Object: Double stars Delta(1,2) and My(1,2) Gru Constell: GRU

RA:                     Decl:                   Epoch: 
Mag:                    Size:                   Type: 

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Santiago de Chile
Date/Time: 21./22.11.1993, 22.23

Telescope: 9x25 B
Magn: 9x                Filter:
Field: 4.5�             NE Lim.mag: 4  
Background sky: 5       Seeing: 1-2
Weather: Tarantula neb. barely naked-eye.

Brightness: 1,1         Alt: 45�
Description: Two boring naked-eye double stars, Delta was even
visible with NE unlike My from this awful site. In a few days
we'll be a LaSilla and then...