Games Transposed to the DDG

Here are miscellaneous games transposed to the DDG. Some transpositions are very artificial, but the games that transpose to pure DDG Accepted variations are marked with !. Numbered games in PGN (35), not included in the collections below. Most collections are selected from the Pitt archives.

Alapin-Diemer Gambit

The ADG transposes to the DDG when c4 is played later.

Collection: 6 ADG games where White plays c4 after move 10.

  1. Diemer - von Freytag, 1954
  2. Diemer - Johansson, 1958
  3. Studier - Dold, 1964
  4. Slechta - Segall, 1970 (-) !
  5. Morgado - Pancaldo, 1971 !
  6. Diemer - Hunn, 1983
  7. Madsen - Truelsen, 1987
  8. Rittenhouse - Peterson, 1991
  9. Zaugg - Buffat, 1991 (-)
  10. Cody - Diener, 1992
  11. Cody - Terreaux, 1993 (=)

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit

In the BDG, White usually plays the Knight to c3, but if it is later moved away, and c4 is played, the position may be a lot like the DDG.

Collection: over 80 BDG games where White plays c4.

  1. Diemer - Kunerth, 1947 (*)
  2. Diemer - Jungo, 1956
  3. Kampers - Define, 1956-1957
  4. Fuller - Dilworth, 1965 (*)
  5. Rasmussen - Ingred, 1988
  6. Collas - Degraeve, 1989
  7. Leisebein - Hasselbach, 1989 (*)
  8. Dlugy - Anand, 1990 (=)

French Defence

Collection: over 20 Rubinstein Variation games (3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4).
  1. Gdanski - Meyer, 1991

Nimzo-Indian Defence

The DDG main line 5. f3 Bb4 transposes to a rare line of the Nimzo-Indian Defence, Kmoch Variation.

Collection: 100 Kmoch Variation games where White plays e4.

  1. Benda - Broun, 1952
  2. Korchnoi - Pachman, 1954
  3. Tal - Keres, 1959 (-)
  4. Tyvij�rvi - Sarsa, 1991 (-)

Queen's Gambit Accepted

From the DDGer's point of view, the QGA is considered the DDG Declined.

Here are mainly nice miniatures or otherwise interesting games:

  1. Marshall - Chigorin, 1902
  2. Marshall - Howard, 1904
  3. Spielmann - Gr�nfeld, 1929
  4. Uhlmann - Wade, 1958
  5. Maisonneuve - Power, 1994

Queen's Gambit Declined

The DDG Declined transposes easily to the QGD.

Collection: over 20 Tarrasch Defence, Marshall Gambit games, where 5. e4 dxe4 6. d5 is played !.

  1. M�nchen Chess Club - Augsburg Chess Club, 1942
  2. O'Connell - Morris, 1992
  3. Lindstedt - V��t�inen, 1993
  4. Liikamaa - Lahti, 1995
  5. Mah - Vukovic, 1995
  6. Galvin - Konkol, 1996 !
  7. Afshar - GNU Chess, 1996 (-)

Staunton Gambit

DDG Declined: 3... f5 could be reached from the Staunton Gambit.
  1. Schweiger - Tartakower, 1921 (-)
  2. Tartakower - Mieses, 1921 (=)

Winckelmann-Reimer Gambit

The WRG resembles the DDG Classical Main Line.

Collection: 8 WRG games, where White plays c4 and c3.

Pure DDG games.