patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/arch/i386/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S
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- Lines: 146
- Date:
2003-08-25 04:44:39.000000000 -0700
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
diff -urN linux-2.4.21/arch/i386/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S linux-2.4.22/arch/i386/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+ wakeup_code_start = .
+ .code16
+ cli
+ cld
+ # setup data segment
+ movw %cs, %ax
+ addw $(wakeup_data - wakeup_code) >> 4, %ax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ # Private stack is needed for ASUS board
+ mov $(wakeup_stack - wakeup_data), %sp
+ # set up page table
+ movl (real_save_cr3 - wakeup_data), %eax
+ movl %eax, %cr3
+ # make sure %cr4 is set correctly (features, etc)
+ movl (real_save_cr4 - wakeup_data), %eax
+ movl %eax, %cr4
+ # need a gdt
+ lgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_data
+ # Flush the prefetch queue
+ jmp 1f
+ movl %cr0, %eax
+ orl $0x80000001, %eax
+ movl %eax, %cr0
+ ljmpl $__KERNEL_CS,$SYMBOL_NAME(wakeup_pmode_return)
+ .code32
+ 0x100
+ .word 0
+real_save_gdt: .word 0
+ .long 0
+real_save_cr3: .long 0
+real_save_cr4: .long 0
+ 0x300
+ # restore data segment
+ movl $__KERNEL_DS, %eax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %es
+ # and restore the stack
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ movl saved_esp, %esp
+ # restore other segment registers
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ movw %ax, %fs
+ movw %ax, %gs
+ # reload the gdt, as we need the full 32 bit address
+ lgdt saved_gdt
+ lidt saved_idt
+ lldt saved_ldt
+ # restore the other general registers
+ movl saved_ebx, %ebx
+ movl saved_edi, %edi
+ movl saved_esi, %esi
+ movl saved_ebp, %ebp
+ # jump to place where we left off
+ movl saved_eip,%eax
+ jmp *%eax
+# acpi_copy_wakeup_routine
+# Copy the above routine to low memory.
+# Parameters:
+# %eax: place to copy wakeup routine to
+# Returned address is location of code in low memory (past data and stack)
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ sgdt saved_gdt
+ sidt saved_idt
+ sldt saved_ldt
+ str saved_tss
+ movl %eax, %edi
+ leal wakeup_start, %esi
+ movl $(wakeup_end - wakeup_start) >> 2, %ecx
+ rep ; movsl
+ movl %cr3, %edx
+ movl %edx, real_save_cr3 - wakeup_start (%eax)
+ movl %cr4, %edx
+ movl %edx, real_save_cr4 - wakeup_start (%eax)
+ sgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_start (%eax)
+ # restore the regs we used
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ ret
+# saved registers
+saved_gdt: .long 0,0
+saved_idt: .long 0,0
+saved_ldt: .long 0
+saved_tss: .long 0
+saved_cr0: .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_ebp) .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_esi) .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_edi) .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_ebx) .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_eip) .long 0
+ENTRY(saved_esp) .long 0
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: