From: Geoff Huston <>
Subject: Re: Document:   94-205
To: Geoff Huston <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 11:31:49 +1000 (EST)
Content-Length: 7934      

Just as well I read my cc's - I made a mistake in the
timing in section 2.2

Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-205
Title:      Trustee elections and procedural changes
Author(s):  Postel, Huston 
Date: 3 June 1994
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   basic
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

This document calls for a shortening of the election procedure as
documented in resolution 92-11

The specific proposal is to reduce the nominations period from two
months to one month, and the petition period from two months to one

In addition the challenge period is proposed to be reduced to twenty
days, and the response period to twenty days.

The election timetable is therefore as follows:

1. Nominations Period Opens
    |   30 days
2.Nominations period closes
    | 15 days - Nominations Committee deliberations
3. Nominations Committee Announcement
4. Petition Period Opens
    | 30 days
5. Petition Period Closes
6. Candidate Announcement
    | 15 days - Elections Committee prepare ballot material
7. Election Period Opens - Ballots posted
    | 60 days
8. Election date
9. Challenge Perioid Opens
    |            |
    | 10 days    | 20 days
    |            |
10. Elections Committee Certifies Result
11. Challenge Period closes
                 | 20 days
12. ISOC Response to Challenge Period closes
13 Annual General Meeting

The total election period process is therefore 150 days under the
proposed amended procedures.

In editing the existing procedures the text of resolution 92-11 has
been edited to consistently use numeric notiation.

The use of electronic mail (or WWW Forms) for balloting is not
encompassed within the specifically proposed changes to the election
procedure. However it is an area for further consideration by the

The proposed Election Procedure (as amended with the proposed changes
with a margin annotation of "**") is as follows:


1.0  Trustee Positions to be Filled

The Board of Trustees will advise the Nominating Committee of the
number of Trustee positions to be filled by vote of the individual
members at each annual election.  The Board may also advise the
Nominating Committee of its desires with respect to the backgrounds of
individuals to be nominated in order to achieve the balance of
experience and qualifications required by the provisions of By-Law
Article III, Section 2, which provides that "the Board shall seek to
have among the Trustees representative individuals from industry, from
educational and nonprofit organizations and from government."

1.1  Date of Election

The Board of Trustees will annually adopt a timetable for Trustee

** elections.  The election date shall be not less than 40 days prior

to the next Annual Meeting of the Society.

1.2  Use of Electronic Mail

All communications concerning the nomination and election of 
Trustees shall be in the form of electronic mail except the 
ballot, which shall be in the form of first class postal mail.  
Members of the Society who are not reachable by electronic mail 
may participate in the nomination process by postal mail.

2.0  Nominating Committee

The Board of Trustees will annually appoint a Trustee Nominating 

** Committee.  The Nominating Committee will consist of 5 

individual members of the Society.  The Chair of the Nominating 
Committee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.  At least 

** 2 members of the Nominating Committee shall be individual 

members of the Society not currently serving in any elected or 
appointed capacity in the Society.  

2.1  Nominations by Committee

The Nominating Committee will notify the members of the Society of 
the procedures for nominating individuals for election to the 
Board of Trustees, and will provide a minimum period for receiving 

** nominations of 30 days.  The number of individuals nominated 

shall exceed the number of Trustees to be elected.

2.2  Nominations by Petition

The Nominating Committee will notify the voting members of the 
Society of the names of individuals nominated by the committee for
** election to the Board of Trustees not less than 105 days prior to 

the date established for Trustee elections.  Additional 
nominations for election to the Board of Trustees may be made by 
petition filed with the Chair of the Nominating Committee not less 

** than 75 days prior to the election.  Petitions may be filed 

electronically.  The Nominating Commitee shall specify the number
of signatures of voting members required for petitions, which
shall be at least fifty voting members of the Society, or 1% 
of the total number of voting members of the Society, whichever is 

2.3  Candidates for Election

The Nominating Committee will provide the names of a completed 
slate of candidates for election to the Elections Committee not 
less than 75 days prior to the election date.

3.0  Elections Committee

The Board of Trustees will annually appoint an Elections Committee 
composed of three voting members of the Society which will be 
responsible for establishing and supervising elections.
The Chair of the committee shall be a Trustee whose term of office
does not expire during the year of the election. 

3.1  Eligibility to Vote

All individual members of the Society in good standing are 
eligible to vote.  An individual member is in good standing if his 
or her annual dues are not more than 60 days past due on the date 
of mailing of the ballot.

3.2  Ballot

The Trustee election shall be conducted by written ballot of the 
individual members, which shall be mailed to each member of the 

** Society in good standing not less than 60 days prior to the 

date of the election.  

3.3  Voting

Each voting member will be entitled to as many votes as there are 
Trustee positions to be filled by vote of the members.  Votes may 
be cumulated on behalf of one or more candidates for election.  A 
member may use fewer than the total number of votes available if 
he or she so chooses.

3.4  Receipt of Ballots

All ballots for Trustee elections shall be received by the Chair 
of the Elections Committee by 5 pm local time on the day prior to 
the date of the election, at the place established by the 
Elections Committee for delivery of the ballots.  

3.5  Counting of Ballots

The counting of ballots will take place on the election date, at a 
time and place established by the Elections Committee.  At least 
two members of the Elections Committee shall be present at the 
counting of the ballots.  The committee will establish procedures 
to ensure the privacy, validity and accuracy of all ballots.

3.6  Certification of Vote

The Elections Committee shall certify the results of the annual 
Trustee election to the Board of Trustees within 10 days following 
the election, forwarding a list of the candidates and the number 
of votes each candidate has received.

3.7  Challenges

No challenge to any Trustee nomination or election procedure or 
result may be brought except by an individual member in good 
standing.  Any challenge must be addressed to the President of the Society
with a recital of the reasons for the challenge, and must be received

** within 20 days of the election date.  The President,

after consultation with the Chairs of the Nominating 
and Elections Committees and the members of the Board of Trustees,
shall advise the author of the challenge of the Board's decision, 

** which shall be final, within 40 days of of the election date.



** Timetable to be adopted by Trustees at June 1994 meeting
   (as per 1.1).