Object: Open cluster BIUR 2 Constell: CYG RA: 20h 09.2m Decl: +35� 29' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 6.3m Size: 13' Type: III 2 p Observer: Jere Kahanp�� Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 23./24.7.1992, 01.20 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 63x Filter: Field: 60' NE Lim.mag: 3m (est.) Background sky: 5+ Seeing: 3-4 Weather: 1/3 Moon and still bright twilight Brightness: 2 Alt: Description: Easiest of 3 (Biur 1,2 and NGC 6871) in this weather. Quite easy. About 20 stars mag. 9... There is a nice 5- 7'' double in the center.