- /* fall through */
- case tok_comment:
- if (cfg->cond != NULL )
- generate_if_for_outfile(cfg, cfg->cond);
- else
- {
- if(cfg->tok == tok_dep_tristate)
- {
- printf("\tif {$%s == 0 } then {\n"
- "\t\twrite_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $notset $notmod\n"
- "\t} else {\n"
- "\t\twrite_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $%s\n"
- "\t}\n",
- cfg->depend.str,
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->depend.str);
- }
- else if(cfg->tok == tok_comment)
- {
- printf("\twrite_comment $cfg $autocfg \"%s\"\n", cfg->label);
- }
-#if 0
- else if(cfg->tok == tok_define)
- {
- printf("\twrite_define %s %s\n", cfg->optionname,
- cfg->value);
- }
- else if (cfg->tok == tok_choose )
- {
- for(cfg1 = cfg->next;
- cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->tok == tok_choice;
- cfg1 = cfg1->next)
- {
- printf("\tif { $%s == \"%s\" } then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 1 $notmod } else { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 0 $notmod }\n",
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg1->label,
- cfg1->optionname,
- cfg1->optionname);
- }
- }
- else if (cfg->tok == tok_int )
- {
- printf("\twrite_int $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod\n",
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname);
- }
- else if (cfg->tok == tok_hex )
- {
- printf("\twrite_hex $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod\n",
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname);
- }
- else if (cfg->tok == tok_string )
- {
- printf("\twrite_string $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod\n",
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("\twrite_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s $%s $notmod\n",
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg->optionname);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- printf("\tclose $cfg\n");
- printf("\tclose $autocfg\n");
- printf("}\n\n\n");
- /*
- * Finally write a simple function that updates the master choice
- * variable depending upon what values were loaded from a .config
- * file.
- */
- printf("proc clear_choices { } {\n");
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
+ printf( "proc update_choices { } {\n" );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- if( cfg->tok != tok_choose ) continue;
- for(cfg1 = cfg->next;
- cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->tok == tok_choice;
- cfg1 = cfg1->next)
+ if ( cfg->token == token_choice_header )
- printf("\tglobal %s; set %s 0\n",cfg1->optionname,cfg1->optionname);
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname );
+ for ( cfg1 = cfg->next;
+ cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->token == token_choice_item;
+ cfg1 = cfg1->next )
+ {
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg1->optionname );
+ printf( "\tif { $%s == 1 } then { set %s \"%s\" }\n",
+ cfg1->optionname, cfg->optionname, cfg1->label );
+ }
- printf("}\n\n\n");
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
- printf("proc update_choices { } {\n");
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ printf( "proc update_define { } {\n" );
+ clear_globalflags( scfg );
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- if( cfg->tok != tok_choose ) continue;
- printf("\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname);
- for(cfg1 = cfg->next;
- cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->tok == tok_choice;
- cfg1 = cfg1->next)
- {
- printf("\tglobal %s\n", cfg1->optionname);
- printf("\tif { $%s == 1 } then { set %s \"%s\" }\n",
- cfg1->optionname,
- cfg->optionname,
- cfg1->label);
+ if ( cfg->token == token_define_bool )
+ {
+ cfg->global_written = 1;
+ printf( "\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname );
- printf("}\n\n\n");
- printf("proc update_define { } {\n");
- clear_globalflags(config);
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
+ for ( cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next )
- if( cfg->tok != tok_define ) continue;
- printf("\tglobal %s\n", cfg->optionname);
- cfg->flags |= GLOBAL_WRITTEN;
- }
- for(cfg = scfg; cfg != NULL; cfg = cfg->next)
- {
- if( cfg->tok != tok_define ) continue;
- if (cfg->cond != NULL )
- generate_if(cfg, cfg->cond, -1, 0);
- else
+ if( cfg->token == token_define_bool )
- printf("\tset %s %s\n",
- cfg->optionname, cfg->value);
+ if ( cfg->cond == NULL )
+ printf( "\tset %s %s\n", cfg->optionname, cfg->value );
+ else
+ generate_if( cfg, cfg->cond, -1, 0 );
- printf("}\n\n\n");
- /*
- * That's it. We are done. The output of this file will have
- * prepended and appended to create an executable wish script.
- */
+ printf( "}\n\n\n" );
+ /*
+ * That's it. We are done. The output of this file will have
+ * prepended and appended to create an executable wish script.
+ */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,