Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-202
Title:      ITU relationship and followup
Author(s):  Rutkowski 
Date:       5 June 1994
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   a
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

The ITU informed ISOC as follows:

Council decided to defer a decision on the ISOC reciprocity waiver 
pending the adoption of criteria for CV231 organizations.   Pekka opened 
the discussion by saying that while there were no provisions for fee 
waivers for CV 231 entities and organizations, because of the fruitful 
relationship between the ITU and ISOC, he invited Council "to consider 
the criteria for participation by ISOC and to make a ruling concerning its 
financial contribution".  The US, Morocco and Mexico said that a 
decision should be deferred pending the adoption of criteria, on the basis 
of proposals from the S-G.  Canada argued that the request should be 
accepted, pending the adoption of criteria.  In summing up, the Chairman 
accepted the view of the majority and noted Canada's reservation.  
There was no decision regarding criteria during the remainder of Council, 
but the matter will be taken up by the Kyoto PP.  The earliest opportunity 
for a decision would be during the Council meeting following the close of 
the Kyoto conference.

The Executive Director has informally requested that each organization
just exchange reciprocal amounts as dues.  That is being considered by
the ITU and will the the subject of discussion in Geneva and reported
on at the Board meeting.  If this occurs, it will be necessary to
adopt a special "reciprocity" class of membership for certain organizations.
