Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-221
Title:      Publication Report
Author(s):  Rutkowski 
Date:       5 June
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   a
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

The Winter issue of Internet Society News on "A Year in the Life of the
Internet" was exceedingly popular and has been extensively used for
promotional purposes.

That issue was printed by a different company at much lower cost - 
an arrangement that saved ISOC about US$ 5000.  The printer also
provided considerably faster turn-around time.

The Spring 1994 issue of ISOC News was delayed both by the move activities,
as well as a poorer than expected response by article contributors.  As
a result, the Executive Director was faced with the prospect of preparing
much of the material himself.  It is expected to go to press and being
mailed the week of 12 June.


Publications clearly need the treatment of a nearly full-time professional.

We have recently obtained a proposal from a publisher to handle 
entire ISOC News effort.  This would include a change of name to one that
is very attractive and saleable on the mass market, and well as extensive
format changes.  The publisher would handle all advertising, promotion,
editorial responsibilities, printing, coordination, and sales to
bulk seconday distributors and sales outlets.

This is a highly attractive proposal.  The publisher is apparently
willing to consider arrangements that minimize ISOC's cash flow


Our existing ISOC News formatter - Richard Galik - has made a proposal
to produce ISOC presentation 35mm slides at very low cost and handle
all the administrative responsibilities.   We have agreed to pursue
this arrangement and are promoting sale of the product.

Arrangements have also tentatively been made with a publisher to
print "The Doors of the Internet" - a poster consisting of an annually
updated collection of particularly attractive WWW home pages.
