P.  O.  Box 38-262
                                                          New Zealand

        The OLHP is a non-sectarian, non-dogmatic forum of philosophers and
occultists operating within a broad range of the Left Hand Path.
        The LHP is the way of individual godhood.  Unlike the Right Hand
Path which seeks to consign the individual to oblivion in the pursuit of
'union with god' or a 'universal consciousness', or to subordinate humanity
to a deity or deities, the LHP recognizes the potential godhood existing
within the individual.  We seek to enhance, rather than obliviate, the
individual will and psyche through Nietzschean-type Self-Overcoming.
        We are 'Satanists' in that we are the 'adversaries' and 'accusers'
of all who aim to drag the individual down into herd-conformity with their
egalitarianism and collectivism.  'We are not going to stay, dull and
content as oxen, in the ruck of humanity', as the British magus Aleister
Crowley put it.
        The Satanic mission is that of ensuring continuing human ascent.
This is reflected in the Judaeo-Christian mythos of Satan's promise to
human-kind that 'ye shall be as gods' (Gen.  ch.  2-3), itself an adaption
of much older Babylonian and Sumerian myths.  We concur when Crowley
        "Satan is not the enemy of Man, but he who made gods of our race,
knowing Good and Evil."
        Satan is indeed aptly called Lucifer, the Light-Bringer.  As the
Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakunin put it:
        "Satan is the first free-thinker and Saviour of the world.  He
frees Adam and impresses the seal of humanity and liberty on his forehead,
by making him disobedient."

        The Satanic 'soul' can be described as Faustian.
        We stand for wisdom undefiled and unfettered by any dogma.
        Our desire for knowledge, and to see the scope of human thought
extended unto infinity, is insatiable, and the free-will on which it is
predicated is a sacred trust we must guard with vigilance.
        Prof.  R.S.  Knox in his introduction to the 1924 edition of
Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, succinctly describes the Faustian
        "The Faustus legend becomes for us a symbol of humanity's splendid
struggle to reach the stars, the tragedy of infinite aspiration."

        "That peril is the chiefest way to happiness
         And resolution honour's fairest aim.
         What glory is there in a common good
         That hangs for every peasant to achieve?
         That like I best that flies beyond my reach." (Faustus)

        The OLHP welcomes all sincere seekers after wisdom undefiled and
students of those hidden depths of human psyche and cosmos which may
properly be called 'occult'.
        Subscription to our periodical The Watcher is sufficient to enable
you to affiliate with the Order.  Further involvement depends on your own

                        Order of the Left Hand Path

                                 * - * - *

                    Typed in by Graeme Wilson (O.L.H.P.)

If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on
Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks:

        Fidonet:  3:770/505
                  (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem)
        Usenet:   fenris@otago.ac.nz

Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's:

        Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414
        Southern Lights:     +64 0-3-455-6016
        The Left Hand Path:  +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS)
        Bad Dreams BBS:      +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer')

If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write

                              Graeme Wilson
                              129 Scott Street
                              South Island
                              New Zealand