============================================================================== ISOC Document Title: Summary of Outstanding Actions arising from meetings of ISOC BoT Author(s): G. Huston (Secretary) Date: 1994.06.27 Committee: BoT Document: 94-251 Revision: 2 Supersedes: Status: Draft Maintainer: G. Huston Access: BoT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actions Arising from Board of Trustees Meetings ----------------------------------------------- February 1994 Board of Trustees Meeting --------------------------------------- Action 94-03: Rutkowski, Neggers, Bradner, Chapin - UNDERWAY Group to work on terms of ANSI Information Systems Standardisation Board liaison terms and also work on ISOC liaisons with comparable national bodies. Action 94-07: Rutkowski, Ireland To examine the position of advertising revenue and ISOC's 501(c)3 taxation status, relating to potential unrelated business and taxable income over threshold of reporting levels. Action 94-08: Rutkowski, Huston - UNDERWAY To examine online publication formats. Action 94-12: Vint Cerf To invite legal review of the Internet Standards Process document with respect to US law from the Federal Networking Council and with respect to European law from DG IV of the European Union. Action 94-15: Tony Rutkowski To arrange further individual membership benefits, including subscription discounts to trade publications such as Internet World, Connexions, etc, and publicise these Action 94-16: Geoff Huston, Bob Kahn - UNDERWAY To undertake an analysis of the impact of the establishment of a free non- voting ISOC individual membership class for consideration at the next Board of Trustees meeting. Action 94-17: Vint Cerf To pursue the Internet Operations Task Force concept after the IETF BOF on the IOTF at Seattle in March 1994. Circulate a query relating to whether Internet service providers would be interested in requesting ISOC to host a meeting to discuss Internet operational forum. If there is an outcome that falls within the ISOC Charter then ISOC would then assist in followup activity. Action 94-18: Lyman Chapin, Larry Landweber To generate a plan to produce an Internet "easy reader" periodical, to be published electronically. June 1994 Board of Trustees Meeting ----------------------------------- Action 94-21: Tony Rutkowski - Controls and Accounting Procedures Manual Develop a manual describing the internal controls and accounting procedures to be used by ISOC for managing its finances. We recommend that a draft of this manual be made available to the Audit Committee no later than July 31, 1994. In addition, we recommend that an accounting methodology be developed which enables ISOC finances to be accounted for and reported in a consistent way from year to year, with the complete set of material to be finished within a timeframe to allow sufficient time for adequate review prior to the next Board meeting. Action 94-22: Tony Rutkowski - Engage Auditors for 1993 ISOC Financial Statements Engage the CNRI auditors, Coopers & Lybrand, to prepare the 1993 ISOC financial statements. This selection of auditors was dictated by the fact that the bulk of the 1993 expenses were incurred by CNRI and will already have been scrutinized by Coopers & Lybrand as part of their audit of CNRI; thus the incremental cost to ISOC for 1993 will be minimized by this approach. Coopers and Lybrand should be asked to provide cost estimates to ISOC for conducting a "review" (which is less than a full audit) as well as an "audit" for a subsequent decision by the President. Action 94-23: Audit Committee - Competitive bids for 1994 audit function For 1994, the Audit committee will obtain competitive bids for providing the audit function. This action will be deferred until mid-year (or as soon thereafter as both the 1993 financial statements and the internal controls and accounting manual are available for external scrutiny). Following that, The Audit Committee will formulate a view on how and when to proceed with engaging an outside Auditor for fiscal year 1994 and will make its recommendations to the Board. Action 94-24: Bradner, Chapin, Huston, Postel - Standards Relationships To document the consequences of ITU Standards and Development Sectors peer relationship with ISOC. Action 94-25: Rutkowski - ISO SC6 Category A Relationship To document and publicise the nature and consequences of the ISO SC6 Category A relationship (document peer liaison and referencable standards). Action 94-26: Greisen, Kahn - CNRI Contract Letter of agreement to declare ISOC Secretariat Services contract to be no longer valid as of 1 July 1994 with residual expenses to be transferred to ISOC to be drafted, and exchanged with a matching letter from CNRI. Action 94-27: Ireland, Cerf - By-Laws Amendments - UNDERWAY Legal Council to draft a proposed resolution that will remove Sections 1 and 2 of Article VII of the ISOC By-Laws, and confirm that this will remove any potential ambiguity concerning the ability of ISOC to manage its Bank Accounts and conduct its own Secretariat functions. This action is to be expedited, and the amendment to the ISOC By-Laws to be scheduled for Trustee consideration at their next meeting. Action 94-28: Rutkowski - ISOC Mailing to members Electronically mail ISOC update to members on a regular basis and allow mail responder robot to be used to deliver ISOC reports to members. Action 94-29: Rutkowski - Membership Material Distribute ISOC membership (Individual and Corporate) material to Trustees. Action 94-30: Brownstein - US Government Email Initiatives To provide a summary report of US government initiatives of electronic mail, and with the ISOC Executive Director to promote the use of Internet standards within the process. Action 94-31: Rutkowski - Legal Council Execute a retainer agreement with Andrea Ireland as ISOC Legal Council. Execute agreement with Brian Cave as council undertaking legal review of Internet Standards Process on a pro bono basis. Note that Patrice Kahn (?) has been retained by CNRI to represent ISOC on intellectual property issues under the guidance of the ISOC Executive Director. Action 94-32: Rutkowski - Contact new members E-Mail all new INET membership as soon as possible after INET'94, welcoming them to ISOC and informing them about ISOC activities and membership benefits. Action 94-33: Rutkowski - Individual Membership Profile Publish breakdown by country of individual membership Action 94-34: Rutkowski - Employee Benefits Develop procedures for maternity and paternity leave, and complete the ISOC Employee Benefits document and circulate to Trustees. Action 94-35: Rutkowski - Account Statements Circulate quarterly 1994 account statements and cash flow analyses to Trustees Action 94-36: Rutkowski - Insurance Policy To circulate details of the insurance policy to Trustees Action 94-37: Rutkowski - By-Laws Amendment Amend the By-Laws of the Internet Society as per Resolution 94-17 Action 94-38: Cerf - 1995 Trustee Elections Commence 1995 Trustee Election process with incorporation of 1995 Nominations Committee Action 94-39: Cerf - VP Standards - UNDERWAY Identify candidates for VP for Standards Action 94-40: Cerf - VP Publications - UNDERWAY Identify candidates for VP for Publications Action 94-41: ALL - Internet Standards Process Read and comment on RFC1602 bis Action 94-42: Estrada, Polly - ISOC Awards Committee Task the ISOC Awards Committee to prepare a description of an ISOC Awards program and associated funding implications in the format of a business plan. ==============================================================================