94-150.txt      Minutes of February 1994 meeting of ISOC Board of Trustees      G. Huston (Secretary)   1994.02.21

94-160.txt      1994 Board of Trustees Elections,Call for Nominations   15 Jan1994
94-161.txt      ISOC Nominations Committee Report       Geoff Huston    8 Mar 1993

94-170.txt      Initial Audit Committee Meeting 72 Mar 94

94-180.txt      ISOC BoT Internal procedures    F. Greisen      1994.03.09

94-200.txt      Agenda for the Fifth Meeting    Rutkowski       3 May 94
94-201.txt      ISOC Sponsored Conferences      Rutkowski
94-202.txt      ITU relationship and followup   Rutkowski
94-203.txt      ANSI, ECMA, and other liaisons
94-204.txt      Audit Committee Kahn, Greisen, Roberts
94-205.txt      Trustee elections and procedural changes        Postel, Huston
94-206.txt      INET95 venue    Landweber
94-207.txt      Tax status factors      Rutkowski, Ireland
94-208.txt      On-line publication     Huston, Rutkowski
94-209.txt      Amendment to By-Laws concerning ISOC management of its accounts Cerf, Ireland
94-210.txt      Amendment to ISOC-CNRI work statement   Rutkowski, Greisen
94-211.txt      Review of Internet Standards Process    Bradner, Ireland, Roberts, Postel, Kalin
94-212.txt      Impact of changes vis-a-vis USA-FNC and EU law  Cerf
94-213.txt      Arrange additional individual membership benefits       Rutkowski
94-214.txt      Analyze free non-voting membership      Kahn, Huston
94-215.txt      Pursue Internet Operations Forum        Cerf
94-216.txt      Plan for electronic periodical  Chapin, Landweber
94-217.txt      Letter conveying comments to USA FIRP   Cerf
94-218.txt      Formulate new ISOC mission statement    Rutkowski
94-219.txt      President's Report      Cerf
94-220.txt      Conference Report       Landweber
94-221.txt      Publication Report      Rutkowski
94-222.txt      Finance Report  Greisen
94-223.txt      Elections       Postel
94-224.txt      Procedures and Guidelines for Chapters  Rutkowski
94-225.txt      New programmes and activities   Rutkowski
94-226.txt      [Codes of Conduct] [Norms] [Resolutions] Regarding Internet Operators and Users Cerf, Rutkowski
94-227.txt      IETF/ISOC relationship  Postel
94-228.txt      Insurance       Postel, Rutkowski
94-229.txt      Amendment to Art. VII, Sec. 3 of By-Laws        Cerf

94-250.txt      Minutes of June 1994 meeting of ISOC Board of Trustees  Huston
94-251.txt      Summary of Outstanding Actions arising from meetings of ISOC BoT        Huston
94-252.txt      Summary of 1994 ISOC Board of Trustee Resolutions       Huston
94-253.txt      Guideline for establishing a Chapter of ISOC    Cerf, Ishida
94-254.txt	Amendments to the By-Laws arising from end of initial period of operations	Rutkowski
94-255.txt	Amendments to the By-Laws arising from end of initial period of operations - Charter Members	Rutkowski