ISOC Document

Title:      Guideline for establishing a Chapter of ISOC
Author(s):  Cerf, Ishida
Date:       1 July 1994
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Document:   94-253
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

1. Chapter should promote activities of ISOC and to provide a means for 
   face-to-face local meetings and communications in the local language.

2. Have at least 25 individual members, of which 15 must be dues-paying
   members of ISOC.  Encourage other members to become dues-paying members.  
   Do not have corporations or organizations as members.

3. Designate a chair, vice-chairs and board of directors as the officers.
   They must agree to have an obligation to observe the ISOC Chapter Policies
   (Document 94-224).

4. Set up a Chapter headquarters in a fixed location.

5. Prepare a charter written in English.  It should include and explicit
   statement of the purpose within the scope of ISOC.

6. Submit an application for chapter status to the Executive Director of
   ISOC together with the charter.

7. Do not rely on funding and staff support from the ISOC headquarters.  Do
   not hold ISOC liable for any act or omission or incurred liability of any kind.

8. Do not use the ISOC name in any significant (more than US$1000)
   fund-raising efforts.

9. Conduct all local activities in the same non-profit manner as ISOC does.
   Do not engage in product endorsements or other forms of commercial activity.
   On the whole, protect the reputation of ISOC and its headquarters.

10. Consult with ISOC trustees and staff for any special arrangements
    including making public statements and taking positions in the name of ISOC.

11. Maintain a current list of members and make it available to ISOC on

12. Submit an annual report on local activities and notable events to the
    Executive Director of ISOC