patch-2.4.23 linux-2.4.23/drivers/video/aty/mach64_ct.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.22/drivers/video/aty/mach64_ct.c linux-2.4.23/drivers/video/aty/mach64_ct.c
@@ -16,28 +16,99 @@
 /* FIXME: remove the FAIL definition */
 #define FAIL(x) do { printk(x "\n"); return -EINVAL; } while (0)
-static void aty_st_pll(int offset, u8 val, const struct fb_info_aty *info);
+static void aty_st_pll(int offset, u8 val, const struct fb_info_aty *info) stdcall;
 static int aty_valid_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u32 vclk_per,
 			    struct pll_ct *pll);
-static int aty_dsp_gt(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u8 bpp,
+static int aty_dsp_gt(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u8 bpp, u32 stretch,
 		      struct pll_ct *pll);
 static int aty_var_to_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u32 vclk_per,
-			     u8 bpp, union aty_pll *pll);
+			     u8 bpp, u32 stretch, union aty_pll *pll);
 static u32 aty_pll_ct_to_var(const struct fb_info_aty *info,
 			     const union aty_pll *pll);
+ * ATI Mach64 CT clock synthesis description.
+ *
+ * All clocks on the Mach64 can be calculated using the same principle:
+ *
+ *       XTALIN * x * FB_DIV
+ * CLK = ----------------------
+ *       PLL_REF_DIV * POST_DIV
+ * 
+ * XTALIN is a fixed speed clock. Common speeds are 14.31 MHz and 29.50 MHz.
+ * PLL_REF_DIV can be set by the user, but is the same for all clocks.
+ * FB_DIV can be set by the user for each clock individually, it should be set
+ * between 128 and 255, the chip will generate a bad clock signal for too low
+ * values.
+ * x depends on the type of clock; usually it is 2, but for the MCLK it can also
+ * be set to 4.
+ * POST_DIV can be set by the user for each clock individually, Possible values
+ * are 1,2,4,8 and for some clocks other values are available too.
+ * CLK is of course the clock speed that is generated.
+ *
+ * The Mach64 has these clocks:
+ *
+ * MCLK			The clock rate of the chip
+ * XCLK			The clock rate of the on-chip memory
+ * VCLK0		First pixel clock of first CRT controller
+ * VCLK1    Second pixel clock of first CRT controller
+ * VCLK2		Third pixel clock of first CRT controller
+ * VCLK3    Fourth pixel clock of first CRT controller
+ * VCLK			Selected pixel clock, one of VCLK0, VCLK1, VCLK2, VCLK3
+ * V2CLK		Pixel clock of the second CRT controller.
+ * SCLK			Multi-purpose clock
+ *
+ * - MCLK and XCLK use the same FB_DIV
+ * - VCLK0 .. VCLK3 use the same FB_DIV
+ * - V2CLK is needed when the second CRTC is used (can be used for dualhead);
+ *   i.e. CRT monitor connected to laptop has different resolution than built
+ *   in LCD monitor.
+ * - SCLK is not available on all cards; it is known to exist on the Rage LT-PRO,
+ *   Rage XL and Rage Mobility. It is known not to exist on the Mach64 VT.
+ * - V2CLK is not available on all cards, most likely only the Rage LT-PRO,
+ *   the Rage XL and the Rage Mobility
+ *
+ * SCLK can be used to:
+ * - Clock the chip instead of MCLK
+ * - Replace XTALIN with a user defined frequency
+ * - Generate the pixel clock for the LCD monitor (instead of VCLK)
+ */
+ /*
+  * It can be quite hard to calculate XCLK and MCLK if they don't run at the
+  * same frequency. Luckily, until now all cards that need asynchrone clock
+  * speeds seem to have SCLK.
+  * So this driver uses SCLK to clock the chip and XCLK to clock the memory.
+  */
+static u8 postdividers[] = {1,2,4,8,3};
-static void aty_st_pll(int offset, u8 val, const struct fb_info_aty *info)
+u8 stdcall aty_ld_pll(int offset, const struct fb_info_aty *info)
+    unsigned long addr;
+    addr = info->ati_regbase + CLOCK_CNTL + 1;
     /* write addr byte */
-    aty_st_8(CLOCK_CNTL + 1, (offset << 2) | PLL_WR_EN, info);
-    /* write the register value */
-    aty_st_8(CLOCK_CNTL + 2, val, info);
-    aty_st_8(CLOCK_CNTL + 1, (offset << 2) & ~PLL_WR_EN, info);
+    writeb((offset << 2) | PLL_WR_EN,addr);
+    addr++;
+    /* read the register value */
+    return readb(addr);
+static void stdcall aty_st_pll(int offset, u8 val, const struct fb_info_aty *info)
+    unsigned long addr;
+    addr = info->ati_regbase + CLOCK_CNTL + 1;
+    /* write addr byte */
+    writeb((offset << 2) | PLL_WR_EN,addr);
+    addr++;
+    /* write the register value */
+    writeb(val,addr);
+    addr--;
+    /* Disable write access */
+    writeb(offset << 2,addr);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -45,179 +116,135 @@
      *  PLL programming (Mach64 CT family)
+ * This procedure sets the display fifo. The display fifo is a buffer that
+ * contains data read from the video memory that waits to be processed by
+ * the CRT controller.
+ *
+ * On the more modern Mach64 variants, the chip doesn't calculate the
+ * interval after which the display fifo has to be reloaded from memory
+ * automatically, the driver has to do it instead.
+ */
+#define Maximum_DSP_PRECISION 7
 static int aty_dsp_gt(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u8 bpp,
-		      struct pll_ct *pll)
-    u32 dsp_xclks_per_row, dsp_loop_latency, dsp_precision, dsp_off, dsp_on;
-    u32 xclks_per_row, fifo_off, fifo_on, y, fifo_size, page_size;
+		      u32 width, struct pll_ct *pll) {
-    /* xclocks_per_row<<11 */
-    xclks_per_row = (pll->mclk_fb_div*pll->vclk_post_div_real*64<<11)/
-		    (pll->vclk_fb_div*pll->mclk_post_div_real*bpp);
-    if (xclks_per_row < (1<<11))
-	FAIL("Dotclock to high");
-    if (M64_HAS(FIFO_24)) {
-	fifo_size = 24;
-	dsp_loop_latency = 0;
-    } else {
-	fifo_size = 32;
-	dsp_loop_latency = 2;
-    }
-    dsp_precision = 0;
-    y = (xclks_per_row*fifo_size)>>11;
-    while (y) {
-	y >>= 1;
-	dsp_precision++;
-    }
-    dsp_precision -= 5;
-    /* fifo_off<<6 */
-    fifo_off = ((xclks_per_row*(fifo_size-1))>>5)+(3<<6);
-    if (info->total_vram > 1*1024*1024) {
-	if (info->ram_type >= SDRAM) {
-	    /* >1 MB SDRAM */
-	    dsp_loop_latency += 8;
-	    page_size = 8;
-	} else {
-	    /* >1 MB DRAM */
-	    dsp_loop_latency += 6;
-	    page_size = 9;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (info->ram_type >= SDRAM) {
-	    /* <2 MB SDRAM */
-	    dsp_loop_latency += 9;
-	    page_size = 10;
-	} else {
-	    /* <2 MB DRAM */
-	    dsp_loop_latency += 8;
-	    page_size = 10;
-	}
+    u32 multiplier,divider,ras_multiplier,ras_divider,tmp;
+    u32 dsp_on,dsp_off,dsp_xclks;
+    u8 vshift,xshift;
+    s8 dsp_precision;
+    multiplier = ((u32)info->mclk_fb_div)*pll->vclk_post_div_real;
+    divider = ((u32)pll->vclk_fb_div)*info->xclk_post_div_real;
+    ras_multiplier = info->xclkmaxrasdelay;
+    ras_divider = 1;
+    if (bpp>=8)
+        divider = divider * (bpp >> 2);
+    vshift = (6 - 2);	/* FIFO is 64 bits wide in accelerator mode ... */
+    if (bpp == 0)
+        vshift--;	/* ... but only 32 bits in VGA mode. */
+    if (width != 0) {
+        multiplier = multiplier * info->lcd_width;
+        divider = divider * width;
+        ras_multiplier = ras_multiplier * info->lcd_width;
+        ras_divider = ras_divider * width;
+    };
+    /* If we don't do this, 32 bits for multiplier & divider won't be
+       enough in certain situations! */
+    while (((multiplier | divider) & 1) == 0) {
+	multiplier = multiplier >> 1;
+	divider = divider >> 1;
+    };
+    /* Determine DSP precision first */
+    tmp = ((multiplier * info->fifo_size) << vshift) / divider;
+    for (dsp_precision = -5;  tmp;  dsp_precision++)
+        tmp >>= 1;
+    if (dsp_precision < 0)
+        dsp_precision = 0;
+    else if (dsp_precision > Maximum_DSP_PRECISION)
+        dsp_precision = Maximum_DSP_PRECISION;
+    xshift = 6 - dsp_precision;
+    vshift += xshift;
+    /* Move on to dsp_off */
+    dsp_off = ((multiplier * (info->fifo_size - 1)) << vshift) / divider -
+	      (1 << (vshift - xshift));
+    /* Next is dsp_on */
+//    if (bpp == 0)
+//        dsp_on = ((multiplier * 20 << vshift) + divider) / divider;
+//    else {
+        dsp_on = ((multiplier << vshift) + divider) / divider;
+        tmp = ((ras_multiplier << xshift) + ras_divider) / ras_divider;
+        if (dsp_on < tmp)
+            dsp_on = tmp;
+        dsp_on = dsp_on + (tmp * 2) + (info->xclkpagefaultdelay << xshift);
+//    };
+    /* Calculate rounding factor and apply it to dsp_on */
+    tmp = ((1 << (Maximum_DSP_PRECISION - dsp_precision)) - 1) >> 1;
+    dsp_on = ((dsp_on + tmp) / (tmp + 1)) * (tmp + 1);
+    if (dsp_on >= ((dsp_off / (tmp + 1)) * (tmp + 1)))
+    {
+        dsp_on = dsp_off - (multiplier << vshift) / divider;
+        dsp_on = (dsp_on / (tmp + 1)) * (tmp + 1);
-    /* fifo_on<<6 */
-    if (xclks_per_row >= (page_size<<11))
-	fifo_on = ((2*page_size+1)<<6)+(xclks_per_row>>5);
-    else
-	fifo_on = (3*page_size+2)<<6;
-    dsp_xclks_per_row = xclks_per_row>>dsp_precision;
-    dsp_on = fifo_on>>dsp_precision;
-    dsp_off = fifo_off>>dsp_precision;
-    pll->dsp_config = (dsp_xclks_per_row & 0x3fff) |
-		      ((dsp_loop_latency & 0xf)<<16) |
-		      ((dsp_precision & 7)<<20);
-    pll->dsp_on_off = (dsp_on & 0x7ff) | ((dsp_off & 0x7ff)<<16);
+    /* Last but not least:  dsp_xclks */
+    dsp_xclks = ((multiplier << (vshift + 5)) + divider) / divider;
+    /* Get register values. */
+    pll->dsp_on_off = (dsp_on << 16) + dsp_off;
+    pll->dsp_config = (dsp_precision << 20) | (info->dsp_loop_latency << 16) |
+                      dsp_xclks;
     return 0;
 static int aty_valid_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u32 vclk_per,
 			    struct pll_ct *pll)
-    u32 q, x;			/* x is a workaround for sparc64-linux-gcc */
-    x = x;			/* x is a workaround for sparc64-linux-gcc */
-    pll->pll_ref_div = info->pll_per*2*255/info->ref_clk_per;
-    /* FIXME: use the VTB/GTB /3 post divider if it's better suited */
-    q = info->ref_clk_per*pll->pll_ref_div*4/info->mclk_per;	/* actually 8*q */
-    if (q < 16*8 || q > 255*8)
-	FAIL("mclk out of range");
-    else if (q < 32*8)
-	pll->mclk_post_div_real = 8;
-    else if (q < 64*8)
-	pll->mclk_post_div_real = 4;
-    else if (q < 128*8)
-	pll->mclk_post_div_real = 2;
-    else
-	pll->mclk_post_div_real = 1;
-    pll->mclk_fb_div = q*pll->mclk_post_div_real/8;
+    u32 q;
     /* FIXME: use the VTB/GTB /{3,6,12} post dividers if they're better suited */
-    q = info->ref_clk_per*pll->pll_ref_div*4/vclk_per;	/* actually 8*q */
+    q = info->ref_clk_per*info->pll_ref_div*4/vclk_per;	/* actually 8*q */
     if (q < 16*8 || q > 255*8)
-	FAIL("vclk out of range");
-    else if (q < 32*8)
-	pll->vclk_post_div_real = 8;
-    else if (q < 64*8)
-	pll->vclk_post_div_real = 4;
-    else if (q < 128*8)
-	pll->vclk_post_div_real = 2;
-    else
-	pll->vclk_post_div_real = 1;
+        FAIL("vclk out of range");
+    else {
+        pll->vclk_post_div  = (q < 128*8);
+        pll->vclk_post_div += (q <  64*8);
+        pll->vclk_post_div += (q <  32*8);
+    };
+    pll->vclk_post_div_real = postdividers[pll->vclk_post_div];
+//    pll->vclk_post_div <<= 6;
     pll->vclk_fb_div = q*pll->vclk_post_div_real/8;
-    return 0;
-void aty_calc_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, struct pll_ct *pll)
-    u8 mpostdiv = 0;
-    u8 vpostdiv = 0;
-    if (M64_HAS(SDRAM_MAGIC_PLL) && (info->ram_type >= SDRAM))
-	pll->pll_gen_cntl = 0x04;
-    else
-	pll->pll_gen_cntl = 0x84;
-    switch (pll->mclk_post_div_real) {
-	case 1:
-	    mpostdiv = 0;
-	    break;
-	case 2:
-	    mpostdiv = 1;
-	    break;
-	case 3:
-	    mpostdiv = 4;
-	    break;
-	case 4:
-	    mpostdiv = 2;
-	    break;
-	case 8:
-	    mpostdiv = 3;
-	    break;
-    }
-    pll->pll_gen_cntl |= mpostdiv<<4;	/* mclk */
-    if (M64_HAS(MAGIC_POSTDIV))
-	pll->pll_ext_cntl = 0;
-    else
-    	pll->pll_ext_cntl = mpostdiv;	/* xclk == mclk */
-    switch (pll->vclk_post_div_real) {
-	case 2:
-	    vpostdiv = 1;
-	    break;
-	case 3:
-	    pll->pll_ext_cntl |= 0x10;
-	case 1:
-	    vpostdiv = 0;
-	    break;
-	case 6:
-	    pll->pll_ext_cntl |= 0x10;
-	case 4:
-	    vpostdiv = 2;
-	    break;
-	case 12:
-	    pll->pll_ext_cntl |= 0x10;
-	case 8:
-	    vpostdiv = 3;
-	    break;
-    }
     pll->pll_vclk_cntl = 0x03;	/* VCLK = PLL_VCLK/VCLKx_POST */
-    pll->vclk_post_div = vpostdiv;
+    return 0;
 static int aty_var_to_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, u32 vclk_per,
-			     u8 bpp, union aty_pll *pll)
+			     u8 bpp, u32 width, union aty_pll *pll)
     int err;
     if ((err = aty_valid_pll_ct(info, vclk_per, &pll->ct)))
-	return err;
-    if (M64_HAS(GTB_DSP) && (err = aty_dsp_gt(info, bpp, &pll->ct)))
-	return err;
-    aty_calc_pll_ct(info, &pll->ct);
+        return err;
+    if (M64_HAS(GTB_DSP) && (err = aty_dsp_gt(info, bpp, width, &pll->ct)))
+        return err;
     return 0;
@@ -225,7 +252,7 @@
 			     const union aty_pll *pll)
     u32 ref_clk_per = info->ref_clk_per;
-    u8 pll_ref_div = pll->ct.pll_ref_div;
+    u8 pll_ref_div = info->pll_ref_div;
     u8 vclk_fb_div = pll->ct.vclk_fb_div;
     u8 vclk_post_div = pll->ct.vclk_post_div_real;
@@ -234,27 +261,187 @@
 void aty_set_pll_ct(const struct fb_info_aty *info, const union aty_pll *pll)
-    aty_st_pll(PLL_REF_DIV, pll->ct.pll_ref_div, info);
-    aty_st_pll(PLL_GEN_CNTL, pll->ct.pll_gen_cntl, info);
-    aty_st_pll(MCLK_FB_DIV, pll->ct.mclk_fb_div, info);
+    u8 a;
     aty_st_pll(PLL_VCLK_CNTL, pll->ct.pll_vclk_cntl, info);
-    aty_st_pll(VCLK_POST_DIV, pll->ct.vclk_post_div, info);
+    a = aty_ld_pll(VCLK_POST_DIV, info) & ~3;
+    aty_st_pll(VCLK_POST_DIV, a | pll->ct.vclk_post_div, info);
     aty_st_pll(VCLK0_FB_DIV, pll->ct.vclk_fb_div, info);
-    aty_st_pll(PLL_EXT_CNTL, pll->ct.pll_ext_cntl, info);
     if (M64_HAS(GTB_DSP)) {
-	if (M64_HAS(XL_DLL))
-	    aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0x80, info);
-	else if (info->ram_type >= SDRAM)
-	    aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0xa6, info);
-	else
-	    aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0xa0, info);
-	aty_st_pll(VFC_CNTL, 0x1b, info);
-	aty_st_le32(DSP_CONFIG, pll->ct.dsp_config, info);
-	aty_st_le32(DSP_ON_OFF, pll->ct.dsp_on_off, info);
+        aty_st_le32(DSP_CONFIG, pll->ct.dsp_config, info);
+        aty_st_le32(DSP_ON_OFF, pll->ct.dsp_on_off, info);
+static void __init aty_init_pll_ct(struct fb_info_aty *info) {
+    u8 pll_ref_div,pll_gen_cntl,pll_ext_cntl;
+    u8 mpost_div,xpost_div;
+    u8 sclk_post_div_real,sclk_fb_div,spll_cntl2;
+    u32 q,i;
+    u32 mc,trp,trcd,tcrd,tras;
+    mc = aty_ld_le32(MEM_CNTL, info);
+    trp = (mc & 0x300) >> 8;
+    trcd = (mc & 0xc00) >> 10;
+    tcrd = (mc & 0x1000) >> 12;    tras = (mc & 0x70000) >> 16;
+    info->xclkpagefaultdelay = trcd + tcrd + trp + 2;
+    info->xclkmaxrasdelay = tras + trp + 2;
+    if (M64_HAS(FIFO_24)) {
+        info->fifo_size = 24;
+        info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 2;
+        info->xclkmaxrasdelay += 3;
+    } else {
+        info->fifo_size = 32;
+    };
+    switch (info->ram_type) {
+        case DRAM:
+            if (info->total_vram<=1*1024*1024) {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 10;
+            } else {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 8;
+                info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 2;
+            };
+            break;
+        case EDO:
+        case PSEUDO_EDO:
+            if (info->total_vram<=1*1024*1024) {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 9;
+            } else {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 8;
+                info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 1;
+            };
+            break;
+        case SDRAM:
+            if (info->total_vram<=1*1024*1024) {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 11;
+            } else {
+                info->dsp_loop_latency = 10;
+                info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 1;
+            };
+            break;
+        case SGRAM:
+            info->dsp_loop_latency = 8;
+            info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 3;
+            break;
+        default:
+            info->dsp_loop_latency = 11;
+            info->xclkpagefaultdelay += 3;
+            break;
+    };
+    if (info->xclkmaxrasdelay <= info->xclkpagefaultdelay)
+        info->xclkmaxrasdelay = info->xclkpagefaultdelay + 1;
+    /* Exit if the user does not want us to tamper with the clock
+       rates of her chip. */
+    if (info->mclk_per == 0) {
+        u16 mclk_fb_div;
+        u8 pll_ext_cntl;
+        info->pll_ref_div = aty_ld_pll(PLL_REF_DIV, info);
+        pll_ext_cntl = aty_ld_pll(PLL_EXT_CNTL, info);
+        info->xclk_post_div_real = postdividers[pll_ext_cntl & 7];
+        mclk_fb_div = aty_ld_pll(MCLK_FB_DIV, info);
+        if (pll_ext_cntl & 8)
+            mclk_fb_div <<= 1;
+        info->mclk_fb_div = mclk_fb_div;
+        return;
+    };
+    pll_ref_div = info->pll_per*2*255/info->ref_clk_per;
+    info->pll_ref_div = pll_ref_div;
+    /* FIXME: use the VTB/GTB /3 post divider if it's better suited */
+    q = info->ref_clk_per*pll_ref_div*4/info->xclk_per;	/* actually 8*q */
+    if (q < 16*8 || q > 255*8) {
+        printk(KERN_CRIT "xclk out of range\n");
+        return;
+    } else {
+        xpost_div  = (q < 128*8);
+        xpost_div += (q <  64*8);
+        xpost_div += (q <  32*8);
+    };
+    info->xclk_post_div_real = postdividers[xpost_div];
+    info->mclk_fb_div = q*info->xclk_post_div_real/8;
+    if (M64_HAS(SDRAM_MAGIC_PLL) && (info->ram_type >= SDRAM))
+        pll_gen_cntl = 0x04;
+    else
+	/* The Rage Mobility M1 needs bit 3 set...*/
+	/* original: pll_gen_cntl = 0x84 */
+        pll_gen_cntl = 0x8C;
+    if (M64_HAS(MAGIC_POSTDIV))
+        pll_ext_cntl = 0;
+    else
+       	pll_ext_cntl = xpost_div;
+    if (info->mclk_per == info->xclk_per)
+        pll_gen_cntl |= xpost_div<<4; /* mclk == xclk */
+    else {
+	/* 
+	 * The chip clock is not equal to the memory clock.
+	 * Therefore we will use sclk to clock the chip.
+	 */
+        pll_gen_cntl |= 6<<4;	/* mclk == sclk*/
+        q = info->ref_clk_per*pll_ref_div*4/info->mclk_per;	/* actually 8*q */
+        if (q < 16*8 || q > 255*8) {
+	    printk(KERN_CRIT "mclk out of range\n");
+            return;
+        } else {
+            mpost_div  = (q < 128*8);
+            mpost_div += (q <  64*8);
+            mpost_div += (q <  32*8);
+        };
+        sclk_post_div_real = postdividers[mpost_div];
+        sclk_fb_div = q*sclk_post_div_real/8;
+        spll_cntl2 = mpost_div << 4;
+	/*
+         * This disables the sclk, crashes the computer as reported:
+         * aty_st_pll(SPLL_CNTL2, 3, info);
+	 *
+         * So it seems the sclk must be enabled before it is used;
+         * so PLL_GEN_CNTL must be programmed *after* the sclk.
+	 */
+        aty_st_pll(SCLK_FB_DIV, sclk_fb_div, info);
+        aty_st_pll(SPLL_CNTL2, spll_cntl2, info);
+	/* 
+	 * The sclk has been started. However, I believe the first clock 
+	 * ticks it generates are not very stable. Hope this primitive loop
+	 * helps for Rage Mobilities that sometimes crash when
+	 * we switch to sclk. (Daniel Mantione, 13-05-2003)
+	 */
+        for (i=0;i<=0x1ffff;i++);
+    };
+    aty_st_pll(PLL_REF_DIV, pll_ref_div, info);
+    aty_st_pll(PLL_GEN_CNTL, pll_gen_cntl, info);
+    aty_st_pll(MCLK_FB_DIV, info->mclk_fb_div, info);
+    aty_st_pll(PLL_EXT_CNTL, pll_ext_cntl, info);
+    /* Disable the extra precision pixel clock controls since we do not
+       use them. */
+    aty_st_pll(EXT_VPLL_CNTL, aty_ld_pll(EXT_VPLL_CNTL, info) &
+	                      ~(EXT_VPLL_EN | EXT_VPLL_VGA_EN |
+			        EXT_VPLL_INSYNC), info);
+#if 0
+    /* This code causes problems on the Rage Mobility M1
+       and seems unnecessary. Comments wanted! */
+    if (M64_HAS(GTB_DSP)) {
+        if (M64_HAS(XL_DLL))
+            aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0x80, info);
+        else if (info->ram_type >= SDRAM)
+            aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0xa6, info);
+        else
+            aty_st_pll(DLL_CNTL, 0xa0, info);
+        aty_st_pll(VFC_CNTL, 0x1b, info);
+    };
 static int dummy(void)
     return 0;
@@ -268,5 +455,6 @@
     var_to_pll:	aty_var_to_pll_ct,
     pll_to_var:	aty_pll_ct_to_var,
     set_pll:	aty_set_pll_ct,
+    init_pll:	aty_init_pll_ct

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: