============================================================================== ISOC Document Title: Minutes for The Internet Society Advisory Council Meetings Held at INET'94 Author(s): Michael E. Conn (Chair) Date: 1994.07.12 Committee: Advisory Council Document: 94-001 Revision: rev. 1 Supersedes: basic Status: Draft Maintainer: Michael E. Conn Access: unrestricted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes for ----------- The Internet Society Advisory Council Meetings ---------------------------------------------- Held at INET'94 --------------- The Internet Society (ISOC) Advisory Council (AC) met twice at INET'94, June 14th and 15th, 1994. Twenty Four (24) ISOC AC members attended (of which three were the secondary member) representing 22 Organizational Members. The ISOC AC representatives at the meetings voted to express their views on four concerns via Recommendations to the ISOC Board of Trustees (BOT) and to start efforts on eight work packages as described below. An ISOC AC member was assigned to oversee the effort on each work package. One of the work packages was the election of four Officers. These four Officers would then establish positions (such as Chairperson) among themselves. A plan was established to allow the first two weeks after INET'94 to be used by the ISOC Executive Director's office to update the ISOC mailing list; followed by a two week period to obtain nominations and conclude with a two week voting period to be conducted by the ISOC Executive Director. ISOC AC member, C. 'Joe' Pasquariello (pasquarc@ims.disa.mil), will oversee this work package. Nominations should be turned into the ISOC Executive Director, Tony Rutkowski (amr@isoc.org). NOTE: The plan is running a week behind schedule. Joe Pasquarciello will need to establish and publish to the ISOC AC mailing list the new nomination period, voting period and when the results will be announced. The ISOC AC decided that meeting only once per year was not adequate and that other meetings should be called as needed typically using IETF meetings as a common meeting place. The IETF meeting to be held in San Francisco December 5th through the 9th, 1994 was targeted as the next ISOC AC meeting. The following ISOC AC Recommendations were voted on and presented to the ISOC BOT: 1) Recommend that the ISOC AC be allowed to seat one third (1/3) of the positions on the ISOC BOT. For: 9 Against: 7 Abstained: 3 2) Recommend that the ISOC AC appoint four ex-officio (non-voting) liaison members to the BOT and request that the BOT appoint one or more return liaison(s) to the ISOC AC. For: 18 Against: 0 Abstained: 1 3) Recommend that when the ISOC budget is presented to the ISOC BOT, this budget should also be presented in full to the ISOC AC for Comments. For: 18 Against: 1 Abstained: 0 4) Recommend that the special status of the Charter ISOC Members be revoked, while recognizing their contribution. For: 10 Against: 2 Abstained: 7 Note: The voting results for the recommendations above was based on the ISOC AC designated voting representative at the first ISOC AC meeting, June 14th, and did not include the views of the ISOC AC members that were in the ISOC BOT meeting being conducted at the same time or the ISOC AC members not at INET'94. Other ISOC AC members are encouraged to respond to this report with their views and how they would have voted. o The initial discussion at the ISOC AC meeting which lead to a strong consensus was that the AC would seek to become an active, influential and supportive organization within ISOC. o Concerning the four "Recommendations to the ISOC Board of Trustees (BOT)", we agreed to send a more detail explanation out for each proposal in the form of a "Specific Ballot" for each Recommendation with a matching statement from the BOT with their view on the matter to solicit input from all ISOC AC Memebers and voting from each Organizational Member. I will ask the ISOC AC member that proposed each of these "Recommendations" to write up a detailed explaniation, ask the BOT to add their input and views and then get Tony to publish each "Special Ballot" to the AC list. o The BOT was requested and they agreed to report back on a monthly basis on the 15th of the month on the resolutions to the four "Recommendations to the ISOC Board of Trustees (BOT), until resolved. ISOC AC Work Packages: 1) Tradeshows at INET Conferences: Should tradeshows be allowed at INET Conferences and if so what rules should apply. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Nicholas Tril nrt@watson.ibm.com Note: As this issue for ISOC'95 in Singapore required immediate resolution, ISOC AC advised ISOC BOT to "do the right thing." 2) Establish a "Code of Conduct" for users of the Internet: Working with the IAB, the ISOC AC will help develop a Code of Conduct for users of the Internet. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Dave Sincoskie sincos@bellcore.com 3) ISOC Funding for IETF: ISOC AC to help study the feasibility and plan for ISOC to fund the IETF Secretariat. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Dave Sincoskie sincos@bellcore.com 4) ISOC Chapters: ISOC AC to help study the feasibility and plan for ISOC Chapters. Overseeing ISOC AC Members: Tracy Parker tparker@cisco.com Srisakdi Charmonhan <charm@abac.au.ac.th> 5) Liaison/Relationship between ISOC AC and BOT: Establish working relationship between ISOC AC and BOT. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Joe Pasquariello pasquarc@ims.disa.mil 6) Establish ISOC Charter/Mission: Develop a Mission Statement and Charter for ISOC AC. Overseeing ISOC AC Members: Daniele Bovio hi@earncc.earn.net Avi Cohen a32@un.tav.ac.il 7) ISOC Dues and the Recover of ISOC Dues: Investigate and report on the recovery of ISOC Individual Membership Dues. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Dave Sincoskie sincos@bellcore.com 8) Election of Four Officers for ISOC AC: Establish the plan for and oversee the election of four ISOC AC Directors. Overseeing ISOC AC Member: Joe Pasquariello pasquarc@ims.disa.mil Note: If any names are spelled wrong or if any internet addresses are not correct, please respond with the correct address. ==============================================================================