patch-2.4.25 linux-2.4.25/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/sbdreset_evb64120A.S
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- Lines: 1050
- Date:
1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
2002-11-28 15:53:10.000000000 -0800
diff -urN linux-2.4.24/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/sbdreset_evb64120A.S linux-2.4.25/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/sbdreset_evb64120A.S
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 1997 Algorithmics Ltd
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * gal9/ -- low level board dependent routines
- */
-#ifdef EVB64120A
-#include <asm/asm.h>
-#include <asm/regdef.h>
-#include <asm/cacheops.h>
-#include <asm/current.h>
-#include <asm/offset.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/regdef.h>
-#include <asm/cachectl.h>
-#include <asm/mipsregs.h>
-#include <asm/stackframe.h>
-#include <asm/cpu.h>
-#include "sbd.h"
-#include "gt64011.h"
-#include "ns16550.h"
-#ifdef GALILEO_PORT // miniBios crack
-#define C0_TLBLO0 CP0_ENTRYLO0
-#define C0_TLBLO1 CP0_ENTRYLO1
-#define C0_INX CP0_INDEX
-#define NTLBENTRIES 48
-#define CFG_IB CONF_IB
-#define CFG_DB CONF_DB
-#define C0_SR CP0_STATUS
-#define SR_DE ST0_DE
- #define SLEAF(x) LEAF(x)
- #define SEND(x) END(x)
- #define XLEAF(x) LEAF(x)
- #define SBD_DISPLAY(a,b,c,d,e) ;
-#define K0BASE 0x80000000
-#define K0SIZE 0x20000000
-#define K1BASE 0xa0000000
-#define K1SIZE 0x20000000
-#define K2BASE 0xc0000000
-#define PHYS_TO_K0(pa) ((pa)|K0BASE)
-#define PHYS_TO_K1(pa) ((pa)|K1BASE)
-#define K0_TO_PHYS(va) ((va)&(K0SIZE-1))
-#define K1_TO_PHYS(va) ((va)&(K1SIZE-1))
-#define K0_TO_K1(va) ((va)|K1SIZE)
-#define K1_TO_K0(va) ((va)&~K1SIZE)
-#define PA_TO_KVA0(pa) PHYS_TO_K0(pa)
-#define PA_TO_KVA1(pa) PHYS_TO_K1(pa)
-#define KVA_TO_PA(pa) K1_TO_PHYS(pa)
-#define KSEG0_BASE K0BASE
-#define KSEG1_BASE K1BASE
-#define MB 0x100000
-#define MemTypeNone 0x8000
-#define MemRasMask 0x0f00
-#define MemRasShift 8
-#define MemCasMask 0x000f
-#define MemCasShift 0
-#define rasave s0
-#define p64011 s1
-#define bank0 s2
-#define bank1 s3
-#define bank2 s4
-#define bank3 s5
-#define memtop s6
-#define membase s7
-/*#if #endian(big) */
-#ifdef __MIPSEB__
-#define HTOLL(sr,tr) \
- .set noat ; \
- srl AT,sr,24 ; \
- srl tr,sr,8 ; \
- and tr,0xff00 ; \
- or AT,tr ; \
- and tr,sr,0xff00 ; \
- sll tr,8 ; \
- or AT,tr ; \
- sll tr,sr,24 ; \
- or sr,AT,tr ; \
- .set at
-#define HTOLL(sr,tr)
-#undef DBGSBD
-#ifdef DBGSBD
-#define DBG(s) \
- .rdata ; \
-88: .asciiz s ; \
- .text ; \
- la a0, 88b ; \
- jal _dbgmsg
- .set noat
- li AT,PHYS_TO_K1(NS16550_CHANB)
- lbu v1,LSR(AT)
- .set noreorder; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; .set reorder
- and v1,LSR_TXRDY
- beqz v1,waitrdy
- lbu v1,(a0)
- addu a0,1
- beqz v1,9f
- sb v1,DATA(AT)
- .set noreorder; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; .set reorder
- b waitrdy
-9: j ra
- .set at
- li a1,PHYS_TO_K1(NS16550_CHANB)
- li t0,8
- lbu t1,LSR(a1)
- .set noreorder; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; .set reorder
- and t1,LSR_TXRDY
- beqz t1,1b
- srl t1,a0,28
- addu t1,'0'
- ble t1,'9',2f
- addu t1,'a'-'0'-10
-2: sb t1,DATA(a1)
- .set noreorder; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; .set reorder
- sll a0,4
- sub t0,1
- bnez t0,1b
- j ra
- .set at
- .rdata
- .byte 9,0x40 /* Reset CH B */
- .byte 1,0x00 /* Interrupt disabled */
- .byte 3,0xc1 /* 8 bits/char rx enable */
- .byte 4,0x44 /* x16 clk mode 1 stop bit */
- .byte 5,0x6a /* tx 8/bit RTS & tx enable */
- .byte 9,0x0a /* MIE Master int enab. and NV No Vector */
- .byte 11,0x50 /* Select BR gen. out for both rx and ts */
- .byte 0,0x10
- .byte 0,0x10
- .byte 14,0x01 /* enable baud rate gen. */
- .byte 15,0x00 /* known state for reg 15 */
- .byte 14,0x00 /* disable baud rate gen. */
- .byte 12,0x0a /* 0x0a = 9600 baud time const. - lower 8 bits */
- .byte 13,0x00 /* 9600 buad time const. - upper 8 bits */
- .byte 14,0x01 /* enable baud rate gen. */
- .byte 0xff
- .text
- /*
- li v0,PHYS_TO_K1(NS16550_CHANB)
- la a0,initb_str
- or a0,K1BASE
-1: lbu t0,0(a0)
- beq t0,0xff,1f
- sb t0,LSR(v0)
- .set noreorder; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; .set reorder
- addu a0,1
- b 1b
- */
- jal init_ns16550_chan_b # Debug channel
- j ra
-#define DBG(s)
- move rasave,ra
- /* if launched by ITROM, leave Config alone */
-#ifndef ITBASE
- /* set config register for 32b/32b cachelines, kseg0 cacheable */
- mfc0 t1,C0_CONFIG
- and t1,~0x3f # set bits 5..0 only
- mtc0 t1,C0_CONFIG
- /* Initialize stack pointer to 6MB address */
- li sp,0xa0600000
- /*
- * slight amount of kludgery here to stop RAM resident
- * program from overwriting itself...
- */
-// li v1,0x1fc00000 /* check return address is in ROM */
-// and v0,ra,v1
-// bne v0,v1,.noinit
- /* table driven hardware register initialization */
- la a0, reginittab
- or a0, K1BASE /* force to kseg1 */
-1: lw v0,0(a0)
- lw v1,4(a0)
- addu a0,8
- beqz v0,8f
- sw v1,0(v0)
- b 1b
-#ifdef DBGSBD
- jal init_ns16550_chan_b # was - _dbginit
- DBG("sbdreset\r\n")
-#define GT_INTERNAL_REG_BASE 0xb4000000
- li p64011, PA_TO_KVA1(GT64011_BASE)
- li v0,0xb400046c /* Boot Device */
- lw t0,0(v0)
- and t0,0x00003000 /* Keep the correct boot size */
- or t0,htoll(0x3847de70)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000468 /* CS3 Device - 16 bit FLASH memory */
- li t0,htoll(0x3859e6e8)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000c84 /* PCI 1 timeout register */
- li t0,htoll(0xffff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000c3c /* Enable I/O response on PCI0 */
- li t0,htoll(0x7)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000cbc /* Enable I/O response on PCI1 */
- li t0,htoll(0x7)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* GT-64120 Initialization */
- li p64011, PA_TO_KVA1(GT64011_BASE)
- /*********************************************************************/
- /************************* SDRAM initializing ************************/
- /******************************* START *******************************/
- /* SDRAM banks 0,1,2,3 parameters */
- li t0,htoll(0x01908200) /* - Standard Monitor: Interleave enabled */
- li v0,0xb4000448 /* - Registered SDRAM (Bit 23) */
- sw t0,0(v0) /* - Duplicate Dadr11,BankSel1 and Dadr12 */
- /* - Cas latency: 2 Cycles */
- /* - Flow Through enable: One sample */
- /* - SRAS - precharge time: 3 Cycles */
- /* - No ECC */
- /* - No ByPass */
- /* - Burst length: 8 */
- /* Detect whether we have a 16,64,128 or 256 Mbit SDRAM on DIMM0 */
- /* Set bank0`s range to: 0 - 0x10000000 (256 MByte) */
- li v0,0xb4000008
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000010
- li t0,htoll(0x7f)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Close banks 2 and 3 */
- li v0,0xb4000018
- li t0,htoll(0x7ff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000020
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Extend bank0 to 0x10000000 and Close bank1,2 and 3 */
- DBG("Extend bank0 to 0x10000000 and Close bank1,2 and 3...\r\n")
- li v0,0xb4000400
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000404
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000408
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400040c
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000410
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000414
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000418
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400041c
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Configure bank0 to 256 Mbit */
- DBG("Configure bank0 to 256 Mbit...\r\n")
- li v0,0xb400044c
- li t0,htoll(0x00004c69)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Config the SDRAM banks decode system */
- li v0,0xb400047c
- li t0,htoll(2)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Write to address 0x2000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x2000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate Dadr12 */
- li v0,0xa2000000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- bne t0,v0,_256MBIT
- /* Write to address 0x1000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x1000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate bank select1*/
- li v0,0xa0001000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- beq t0,v0,_16MBIT
- /* Write to address 0x8000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x8000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate Dadr9 which on the column cycle is in active with 64 Mbit
- device */
- li v0,0xa8000000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- beq t0,v0,_64MBIT
- b _128MBIT
- DBG("16 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 16 Mbit SDRAM we must use 2 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000810
- li t0,htoll(16)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000449)
- b _DIMM1
- DBG("64 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 64 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000810
- li t0,htoll(64)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000c69)
- b _DIMM1
- DBG("128 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 128 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000810
- li t0,htoll(128)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000c69)
- b _DIMM1
- DBG("256 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 256 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000810
- li t0,htoll(256)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00004c69)
- b _DIMM1
- li v0,0xb400044c
- sw t1,0(v0) # Bank0
- sw t1,4(v0) # Bank1
- /* Detect whether we have a 16,64,128 or 256 Mbit SDRAM on DIMM1 */
- /* Close banks 0 and 1 */
- li v0,0xb4000008
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Set bank2`s range to: 0 - 0x10000000 (256 MByte) */
- li v0,0xb4000018
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000020
- li t0,htoll(0x7f)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Extend bank2 to 0x10000000 and Close bank0,1 and 3 */
- DBG("Extend bank2 to 0x10000000 and Close banks 0,1 and 3...\r\n")
- li v0,0xb4000400
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000404
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000408
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400040c
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000410
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000414
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000418
- li t0,htoll(0xff)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400041c
- li t0,htoll(0x00)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Configure bank2 to 256 Mbit */
- DBG("Configure bank2 to 256 Mbit...\r\n")
- li v0,0xb4000454
- li t0,htoll(0x00004c69)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Config the SDRAM banks decode system */
- li v0,0xb400047c
- li t0,htoll(2)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /* Write to address 0x2000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x2000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate Dadr12 */
- li v0,0xa2000000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- bne t0,v0,_256MBIT2
- /* Write to address 0x1000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x1000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate bank select1*/
- li v0,0xa0001000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- beq t0,v0,_16MBIT2
- /* Write to address 0x8000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too */
- DBG("Write to address 0x8000000 and check if 0x00000000 is being written too...\r\n")
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t1,0xa0000010
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
-1: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,1b
- /* The address should activate Dadr9 which on the column cycle is in active with 64 Mbit
- device */
- li v0,0xa8000000
- li t0,0x11111111
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000010
- li t1,0xa0000100
- li t0,0x22222222
-2: sw t0,0(v0)
- addu v0,4
- bne t1,v0,2b
- DBG("Check address 0x00000000 for duplications...\r\n")
- li t0,0xa0000000
- li v0,0x11111111
- lw t0,(t0)
- beq t0,v0,_64MBIT2
- b _128MBIT2
- DBG("16 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 16 Mbit SDRAM we must use 2 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000814
- li t0,htoll(16)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000449)
- DBG("64 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 64 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000814
- li t0,htoll(64)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000c69)
- DBG("128 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 128 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000814
- li t0,htoll(128)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00000c69)
- DBG("256 Mbit SDRAM detected...\r\n")
- /* In 256 Mbit SDRAM we must use 4 way bank interleaving!!! */
- li v0,0xb4000814
- li t0,htoll(256)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li t1,htoll(0x00004c69)
- /* Restore defaults */
- DBG("Restoring defaults...\r\n")
- li v0,0xb4000404
- li t0,htoll(0x07)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000408
- li t0,htoll(0x08)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400040c
- li t0,htoll(0x0f)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000410
- li t0,htoll(0x10)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000414
- li t0,htoll(0x17)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000418
- li t0,htoll(0x18)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400041c
- li t0,htoll(0x1f)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000010
- li t0,htoll(0x07)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000018
- li t0,htoll(0x008)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000020
- li t0,htoll(0x0f)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb400044c
- sw t1,8(v0) # Bank2
- sw t1,12(v0) # Bank3
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0000000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa0800000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa1000000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x3)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xa1800000
- li t0,0
- sw t0,0(v0)
- li v0,0xb4000474
- li t0,htoll(0x0)
- sw t0,0(v0)
- /*********************************************************************/
- /************************* SDRAM initializing ************************/
- /******************************* END *********************************/
- li p64011, PA_TO_KVA1(GT64011_BASE)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000000) /* RAS[1:0] low decode address */
- sw t0,0x008(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000007) /* RAS[1:0] high decode address */
- sw t0,0x010(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000000) /* RAS[0] Low decode address */
- sw t0,0x400(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x0000000f) /* RAS[0] High decode address */
- sw t0,0x404(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000008) /* RAS[3:2] low decode address */
- sw t0,0x018(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x0000000f) /* RAS[3:2] high decode address */
- sw t0,0x020(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x0000000f) /* RAS[1] Low Decode Address */
- sw t0,0x408(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000008) /* RAS[1] High Decode Address */
- sw t0,0x40c(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000010) /* RAS[2] Low Decode Address */
- sw t0,0x410(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000017) /* RAS[2] High Decode Address */
- sw t0,0x414(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x00000018) /* RAS[3] Low Decode Address */
- sw t0,0x418(p64011)
- li t0,htoll(0x0000001f) /* RAS[3] High Decode Address <<<<<< 1*/
- sw t0,0x41c(p64011)
-#ifdef DBGSBD
-#define DREG(str,rname) \
- DBG(str); \
- DBG(":\t") ; \
- lw a0,rname(p64011) ; \
- HTOLL(a0,t0) ; \
- jal _dbghex ; \
- DBG("\r\n")
- DBG("GT-64120 settings:\r\n")
- /* we can now initialise the caches for a fast clear_mem */
- DBG("init_cache\r\n")
-// jal mips_init_cache
- /* initialise tlb */
- DBG("init_tlb\r\n")
-// bal init_tlb
-// DBG("sbdreset completed\r\n")
-// move ra,rasave
- j GetExtendedMemorySize
- nop
-1: b 1b
- j ra
- .rdata
- .word htoll(GT_DRAMPAR_Refresh512)
- .word htoll(GT_DRAMPAR_Refresh1024)
- .word htoll(GT_DRAMPAR_Refresh2048)
- .word htoll(GT_DRAMPAR_Refresh4096)
- .text
-/* DRAM: */
-#define GT_DRAM_CFG_INIT \
- GT_DRAM_CFG_RefIntCnt(160) | \
- GT_DRAM_CFG_StagRefOn | \
-/* serial port: widest timings even 8 bit bus, latch enabled no parity */
- GT_DEVPAR_TurnOff(7) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_AccToFirst(15) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_AccToNext(15) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_ADStoWr(7) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_WrActive(7) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_WrHigh(7) | \
- GT_DEVPAR_DevWidth8 | \
- GT_DEVPAR_DevLocEven | \
- GT_DEVPAR_LatchFunctTransparent | \
- GT_DEVPAR_ParityDisable | \
- GT_DEVPAR_Reserved
-/* PCI: */
-#define GT_IPCI_TOR_INIT \
- GT_IPCI_TOR_Timeout0(255) | \
- GT_IPCI_TOR_Timeout1(255) | \
- GT_IPCI_TOR_RetryCtr(0)
-#define INIT(addr,val) \
- .word addr, val
-#define GTINIT(addr,val) \
- INIT(PHYS_TO_K1(GT64011_BASE+(addr)), htoll(val))
- .rdata
- /* disable ras1:0 and ras3:2 decodes */
- /* disable RAS[0123] */
- /* 0x45c, 0x460, 0x464, 0x468 */
- GTINIT(GT_DEVPAR_BANK0, 0x3847de60)
- GTINIT(GT_DEVPAR_BANK1, 0x146fffff)
- GTINIT(GT_DEVPAR_BANK2, 0x144fffff)
- GTINIT(GT_DEVPAR_BANK3, 0x167fffff)
- INIT(0,0)
- .text
- .globl sbddelay
- mfc0 v0,C0_SR
- li t0,SR_DE
- bnez a0,1f
- or t1,v0,t0 # disable cache/parity errors (SR_DE = 1)
- b 2f
-1: not t1,t0 # enable cache/parity errors (SR_DE = 0)
- and t1,v0
-2: mtc0 t1,C0_SR
- and v0,t0 # get old SR_DE bit
- xor v0,t0 # and invert to make it an enable bit
- j ra
- move v0,zero
- j ra
- .lcomm wbfltmp,4
- sync
- la t0,wbfltmp
- or t0,K1BASE
- lw zero,0(t0)
- j ra
- li t1,CACHEUS
- and t0,ra,0x20000000
- beqz t0,1f
- li t1,ROMUS
-1: mul a0,t1
- subu a0,15 # approx number of loops so far
- .set noreorder
- .set nomacro
- nop
-2: bgtz a0,2b
- subu a0,1
- .set macro
- .set reorder
- j ra
-#include "meminit.S"
- .set noreorder
- .set nomacro
-1: bgtz a0,1b
- subu a0,1
- .set macro
- .set reorder
- j ra
- # enable 16550 fifo if it is there
- li a0,NS16550_CHANB
- sb t0,FIFO(a0)
- /* convert baud rate in a1 into register value */
- li t2,NS16550_HZ/(16*115200) # brtc = CLK/16/speed
- li t0,CFCR_DLAB # select brtc divisor
- sb t0,CFCR(a0)
- sb t2,DATA(a0) # store divisor lsb
- srl t2,8
- sb t2,IER(a0) # store divisor msb
- li t0,CFCR_8BITS # set 8N1 mode
- sb t0,CFCR(a0)
- li t0,MCR_DTR|MCR_RTS # Galileo |MCR_IENABLE # enable DTR & RTS
- sb t0,MCR(a0)
- li t0,0 # Galileo IER_ERXRDY # enable receive interrupt(!)
- sb t0,IER(a0)
- move v0,zero # indicate success
- j ra
- # enable 16550 fifo if it is there
- li a0,NS16550_CHANA
- sb t0,FIFO(a0)
- /* convert baud rate in a1 into register value */
- li t2,NS16550_HZ/(16*9600) # brtc = CLK/16/speed
- li t0,CFCR_DLAB # select brtc divisor
- sb t0,CFCR(a0)
- sb t2,DATA(a0) # store divisor lsb
- srl t2,8
- sb t2,IER(a0) # store divisor msb
- li t0,CFCR_8BITS # set 8N1 mode
- sb t0,CFCR(a0)
- li t0,MCR_DTR|MCR_RTS # Galileo |MCR_IENABLE # enable DTR & RTS
- sb t0,MCR(a0)
- li t0,0 # Galileo IER_ERXRDY # enable receive interrupt(!)
- sb t0,IER(a0)
- move v0,zero # indicate success
- j ra
-#endif /* EVB64120A */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: