Object: Galaxy VCC 991 (=3zw 66?)               Constell: VIR

RA: 12h 27.30m          Decl: +14� 08.9'        Epoch: 2000
Mag: 12.3m              Size: 1.2'x0.6'         Type: cE

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Jyv�skyl�, Finland
Date/Time: 18./19.3.1993, 23.15

Telescope: R 150/2063 
Magn: 165x              Filter:
Field: 16'              NE Lim.mag: 5.5m
Background sky: 3       Seeing: 2 

Brightness: 3           Alt:    
Description: Stellar. Quite bright. 

The catalogue data for this virtually unknown galaxy is highly
confusing. Megastar (V1.8 HD) shows 3 galaxies in this area: VCC
964, 991 and 3zw66. VCC 964 is a mag. 18.4 eF spot faintly
visible on POSS => certainly not seen. 

Nothing brighter than mag. 16 is visible where 3zw66 should be
but VCC 991 is an small but bright elliptical galaxy. Megastar
gives mag. 14.7 for VCC 991 but this is at least a few magnitudes
too faint. I think the solution is VCC 991 = 3zw66 with position 
& size of the VCC galaxy, magnitude from 3zw66 and type compact E. 

VCC = Virgo Cluster Catalogue
3zw = Zwicky's 3rd cluster of compact galaxies