PO Box 38-262
                                                        3 November 1991

NZ Press Council
PO Box 1066

Dear Sir/Madam
              I would like to direct your attention to the enclosed article
with particular reference to the allegation that a 'satanic mail order
business', which is subsequently identified as the Order of the Left Hand
Path, has links with 'child pornography'.

        I wish to hereby lodge a formal complaint with the Press Council
against the Sunday News, for publishing statements of an odious nature,
without any justification, and which are in fact outright lies.

        The claim that NZ police are 'stunned' by the OLHP's courses I
would also dispute, and have written to Police National Headquarters in
regard to this (letter enclosed).

        Les Wilson, the journalist responsible for the article Satanism
linked to child porn, uses a most dubious technique of guilt by
associations, and made no attempt whatsoever to ascertain the accuracy of
his allegations.

        My Order and myself have been linked, by clear implication, with
paedophiles allegedly operating in Christchurch.  Any such implication I
consider to be a vile lie.

        The manner in which Les Wilson has utilized his sources is
extremely selective.  Nigel Marriott is quoted as an authority on Satanic
ritual in connection with the allegations, yet what is not mentioned by
Wilson is than Mr Marriott had previously stated (on TV3, Nightline 31 Oct
1991) that the OLHP is an 'intellectual movement' of the type that would
not be likely to indulge in any activities of a morally or legally suspect

        I am myself a father, and I am outraged that the Order which I
administer (which is NOT incidentally a 'mail order business') and with
which I have been publicly identified (by my actual name) on TV3, has been
associated with alleged activities which are totally abhorrent not only to
the concepts of the OLHP but to my personal sense of honour and integrity.

        I hope that I can obtain, through the Press Council, at least some
measure of justice in relation to the totally irresponsible journalism
which has associated me with the most odious of activities.

                                                Yours Faithfully

                                                K R Bolton

Encl. Letter to Police NHQ 3 Nov 1991