Object: Open cluster ROSLUND 1                  Constell: SGE

RA: 19h 45.1m           Decl: +17� 31'          Epoch: 2000
Mag:                    Size: 3' ?              Type: IV 1 p

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Jyv�skyl�, Finland
Date/Time: 6./7.8.1996, 00.50 

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 80x               Filter:
Field: 37'              NE Lim.mag: 5.2m
Background sky: 5       Seeing: 3 
Weather: +10 �, 1/2 Moon loe E.    

Brightness: 2           Alt:    
Description: A nice but scattered cluster. About 20 stars mag.
10...12, the brightest being on the S edge. There is a string of
stars beginning at the N edge of the cluster and running NW.
Size about 8'.