Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-201
Title:      ISOC Sponsored Conferences
Author(s):  Tony Rutkowski 
Date:       5 June 1994
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   a
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

The Network Distributed Security Conference was an overwhelming success
and organization for NDSS'95 is underway.

Maurizio Decina of the IEEE ComSoc proposes to open IEEE Infocom 
(a yearly conference on computer communications) for mutual collaboration.

The United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD) organization is holding
a special conference in Sept 1994 on using networked information to facilitate
trade.  The representative of the UNCTAD Secretary-General's office and
I am supposed to meet at the airport on the way to Prague to discuss
possible co-sponsorship arrangements.
