patch-2.4.10 linux/drivers/scsi/dpt_i2o.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.9/linux/drivers/scsi/dpt_i2o.c linux/drivers/scsi/dpt_i2o.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3326 @@
+                          dpti.c  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Thu Sep 7 2000
+    copyright            : (C) 2000 by Adaptec
+    email                :
+    			   July 30, 2001 First version being submitted
+			   for inclusion in the kernel.  V2.4
+    See README.dpti for history, notes, license info, and credits
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//#define DEBUG 1
+//#define UARTDELAY 1
+// On the real kernel ADDR32 should always be zero for 2.4. GFP_HIGH allocates
+// high pages. Keep the macro around because of the broken unmerged ia64 tree
+#define ADDR32 (0)
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Deanna Bonds, with _lots_ of help from Mark Salyzyn");
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>	/* For SCSI-Passthrough */
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/stat.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>		/* for kmalloc() */
+#include <linux/config.h>	/* for CONFIG_PCI */
+#include <linux/pci.h>		/* for PCI support */
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/blk.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>	/* for udelay */
+#include <linux/tqueue.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>	/* for printk */
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/reboot.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/stat.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>	/* for boot_cpu_data */
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>		/* for virt_to_bus, etc. */
+#include "scsi.h"
+#include "hosts.h"
+#include "sd.h"
+#include "dpt/dptsig.h"
+#include "dpti.h"
+ * Create a binary signature - this is read by dptsig
+ * Needed for our management apps
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+static dpt_sig_S DPTI_sig = {
+	{'d', 'P', 't', 'S', 'i', 'G'}, SIG_VERSION,
+#ifdef __i386__
+#elif defined __ia64__
+#elif define __sparc__
+#elif defined(__alpha__)
+	(-1),
+	DPT_MONTH, DPT_DAY, DPT_YEAR, "Adaptec Linux I2O RAID Driver"
+ * Globals
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+static struct i2o_sys_tbl *sys_tbl = NULL;
+static int sys_tbl_ind = 0;
+static int sys_tbl_len = 0;
+static adpt_hba* hbas[DPTI_MAX_HBA];
+static adpt_hba* hba_chain = NULL;
+static int hba_count = 0;
+// Debug flags to be put into the HBA flags field when initialized
+// Make sure to enable DEBUG_PRINT for these flags to work
+static unsigned long DebugFlags = HBA_FLAGS_DBG_SCAN_B | HBA_FLAGS_DBG_FLAGS_MASK;
+static struct file_operations adpt_fops = {
+	ioctl: adpt_ioctl,
+	open: adpt_open,
+	release: adpt_close
+static struct notifier_block adpt_reboot_notifier =
+	 adpt_reboot_event,
+	 NULL,
+	 0
+/* Structures and definitions for synchronous message posting.
+ * See adpt_i2o_post_wait() for description
+ * */
+struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data
+	int status;
+	u32 id;
+	adpt_wait_queue_head_t *wq;
+	struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *next;
+static struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *adpt_post_wait_queue = NULL;
+static u32 adpt_post_wait_id = 0;
+static spinlock_t adpt_post_wait_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ * 				Functions
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+static u8 adpt_read_blink_led(adpt_hba* host)
+	if(host->FwDebugBLEDflag_P != 0) {
+		if( readb(host->FwDebugBLEDflag_P) == 0xbc ){
+			return readb(host->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Scsi host template interface functions
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+static int adpt_detect(Scsi_Host_Template* sht)
+	struct pci_dev *pDev = NULL;
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	adpt_init();
+	sht->use_new_eh_code = 1;
+	PINFO("Detecting Adaptec I2O RAID controllers...\n");
+        /* search for all Adatpec I2O RAID cards */
+	while ((pDev = pci_find_device( PCI_DPT_VENDOR_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pDev))) {
+		if(pDev->device == PCI_DPT_DEVICE_ID ||
+		   pDev->device == PCI_DPT_RAPTOR_DEVICE_ID){
+			if(adpt_install_hba(sht, pDev) ){
+				PERROR("Could not Init an I2O RAID device\n");
+				PERROR("Will not try to detect others.\n");
+				return hba_count-1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* In INIT state, Activate IOPs */
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		// Activate does get status , init outbound, and get hrt
+		if (adpt_i2o_activate_hba(pHba) < 0) {
+			adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Active IOPs in HOLD state */
+	if (hba_chain == NULL) 
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * If build_sys_table fails, we kill everything and bail
+	 * as we can't init the IOPs w/o a system table
+	 */	
+	if (adpt_i2o_build_sys_table() < 0) {
+		adpt_i2o_sys_shutdown();
+		return 0;
+	}
+	PDEBUG("HBA's in HOLD state\n");
+	/* If IOP don't get online, we need to rebuild the System table */
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if (adpt_i2o_online_hba(pHba) < 0) {
+			adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);	
+			goto rebuild_sys_tab;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Active IOPs now in OPERATIONAL state */
+	PDEBUG("HBA's in OPERATIONAL state\n");
+	printk(KERN_INFO"dpti: If you have a lot of devices this could take a few minutes.\n");
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Reading the hardware resource table.\n", pHba->name);
+		if (adpt_i2o_lct_get(pHba) < 0){
+			adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (adpt_i2o_parse_lct(pHba) < 0){
+			adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+			continue;
+		}
+		adpt_inquiry(pHba);
+	}
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if( adpt_scsi_register(pHba,sht) < 0){
+			adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+			continue;
+		}
+		pHba->initialized = TRUE;
+		pHba->state &= ~DPTI_STATE_RESET;
+	}
+	// Register our control device node
+	// nodes will need to be created in /dev to access this
+	// the nodes can not be created from within the driver
+	if (hba_count && register_chrdev(DPTI_I2O_MAJOR, DPT_DRIVER, &adpt_fops)) {
+		adpt_i2o_sys_shutdown();
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return hba_count;
+ * scsi_unregister will be called AFTER we return. 
+ */
+static int adpt_release(struct Scsi_Host *host)
+	adpt_hba* pHba = (adpt_hba*) host->hostdata[0];
+//	adpt_i2o_quiesce_hba(pHba);
+	adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+	return 0;
+static void adpt_inquiry(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u32 msg[14]; 
+	u32 *mptr;
+	u32 *lenptr;
+	int direction;
+	int scsidir;
+	u32 len;
+	u32 reqlen;
+	u8* buf;
+	u8  scb[16];
+	s32 rcode;
+	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+	buf = (u8*)kmalloc(80,GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+	if(!buf){
+		printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Could not allocate buffer\n",pHba->name);
+		return;
+	}
+	memset((void*)buf, 0, 36);
+	len = 36;
+	direction = 0x00000000;	
+	scsidir  =0x40000000;	// DATA IN  (iop<--dev)
+	reqlen = 14;		// SINGLE SGE
+	/* Stick the headers on */
+	msg[0] = reqlen<<16 | SGL_OFFSET_12;
+	msg[1] = (0xff<<24|HOST_TID<<12|ADAPTER_TID);
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3]  = 0;
+	// Adaptec/DPT Private stuff 
+	msg[5] = ADAPTER_TID | 1<<16 /* Interpret*/;
+	/* Direction, disconnect ok | sense data | simple queue , CDBLen */
+	msg[6] = scsidir|0x20a00000| 6 /* cmd len*/;
+	mptr=msg+7;
+	memset(scb, 0, sizeof(scb));
+	// Write SCSI command into the message - always 16 byte block 
+	scb[0] = INQUIRY;
+	scb[1] = 0;
+	scb[2] = 0;
+	scb[3] = 0;
+	scb[4] = 36;
+	scb[5] = 0;
+	// Don't care about the rest of scb
+	memcpy(mptr, scb, sizeof(scb));
+	mptr+=4;
+	lenptr=mptr++;		/* Remember me - fill in when we know */
+	/* Now fill in the SGList and command */
+	*lenptr = len;
+	*mptr++ = 0xD0000000|direction|len;
+	*mptr++ = virt_to_bus(buf);
+	// Send it on it's way
+	rcode = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, reqlen<<2, 120);
+	if (rcode != 0) {
+		sprintf(pHba->detail, "Adaptec I2O RAID");
+		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Inquiry Error (%d)\n",pHba->name,rcode);
+	} else {
+		memset(pHba->detail, 0, sizeof(pHba->detail));
+		memcpy(&(pHba->detail), "Vendor: Adaptec ", 16);
+		memcpy(&(pHba->detail[16]), " Model: ", 8);
+		memcpy(&(pHba->detail[24]), (u8*) &buf[16], 16);
+		memcpy(&(pHba->detail[40]), " FW: ", 4);
+		memcpy(&(pHba->detail[44]), (u8*) &buf[32], 4);
+		pHba->detail[48] = '\0';	/* precautionary */
+	}
+	kfree(buf);
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	return ;
+static void adpt_select_queue_depths(struct Scsi_Host *host, Scsi_Device * devicelist)
+	Scsi_Device *device;	/* scsi layer per device information */
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	pHba = (adpt_hba *) host->hostdata[0];
+	for (device = devicelist; device != NULL; device = device->next) {
+		if (device->host != host) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (host->can_queue) {
+			device->queue_depth =  host->can_queue - 1;
+		} else {
+			device->queue_depth = 1;
+		}
+	}
+static int adpt_queue(Scsi_Cmnd * cmd, void (*done) (Scsi_Cmnd *))
+	adpt_hba* pHba = NULL;
+	struct adpt_device* pDev = NULL;	/* dpt per device information */
+	ulong timeout = jiffies + (TMOUT_SCSI*HZ);
+	cmd->scsi_done = done;
+	/*
+	 * SCSI REQUEST_SENSE commands will be executed automatically by the 
+	 * Host Adapter for any errors, so they should not be executed 
+	 * explicitly unless the Sense Data is zero indicating that no error 
+	 * occurred.
+	 */
+	if ((cmd->cmnd[0] == REQUEST_SENSE) && (cmd->sense_buffer[0] != 0)) {
+		cmd->result = (DID_OK << 16);
+		cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	pHba = (adpt_hba*)cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	if (!pHba) {
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+	rmb();
+	/*
+	 * TODO: I need to block here if I am processing ioctl cmds
+	 * but if the outstanding cmds all finish before the ioctl,
+	 * the scsi-core will not know to start sending cmds to me again.
+	 * I need to a way to restart the scsi-cores queues or should I block
+	 * calling scsi_done on the outstanding cmds instead
+	 * for now we don't set the IOCTL state
+	 */
+	if(((pHba->state) & DPTI_STATE_IOCTL) || ((pHba->state) & DPTI_STATE_RESET)) {
+		pHba->host->last_reset = jiffies;
+		pHba->host->resetting = 1;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(cmd->eh_state != SCSI_STATE_QUEUED){
+		// If we are not doing error recovery
+		mod_timer(&cmd->eh_timeout, timeout);
+	}
+	// TODO if the cmd->device if offline then I may need to issue a bus rescan
+	// followed by a get_lct to see if the device is there anymore
+	if((pDev = (struct adpt_device*) (cmd->device->hostdata)) == NULL) {
+		/*
+		 * First command request for this device.  Set up a pointer
+		 * to the device structure.  This should be a TEST_UNIT_READY
+		 * command from scan_scsis_single.
+		 */
+		if ((pDev = adpt_find_device(pHba, (u32)cmd->channel, (u32)cmd->target, (u32)cmd-> lun)) == NULL) {
+			// TODO: if any luns are at this bus, scsi id then fake a TEST_UNIT_READY and INQUIRY response 
+			// with type 7F (for all luns less than the max for this bus,id) so the lun scan will continue.
+			cmd->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
+			cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		(struct adpt_device*)(cmd->device->hostdata) = pDev;
+	}
+	pDev->pScsi_dev = cmd->device;
+	/*
+	 * If we are being called from when the device is being reset, 
+	 * delay processing of the command until later.
+	 */
+	if (pDev->state & DPTI_DEV_RESET ) {
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+	return adpt_scsi_to_i2o(pHba, cmd, pDev);
+static int adpt_bios_param(Disk* disk, kdev_t dev, int geom[])
+	int heads=-1;
+	int sectors=-1;
+	int cylinders=-1;
+	// *** First lets set the default geometry ****
+	// If the capacity is less than ox2000
+	if (disk->capacity < 0x2000 ) {	// floppy
+		heads = 18;
+		sectors = 2;
+	} 
+	// else if between 0x2000 and 0x20000
+	else if (disk->capacity < 0x20000) {
+		heads = 64;
+		sectors = 32;
+	}
+	// else if between 0x20000 and 0x40000
+	else if (disk->capacity < 0x40000) {
+		heads = 65;
+		sectors = 63;
+	}
+	// else if between 0x4000 and 0x80000
+	else if (disk->capacity < 0x80000) {
+		heads = 128;
+		sectors = 63;
+	}
+	// else if greater than 0x80000
+	else {
+		heads = 255;
+		sectors = 63;
+	}
+	cylinders = disk->capacity / (heads * sectors);
+	// Special case if CDROM
+	if(disk->device->type == 5) {  // CDROM
+		heads = 252;
+		sectors = 63;
+		cylinders = 1111;
+	}
+	geom[0] = heads;
+	geom[1] = sectors;
+	geom[2] = cylinders;
+	PDEBUG("adpt_bios_param: exit\n");
+	return 0;
+static const char *adpt_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	pHba = (adpt_hba *) host->hostdata[0];
+	return (char *) (pHba->detail);
+static int adpt_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
+		  int length, int hostno, int inout)
+	struct adpt_device* d;
+	int id;
+	int chan;
+	int len = 0;
+	int begin = 0;
+	int pos = 0;
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	struct Scsi_Host *host;
+	int unit;
+	*start = buffer;
+	if (inout == TRUE) {
+		/*
+		 * The user has done a write and wants us to take the
+		 * data in the buffer and do something with it.
+		 * proc_scsiwrite calls us with inout = 1
+		 *
+		 * Read data from buffer (writing to us) - NOT SUPPORTED
+		 */
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * inout = 0 means the user has done a read and wants information
+	 * returned, so we write information about the cards into the buffer
+	 * proc_scsiread() calls us with inout = 0
+	 */
+	// Find HBA (host bus adapter) we are looking for
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if (pHba->host->host_no == hostno) {
+			break;	/* found adapter */
+		}
+	}
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	if (pHba == NULL) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	host = pHba->host;
+	len  = sprintf(buffer    , "Adaptec I2O RAID Driver Version: %s\n\n", DPT_I2O_VERSION);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%s\n", pHba->detail);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "SCSI Host=scsi%d  Control Node=/dev/%s  irq=%d\n", 
+			pHba->host->host_no, pHba->name, host->irq);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tpost fifo size  = %d\n\treply fifo size = %d\n\tsg table size   = %d\n\n",
+			host->can_queue, (int) pHba->reply_fifo_size , host->sg_tablesize);
+	pos = begin + len;
+	if(pos > offset + length) {
+		goto stop_output;
+	}
+	if(pos <= offset) {
+		/*
+		 * If we haven't even written to where we last left
+		 * off (the last time we were called), reset the 
+		 * beginning pointer.
+		 */
+		len = 0;
+		begin = pos;
+	}
+	len +=  sprintf(buffer+len, "Devices:\n");
+	for(chan = 0; chan < MAX_CHANNEL; chan++) {
+		for(id = 0; id < MAX_ID; id++) {
+			d = pHba->channel[chan].device[id];
+			while(d){
+				len += sprintf(buffer+len,"\t%-24.24s", d->pScsi_dev->vendor);
+				len += sprintf(buffer+len," Rev: %-8.8s\n", d->pScsi_dev->rev);
+				pos = begin + len;
+				/* CHECKPOINT */
+				if(pos > offset + length) {
+					goto stop_output;
+				}
+				if(pos <= offset) {
+					len = 0;
+					begin = pos;
+				}
+				unit = d->pI2o_dev->lct_data.tid;
+				len += sprintf(buffer+len, "\tTID=%d, (Channel=%d, Target=%d, Lun=%d)  (%s)\n\n",
+					       unit, (int)d->scsi_channel, (int)d->scsi_id, (int)d->scsi_lun,
+					       d->pScsi_dev->online? "online":"offline"); 
+				pos = begin + len;
+				/* CHECKPOINT */
+				if(pos > offset + length) {
+					goto stop_output;
+				}
+				if(pos <= offset) {
+					len = 0;
+					begin = pos;
+				}
+				d = d->next_lun;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * begin is where we last checked our position with regards to offset
+	 * begin is always less than offset.  len is relative to begin.  It
+	 * is the number of bytes written past begin
+	 *
+	 */
+	/* stop the output and calculate the correct length */
+	*(buffer + len) = '\0';
+	*start = buffer + (offset - begin);	/* Start of wanted data */
+	len -= (offset - begin);
+	if(len > length) {
+		len = length;
+	} else if(len < 0){
+		len = 0;
+		**start = '\0';
+	}
+	return len;
+ * Error Handling routines
+ *===========================================================================
+ */
+static int adpt_abort(Scsi_Cmnd * cmd)
+	adpt_hba* pHba = NULL;	/* host bus adapter structure */
+	struct adpt_device* dptdevice;	/* dpt per device information */
+	u32 msg[5];
+	int rcode;
+	if(cmd->serial_number == 0){
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+	pHba = (adpt_hba*) cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Trying to Abort cmd=%ld\n",pHba->name, cmd->serial_number);
+	if ((dptdevice = (void*) (cmd->device->hostdata)) == NULL) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to abort: No device in cmnd\n",pHba->name);
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+	msg[1] = I2O_CMD_SCSI_ABORT<<24|HOST_TID<<12|dptdevice->tid;
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3]= 0; 
+	msg[4] = (u32)cmd;
+	if( (rcode = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), FOREVER)) != 0){
+		if(rcode == -EOPNOTSUPP ){
+			printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Abort cmd not supported\n",pHba->name);
+			return FAILED;
+		}
+		printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Abort cmd=%ld failed.\n",pHba->name, cmd->serial_number);
+		return FAILED;
+	} 
+	printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Abort cmd=%ld complete.\n",pHba->name, cmd->serial_number);
+	return SUCCESS;
+#define I2O_DEVICE_RESET 0x27
+// This is the same for BLK and SCSI devices
+// NOTE this is wrong in the i2o.h definitions
+// This is not currently supported by our adapter but we issue it anyway
+static int adpt_device_reset(Scsi_Cmnd* cmd)
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	u32 msg[4];
+	u32 rcode;
+	int old_state;
+	struct adpt_device* d = (void*) cmd->device->hostdata;
+	pHba = (void*) cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Trying to reset device\n",pHba->name);
+	if (!d) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Reset Device: Device Not found\n",pHba->name);
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+	msg[1] = (I2O_DEVICE_RESET<<24|HOST_TID<<12|d->tid);
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = 0;
+	old_state = d->state;
+	d->state |= DPTI_DEV_RESET;
+	if( (rcode = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, (void*)msg,sizeof(msg), FOREVER)) ){
+		d->state = old_state;
+		if(rcode == -EOPNOTSUPP ){
+			printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Device reset not supported\n",pHba->name);
+			return FAILED;
+		}
+		printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Device reset failed\n",pHba->name);
+		return FAILED;
+	} else {
+		d->state = old_state;
+		printk(KERN_INFO"%s: Device reset successful\n",pHba->name);
+		return SUCCESS;
+	}
+#define I2O_HBA_BUS_RESET 0x87
+// This version of bus reset is called by the eh_error handler
+static int adpt_bus_reset(Scsi_Cmnd* cmd)
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	u32 msg[4];
+	pHba = (adpt_hba*)cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+	printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Bus reset: SCSI Bus %d: tid: %d\n",pHba->name, cmd->channel,pHba->channel[cmd->channel].tid );
+	msg[1] = (I2O_HBA_BUS_RESET<<24|HOST_TID<<12|pHba->channel[cmd->channel].tid);
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = 0;
+	if(adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, (void*)msg,sizeof(msg), FOREVER) ){
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Bus reset failed.\n",pHba->name);
+		return FAILED;
+	} else {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Bus reset success.\n",pHba->name);
+		return SUCCESS;
+	}
+// This version of reset is called by the eh_error_handler
+static int adpt_reset(Scsi_Cmnd* cmd)
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	int rcode;
+	pHba = (adpt_hba*)cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Hba Reset: scsi id %d: tid: %d\n",pHba->name,cmd->channel,pHba->channel[cmd->channel].tid );
+	rcode =  adpt_hba_reset(pHba);
+	if(rcode == 0){
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: HBA reset complete\n",pHba->name);
+		return SUCCESS;
+	} else {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: HBA reset failed (%x)\n",pHba->name, rcode);
+		return FAILED;
+	}
+// This version of reset is called by the ioctls and indirectly from eh_error_handler via adpt_reset
+static int adpt_hba_reset(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	int rcode;
+	pHba->state |= DPTI_STATE_RESET;
+	// Activate does get status , init outbound, and get hrt
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_activate_hba(pHba)) < 0) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Could not activate\n", pHba->name);
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_build_sys_table()) < 0) {
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	PDEBUG("%s: in HOLD state\n",pHba->name);
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_online_hba(pHba)) < 0) {
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);	
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	PDEBUG("%s: in OPERATIONAL state\n",pHba->name);
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_lct_get(pHba)) < 0){
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_reparse_lct(pHba)) < 0){
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	pHba->state &= ~DPTI_STATE_RESET;
+	adpt_fail_posted_scbs(pHba);
+	return 0;	/* return success */
+ * 
+ *===========================================================================
+ */
+static void adpt_i2o_sys_shutdown(void)
+	adpt_hba *pHba, *pNext;
+	struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *p1, *p2;
+	 printk(KERN_INFO"Shutting down Adaptec I2O controllers.\n");
+	 printk(KERN_INFO"   This could take a few minutes if there are many devices attached\n");
+	/* Delete all IOPs from the controller chain */
+	/* They should have already been released by the
+	 * scsi-core
+	 */
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pNext) {
+		pNext = pHba->next;
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+	}
+	/* Remove any timedout entries from the wait queue.  */
+	p2 = NULL;
+//	spin_lock_irqsave(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+	/* Nothing should be outstanding at this point so just
+	 * free them 
+	 */
+	for(p1 = adpt_post_wait_queue; p1; p2 = p1, p1 = p2->next) {
+		kfree(p1);
+	}
+//	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+	adpt_post_wait_queue = 0;
+	 printk(KERN_INFO "Adaptec I2O controllers down.\n");
+ * reboot/shutdown notification.
+ *
+ * - Quiesce each IOP in the system
+ *
+ */
+static int adpt_reboot_event(struct notifier_block *n, ulong code, void *p)
+	 if(code != SYS_RESTART && code != SYS_HALT && code != SYS_POWER_OFF)
+		  return NOTIFY_DONE;
+	 adpt_i2o_sys_shutdown();
+	 return NOTIFY_DONE;
+static int adpt_install_hba(Scsi_Host_Template* sht, struct pci_dev* pDev) 
+	adpt_hba* pHba = NULL;
+	adpt_hba* p = NULL;
+	ulong base_addr0_phys = 0;
+	ulong base_addr1_phys = 0;
+	u32 hba_map0_area_size = 0;
+	u32 hba_map1_area_size = 0;
+	ulong base_addr_virt = 0;
+	ulong msg_addr_virt = 0;
+	int raptorFlag = FALSE;
+	int i;
+	if(pci_enable_device(pDev)) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	pci_set_master(pDev);
+	base_addr0_phys = pci_resource_start(pDev,0);
+	hba_map0_area_size = pci_resource_len(pDev,0);
+	// Check if standard PCI card or single BAR Raptor
+	if(pDev->device == PCI_DPT_DEVICE_ID){
+		if(pDev->subsystem_device >=0xc032 && pDev->subsystem_device <= 0xc03b){
+			// Raptor card with this device id needs 4M
+			hba_map0_area_size = 0x400000;
+		} else { // Not Raptor - it is a PCI card
+			if(hba_map0_area_size > 0x100000 ){ 
+				hba_map0_area_size = 0x100000;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {// Raptor split BAR config
+		// Use BAR1 in this configuration
+		base_addr1_phys = pci_resource_start(pDev,1);
+		hba_map1_area_size = pci_resource_len(pDev,1);
+		raptorFlag = TRUE;
+	}
+	base_addr_virt = (ulong)ioremap(base_addr0_phys,hba_map0_area_size);
+	if(base_addr_virt == 0) {
+		PERROR("dpti: adpt_config_hba: io remap failed\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+        if(raptorFlag == TRUE) {
+		msg_addr_virt = (ulong)ioremap(base_addr1_phys, hba_map1_area_size );
+		if(msg_addr_virt == 0) {
+			PERROR("dpti: adpt_config_hba: io remap failed on BAR1\n");
+			iounmap((void*)base_addr_virt);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	} else {
+		msg_addr_virt = base_addr_virt;
+	}
+	// Allocate and zero the data structure
+	pHba = kmalloc(sizeof(adpt_hba), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if( pHba == NULL) {
+		if(msg_addr_virt != base_addr_virt){
+			iounmap((void*)msg_addr_virt);
+		}
+		iounmap((void*)base_addr_virt);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset(pHba, 0, sizeof(adpt_hba));
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	for(i=0;i<DPTI_MAX_HBA;i++) {
+		if(hbas[i]==NULL) {
+			hbas[i]=pHba;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(hba_chain != NULL){
+		for(p = hba_chain; p->next; p = p->next);
+		p->next = pHba;
+	} else {
+		hba_chain = pHba;
+	}
+	pHba->next = NULL;
+	pHba->unit = hba_count;
+	sprintf(pHba->name, "dpti%d", i);
+	hba_count++;
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	pHba->pDev = pDev;
+	pHba->base_addr_phys = base_addr0_phys;
+	// Set up the Virtual Base Address of the I2O Device
+	pHba->base_addr_virt = base_addr_virt;
+	pHba->msg_addr_virt = msg_addr_virt;  
+	pHba->irq_mask = (ulong)(base_addr_virt+0x30);
+	pHba->post_port = (ulong)(base_addr_virt+0x40);
+	pHba->reply_port = (ulong)(base_addr_virt+0x44);
+	pHba->hrt = NULL;
+	pHba->lct = NULL;
+	pHba->lct_size = 0;
+	pHba->status_block = NULL;
+	pHba->post_count = 0;
+	pHba->state = DPTI_STATE_RESET;
+	pHba->pDev = pDev;
+	pHba->devices = NULL;
+	// Initializing the spinlocks
+	spin_lock_init(&pHba->state_lock);
+	if(raptorFlag == 0){
+		printk(KERN_INFO"Adaptec I2O RAID controller %d at %lx size=%x irq=%d\n", 
+			hba_count-1, base_addr_virt, hba_map0_area_size, pDev->irq);
+	} else {
+		printk(KERN_INFO"Adaptec I2O RAID controller %d irq=%d\n",hba_count-1, pDev->irq);
+		printk(KERN_INFO"     BAR0 %lx - size= %x\n",base_addr_virt,hba_map0_area_size);
+		printk(KERN_INFO"     BAR1 %lx - size= %x\n",msg_addr_virt,hba_map1_area_size);
+	}
+	if (request_irq (pDev->irq, adpt_isr, SA_SHIRQ, pHba->name, pHba)) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Couldn't register IRQ %d\n", pHba->name, pDev->irq);
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void adpt_i2o_delete_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	adpt_hba* p1;
+	adpt_hba* p2;
+	struct i2o_device* d;
+	struct i2o_device* next;
+	int i;
+	int j;
+	struct adpt_device* pDev;
+	struct adpt_device* pNext;
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	// scsi_unregister calls our adpt_release which
+	// does a quiese
+	if(pHba->host){
+		free_irq(pHba->host->irq, pHba);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<DPTI_MAX_HBA;i++) {
+		if(hbas[i]==pHba) {
+			hbas[i] = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	p2 = NULL;
+	for( p1 = hba_chain; p1; p2 = p1,p1=p1->next){
+		if(p1 == pHba) {
+			if(p2) {
+				p2->next = p1->next;
+			} else {
+				hba_chain = p1->next;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	hba_count--;
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	iounmap((void*)pHba->base_addr_virt);
+	if(pHba->msg_addr_virt != pHba->base_addr_virt){
+		iounmap((void*)pHba->msg_addr_virt);
+	}
+	if(pHba->hrt) {
+		kfree(pHba->hrt);
+	}
+	if(pHba->lct){
+		kfree(pHba->lct);
+	}
+	if(pHba->status_block) {
+		kfree(pHba->status_block);
+	}
+	if(pHba->reply_pool){
+		kfree(pHba->reply_pool);
+	}
+	for(d = pHba->devices; d ; d = next){
+		next = d->next;
+		kfree(d);
+	}
+	for(i = 0 ; i < pHba->top_scsi_channel ; i++){
+		for(j = 0; j < MAX_ID; j++){
+			if(pHba->channel[i].device[j] != NULL){
+				for(pDev = pHba->channel[i].device[j]; pDev; pDev = pNext){
+					pNext = pDev->next_lun;
+					kfree(pDev);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	kfree(pHba);
+	if(hba_count <= 0){
+		unregister_chrdev(DPTI_I2O_MAJOR, DPT_DRIVER);   
+	}
+static int adpt_init(void)
+	int i;
+	printk(KERN_INFO"Loading Adaptec I2O RAID: Version " DPT_I2O_VERSION "\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < DPTI_MAX_HBA; i++) {
+		hbas[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	register_reboot_notifier(&adpt_reboot_notifier);
+	return 0;
+static struct adpt_device* adpt_find_device(adpt_hba* pHba, u32 chan, u32 id, u32 lun)
+	struct adpt_device* d;
+	if(chan < 0 || chan >= MAX_CHANNEL)
+		return NULL;
+	if( pHba->channel[chan].device == NULL){
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG"Adaptec I2O RAID: Trying to find device before they are allocated\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	d = pHba->channel[chan].device[id];
+	if(!d || d->tid == 0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* If it is the only lun at that address then this should match*/
+	if(d->scsi_lun == lun){
+		return d;
+	}
+	/* else we need to look through all the luns */
+	for(d=d->next_lun ; d ; d = d->next_lun){
+		if(d->scsi_lun == lun){
+			return d;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int adpt_i2o_post_wait(adpt_hba* pHba, u32* msg, int len, int timeout)
+	// I used my own version of the WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD
+	// to handle some version differences
+	// When embedded in the kernel this could go back to the vanilla one
+	ADPT_DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(adpt_wq_i2o_post);
+	int status = 0;
+	ulong flags = 0;
+	struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *p1, *p2;
+	struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *wait_data =
+		kmalloc(sizeof(struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data),GFP_KERNEL);
+	adpt_wait_queue_t wait;
+	if(!wait_data){
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The spin locking is needed to keep anyone from playing
+	 * with the queue pointers and id while we do the same
+	 */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+       // TODO we need a MORE unique way of getting ids
+       // to support async LCT get
+	wait_data->next = adpt_post_wait_queue;
+	adpt_post_wait_queue = wait_data;
+	adpt_post_wait_id = (++adpt_post_wait_id & 0x7fff);
+	wait_data->id =  adpt_post_wait_id;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+	wait_data->wq = &adpt_wq_i2o_post;
+	wait_data->status = -ETIMEDOUT;
+	// this code is taken from kernel/sched.c:interruptible_sleep_on_timeout
+	wait.task = current;
+	init_waitqueue_entry(&wait, current);
+	wq_write_lock_irqsave(&adpt_wq_i2o_post.lock,flags);
+	__add_wait_queue(&adpt_wq_i2o_post, &wait);
+	wq_write_unlock(&adpt_wq_i2o_post.lock);
+	msg[2] |= 0x80000000 | ((u32)wait_data->id);
+	timeout *= HZ;
+	if((status = adpt_i2o_post_this(pHba, msg, len)) == 0){
+		if(!timeout){
+			current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+			spin_unlock_irq(&io_request_lock);
+			schedule();
+			spin_lock_irq(&io_request_lock);
+		} else {
+			current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+			spin_unlock_irq(&io_request_lock);
+			schedule_timeout(timeout*HZ);
+			spin_lock_irq(&io_request_lock);
+		}
+	}
+	wq_write_lock_irq(&adpt_wq_i2o_post.lock);
+	__remove_wait_queue(&adpt_wq_i2o_post, &wait);
+	wq_write_unlock_irqrestore(&adpt_wq_i2o_post.lock,flags);
+	if(status == -ETIMEDOUT){
+		printk(KERN_INFO"dpti%d: POST WAIT TIMEOUT\n",pHba->unit);
+		// We will have to free the wait_data memory during shutdown
+		return status;
+	}
+	/* Remove the entry from the queue.  */
+	p2 = NULL;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+	for(p1 = adpt_post_wait_queue; p1; p2 = p1, p1 = p1->next) {
+		if(p1 == wait_data) {
+				status = -EOPNOTSUPP;
+			}
+			if(p2) {
+				p2->next = p1->next;
+			} else {
+				adpt_post_wait_queue = p1->next;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&adpt_post_wait_lock, flags);
+	kfree(wait_data);
+	return status;
+static s32 adpt_i2o_post_this(adpt_hba* pHba, u32* data, int len)
+	u32 m = EMPTY_QUEUE;
+	u32 *msg;
+	ulong timeout = jiffies + 30*HZ;
+	do {
+		rmb();
+		m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+		if (m != EMPTY_QUEUE) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"dpti%d: Timeout waiting for message frame!\n", pHba->unit);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+	} while(m == EMPTY_QUEUE);
+	msg = (u32*) (pHba->msg_addr_virt + m);
+	memcpy_toio(msg, data, len);
+	wmb();
+	//post message
+	writel(m, pHba->post_port);
+	wmb();
+	return 0;
+static void adpt_i2o_post_wait_complete(u32 context, int status)
+	struct adpt_i2o_post_wait_data *p1 = NULL;
+	/*
+	 * We need to search through the adpt_post_wait
+	 * queue to see if the given message is still
+	 * outstanding.  If not, it means that the IOP
+	 * took longer to respond to the message than we
+	 * had allowed and timer has already expired.
+	 * Not much we can do about that except log
+	 * it for debug purposes, increase timeout, and recompile
+	 *
+	 * Lock needed to keep anyone from moving queue pointers
+	 * around while we're looking through them.
+	 */
+	context &= 0x7fff;
+	spin_lock(&adpt_post_wait_lock);
+	for(p1 = adpt_post_wait_queue; p1; p1 = p1->next) {
+		if(p1->id == context) {
+			p1->status = status;
+			spin_unlock(&adpt_post_wait_lock);
+			wake_up_interruptible(p1->wq);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&adpt_post_wait_lock);
+        // If this happens we loose commands that probably really completed
+	printk(KERN_DEBUG"dpti: Could Not find task %d in wait queue\n",context);
+	printk(KERN_DEBUG"      Tasks in wait queue:\n");
+	for(p1 = adpt_post_wait_queue; p1; p1 = p1->next) {
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG"           %d\n",p1->id);
+	}
+	return;
+static s32 adpt_i2o_reset_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)			
+	u32 msg[8];
+	u8* status;
+	u32 m = EMPTY_QUEUE ;
+	ulong timeout = jiffies + (TMOUT_IOPRESET*HZ);
+	if(pHba->initialized  == FALSE) {	// First time reset should be quick
+		timeout = jiffies + (25*HZ);
+	} else {
+		adpt_i2o_quiesce_hba(pHba);
+	}
+	do {
+		rmb();
+		m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+		if (m != EMPTY_QUEUE) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"Timeout waiting for message!\n");
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+	} while (m == EMPTY_QUEUE);
+	status = (u8*)kmalloc(4, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+	if(status == NULL) {
+		adpt_send_nop(pHba, m);
+		printk(KERN_ERR"IOP reset failed - no free memory.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset(status,0,4);
+	msg[2]=0;
+	msg[3]=0;
+	msg[4]=0;
+	msg[5]=0;
+	msg[6]=virt_to_bus(status);
+	msg[7]=0;     
+	memcpy_toio(pHba->msg_addr_virt+m, msg, sizeof(msg));
+	wmb();
+	writel(m, pHba->post_port);
+	wmb();
+	while(*status == 0){
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: IOP Reset Timeout\n",pHba->name);
+			kfree(status);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+		rmb();
+	}
+	if(*status == 0x01 /*I2O_EXEC_IOP_RESET_IN_PROGRESS*/) {
+		PDEBUG("%s: Reset in progress...\n", pHba->name);
+		// Here we wait for message frame to become available
+		// indicated that reset has finished
+		do {
+			rmb();
+			m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+			if (m != EMPTY_QUEUE) {
+				break;
+			}
+			if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+				printk(KERN_ERR "%s:Timeout waiting for IOP Reset.\n",pHba->name);
+				return -ETIMEDOUT;
+			}
+		} while (m == EMPTY_QUEUE);
+		// Flush the offset
+		adpt_send_nop(pHba, m);
+	}
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	if(*status == 0x02 ||
+			pHba->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_RESET) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Reset reject, trying to clear\n",
+				pHba->name);
+	} else {
+		PDEBUG("%s: Reset completed.\n", pHba->name);
+	}
+	kfree(status);
+	// This delay is to allow someone attached to the card through the debug UART to 
+	// set up the dump levels that they want before the rest of the initialization sequence
+	adpt_delay(20000);
+	return 0;
+static int adpt_i2o_parse_lct(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	int i;
+	int max;
+	int tid;
+	struct i2o_device *d;
+	i2o_lct *lct = pHba->lct;
+	u8 bus_no = 0;
+	s16 scsi_id;
+	s16 scsi_lun;
+	u32 buf[10]; // larger than 7, or 8 ...
+	struct adpt_device* pDev; 
+	if (lct == NULL) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT is empty???\n",pHba->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	max = lct->table_size;	
+	max -= 3;
+	max /= 9;
+	for(i=0;i<max;i++) {
+		if( lct->lct_entry[i].user_tid != 0xfff){
+			/*
+			 * If we have hidden devices, we need to inform the upper layers about
+			 * the possible maximum id reference to handle device access when
+			 * an array is disassembled. This code has no other purpose but to
+			 * allow us future access to devices that are currently hidden
+			 * behind arrays, hotspares or have not been configured (JBOD mode).
+			 */
+			if( lct->lct_entry[i].class_id != I2O_CLASS_RANDOM_BLOCK_STORAGE &&
+			    lct->lct_entry[i].class_id != I2O_CLASS_SCSI_PERIPHERAL &&
+			    lct->lct_entry[i].class_id != I2O_CLASS_FIBRE_CHANNEL_PERIPHERAL ){
+			    	continue;
+			}
+			tid = lct->lct_entry[i].tid;
+			if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, tid, 0x8000, -1, buf, 32)<0) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			bus_no = buf[0]>>16;
+			scsi_id = buf[1];
+			scsi_lun = (buf[2]>>8 )&0xff;
+			if(bus_no >= MAX_CHANNEL) {	// Something wrong skip it
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Channel number %d out of range \n", pHba->name, bus_no);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(scsi_id > MAX_ID){
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI ID %d out of range \n", pHba->name, bus_no);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(bus_no > pHba->top_scsi_channel){
+				pHba->top_scsi_channel = bus_no;
+			}
+			if(scsi_id > pHba->top_scsi_id){
+				pHba->top_scsi_id = scsi_id;
+			}
+			if(scsi_lun > pHba->top_scsi_lun){
+				pHba->top_scsi_lun = scsi_lun;
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		d = (struct i2o_device *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct i2o_device), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if(d==NULL)
+		{
+			printk(KERN_CRIT"%s: Out of memory for I2O device data.\n",pHba->name);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+		d->controller = (void*)pHba;
+		d->next = NULL;
+		memcpy(&d->lct_data, &lct->lct_entry[i], sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
+		d->flags = 0;
+		tid = d->lct_data.tid;
+		adpt_i2o_report_hba_unit(pHba, d);
+		adpt_i2o_install_device(pHba, d);
+	}
+	bus_no = 0;
+	for(d = pHba->devices; d ; d = d->next) {
+		if(d->lct_data.class_id  == I2O_CLASS_BUS_ADAPTER_PORT ||
+		   d->lct_data.class_id  == I2O_CLASS_FIBRE_CHANNEL_PORT){
+			tid = d->lct_data.tid;
+			// TODO get the bus_no from hrt-but for now they are in order
+			//bus_no = 
+			if(bus_no > pHba->top_scsi_channel){
+				pHba->top_scsi_channel = bus_no;
+			}
+			pHba->channel[bus_no].type = d->lct_data.class_id;
+			pHba->channel[bus_no].tid = tid;
+			if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, tid, 0x0200, -1, buf, 28)>=0)
+			{
+				pHba->channel[bus_no].scsi_id = buf[1];
+				PDEBUG("Bus %d - SCSI ID %d.\n", bus_no, buf[1]);
+			}
+			// TODO remove - this is just until we get from hrt
+			bus_no++;
+			if(bus_no >= MAX_CHANNEL) {	// Something wrong skip it
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Channel number %d out of range - LCT\n", pHba->name, bus_no);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Setup adpt_device table
+	for(d = pHba->devices; d ; d = d->next) {
+		if(d->lct_data.class_id  == I2O_CLASS_RANDOM_BLOCK_STORAGE ||
+		   d->lct_data.class_id  == I2O_CLASS_SCSI_PERIPHERAL ||
+		   d->lct_data.class_id  == I2O_CLASS_FIBRE_CHANNEL_PERIPHERAL ){
+			tid = d->lct_data.tid;
+			scsi_id = -1;
+			if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, tid, 0x8000, -1, buf, 32)>=0) {
+				bus_no = buf[0]>>16;
+				scsi_id = buf[1];
+				scsi_lun = (buf[2]>>8 )&0xff;
+				if(bus_no >= MAX_CHANNEL) {	// Something wrong skip it
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(scsi_id > MAX_ID){
+					continue;
+				}
+				if( pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id] == NULL){
+					pDev =  kmalloc(sizeof(struct adpt_device),GFP_KERNEL);
+					if(pDev == NULL) {
+						return -ENOMEM;
+					}
+					pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id] = pDev;
+					memset(pDev,0,sizeof(struct adpt_device));
+				} else {
+					for( pDev = pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id];	
+							pDev->next_lun; pDev = pDev->next_lun){
+					}
+					pDev->next_lun = kmalloc(sizeof(struct adpt_device),GFP_KERNEL);
+					if(pDev == NULL) {
+						return -ENOMEM;
+					}
+					memset(pDev->next_lun,0,sizeof(struct adpt_device));
+					pDev = pDev->next_lun;
+				}
+				pDev->tid = tid;
+				pDev->scsi_channel = bus_no;
+				pDev->scsi_id = scsi_id;
+				pDev->scsi_lun = scsi_lun;
+				pDev->pI2o_dev = d;
+				d->owner = pDev;
+				pDev->type = (buf[0])&0xff;
+				pDev->flags = (buf[0]>>8)&0xff;
+				if(scsi_id > pHba->top_scsi_id){
+					pHba->top_scsi_id = scsi_id;
+				}
+				if(scsi_lun > pHba->top_scsi_lun){
+					pHba->top_scsi_lun = scsi_lun;
+				}
+			}
+			if(scsi_id == -1){
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"Could not find SCSI ID for %s\n",
+						d->lct_data.identity_tag);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *	Each I2O controller has a chain of devices on it - these match
+ *	the useful parts of the LCT of the board.
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_install_device(adpt_hba* pHba, struct i2o_device *d)
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	d->controller=pHba;
+	d->owner=NULL;
+	d->next=pHba->devices;
+	d->prev=NULL;
+	if (pHba->devices != NULL){
+		pHba->devices->prev=d;
+	}
+	pHba->devices=d;
+	*d->dev_name = 0;
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	return 0;
+static int adpt_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	int minor;
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	//TODO check for root access
+	//
+	minor = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	if (minor >= hba_count) {
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if (pHba->unit == minor) {
+			break;	/* found adapter */
+		}
+	}
+	if (pHba == NULL) {
+		up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+//	if(pHba->in_use){
+	//	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+//		return -EBUSY;
+//	}
+	pHba->in_use = 1;
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	return 0;
+static int adpt_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	int minor;
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	minor = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	if (minor >= hba_count) {
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if (pHba->unit == minor) {
+			break;	/* found adapter */
+		}
+	}
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	if (pHba == NULL) {
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	pHba->in_use = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int adpt_i2o_passthru(adpt_hba* pHba, u32* arg)
+	u32 msg[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
+	u32* reply = NULL;
+	u32 size = 0;
+	u32 reply_size = 0;
+	u32* user_msg = (u32*)arg;
+	u32* user_reply = NULL;
+	ulong sg_list[pHba->sg_tablesize];
+	u32 sg_offset = 0;
+	u32 sg_count = 0;
+	int sg_index = 0;
+	u32 i = 0;
+	u32 rcode = 0;
+	ulong p = 0;
+	ulong flags = 0;
+	memset(&msg, 0, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE*4);
+	// get user msg size in u32s 
+	if(get_user(size, &user_msg[0])){
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	size = size>>16;
+	user_reply = &user_msg[size];
+	if(size > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE){
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	size *= 4; // Convert to bytes
+	/* Copy in the user's I2O command */
+	if(copy_from_user((void*)msg, (void*)user_msg, size)) {
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	get_user(reply_size, &user_reply[0]);
+	reply_size = reply_size>>16;
+	if(reply_size > REPLY_FRAME_SIZE){
+		reply_size = REPLY_FRAME_SIZE;
+	}
+	reply_size *= 4;
+	reply = kmalloc(REPLY_FRAME_SIZE*4, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if(reply == NULL) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not allocate reply buffer\n",pHba->name);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset(reply,0,REPLY_FRAME_SIZE*4);
+	sg_offset = (msg[0]>>4)&0xf;
+	msg[2] = 0x40000000; // IOCTL context
+	msg[3] = (u32)reply;
+	memset(sg_list,0, sizeof(sg_list[0])*pHba->sg_tablesize);
+	if(sg_offset) {
+		// TODO 64bit fix
+		struct sg_simple_element *sg =  (struct sg_simple_element*) (msg+sg_offset);
+		sg_count = (size - sg_offset*4) / sizeof(struct sg_simple_element);
+		if (sg_count > pHba->sg_tablesize){
+			printk(KERN_DEBUG"%s:IOCTL SG List too large (%u)\n", pHba->name,sg_count);
+			kfree (reply);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		for(i = 0; i < sg_count; i++) {
+			int sg_size;
+			if (!(sg[i].flag_count & 0x10000000 /*I2O_SGL_FLAGS_SIMPLE_ADDRESS_ELEMENT*/)) {
+				printk(KERN_DEBUG"%s:Bad SG element %d - not simple (%x)\n",pHba->name,i,  sg[i].flag_count);
+				rcode = -EINVAL;
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+			sg_size = sg[i].flag_count & 0xffffff;      
+			/* Allocate memory for the transfer */
+			p = (ulong)kmalloc(sg_size, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+			if(p == 0) {
+				printk(KERN_DEBUG"%s: Could not allocate SG buffer - size = %d buffer number %d of %d\n",
+						pHba->name,sg_size,i,sg_count);
+				rcode = -ENOMEM;
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+			sg_list[sg_index++] = p; // sglist indexed with input frame, not our internal frame.
+			/* Copy in the user's SG buffer if necessary */
+			if(sg[i].flag_count & 0x04000000 /*I2O_SGL_FLAGS_DIR*/) {
+				// TODO 64bit fix
+				if (copy_from_user((void*)p,(void*)sg[i].addr_bus, sg_size)) {
+					printk(KERN_DEBUG"%s: Could not copy SG buf %d FROM user\n",pHba->name,i);
+					rcode = -EFAULT;
+					goto cleanup;
+				}
+			}
+			//TODO 64bit fix
+			sg[i].addr_bus = (u32)virt_to_bus((void*)p);
+		}
+	}
+	do {
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, flags);
+		// This state stops any new commands from enterring the
+		// controller while processing the ioctl
+//		pHba->state |= DPTI_STATE_IOCTL;
+//		We can't set this now - The scsi subsystem sets host_blocked and
+//		the queue empties and stops.  We need a way to restart the queue
+		rcode = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, size, FOREVER);
+//		pHba->state &= ~DPTI_STATE_IOCTL;
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+	} while(rcode == -ETIMEDOUT);  
+	if(rcode){
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if(sg_offset) {
+	/* Copy back the Scatter Gather buffers back to user space */
+		u32 j;
+		// TODO 64bit fix
+		struct sg_simple_element* sg;
+		int sg_size;
+		// re-acquire the original message to handle correctly the sg copy operation
+		memset(&msg, 0, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE*4); 
+		// get user msg size in u32s 
+		if(get_user(size, &user_msg[0])){
+			rcode = -EFAULT; 
+			goto cleanup; 
+		}
+		size = size>>16;
+		size *= 4;
+		/* Copy in the user's I2O command */
+		if (copy_from_user ((void*)msg, (void*)user_msg, size)) {
+			rcode = -EFAULT;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+		sg_count = (size - sg_offset*4) / sizeof(struct sg_simple_element);
+		// TODO 64bit fix
+		sg 	 = (struct sg_simple_element*)(msg + sg_offset);
+		for (j = 0; j < sg_count; j++) {
+			/* Copy out the SG list to user's buffer if necessary */
+			if(! (sg[j].flag_count & 0x4000000 /*I2O_SGL_FLAGS_DIR*/)) {
+				sg_size = sg[j].flag_count & 0xffffff; 
+				// TODO 64bit fix
+				if (copy_to_user((void*)sg[j].addr_bus,(void*)sg_list[j], sg_size)) {
+					printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not copy %lx TO user %x\n",pHba->name, sg_list[j], sg[j].addr_bus);
+					rcode = -EFAULT;
+					goto cleanup;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} 
+	/* Copy back the reply to user space */
+	if (reply_size) {
+		// we wrote our own values for context - now restore the user supplied ones
+		if(copy_from_user(reply+2, user_msg+2, sizeof(u32)*2)) {
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not copy message context FROM user\n",pHba->name);
+			rcode = -EFAULT;
+		}
+		if(copy_to_user(user_reply, reply, reply_size)) {
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not copy reply TO user\n",pHba->name);
+			rcode = -EFAULT;
+		}
+	}
+	kfree (reply);
+	while(sg_index) {
+		if(sg_list[--sg_index]) {
+			kfree((void*)(sg_list[sg_index]));
+		}
+	}
+	return rcode;
+ * This routine returns information about the system.  This does not effect
+ * any logic and if the info is wrong - it doesn't matter.
+ */
+/* Get all the info we can not get from kernel services */
+static int adpt_system_info(void *buffer)
+	sysInfo_S si;
+	memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
+	si.osType = OS_LINUX;
+	si.osMajorVersion = (u8) (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >> 16);
+	si.osMinorVersion = (u8) (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >> 8 & 0x0ff);
+	si.osRevision =     (u8) (LINUX_VERSION_CODE & 0x0ff);
+	si.busType = SI_PCI_BUS;
+	si.processorFamily = DPTI_sig.dsProcessorFamily;
+#if defined __i386__ 
+	adpt_i386_info(&si);
+#elif defined __ia64__
+	adpt_ia64_info(&si);
+#elif define __sparc__
+	adpt_sparc_info(&si);
+#elif defined __alpha__ 
+	adpt_alpha_info(&si);
+	si.processorType = 0xff ;
+	if(copy_to_user(buffer, &si, sizeof(si))){
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"dpti: Could not copy buffer TO user\n");
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	return 0;
+#if defined __ia64__ 
+static void adpt_ia64_info(sysInfo_S* si)
+	// This is all the info we need for now
+	// We will add more info as our new
+	// managmenent utility requires it
+	si->processorType = PROC_IA64;
+#if defined __sparc__ 
+static void adpt_sparc_info(sysInfo_S* si)
+	// This is all the info we need for now
+	// We will add more info as our new
+	// managmenent utility requires it
+	si->processorType = PROC_ULTRASPARC;
+#if defined __alpha__ 
+static void adpt_sparc_info(sysInfo_S* si)
+	// This is all the info we need for now
+	// We will add more info as our new
+	// managmenent utility requires it
+	si->processorType = PROC_ALPHA;
+#if defined __i386__
+static void adpt_i386_info(sysInfo_S* si)
+	// This is all the info we need for now
+	// We will add more info as our new
+	// managmenent utility requires it
+	switch (boot_cpu_data.x86) {
+	case CPU_386:
+		si->processorType = PROC_386;
+		break;
+	case CPU_486:
+		si->processorType = PROC_486;
+		break;
+	case CPU_586:
+		si->processorType = PROC_PENTIUM;
+		break;
+	default:  // Just in case 
+		si->processorType = PROC_PENTIUM;
+		break;
+	}
+static int adpt_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, uint cmd,
+	      ulong arg)
+	int minor;
+	int error = 0;
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	ulong flags;
+	minor = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	if (minor >= DPTI_MAX_HBA){
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	down(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	for (pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		if (pHba->unit == minor) {
+			break;	/* found adapter */
+		}
+	}
+	up(&adpt_configuration_lock);
+	if(pHba == NULL){
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	while((volatile u32) pHba->state & DPTI_STATE_RESET ) {
+		set_task_state(current,TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+		schedule_timeout(2);
+	}
+	switch (cmd) {
+	// TODO: handle 3 cases
+		if (copy_to_user((char*)arg, &DPTI_sig, sizeof(DPTI_sig))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I2OUSRCMD:
+		return	adpt_i2o_passthru(pHba,(u32*)arg);
+		break;
+		drvrHBAinfo_S HbaInfo;
+#define FLG_OSD_PCI_VALID 0x0001
+#define FLG_OSD_DMA	  0x0002
+#define FLG_OSD_I2O	  0x0004
+		memset(&HbaInfo, 0, sizeof(HbaInfo));
+		HbaInfo.drvrHBAnum = pHba->unit;
+		HbaInfo.baseAddr = (ulong) pHba->base_addr_phys;
+		HbaInfo.blinkState = adpt_read_blink_led(pHba);
+		HbaInfo.pciBusNum =  pHba->pDev->bus->number;
+		HbaInfo.pciDeviceNum=PCI_SLOT(pHba->pDev->devfn); 
+		HbaInfo.Interrupt = pHba->pDev->irq; 
+		HbaInfo.hbaFlags = FLG_OSD_PCI_VALID | FLG_OSD_DMA | FLG_OSD_I2O;
+		if(copy_to_user((void *) arg, &HbaInfo, sizeof(HbaInfo))){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not copy HbaInfo TO user\n",pHba->name);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+		}
+		return adpt_system_info((void*)arg);
+		break;
+		u32 value;
+		value = (u32)adpt_read_blink_led(pHba);
+		if (copy_to_user((char*)arg, &value, sizeof(value))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+		}
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, flags);
+		adpt_hba_reset(pHba);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+		break;
+		adpt_rescan(pHba);
+		break;
+	{
+		TARGET_BUSY_T busy;
+		struct adpt_device* d;
+		if (copy_from_user((void*)&busy, (void*)arg, sizeof(TARGET_BUSY_T))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		d = adpt_find_device(pHba,,, busy.lun);
+		if(d == NULL){
+			return -ENODEV;
+		}
+		busy.isBusy = ((d->pScsi_dev) && (0 != d->pScsi_dev->access_count)) ? 1 : 0;
+		if (copy_to_user ((char*)arg, &busy, sizeof(busy))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return error;
+static void adpt_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	Scsi_Cmnd* cmd;
+	adpt_hba* pHba=NULL;
+	u32 m;
+	ulong reply;
+	u32 status=0;
+	u32 context;
+	ulong flags = 0;
+	pHba = dev_id;
+	if (pHba == NULL ){
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"adpt_isr: NULL dev_id\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, flags);
+	while( readl(pHba->irq_mask) & I2O_INTERRUPT_PENDING_B) {
+		m = readl(pHba->reply_port);
+		if(m == EMPTY_QUEUE){
+			// Try twice then give up
+			rmb();
+			m = readl(pHba->reply_port);
+			if(m == EMPTY_QUEUE){ 
+				// This really should not happen
+				printk(KERN_ERR"dpti: Could not get reply frame\n");
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock,flags);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		reply = (ulong)bus_to_virt(m);
+		if (readl(reply) & MSG_FAIL) {
+			u32 old_m = readl(reply+28); 
+			ulong msg;
+			u32 old_context;
+			PDEBUG("%s: Failed message\n",pHba->name);
+			if(old_m >= 0x100000){
+				printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Bad preserved MFA (%x)- dropping frame\n",pHba->name,old_m);
+				writel(m,pHba->reply_port);
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Transaction context is 0 in failed reply frame
+			msg = (ulong)(pHba->msg_addr_virt + old_m);
+			old_context = readl(msg+12);
+			writel(old_context, reply+12);
+			adpt_send_nop(pHba, old_m);
+		} 
+		context = readl(reply+8);
+		if(context & 0x40000000){ // IOCTL
+			ulong p = (ulong)(readl(reply+12));
+			if( p != 0) {
+				memcpy((void*)p, (void*)reply, REPLY_FRAME_SIZE * 4);
+			}
+			// All IOCTLs will also be post wait
+		}
+		if(context & 0x80000000){ // Post wait message
+			status = readl(reply+16);
+			if(status  >> 24){
+				status &=  0xffff; /* Get detail status */
+			} else {
+				status = I2O_POST_WAIT_OK;
+			}
+			if(!(context & 0x40000000)) {
+				cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd*) readl(reply+12); 
+				if(cmd != NULL) {
+					printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Apparent SCSI cmd in Post Wait Context - cmd=%p context=%x\n", pHba->name, cmd, context);
+				}
+			}
+			adpt_i2o_post_wait_complete(context, status);
+		} else { // SCSI message
+			cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd*) readl(reply+12); 
+			if(cmd != NULL){
+				if(cmd->serial_number != 0) { // If not timedout
+					adpt_i2o_to_scsi(reply, cmd);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		writel(m, pHba->reply_port);
+		wmb();
+		rmb();
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+	return;
+static s32 adpt_scsi_to_i2o(adpt_hba* pHba, Scsi_Cmnd* cmd, struct adpt_device* d)
+	int i;
+	u32 msg[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
+	u32* mptr;
+	u32 *lenptr;
+	int direction;
+	int scsidir;
+	u32 len;
+	u32 reqlen;
+	s32 rcode;
+	memset(msg, 0 , sizeof(msg));
+	len = cmd->request_bufflen;
+	direction = 0x00000000;	
+	scsidir = 0x00000000;			// DATA NO XFER
+	if(len) {
+		/*
+		 * Set SCBFlags to indicate if data is being transferred
+		 * in or out, or no data transfer
+		 * Note:  Do not have to verify index is less than 0 since
+		 * cmd->cmnd[0] is an unsigned char
+		 */
+		switch(cmd->sc_data_direction){
+			scsidir  =0x40000000;	// DATA IN  (iop<--dev)
+			break;
+			direction=0x04000000;	// SGL OUT
+			scsidir  =0x80000000;	// DATA OUT (iop-->dev)
+			break;
+			break;
+			scsidir  =0x40000000;	// DATA IN  (iop<--dev)
+			// Assume In - and continue;
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: scsi opcode 0x%x not supported.\n",
+			     pHba->name, cmd->cmnd[0]);
+			cmd->result = (DID_OK <<16) | (INITIATOR_ERROR << 8);
+			cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+			return 	0;
+		}
+	}
+	// msg[0] is set later
+	msg[1] = ((0xff<<24)|(HOST_TID<<12)|d->tid);
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = (u32)cmd;	/* We want the SCSI control block back */
+	// Our cards use the transaction context as the tag for queueing
+	// Adaptec/DPT Private stuff 
+	msg[5] = d->tid;
+	/* Direction, disconnect ok | sense data | simple queue , CDBLen */
+	msg[6] = scsidir|0x20a00000|cmd->cmd_len;
+	mptr=msg+7;
+	// Write SCSI command into the message - always 16 byte block 
+	memset(mptr, 0,  16);
+	memcpy(mptr, cmd->cmnd, cmd->cmd_len);
+	mptr+=4;
+	lenptr=mptr++;		/* Remember me - fill in when we know */
+	reqlen = 14;		// SINGLE SGE
+	/* Now fill in the SGList and command */
+	if(cmd->use_sg) {
+		struct scatterlist *sg = (struct scatterlist *)cmd->request_buffer;
+		len = 0;
+		for(i = 0 ; i < cmd->use_sg; i++) {
+			*mptr++ = direction|0x10000000|sg->length;
+			len+=sg->length;
+			*mptr++ = virt_to_bus(sg->address);
+			sg++;
+		}
+		/* Make this an end of list */
+		mptr[-2] = direction|0xD0000000|(sg-1)->length;
+		reqlen = mptr - msg;
+		*lenptr = len;
+		if(cmd->underflow && len != cmd->underflow){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"Cmd len %08X Cmd underflow %08X\n",
+				len, cmd->underflow);
+		}
+	} else {
+		*lenptr = len = cmd->request_bufflen;
+		if(len == 0) {
+			reqlen = 12;
+		} else {
+			*mptr++ = 0xD0000000|direction|cmd->request_bufflen;
+			*mptr++ = virt_to_bus(cmd->request_buffer);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Stick the headers on */
+	msg[0] = reqlen<<16 | ((reqlen > 12) ? SGL_OFFSET_12 : SGL_OFFSET_0);
+	// Send it on it's way
+	rcode = adpt_i2o_post_this(pHba, msg, reqlen<<2);
+	if (rcode == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return rcode;
+static s32 adpt_scsi_register(adpt_hba* pHba,Scsi_Host_Template * sht)
+	struct Scsi_Host *host = NULL;
+	host = scsi_register(sht, sizeof(adpt_hba*));
+	if (host == NULL) {
+		printk ("%s: scsi_register returned NULL\n",pHba->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	(adpt_hba*)(host->hostdata[0]) = pHba;
+	pHba->host = host;
+	host->irq = pHba->pDev->irq;;
+	/* no IO ports, so don't have to set host->io_port and 
+	 * host->n_io_port
+	 */
+	host->io_port = 0;
+	host->n_io_port = 0;
+				/* see comments in hosts.h */
+	host->max_id = 16;
+	host->max_lun = 256;
+	host->max_channel = pHba->top_scsi_channel + 1;
+	host->cmd_per_lun = 256;
+	host->unique_id = (uint) pHba;
+	host->sg_tablesize = pHba->sg_tablesize;
+	host->can_queue = pHba->post_fifo_size;
+	host->select_queue_depths = adpt_select_queue_depths;
+	return 0;
+static s32 adpt_i2o_to_scsi(ulong reply, Scsi_Cmnd* cmd)
+	adpt_hba* pHba;
+	u32 hba_status;
+	u32 dev_status;
+	u32 reply_flags = readl(reply) & 0xff00; // Leave it shifted up 8 bits 
+	// I know this would look cleaner if I just read bytes
+	// but the model I have been using for all the rest of the
+	// io is in 4 byte words - so I keep that model
+	u16 detailed_status = readl(reply+16) &0xffff;
+	dev_status = (detailed_status & 0xff);
+	hba_status = detailed_status >> 8;
+	// calculate resid for sg 
+	cmd->resid = cmd->request_bufflen - readl(reply+5);
+	pHba = (adpt_hba*) cmd->host->hostdata[0];
+	cmd->sense_buffer[0] = '\0';  // initialize sense valid flag to false
+	if(!(reply_flags & MSG_FAIL)) {
+		switch(detailed_status & I2O_SCSI_DSC_MASK) {
+			cmd->result = (DID_OK << 16);
+			// handle underflow
+			if(readl(reply+5) < cmd->underflow ) {
+				cmd->result = (DID_ERROR <<16);
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI CMD underflow\n",pHba->name);
+			}
+			break;
+			cmd->result = (DID_ABORT << 16);
+			break;
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI Timeout-Device (%d,%d,%d) hba status=0x%x, dev status=0x%x, cmd=0x%x\n",
+				pHba->name, (u32)cmd->channel, (u32)cmd->target, (u32)cmd->lun, hba_status, dev_status, cmd->cmnd[0]);
+			cmd->result = (DID_TIME_OUT << 16);
+			break;
+			cmd->result = (DID_BUS_BUSY << 16);
+			break;
+			cmd->result = (DID_RESET << 16);
+			break;
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI CMD parity error\n",pHba->name);
+			cmd->result = (DID_PARITY << 16);
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI error %0x-Device(%d,%d,%d) hba_status=0x%x, dev_status=0x%x, cmd=0x%x\n",
+				pHba->name, detailed_status & I2O_SCSI_DSC_MASK, (u32)cmd->channel, (u32)cmd->target, (u32)cmd-> lun,
+			       hba_status, dev_status, cmd->cmnd[0]);
+			cmd->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
+			break;
+		}
+		// copy over the request sense data if it was a check
+		// condition status
+		if(dev_status == 0x02 /*CHECK_CONDITION*/) {
+			u32 len = sizeof(cmd->sense_buffer);
+			len = (len > 40) ?  40 : len;
+			// Copy over the sense data
+			memcpy(cmd->sense_buffer, (void*)(reply+28) , len);
+			if(cmd->sense_buffer[0] == 0x70 /* class 7 */ && 
+			   cmd->sense_buffer[2] == DATA_PROTECT ){
+				/* This is to handle an array failed */
+				cmd->result = (DID_TIME_OUT << 16);
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: SCSI Data Protect-Device (%d,%d,%d) hba_status=0x%x, dev_status=0x%x, cmd=0x%x\n",
+					pHba->name, (u32)cmd->channel, (u32)cmd->target, (u32)cmd->lun, 
+					hba_status, dev_status, cmd->cmnd[0]);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* In this condtion we could not talk to the tid
+		 * the card rejected it.  We should signal a retry
+		 * for a limitted number of retries.
+		 */
+		cmd->result = (DID_TIME_OUT << 16);
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: I2O MSG_FAIL - Device (%d,%d,%d) tid=%d, cmd=0x%x\n",
+			pHba->name, (u32)cmd->channel, (u32)cmd->target, (u32)cmd-> lun,
+			((struct adpt_device*)(cmd->device->hostdata))->tid, cmd->cmnd[0]);
+	}
+	cmd->result |= (dev_status);
+	if(cmd->scsi_done != NULL){
+		cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+	} 
+	return cmd->result;
+static s32 adpt_rescan(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	s32 rcode;
+	ulong flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&io_request_lock, flags);
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_lct_get(pHba)) < 0){
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	if ((rcode=adpt_i2o_reparse_lct(pHba)) < 0){
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+		return rcode;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_request_lock, flags);
+	return 0;
+static s32 adpt_i2o_reparse_lct(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	int i;
+	int max;
+	int tid;
+	struct i2o_device *d;
+	i2o_lct *lct = pHba->lct;
+	u8 bus_no = 0;
+	s16 scsi_id;
+	s16 scsi_lun;
+	u32 buf[10]; // at least 8 u32's
+	struct adpt_device* pDev = NULL;
+	struct i2o_device* pI2o_dev = NULL;
+	if (lct == NULL) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT is empty???\n",pHba->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	max = lct->table_size;	
+	max -= 3;
+	max /= 9;
+	// Mark each drive as unscanned
+	for (d = pHba->devices; d; d = d->next) {
+		pDev =(struct adpt_device*) d->owner;
+		if(!pDev){
+			continue;
+		}
+		pDev->state |= DPTI_DEV_UNSCANNED;
+	}
+	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: LCT has %d entries.\n", pHba->name,max);
+	for(i=0;i<max;i++) {
+		if( lct->lct_entry[i].user_tid != 0xfff){
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( lct->lct_entry[i].class_id == I2O_CLASS_RANDOM_BLOCK_STORAGE ||
+		    lct->lct_entry[i].class_id == I2O_CLASS_SCSI_PERIPHERAL ||
+		    lct->lct_entry[i].class_id == I2O_CLASS_FIBRE_CHANNEL_PERIPHERAL ){
+			tid = lct->lct_entry[i].tid;
+			if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, tid, 0x8000, -1, buf, 32)<0) {
+				printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Could not query device\n",pHba->name);
+				continue;
+			}
+			bus_no = buf[0]>>16;
+			scsi_id = buf[1];
+			scsi_lun = (buf[2]>>8 )&0xff;
+			pDev = pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id];
+			/* da lun */
+			while(pDev) {
+				if(pDev->scsi_lun == scsi_lun) {
+					break;
+				}
+				pDev = pDev->next_lun;
+			}
+			if(!pDev ) { // Something new add it
+				d = (struct i2o_device *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct i2o_device), GFP_KERNEL);
+				if(d==NULL)
+				{
+					printk(KERN_CRIT "Out of memory for I2O device data.\n");
+					return -ENOMEM;
+				}
+				d->controller = (void*)pHba;
+				d->next = NULL;
+				memcpy(&d->lct_data, &lct->lct_entry[i], sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
+				d->flags = 0;
+				adpt_i2o_report_hba_unit(pHba, d);
+				adpt_i2o_install_device(pHba, d);
+				if(bus_no >= MAX_CHANNEL) {	// Something wrong skip it
+					printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Channel number %d out of range \n", pHba->name, bus_no);
+					continue;
+				}
+				pDev = pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id];	
+				if( pDev == NULL){
+					pDev =  kmalloc(sizeof(struct adpt_device),GFP_KERNEL);
+					if(pDev == NULL) {
+						return -ENOMEM;
+					}
+					pHba->channel[bus_no].device[scsi_id] = pDev;
+				} else {
+					while (pDev->next_lun) {
+						pDev = pDev->next_lun;
+					}
+					pDev = pDev->next_lun = kmalloc(sizeof(struct adpt_device),GFP_KERNEL);
+					if(pDev == NULL) {
+						return -ENOMEM;
+					}
+				}
+				memset(pDev,0,sizeof(struct adpt_device));
+				pDev->tid = d->lct_data.tid;
+				pDev->scsi_channel = bus_no;
+				pDev->scsi_id = scsi_id;
+				pDev->scsi_lun = scsi_lun;
+				pDev->pI2o_dev = d;
+				d->owner = pDev;
+				pDev->type = (buf[0])&0xff;
+				pDev->flags = (buf[0]>>8)&0xff;
+				// Too late, SCSI system has made up it's mind, but what the hey ...
+				if(scsi_id > pHba->top_scsi_id){
+					pHba->top_scsi_id = scsi_id;
+				}
+				if(scsi_lun > pHba->top_scsi_lun){
+					pHba->top_scsi_lun = scsi_lun;
+				}
+				continue;
+			} // end of new i2o device
+			// We found an old device - check it
+			while(pDev) {
+				if(pDev->scsi_lun == scsi_lun) {
+					if(pDev->pScsi_dev->online == FALSE) {
+						printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Setting device (%d,%d,%d) back online\n",
+								pHba->name,bus_no,scsi_id,scsi_lun);
+						if (pDev->pScsi_dev) {
+							pDev->pScsi_dev->online = TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+					d = pDev->pI2o_dev;
+					if(d->lct_data.tid != tid) { // something changed
+						pDev->tid = tid;
+						memcpy(&d->lct_data, &lct->lct_entry[i], sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
+						if (pDev->pScsi_dev) {
+							pDev->pScsi_dev->changed = TRUE;
+							pDev->pScsi_dev->removable = TRUE;
+						}
+					}
+					// Found it - mark it scanned
+					pDev->state = DPTI_DEV_ONLINE;
+					break;
+				}
+				pDev = pDev->next_lun;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (pI2o_dev = pHba->devices; pI2o_dev; pI2o_dev = pI2o_dev->next) {
+		pDev =(struct adpt_device*) pI2o_dev->owner;
+		if(!pDev){
+			continue;
+		}
+		// Drive offline drives that previously existed but could not be found
+		// in the LCT table
+		if (pDev->state & DPTI_DEV_UNSCANNED){
+			pDev->state = DPTI_DEV_OFFLINE;
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Device (%d,%d,%d) offline\n",pHba->name,pDev->scsi_channel,pDev->scsi_id,pDev->scsi_lun);
+			if (pDev->pScsi_dev) {
+				pDev->pScsi_dev->online = FALSE;
+				if (pDev->pScsi_dev->access_count) {
+					// A drive that was mounted is no longer there... bad!
+					SCSI_LOG_ERROR_RECOVERY(1, printk ("%s:Rescan: Previously "
+								 "mounted drive not found!\n",pHba->name));
+					printk(KERN_WARNING"%s:Mounted drive taken offline\n",pHba->name);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void adpt_fail_posted_scbs(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	Scsi_Cmnd* 	cmd = NULL;
+	Scsi_Device* 	d = NULL;
+	if( pHba->host->host_queue != NULL ) {
+		d = pHba->host->host_queue;
+		if(!d){
+			return;
+		}
+		while( d->next != NULL ){
+			for(cmd = d->device_queue; cmd ; cmd = cmd->next){
+				if(cmd->serial_number == 0){
+					continue;
+				}
+				cmd->result = (DID_OK << 16) | (QUEUE_FULL <<1);
+				cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+			}
+			d = d->next;
+		}
+	}
+ *  Routines from i2o subsystem
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+ *	Bring an I2O controller into HOLD state. See the spec.
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_activate_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	int rcode;
+	if(pHba->initialized ) {
+		if (adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba) < 0) {
+			if((rcode = adpt_i2o_reset_hba(pHba) != 0)){
+				printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could NOT reset.\n", pHba->name);
+				return rcode;
+			}
+			if (adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba) < 0) {
+				printk(KERN_INFO "HBA not responding.\n");
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+		if(pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_FAULTED) {
+			printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: hardware fault\n", pHba->name);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if (pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_READY ||
+		    pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL ||
+		    pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_HOLD ||
+		    pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_FAILED) {
+			adpt_i2o_reset_hba(pHba);			
+			if (adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba) < 0 || pHba->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_RESET) {
+				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Failed to initialize.\n", pHba->name);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if((rcode = adpt_i2o_reset_hba(pHba) != 0)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could NOT reset.\n", pHba->name);
+			return rcode;
+		}
+	}
+	if (adpt_i2o_init_outbound_q(pHba) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* In HOLD state */
+	if (adpt_i2o_hrt_get(pHba) < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *	Bring a controller online into OPERATIONAL state. 
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_online_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	if (adpt_i2o_systab_send(pHba) < 0) {
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* In READY state */
+	if (adpt_i2o_enable_hba(pHba) < 0) {
+		adpt_i2o_delete_hba(pHba);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* In OPERATIONAL state  */
+	return 0;
+static s32 adpt_send_nop(adpt_hba*pHba,u32 m)
+	u32 *msg;
+	ulong timeout = jiffies + 5*HZ;
+	while(m == EMPTY_QUEUE){
+		rmb();
+		m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+		if(m != EMPTY_QUEUE){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeout waiting for message frame!\n",pHba->name);
+			return 2;
+		}
+	}
+	msg = (u32*)(pHba->msg_addr_virt + m);
+	writel( THREE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0,&msg[0]);
+	writel( I2O_CMD_UTIL_NOP << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | 0,&msg[1]);
+	writel( 0,&msg[2]);
+	wmb();
+	writel(m, pHba->post_port);
+	wmb();
+	return 0;
+static s32 adpt_i2o_init_outbound_q(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u8 *status;
+	u32 *msg = NULL;
+	int i;
+	ulong timeout = jiffies + TMOUT_INITOUTBOUND*HZ;
+	u32* ptr;
+	u32 outbound_frame;  // This had to be a 32 bit address
+	u32 m;
+	do {
+		rmb();
+		m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+		if (m != EMPTY_QUEUE) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Timeout waiting for message frame\n",pHba->name);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+	} while(m == EMPTY_QUEUE);
+	msg=(u32 *)(pHba->msg_addr_virt+m);
+	status = kmalloc(4,GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+	if (status==NULL) {
+		adpt_send_nop(pHba, m);
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: IOP reset failed - no free memory.\n",
+			pHba->name);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset(status, 0, 4);
+	writel(EIGHT_WORD_MSG_SIZE| SGL_OFFSET_6, &msg[0]);
+	writel(I2O_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID, &msg[1]);
+	writel(0, &msg[2]);
+	writel(0x0106, &msg[3]);	/* Transaction context */
+	writel(4096, &msg[4]);		/* Host page frame size */
+	writel((REPLY_FRAME_SIZE)<<16|0x80, &msg[5]);	/* Outbound msg frame size and Initcode */
+	writel(0xD0000004, &msg[6]);		/* Simple SG LE, EOB */
+	writel(virt_to_bus(status), &msg[7]);
+	writel(m, pHba->post_port);
+	wmb();
+	// Wait for the reply status to come back
+	do {
+		if (*status) {
+			if (*status != 0x01 /*I2O_EXEC_OUTBOUND_INIT_IN_PROGRESS*/) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		rmb();
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Timeout Initializing\n",pHba->name);
+			kfree((void*)status);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	// If the command was successful, fill the fifo with our reply
+	// message packets
+	if(*status != 0x04 /*I2O_EXEC_OUTBOUND_INIT_COMPLETE*/) {
+		kfree((void*)status);
+		return -2;
+	}
+	kfree((void*)status);
+	if(pHba->reply_pool != NULL){
+		kfree(pHba->reply_pool);
+	}
+	pHba->reply_pool = (u32*)kmalloc(pHba->reply_fifo_size * REPLY_FRAME_SIZE * 4, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+	if(!pHba->reply_pool){
+		printk(KERN_ERR"%s: Could not allocate reply pool\n",pHba->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(pHba->reply_pool, 0 , pHba->reply_fifo_size * REPLY_FRAME_SIZE * 4);
+	ptr = pHba->reply_pool;
+	for(i = 0; i < pHba->reply_fifo_size; i++) {
+		outbound_frame = (u32)virt_to_bus(ptr);
+		writel(outbound_frame, pHba->reply_port);
+		wmb();
+		ptr +=  REPLY_FRAME_SIZE;
+	}
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	return 0;
+ * I2O System Table.  Contains information about
+ * all the IOPs in the system.  Used to inform IOPs
+ * about each other's existence.
+ *
+ * sys_tbl_ver is the CurrentChangeIndicator that is
+ * used by IOPs to track changes.
+ */
+static s32 adpt_i2o_status_get(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	ulong timeout;
+	u32 m;
+	u32 *msg;
+	u8 *status_block=NULL;
+	ulong status_block_bus;
+	if(pHba->status_block == NULL) {
+		pHba->status_block = (i2o_status_block*)
+			kmalloc(sizeof(i2o_status_block),GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+		if(pHba->status_block == NULL) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR
+			"dpti%d: Get Status Block failed; Out of memory. \n", 
+			pHba->unit);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+	}
+	memset(pHba->status_block, 0, sizeof(i2o_status_block));
+	status_block = (u8*)(pHba->status_block);
+	status_block_bus = virt_to_bus(pHba->status_block);
+	timeout = jiffies+TMOUT_GETSTATUS*HZ;
+	do {
+		rmb();
+		m = readl(pHba->post_port);
+		if (m != EMPTY_QUEUE) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeout waiting for message !\n",
+					pHba->name);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+	} while(m==EMPTY_QUEUE);
+	msg=(u32*)(pHba->msg_addr_virt+m);
+	writel(NINE_WORD_MSG_SIZE|SGL_OFFSET_0, &msg[0]);
+	writel(I2O_CMD_STATUS_GET<<24|HOST_TID<<12|ADAPTER_TID, &msg[1]);
+	writel(1, &msg[2]);
+	writel(0, &msg[3]);
+	writel(0, &msg[4]);
+	writel(0, &msg[5]);
+	writel(((u32)status_block_bus)&0xffffffff, &msg[6]);
+	writel(0, &msg[7]);
+	writel(sizeof(i2o_status_block), &msg[8]); // 88 bytes
+	//post message
+	writel(m, pHba->post_port);
+	wmb();
+	while(status_block[87]!=0xff){
+		if(time_after(jiffies,timeout)){
+			printk(KERN_ERR"dpti%d: Get status timeout.\n",
+				pHba->unit);
+			return -ETIMEDOUT;
+		}
+		rmb();
+	}
+	// Set up our number of outbound and inbound messages
+	pHba->post_fifo_size = pHba->status_block->max_inbound_frames;
+	if (pHba->post_fifo_size > MAX_TO_IOP_MESSAGES) {
+		pHba->post_fifo_size = MAX_TO_IOP_MESSAGES;
+	}
+	pHba->reply_fifo_size = pHba->status_block->max_outbound_frames;
+	if (pHba->reply_fifo_size > MAX_FROM_IOP_MESSAGES) {
+		pHba->reply_fifo_size = MAX_FROM_IOP_MESSAGES;
+	}
+	// Calculate the Scatter Gather list size
+	pHba->sg_tablesize = (pHba->status_block->inbound_frame_size * 4 -40)/ sizeof(struct sg_simple_element);
+	if (pHba->sg_tablesize > SG_LIST_ELEMENTS) {
+		pHba->sg_tablesize = SG_LIST_ELEMENTS;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	printk("dpti%d: State = ",pHba->unit);
+	switch(pHba->status_block->iop_state) {
+		case 0x01:
+			printk("INIT\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x02:
+			printk("RESET\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x04:
+			printk("HOLD\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x05:
+			printk("READY\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x08:
+			printk("OPERATIONAL\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x10:
+			printk("FAILED\n");
+			break;
+		case 0x11:
+			printk("FAULTED\n");
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk("%x (unknown!!)\n",pHba->status_block->iop_state);
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Get the IOP's Logical Configuration Table
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_lct_get(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u32 msg[8];
+	int ret;
+	u32 buf[16];
+	if ((pHba->lct_size == 0) || (pHba->lct == NULL)){
+		pHba->lct_size = pHba->status_block->expected_lct_size;
+	}
+	do {
+		if (pHba->lct == NULL) {
+			pHba->lct = kmalloc(pHba->lct_size, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+			if(pHba->lct == NULL) {
+				printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Lct Get failed. Out of memory.\n",
+					pHba->name);
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+		}
+		memset(pHba->lct, 0, pHba->lct_size);
+		msg[1] = I2O_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
+		msg[2] = 0;
+		msg[3] = 0;
+		msg[4] = 0xFFFFFFFF;	/* All devices */
+		msg[5] = 0x00000000;	/* Report now */
+		msg[6] = 0xD0000000|pHba->lct_size;
+		msg[7] = virt_to_bus(pHba->lct);
+		if ((ret=adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), 360))) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT Get failed (status=%#10x.\n", 
+				pHba->name, ret);	
+			printk(KERN_ERR"Adaptec: Error Reading Hardware.\n");
+			return ret;
+		}
+		if ((pHba->lct->table_size << 2) > pHba->lct_size) {
+			pHba->lct_size = pHba->lct->table_size << 2;
+			kfree(pHba->lct);
+			pHba->lct = NULL;
+		}
+	} while (pHba->lct == NULL);
+	PDEBUG("%s: Hardware resource table read.\n", pHba->name);
+	if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, 0 , 0x8000, -1, buf, sizeof(buf))>=0) {
+		pHba->FwDebugBufferSize = buf[1];
+		pHba->FwDebugBuffer_P    = pHba->base_addr_virt + buf[0];
+		pHba->FwDebugFlags_P     = pHba->FwDebugBuffer_P + FW_DEBUG_FLAGS_OFFSET;
+		pHba->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P = pHba->FwDebugBuffer_P + FW_DEBUG_BLED_OFFSET;
+		pHba->FwDebugBLEDflag_P  = pHba->FwDebugBLEDvalue_P + 1;
+		pHba->FwDebugStrLength_P = pHba->FwDebugBuffer_P + FW_DEBUG_STR_LENGTH_OFFSET;
+		pHba->FwDebugBuffer_P += buf[2]; 
+		pHba->FwDebugFlags = 0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int adpt_i2o_build_sys_table(void)
+	adpt_hba* pHba = NULL;
+	int count = 0;
+	sys_tbl_len = sizeof(struct i2o_sys_tbl) +	// Header + IOPs
+				(hba_count) * sizeof(struct i2o_sys_tbl_entry);
+	if(sys_tbl)
+		kfree(sys_tbl);
+	sys_tbl = kmalloc(sys_tbl_len, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+	if(!sys_tbl) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "SysTab Set failed. Out of memory.\n");	
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset(sys_tbl, 0, sys_tbl_len);
+	sys_tbl->num_entries = hba_count;
+	sys_tbl->version = I2OVERSION;
+	sys_tbl->change_ind = sys_tbl_ind++;
+	for(pHba = hba_chain; pHba; pHba = pHba->next) {
+		// Get updated Status Block so we have the latest information
+		if (adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba)) {
+			sys_tbl->num_entries--;
+			continue; // try next one	
+		}
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].org_id = pHba->status_block->org_id;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_id = pHba->unit + 2;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].seg_num = 0;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].i2o_version = pHba->status_block->i2o_version;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_state = pHba->status_block->iop_state;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].msg_type = pHba->status_block->msg_type;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].frame_size = pHba->status_block->inbound_frame_size;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].last_changed = sys_tbl_ind - 1; // ??
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_capabilities = pHba->status_block->iop_capabilities;
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].inbound_low = (u32)virt_to_bus((void*)pHba->post_port);
+		sys_tbl->iops[count].inbound_high = (u32)((u64)virt_to_bus((void*)pHba->post_port)>>32);
+		count++;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	u32 *table = (u32*)sys_tbl;
+	printk(KERN_DEBUG"sys_tbl_len=%d in 32bit words\n",(sys_tbl_len >>2));
+	for(count = 0; count < (sys_tbl_len >>2); count++) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO "sys_tbl[%d] = %0#10x\n", 
+			count, table[count]);
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *	 Dump the information block associated with a given unit (TID)
+ */
+static void adpt_i2o_report_hba_unit(adpt_hba* pHba, struct i2o_device *d)
+	char buf[64];
+	int unit = d->lct_data.tid;
+	printk(KERN_INFO "TID %3.3d ", unit);
+	if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, unit, 0xF100, 3, buf, 16)>=0)
+	{
+		buf[16]=0;
+		printk(" Vendor: %-12.12s", buf);
+	}
+	if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, unit, 0xF100, 4, buf, 16)>=0)
+	{
+		buf[16]=0;
+		printk(" Device: %-12.12s", buf);
+	}
+	if(adpt_i2o_query_scalar(pHba, unit, 0xF100, 6, buf, 8)>=0)
+	{
+		buf[8]=0;
+		printk(" Rev: %-12.12s\n", buf);
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	 printk(KERN_INFO "\tClass: %.21s\n", adpt_i2o_get_class_name(d->lct_data.class_id));
+	 printk(KERN_INFO "\tSubclass: 0x%04X\n", d->lct_data.sub_class);
+	 printk(KERN_INFO "\tFlags: ");
+	 if(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<0))
+		  printk("C");	     // ConfigDialog requested
+	 if(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<1))
+		  printk("U");	     // Multi-user capable
+	 if(!(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<4)))
+		  printk("P");	     // Peer service enabled!
+	 if(!(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<5)))
+		  printk("M");	     // Mgmt service enabled!
+	 printk("\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ *	Do i2o class name lookup
+ */
+static const char *adpt_i2o_get_class_name(int class)
+	int idx = 16;
+	static char *i2o_class_name[] = {
+		"Executive",
+		"Device Driver Module",
+		"Block Device",
+		"Tape Device",
+		"LAN Interface",
+		"WAN Interface",
+		"Fibre Channel Port",
+		"Fibre Channel Device",
+		"SCSI Device",
+		"ATE Port",
+		"ATE Device",
+		"Floppy Controller",
+		"Floppy Device",
+		"Secondary Bus Port",
+		"Peer Transport Agent",
+		"Peer Transport",
+		"Unknown"
+	};
+	switch(class&0xFFF) {
+		idx = 0; break;
+	case I2O_CLASS_DDM:
+		idx = 1; break;
+		idx = 2; break;
+		idx = 3; break;
+	case I2O_CLASS_LAN:
+		idx = 4; break;
+	case I2O_CLASS_WAN:
+		idx = 5; break;
+		idx = 6; break;
+		idx = 7; break;
+		idx = 8; break;
+		idx = 9; break;
+		idx = 10; break;
+		idx = 11; break;
+		idx = 12; break;
+		idx = 13; break;
+		idx = 14; break;
+		idx = 15; break;
+	}
+	return i2o_class_name[idx];
+static s32 adpt_i2o_hrt_get(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u32 msg[6];
+	int ret, size = sizeof(i2o_hrt);
+	do {
+		if (pHba->hrt == NULL) {
+			pHba->hrt=kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL|ADDR32);
+			if (pHba->hrt == NULL) {
+				printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Hrt Get failed; Out of memory.\n", pHba->name);
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+		}
+		msg[1]= I2O_CMD_HRT_GET<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
+		msg[2]= 0;
+		msg[3]= 0;
+		msg[4]= (0xD0000000 | size);    /* Simple transaction */
+		msg[5]= virt_to_bus(pHba->hrt);   /* Dump it here */
+		if ((ret = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg),20))) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to get HRT (status=%#10x)\n", pHba->name, ret);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		if (pHba->hrt->num_entries * pHba->hrt->entry_len << 2 > size) {
+			size = pHba->hrt->num_entries * pHba->hrt->entry_len << 2;
+			kfree(pHba->hrt);
+			pHba->hrt = NULL;
+		}
+	} while(pHba->hrt == NULL);
+	return 0;
+ *	 Query one scalar group value or a whole scalar group.
+ */		    	
+static int adpt_i2o_query_scalar(adpt_hba* pHba, int tid, 
+			int group, int field, void *buf, int buflen)
+	u16 opblk[] = { 1, 0, I2O_PARAMS_FIELD_GET, group, 1, field };
+	u8  resblk[8+buflen]; /* 8 bytes for header */
+	int size;
+	if (field == -1)  		/* whole group */
+			opblk[4] = -1;
+	size = adpt_i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_GET, pHba, tid, 
+		opblk, sizeof(opblk), resblk, sizeof(resblk));
+	memcpy(buf, resblk+8, buflen);  /* cut off header */
+	if (size < 0)
+		return size;	
+	return buflen;
+ *
+ *	This function can be used for all UtilParamsGet/Set operations.
+ *	The OperationBlock is given in opblk-buffer, 
+ *	and results are returned in resblk-buffer.
+ *	Note that the minimum sized resblk is 8 bytes and contains
+ *	ResultCount, ErrorInfoSize, BlockStatus and BlockSize.
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_issue_params(int cmd, adpt_hba* pHba, int tid, 
+		  void *opblk, int oplen, void *resblk, int reslen)
+	u32 msg[9]; 
+	u32 *res = (u32 *)resblk;
+	int wait_status;
+	msg[1] = cmd << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | tid; 
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = 0;
+	msg[4] = 0;
+	msg[5] = 0x54000000 | oplen;	/* OperationBlock */
+	msg[6] = virt_to_bus(opblk);
+	msg[7] = 0xD0000000 | reslen;	/* ResultBlock */
+	msg[8] = virt_to_bus(resblk);
+	if ((wait_status = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), 20))) {
+   		return wait_status; 	/* -DetailedStatus */
+	}
+	if (res[1]&0x00FF0000) { 	/* BlockStatus != SUCCESS */
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: %s - Error:\n  ErrorInfoSize = 0x%02x, "
+			"BlockStatus = 0x%02x, BlockSize = 0x%04x\n",
+			pHba->name,
+							 : "PARAMS_GET",   
+			res[1]>>24, (res[1]>>16)&0xFF, res[1]&0xFFFF);
+		return -((res[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); /* -BlockStatus */
+	}
+	 return 4 + ((res[1] & 0x0000FFFF) << 2); /* bytes used in resblk */ 
+static s32 adpt_i2o_quiesce_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u32 msg[4];
+	int ret;
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	/* SysQuiesce discarded if IOP not in READY or OPERATIONAL state */
+	if((pHba->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_READY) &&
+   	   (pHba->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL)){
+		return 0;
+	}
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = 0;
+	if((ret = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), 240))) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO"dpti%d: Unable to quiesce (status=%#x).\n",
+				pHba->unit, -ret);
+	} else {
+		printk(KERN_INFO"dpti%d: Quiesced.\n",pHba->unit);
+	}
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	return ret;
+ * Enable IOP. Allows the IOP to resume external operations.
+ */
+static int adpt_i2o_enable_hba(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	u32 msg[4];
+	int ret;
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	if(!pHba->status_block){
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Enable only allowed on READY state */
+	if(pHba->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL)
+		return 0;
+	if(pHba->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_READY)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	msg[2]= 0;
+	msg[3]= 0;
+	if ((ret = adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), 240))) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING"%s: Could not enable (status=%#10x).\n", 
+			pHba->name, ret);
+	} else {
+		PDEBUG("%s: Enabled.\n", pHba->name);
+	}
+	adpt_i2o_status_get(pHba);
+	return ret;
+static int adpt_i2o_systab_send(adpt_hba* pHba)
+	 u32 msg[12];
+	 int ret;
+	msg[0] = I2O_MESSAGE_SIZE(12) | SGL_OFFSET_6;
+	msg[1] = I2O_CMD_SYS_TAB_SET<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
+	msg[2] = 0;
+	msg[3] = 0;
+	msg[4] = (0<<16) | ((pHba->unit+2) << 12); /* Host 0 IOP ID (unit + 2) */
+	msg[5] = 0;				   /* Segment 0 */
+	/* 
+	 * Provide three SGL-elements:
+	 * System table (SysTab), Private memory space declaration and 
+	 * Private i/o space declaration  
+	 */
+	msg[6] = 0x54000000 | sys_tbl_len;
+	msg[7] = virt_to_phys(sys_tbl);
+	msg[8] = 0x54000000 | 0;
+	msg[9] = 0;
+	msg[10] = 0xD4000000 | 0;
+	msg[11] = 0;
+	if ((ret=adpt_i2o_post_wait(pHba, msg, sizeof(msg), 120))) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Unable to set SysTab (status=%#10x).\n", 
+			pHba->name, ret);
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	else {
+		PINFO("%s: SysTab set.\n", pHba->name);
+	}
+	return ret;	
+ }
+ *
+ *============================================================================
+ */
+#ifdef UARTDELAY 
+static static void adpt_delay(int millisec)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < millisec; i++) {
+		udelay(1000);	/* delay for one millisecond */
+	}
+static Scsi_Host_Template driver_template = DPT_I2O;
+#include "scsi_module.c"

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: