Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-229
Title:      Amendment to Art. VII, Sec. 3 of By-Laws
Author(s):  Vint Cerf, Rutkowski (administration)
Date:       21 May 94
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   1.1
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

Date: Wed, 11 May 94 18:24 EST
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: "Vinton G. Cerf" <0001050002@mcimail.com>
To: ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>
Subject: Bylaws Amendment

Dear Trustees:

I formally propose the following amendment to the Bylaws.
I would appreciate it if the secretary would tally the
votes and report back to us the results by May 24.

Vint Cerf

RESOLVED, that Article VII, Section 3 of the Internet Society
By-Laws shall be amended by inserting the following provision at
the end of such Section:

However, if the named recipient is not then in existence or is no
longer a qualified distributee, or is unwilling or unable to
accept the distribution, then the assets of the Society shall be
distributed to a fund, foundation or corporation organized and
operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section
of any future Federal tax code).


_ Scott Bradner         <sob@harvard.edu>
_ Charles Brownstein    <cbrownst@cnri.reston.va.us>
x Vint Cerf             <vcerf@isoc.org>,<vint_cerf/1050002@mcimail.com>
_ Lyman Chapin          <lyman@bbn.com>
_ Susan Estrada         <sestrada@aldea.com>
x David Farber          <farber@cis.upenn.edu>
x Ira Fuchs             <fuchs@princeton.edu>
x Frode Greisen         <frode.greisen@uni-c.dk>
x Geoff Huston          <g.huston@aarnet.edu.au>
x Haruhisa Ishida       <ishida@u-tokyo.ac.jp>
x Robert E. Kahn        <rkahn@nri.reston.va.us>
_ Tomaz Kalin           <kalin@rare.nl>
x Lawrence Landweber    <lhl@cs.wisc.edu>
x Kees Neggers          <neggers@surfnet.nl>
x Jean Armour Polly     <jpolly@nysernet.org>
x Jon Postel            <postel@isi.edu>
_ Michael Roberts       <mmr@darwin.ptvy.ca.us>

Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:57:11 JST
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: ishida@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Return-Path: <ishida@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
To: 0001050002@mcimail.com, isoc-trustees@isoc.org
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment

I vote YES for the ammendment.      Haruhisa Ishida, Tokyo
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 22:14:14 -0500
To: "Vinton G. Cerf" <0001050002@mcimail.com>, 
    ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: Jean Armour Polly <jpolly@nysernet.org>
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment

If this needs a second I second it and also vote yes.
Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 11:58:12 +1000
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: Geoff Huston <G.Huston@aarnet.edu.au>
To: isoc-trustees@isoc.org
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment

I vote in favour of making the proposed amendment
to the ISOC ByLaws

Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 10:41:11 -0400 (EDT)
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: "Ira H. Fuchs" <fuchs@tsar.princeton.edu>
X-Orig-Sender: "Ira H. Fuchs" <fuchs@tsar.princeton.edu>
Reply-To: "Ira H. Fuchs" <fuchs@tsar.princeton.edu>
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment
To: "Vinton G. Cerf" <0001050002@mcimail.com>
Cc: ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>

I vote in FAVOR of the proposed Bylaws amendment.
To: ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment
Organisation: SURFnet bv
Address: Cluetinckborch, P.O. Box 19035, 3501 DA Utrecht, NL
Phone: +31 30 310290
Telefax: +31 30 340903
Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 23:53:50 +0200
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: Kees Neggers <Kees.Neggers@surfnet.nl>

I vote in favor of making the proposed amendments to the Bylaws.
Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 13:04:12 -0700
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>
To: G.Huston@aarnet.edu.au
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment
Cc: isoc-trustees@isoc.org


   I vote in favour of making the proposed amendment
   to the ISOC ByLaws
To: ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>
Subject: ByLaws amendment
Date: Tue, 17 May 94 19:55:10 -0400
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: "Robert E. Kahn" <rkahn@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>

I vote YES for the following amendment to the isoc bylaws.

Date: Wed, 18 May 94 07:41:42 -0500
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: "L.H. Landweber" <lhl@cs.wisc.edu>
To: rkahn@CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Subject: Re:  ByLaws amendment
Cc: isoc-trustees@isoc.org

i vote yes on the proposed ammendment.
Date: Sat, 21 May 1994 16:25:24 +0200 (MET DST)
Sender:vint cerf <vcerf@nri.reston.va.us>
From: Frode Greisen <Frode.Greisen@uni-c.dk>
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment
To: "Vinton G. Cerf" <0001050002@mcimail.com>
cc: ISOC Trustees <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>

I vote in favour of the bylaws amendment below.
Posted-Date: Sat, 21 May 1994 10:54:19 -0400
X-Sender: farber@linc.cis.upenn.edu
Date: Sat, 21 May 1994 10:54:22 -0400
To: Tony Rutkowski <amr@isoc.org>
From: David Farber <farber@central.cis.upenn.edu>
Subject: Re: Bylaws Amendment

>How do you vote?

