patch-2.4.22 linux-2.4.22/arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S

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diff -urN linux-2.4.21/arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S linux-2.4.22/arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi_wakeup.S
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/msr.h>
+# Copyright 2003 Pavel Machek <>, distribute under GPLv2
+# wakeup_code runs in real mode, and at unknown address (determined at run-time).
+# Therefore it must only use relative jumps/calls. 
+# Do we need to deal with A20? It is okay: ACPI specs says A20 must be enabled
+# If physical address of wakeup_code is 0x12345, BIOS should call us with
+# cs = 0x1234, eip = 0x05
+	.align	16
+	wakeup_code_start = .
+	.code16
+# Running in *copy* of this code, somewhere in low 1MB.
+	movb	$0xa1, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
+	cli
+	cld
+	# setup data segment
+	movw	%cs, %ax
+	movw	%ax, %ds					# Make ds:0 point to wakeup_start
+	movw	%ax, %ss
+	mov	$(wakeup_stack - wakeup_code), %sp		# Private stack is needed for ASUS board
+	pushl	$0						# Kill any dangerous flags
+	popfl
+	movl	real_magic - wakeup_code, %eax
+	cmpl	$0x12345678, %eax
+	jne	bogus_real_magic
+	lcall   $0xc000,$3
+ 	movw	$0xb800, %ax
+	movw	%ax,%fs
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'L', %fs:(0x10)
+	movb	$0xa2, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
+	lidt	%ds:idt_48a - wakeup_code
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movw	%ds, %ax			# (Convert %ds:gdt to a linear ptr)
+	shll	$4, %eax
+	addl	$(gdta - wakeup_code), %eax
+	movl	%eax, gdt_48a +2 - wakeup_code
+	lgdt	%ds:gdt_48a - wakeup_code		# load gdt with whatever is
+						# appropriate
+	movl	$1, %eax			# protected mode (PE) bit
+	lmsw	%ax				# This is it!
+	jmp	1f
+	.byte 0x66, 0xea			# prefix + jmpi-opcode
+	.long	wakeup_32 - __START_KERNEL_map
+	.word	__KERNEL_CS
+	.code32
+# Running in this code, but at low address; paging is not yet turned on.
+	movb	$0xa5, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
+	/* Check if extended functions are implemented */		
+	movl	$0x80000000, %eax
+	cpuid
+	cmpl	$0x80000000, %eax
+	jbe	bogus_cpu
+	wbinvd
+	mov	$0x80000001, %eax
+	cpuid
+	btl	$29, %edx
+	jnc	bogus_cpu
+	movl	%edx,%edi
+	movw	$__KERNEL_DS, %ax
+	movw	%ax, %ds
+	movw	%ax, %es
+	movw	%ax, %fs
+	movw	%ax, %gs
+	movw	$__KERNEL_DS, %ax	
+	movw	%ax, %ss
+	mov	$(wakeup_stack - __START_KERNEL_map), %esp
+	movl	saved_magic - __START_KERNEL_map, %eax
+	cmpl	$0x9abcdef0, %eax
+	jne	bogus_32_magic
+	/*
+	 * Prepare for entering 64bits mode
+	 */
+	/* Enable PAE mode and PGE */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	btsl	$5, %eax
+	btsl	$7, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %cr4
+	/* Setup early boot stage 4 level pagetables */
+	movl	$(wakeup_level4_pgt - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
+	movl	%eax, %cr3
+	/* Setup EFER (Extended Feature Enable Register) */
+	movl	$MSR_EFER, %ecx
+	rdmsr
+	/* Fool rdmsr and reset %eax to avoid dependences */
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	/* Enable Long Mode */
+	btsl	$_EFER_LME, %eax
+	/* Enable System Call */
+	btsl	$_EFER_SCE, %eax
+	/* No Execute supported? */	
+	btl	$20,%edi
+	jnc     1f
+	btsl	$_EFER_NX, %eax
+	/* Make changes effective */
+	wrmsr
+	wbinvd
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	btsl	$31, %eax			/* Enable paging and in turn activate Long Mode */
+	btsl	$0, %eax			/* Enable protected mode */
+	btsl	$1, %eax			/* Enable MP */
+	btsl	$4, %eax			/* Enable ET */
+	btsl	$5, %eax			/* Enable NE */
+	btsl	$16, %eax			/* Enable WP */
+	btsl	$18, %eax			/* Enable AM */
+	/* Make changes effective */
+	movl	%eax, %cr0
+	/* At this point:
+		CR4.PAE must be 1
+		CS.L must be 0
+		CR3 must point to PML4
+		Next instruction must be a branch
+		This must be on identity-mapped page
+	*/
+	jmp	reach_compatibility_mode
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'i', %ds:(0xb8012)
+	movb	$0xa8, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80; 	
+	/*
+	 * At this point we're in long mode but in 32bit compatibility mode
+	 * with EFER.LME = 1, CS.L = 0, CS.D = 1 (and in turn
+	 * EFER.LMA = 1). Now we want to jump in 64bit mode, to do that we load
+	 * the new gdt/idt that has __KERNEL_CS with CS.L = 1.
+	 */
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'n', %ds:(0xb8014)
+	movb	$0xa9, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
+	/* Load new GDT with the 64bit segment using 32bit descriptor */
+	movl	$(pGDT32 - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
+	lgdt	(%eax)
+	movl    $(wakeup_jumpvector - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
+	/* Finally jump in 64bit mode */
+	ljmp	*(%eax)
+	.long	wakeup_long64 - __START_KERNEL_map
+	.word	__KERNEL_CS
+	/*	Hooray, we are in Long 64-bit mode (but still running in low memory) */
+	/*
+	 * We must switch to a new descriptor in kernel space for the GDT
+	 * because soon the kernel won't have access anymore to the userspace
+	 * addresses where we're currently running on. We have to do that here
+	 * because in 32bit we couldn't load a 64bit linear address.
+	 */
+	lgdt	pGDT64 - __START_KERNEL_map
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'u', %ds:(0xb8016)
+	nop
+	nop
+	movw	$__KERNEL_DS, %ax
+	movw	%ax, %ss	
+	movw	%ax, %ds
+	movw	%ax, %es
+	movw	%ax, %fs
+	movw	%ax, %gs
+	movq	saved_esp, %rsp
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'x', %ds:(0xb8018)
+	movq	saved_ebx, %rbx
+	movq	saved_edi, %rdi
+	movq	saved_esi, %rsi
+	movq	saved_ebp, %rbp
+	movw	$0x0e00 + '!', %ds:(0xb801a)
+	movq	saved_eip, %rax
+	jmp	%rax
+	.align	64	
+	.word	0, 0, 0, 0			# dummy
+	.word	0, 0, 0, 0			# unused
+	.word	0xFFFF				# 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
+	.word	0				# base address = 0
+	.word	0x9B00				# code read/exec. ??? Why I need 0x9B00 (as opposed to 0x9A00 in order for this to work?)
+	.word	0x00CF				# granularity = 4096, 386
+						#  (+5th nibble of limit)
+	.word	0xFFFF				# 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
+	.word	0				# base address = 0
+	.word	0x9200				# data read/write
+	.word	0x00CF				# granularity = 4096, 386
+						#  (+5th nibble of limit)
+# this is 64bit descriptor for code
+	.word	0xFFFF
+	.word	0
+	.word	0x9A00				# code read/exec
+	.word	0x00AF				# as above, but it is long mode and with D=0
+	.word	0				# idt limit = 0
+	.word	0, 0				# idt base = 0L
+	.word	0x8000				# gdt limit=2048,
+						#  256 GDT entries
+	.word	0, 0				# gdt base (filled in later)
+real_save_gdt:	.word 0
+		.quad 0
+real_magic:	.quad 0
+video_mode:	.quad 0
+	movb	$0xba,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80		
+	jmp bogus_real_magic
+	movb	$0xb3,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80
+	jmp bogus_32_magic
+	movb	$0xb1,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80
+	jmp bogus_31_magic
+	movb	$0xbc,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80
+	jmp bogus_cpu
+/* This code uses an extended set of video mode numbers. These include:
+ * Aliases for standard modes
+ *	NORMAL_VGA (-1)
+ *	ASK_VGA (-3)
+ * Video modes numbered by menu position -- NOT RECOMMENDED because of lack
+ * of compatibility when extending the table. These are between 0x00 and 0xff.
+ */
+#define VIDEO_FIRST_MENU 0x0000
+/* Standard BIOS video modes (BIOS number + 0x0100) */
+#define VIDEO_FIRST_BIOS 0x0100
+/* VESA BIOS video modes (VESA number + 0x0200) */
+#define VIDEO_FIRST_VESA 0x0200
+/* Video7 special modes (BIOS number + 0x0900) */
+#define VIDEO_FIRST_V7 0x0900
+# Setting of user mode (AX=mode ID) => CF=success
+	movw	%ax, %bx
+#if 0
+	cmpb	$0xff, %ah
+	jz	setalias
+	testb	$VIDEO_RECALC>>8, %ah
+	jnz	_setrec
+	jnc	setres
+	cmpb	$VIDEO_FIRST_SPECIAL>>8, %ah
+	jz	setspc
+	cmpb	$VIDEO_FIRST_V7>>8, %ah
+	jz	setv7
+	cmpb	$VIDEO_FIRST_VESA>>8, %ah
+	jnc	check_vesaa
+#if 0	
+	orb	%ah, %ah
+	jz	setmenu
+	decb	%ah
+#	jz	setbios				  Add bios modes later
+setbada:	clc
+	ret
+	subb	$VIDEO_FIRST_VESA>>8, %bh
+	orw	$0x4000, %bx			# Use linear frame buffer
+	movw	$0x4f02, %ax			# VESA BIOS mode set call
+	int	$0x10
+	cmpw	$0x004f, %ax			# AL=4f if implemented
+	jnz	_setbada				# AH=0 if OK
+	stc
+	ret
+_setbada: jmp setbada
+	.code64
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'B', %ds:(0xb8018)
+	jmp bogus_magic
+	movw	$0x0e00 + '2', %ds:(0xb8018)
+	jmp bogus_magic2
+wakeup_stack_begin:	# Stack grows down
+	0xff0
+wakeup_stack:		# Just below end of page
+# acpi_copy_wakeup_routine
+# Copy the above routine to low memory.
+# Parameters:
+# %rdi:	place to copy wakeup routine to
+# Returned address is location of code in low memory (past data and stack)
+	pushq	%rax
+	pushq	%rcx
+	pushq	%rdx
+	sgdt	saved_gdt
+	sidt	saved_idt
+	sldt	saved_ldt
+	str	saved_tss
+	movq    %cr3, %rdx
+	movq    %rdx, saved_cr3
+	movq    %cr4, %rdx
+	movq    %rdx, saved_cr4
+	movq	%cr0, %rdx
+	movq	%rdx, saved_cr0
+	sgdt    real_save_gdt - wakeup_start (,%rdi)
+	movl	$MSR_EFER, %ecx
+	rdmsr
+	movl	%eax, saved_efer
+	movl	%edx, saved_efer2
+#	movq	saved_videomode, %rdx				# FIXME:	 videomode
+	movq	%rdx, video_mode - wakeup_start (,%rdi)
+	movq	$0x12345678, real_magic - wakeup_start (,%rdi)
+	movq	$0x123456789abcdef0, %rdx
+	movq	%rdx, saved_magic
+	movl	saved_magic - __START_KERNEL_map, %eax
+	cmpl	$0x9abcdef0, %eax
+	jne	bogus_32_magic
+	# make sure %cr4 is set correctly (features, etc)
+	movl	saved_cr4 - __START_KERNEL_map, %eax
+	movq	%rax, %cr4
+	movl	saved_cr0 - __START_KERNEL_map, %eax
+	movq	%rax, %cr0
+	jmp	1f		# Flush pipelines
+	# restore the regs we used
+	popq	%rdx
+	popq	%rcx
+	popq	%rax
+	ret
+	.align 2
+	.p2align 4,,15
+.globl do_suspend_lowlevel
+	.type	do_suspend_lowlevel,@function
+	subq	$8, %rsp
+	testl	%edi, %edi
+	jne	.L99
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	call	save_processor_state
+	movq %rsp, saved_context_esp(%rip)
+	movq %rax, saved_context_eax(%rip)
+	movq %rbx, saved_context_ebx(%rip)
+	movq %rcx, saved_context_ecx(%rip)
+	movq %rdx, saved_context_edx(%rip)
+	movq %rbp, saved_context_ebp(%rip)
+	movq %rsi, saved_context_esi(%rip)
+	movq %rdi, saved_context_edi(%rip)
+	movq %r8,  saved_context_r08(%rip)
+	movq %r9,  saved_context_r09(%rip)
+	movq %r10, saved_context_r10(%rip)
+	movq %r11, saved_context_r11(%rip)
+	movq %r12, saved_context_r12(%rip)
+	movq %r13, saved_context_r13(%rip)
+	movq %r14, saved_context_r14(%rip)
+	movq %r15, saved_context_r15(%rip)
+	pushfq ; popq saved_context_eflags(%rip)
+	movq	$.L97, saved_eip(%rip)
+	movq %rsp,saved_esp
+	movq %rbp,saved_ebp
+	movq %rbx,saved_ebx
+	movq %rdi,saved_edi
+	movq %rsi,saved_esi
+	addq	$8, %rsp
+	movl	$3, %edi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	acpi_enter_sleep_state
+	.p2align 4,,7
+	.align 4
+	movl	$24, %eax
+	movw %ax, %ds
+	movq	saved_context+58(%rip), %rax
+	movq %rax, %cr4
+	movq	saved_context+50(%rip), %rax
+	movq %rax, %cr3
+	movq	saved_context+42(%rip), %rax
+	movq %rax, %cr2
+	movq	saved_context+34(%rip), %rax
+	movq %rax, %cr0
+	pushq saved_context_eflags(%rip) ; popfq
+	movq saved_context_esp(%rip), %rsp
+	movq saved_context_ebp(%rip), %rbp
+	movq saved_context_eax(%rip), %rax
+	movq saved_context_ebx(%rip), %rbx
+	movq saved_context_ecx(%rip), %rcx
+	movq saved_context_edx(%rip), %rdx
+	movq saved_context_esi(%rip), %rsi
+	movq saved_context_edi(%rip), %rdi
+	movq saved_context_r08(%rip), %r8
+	movq saved_context_r09(%rip), %r9
+	movq saved_context_r10(%rip), %r10
+	movq saved_context_r11(%rip), %r11
+	movq saved_context_r12(%rip), %r12
+	movq saved_context_r13(%rip), %r13
+	movq saved_context_r14(%rip), %r14
+	movq saved_context_r15(%rip), %r15
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	addq	$8, %rsp
+	jmp	restore_processor_state
+	.size	do_suspend_lowlevel,.Lfe5-do_suspend_lowlevel
+ENTRY(saved_ebp)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_esi)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_edi)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_ebx)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_eip)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_esp)	.quad	0
+ENTRY(saved_magic)	.quad	0
+# saved registers
+saved_gdt:	.quad	0,0
+saved_idt:	.quad	0,0
+saved_ldt:	.quad	0
+saved_tss:	.quad	0
+saved_cr0:	.quad 0
+saved_cr3:	.quad 0
+saved_cr4:	.quad 0
+saved_efer:	.quad 0
+saved_efer2:	.quad 0

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: