Object: Open clusters CZ 4 and TR 1 = CR 15     Constell: CAS

RA: 01h 35.7m (Tr1)     Decl: +61� 17'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 7.5m / 8.1m        Size: 3' / 4.5'         Type: IV 2 p
(Cz4/Tr1)                                             I 3 p

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Hartola, Finland
Date/Time: 1./2.8.1997, 23.20

Telescope: N 205/1000
Magn: 133x              Filter:
Field: 22'              NE Lim.mag: 6.0m   
Background sky: 2-3     Seeing: 3 
Weather: +11�C, no Moon.                          

Brightness: 3, 2        Alt: 60�
Description: Two small and boring clusters. 
Trumpler 1: A compact clusters; the main body consists of 4 mag
10 stars in a line. About a dozen fainter stars are scattered
around this main feature. Diam. about 2'.

Czernik 4: The identity of Cz4 is not 100% sure but the group
marked as it might qualify: A cluster of 10 stars around a mag.
8 one. Most stars are in a line running W-E through the center.
Stars mag. 8...13. Diam. 4'.