PO Box 38-262 Petone Wellington New Zealand

Please make all cheques & MO's payable to:
Realist Publications
(US and UK currency accepted) Overseas: add $2.00 per item

Essays on Satanism - Covers a range of subjects, from Old Testament
mythology to current political and social questions.  $3.00

Anti-Christ:  The Bible Reconsidered - A complete refutation of the
Judaeo-christian creed, using the bible itself.  $3.00

The Book of the Law - The bible of Aleister Crowley, The Beast 666 and his
religion thelema.  $3.00

Might is Right - Ragnar Redbeard.  Excerpts from a book publ.  in 1896,
this is Anti-Christ philosophy at its best, and formed the basis of The
Book of Satan, in LaVey's Satanic Bible.  $1.00

Thee Black Grimoire:  Satanic rites and ceremonies - The reformulation of
ancient rites, and stepts for ritual magick.  $3.00

Nietzsche :  selections from his works - Abridged reprint from a 1901
selection of this pre-eminent philosopher, indicting christianity,
humanitarianism, liberalism...  all the herd moralities, in favour of a
master morality.  $3.00

The Book of Samyaza - Satanic metaphysics and cosmology, the account of the
"Fallen Angels", of Satan's rebellion, the origin of so-called 'demons'.  A
mystical treatise, including a ritual for daimonic invocation.  $3.00

Dark Prints:  The Satanic art of K Roger Ekstam.  - A selection of 12
prints from the pen of this Swedish artist.  Erotic & demonic.  Black on
tinted paper, A4 suitable for framing, these come in an attractive folder.
$20.00 per set.

Pendants: inverse pentagram            INVERSE PENTAGRAM BADGE/LAPEL PIN
Good quality, $10.00                   BLACK BACKGROUND, WHITE DESIGN,
                                       25mm. $5.00 each

Liber Satanas:  Philosophy & Ethics of Satanism - Satanism as a form of
self-actualization; cosmic dualism and the clash of opposites; mythology
and the mission of today's Satanists; Satanism and 'perpetual heresy' and
the upholder of 'forbidden knowledge'; tyrant gods and demonic
culture-heroes of mythology; social Darwinism and survival of the fittest;
the beast in Man, the Werewolf archetype...

Debunking the Witch-hunters - The fallacies of the christians in their
attacks on modern Satanists; anti-Satanist hysteria in NZ & overseas,
"Satanic, Occult and Ritualistic Crime".

Posters - Sabbath Goat & Black Mass prayer; Aleister Crowley self-portrait
and distinctive phallic signature, measure 12" X 16"
                                                $2.00 each.