patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/arch/ppc/kernel/chrp_pci.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/arch/ppc/kernel/chrp_pci.c linux-2.4.20/arch/ppc/kernel/chrp_pci.c
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
- * BK Id: SCCS/s.chrp_pci.c 1.22 09/08/01 15:47:42 paulus
- */
- * CHRP pci routines.
- */
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/ide.h>
-#include <linux/bootmem.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/hydra.h>
-#include <asm/prom.h>
-#include <asm/gg2.h>
-#include <asm/machdep.h>
-#include <asm/sections.h>
-#include <asm/pci-bridge.h>
-#include "open_pic.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-/* LongTrail */
-unsigned long gg2_pci_config_base;
-#define pci_config_addr(dev, offset) \
-(gg2_pci_config_base | ((dev->bus->number)<<16) | ((dev->devfn)<<8) | (offset))
-volatile struct Hydra *Hydra = NULL;
- * The VLSI Golden Gate II has only 512K of PCI configuration space, so we
- * limit the bus number to 3 bits
- */
-#define cfg_read(val, addr, type, op)	*val = op((type)(addr))
-#define cfg_write(val, addr, type, op)	op((type *)(addr), (val))
-#define cfg_read_bad(val, size)		*val = bad_##size;
-#define cfg_write_bad(val, size)
-#define bad_byte	0xff
-#define bad_word	0xffff
-#define bad_dword	0xffffffffU
-#define GG2_PCI_OP(rw, size, type, op)					    \
-int __chrp gg2_##rw##_config_##size(struct pci_dev *dev, int off, type val) \
-{									    \
-	if (dev->bus->number > 7) {					    \
-		cfg_##rw##_bad(val, size)				    \
-		return PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;			    \
-	}								    \
-	cfg_##rw(val, pci_config_addr(dev, off), type, op);		    \
-	return PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL;					    \
-GG2_PCI_OP(read, byte, u8 *, in_8)
-GG2_PCI_OP(read, word, u16 *, in_le16)
-GG2_PCI_OP(read, dword, u32 *, in_le32)
-GG2_PCI_OP(write, byte, u8, out_8)
-GG2_PCI_OP(write, word, u16, out_le16)
-GG2_PCI_OP(write, dword, u32, out_le32)
-static struct pci_ops gg2_pci_ops =
-	gg2_read_config_byte,
-	gg2_read_config_word,
-	gg2_read_config_dword,
-	gg2_write_config_byte,
-	gg2_write_config_word,
-	gg2_write_config_dword
- * Access functions for PCI config space on IBM "python" host bridges.
- */
-#define PYTHON_CFA(b, d, o)	(0x80 | ((b) << 8) | ((d) << 16) \
-				 | (((o) & ~3) << 24))
-#define PYTHON_PCI_OP(rw, size, type, op, mask)			    	     \
-int __chrp								     \
-python_##rw##_config_##size(struct pci_dev *dev, int offset, type val) 	     \
-{									     \
-	struct pci_controller *hose = dev->sysdata;			     \
-									     \
-	out_be32(hose->cfg_addr,					     \
-		 PYTHON_CFA(dev->bus->number, dev->devfn, offset));	     \
-	cfg_##rw(val, hose->cfg_data + (offset & mask), type, op);   	     \
-	return PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL;					     \
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(read, byte, u8 *, in_8, 3)
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(read, word, u16 *, in_le16, 2)
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(read, dword, u32 *, in_le32, 0)
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(write, byte, u8, out_8, 3)
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(write, word, u16, out_le16, 2)
-PYTHON_PCI_OP(write, dword, u32, out_le32, 0)
-static struct pci_ops python_pci_ops =
-	python_read_config_byte,
-	python_read_config_word,
-	python_read_config_dword,
-	python_write_config_byte,
-	python_write_config_word,
-	python_write_config_dword
- * Access functions for PCI config space using RTAS calls.
- */
-#define RTAS_PCI_READ_OP(size, type, nbytes)			    	  \
-int __chrp								  \
-rtas_read_config_##size(struct pci_dev *dev, int offset, type val) 	  \
-{									  \
-	unsigned long addr = (offset & 0xff) | ((dev->devfn & 0xff) << 8) \
-		| ((dev->bus->number & 0xff) << 16);			  \
-	unsigned long ret = ~0UL;					  \
-	int rval;							  \
-									  \
-	rval = call_rtas("read-pci-config", 2, 2, &ret, addr, nbytes);	  \
-	*val = ret;							  \
-#define RTAS_PCI_WRITE_OP(size, type, nbytes)				  \
-int __chrp								  \
-rtas_write_config_##size(struct pci_dev *dev, int offset, type val)	  \
-{									  \
-	unsigned long addr = (offset & 0xff) | ((dev->devfn & 0xff) << 8) \
-		| ((dev->bus->number & 0xff) << 16);			  \
-	int rval;							  \
-									  \
-	rval = call_rtas("write-pci-config", 3, 1, NULL,		  \
-			 addr, nbytes, (ulong)val);			  \
-RTAS_PCI_READ_OP(byte, u8 *, 1)
-RTAS_PCI_READ_OP(word, u16 *, 2)
-RTAS_PCI_READ_OP(dword, u32 *, 4)
-RTAS_PCI_WRITE_OP(byte, u8, 1)
-RTAS_PCI_WRITE_OP(word, u16, 2)
-RTAS_PCI_WRITE_OP(dword, u32, 4)
-static struct pci_ops rtas_pci_ops =
-	rtas_read_config_byte,
-	rtas_read_config_word,
-	rtas_read_config_dword,
-	rtas_write_config_byte,
-	rtas_write_config_word,
-	rtas_write_config_dword
-    /*
-     *  Temporary fixes for PCI devices. These should be replaced by OF query
-     *  code -- Geert
-     */
-static u_char hydra_openpic_initsenses[] __initdata = {
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_SIO */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCSI_DMA */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCA_TX_DMA */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCA_RX_DMA */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCB_TX_DMA */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCB_RX_DMA */
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCSI */
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCA */
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_SCCB */
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_VIA */
-    1,	/* HYDRA_INT_ADB */
-    0,	/* HYDRA_INT_ADB_NMI */
-    	/* all others are 1 (= default) */
-int __init
-	struct device_node *np;
-	np = find_devices("mac-io");
-	if (np == NULL || np->n_addrs == 0) {
-		printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: no mac-io found\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	Hydra = ioremap(np->addrs[0].address, np->addrs[0].size);
-	printk("Hydra Mac I/O at %x\n", np->addrs[0].address);
-	out_le32(&Hydra->Feature_Control, (HYDRA_FC_SCC_CELL_EN |
-	OpenPIC_Addr = &Hydra->OpenPIC;
-	OpenPIC_InitSenses = hydra_openpic_initsenses;
-	OpenPIC_NumInitSenses = sizeof(hydra_openpic_initsenses);
-	return 1;
-void __init
-	struct pci_dev *dev;
-	struct device_node *np;
-	/* PCI interrupts are controlled by the OpenPIC */
-	pci_for_each_dev(dev) {
-		np = pci_device_to_OF_node(dev);
-		if ((np != 0) && (np->n_intrs > 0) && (np->intrs[0].line != 0))
-			dev->irq = np->intrs[0].line;
-		pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, dev->irq);
-	}
-void __init
-	struct device_node *dev;
-	int *bus_range;
-	int len, index = -1;
-	struct pci_controller *hose;
-	volatile unsigned char *cfg;
-	unsigned int *dma;
-	char *model, *machine;
-	int is_longtrail = 0, is_mot = 0;
-	struct device_node *root = find_path_device("/");
-	unsigned int *opprop = (unsigned int *)
-		get_property(root, "platform-open-pic", NULL);
-	int i;
-	/*
-	 * The PCI host bridge nodes on some machines don't have
-	 * properties to adequately identify them, so we have to
-	 * look at what sort of machine this is as well.
-	 */
-	machine = get_property(root, "model", NULL);
-	if (machine != NULL) {
-		is_longtrail = strncmp(machine, "IBM,LongTrail", 13) == 0;
-		is_mot = strncmp(machine, "MOT", 3) == 0;
-	}
-	for (dev = root->child; dev != NULL; dev = dev->sibling) {
-		if (dev->type == NULL || strcmp(dev->type, "pci") != 0)
-			continue;
-		++index;
-		/* The GG2 bridge on the LongTrail doesn't have an address */
-		if (dev->n_addrs < 1 && !is_longtrail) {
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't use %s: no address\n",
-			       dev->full_name);
-			continue;
-		}
-		bus_range = (int *) get_property(dev, "bus-range", &len);
-		if (bus_range == NULL || len < 2 * sizeof(int)) {
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't get bus-range for %s\n",
-				dev->full_name);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (bus_range[1] == bus_range[0])
-			printk(KERN_INFO "PCI bus %d", bus_range[0]);
-		else
-			printk(KERN_INFO "PCI buses %d..%d",
-			       bus_range[0], bus_range[1]);
-		printk(" controlled by %s", dev->type);
-		if (dev->n_addrs > 0)
-			printk(" at %x", dev->addrs[0].address);
-		printk("\n");
-		hose = pcibios_alloc_controller();
-		if (!hose) {
-			printk("Can't allocate PCI controller structure for %s\n",
-				dev->full_name);
-			continue;
-		}
-		hose->arch_data = dev;
-		hose->first_busno = bus_range[0];
-		hose->last_busno = bus_range[1];
-		model = get_property(dev, "model", NULL);
-		if (model == NULL)
-			model = "<none>";
-		if (device_is_compatible(dev, "IBM,python")) {
-			hose->ops = &python_pci_ops;
-			cfg = ioremap(dev->addrs[0].address + 0xf8000, 0x20);
-			hose->cfg_addr = (volatile unsigned int *) cfg;
-			hose->cfg_data = cfg + 0x10;
-		} else if (is_mot
-			   || strncmp(model, "Motorola, Grackle", 17) == 0) {
-			setup_grackle(hose);
-		} else if (is_longtrail) {
-			hose->ops = &gg2_pci_ops;
-			gg2_pci_config_base = (unsigned long)
-				ioremap(GG2_PCI_CONFIG_BASE, 0x80000);
-		} else {
-			printk("No methods for %s (model %s), using RTAS\n",
-			       dev->full_name, model);
-			hose->ops = &rtas_pci_ops;
-		}
-		pci_process_bridge_OF_ranges(hose, dev, index == 0);
-		if (opprop != NULL) {
-			i = prom_n_addr_cells(root) * (index + 2) - 1;
-			openpic_setup_ISU(index, opprop[i]);
-		}
-#endif /* CONFIG_POWER3 */
-		/* check the first bridge for a property that we can
-		   use to set pci_dram_offset */
-		dma = (unsigned int *)
-			get_property(dev, "ibm,dma-ranges", &len);
-		if (index == 0 && dma != NULL && len >= 6 * sizeof(*dma)) {
-			pci_dram_offset = dma[2] - dma[3];
-			printk("pci_dram_offset = %lx\n", pci_dram_offset);
-		}
-	}
-	ppc_md.pcibios_fixup = chrp_pcibios_fixup;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: