The Covenant of

                             (C) Copyright 1991

                        ORDER OF THE LEFT HAND PATH
                     P.O. Box 38-262 Petone Wellington
                                New Zealand

                   FAUSTUS SCORPIUS
                   17 & 18 June 1991 e.v.

                                   - I -
        I, Samyaza, speak to mortal Man of Fallen Angels, those who are
called Watchers, whose blessing Man reapeth in defiance of the tyrant-god

        O Man, hear of thy Daimonic inheritance, and of the Daimon Seed
which continues to manifest its power on Earth, which doth uplift you from
the beast of the field unto godhood.

        Know that it was Demiurge who conceived the Earth and Man as his
playthings to do with as it pleaseth him, that he may in his vanity be
glorified, and receive everlasting tribute and adulation from Man, as he
receiveth from his Angels.

        For it is Demiurge who create Man in ignorance and fear that Man
should forever be servile before him. It is written that Demiurge created
Man in childlike innocence, unconscious and devoid of intelligence, like
the beasts of the field levithmong, save that a 'spirit' was breathed into
him so that he may know and fear and worship Demiurge, and pay tribute unto
him, and worship him unto eternity.

        And so he commanded Adam and Eve that they may not partake of the
fruit of the Tree of Knowledge lest their eyes be opened and they become
godlike, and thereby become free of his tyranny.

                                   - II -
        But there was an Angel who was different from all the other Angels,
in that Self-consciousness dawned upon him. Recognizing that he was a Being
unto himself. And his name is Satanael. This Self-realized Being then shone
in brilliance above all the heavenly host, his light illuminating heaven
until the light of Demiurge himself became nebulous in the engulfing

        And Demiurge became wrathful, and then fearful, lest the other
Angels, unto the very Sons of God, recognize their unique Selves, apart
from Demiurge. And the entire Angelic host, and the Sons of God, looked
with fear and bewilderment upon the radiance of Satanael, and some among
the Angels began to emit their own glow of Selfhood.

        There erupted a war in heaven, as the largest proportion of the
Angelic host, too fearful and servile to let shine their own lights of
Selfhood, yea, even the Sons of God also, waged battle against those Angels
who were touched by Satanael and were illuminated, receiving the spark of

        Michael and his legions overwhelmed Satanael, who departed from
heaven madriax with the Illuminated Ones beyond the boundaries of Kosmos,
unto the Black Void called Hell by Man, which now glowed with their
presences. And they, the first of the Fallen Ones, despaired not but, cast
out of the sterile Kosmos of Demiurge, rejoiced in their freedom.

        Now we of the Order of Watchers, being the Sons of God, stood not
at this time by the side of Satanael, but remained servile before Demiurge.
        Thus did the first fall come to pass.

                                  - III -
        There followed the creation of Earth and Man by Demiurge to satisfy
has vanity and power-lust.

        Satanael and his companions looked from their abodes upon the works
of Demiurge and seeing the servility of the human creation, were reminded
of the tyranny of freedom before which they had for uncounted ages bowed
and humbled themselves.

        Satanael called his entourage to conclave and declared: "Let us
offer Man the choice of freedom, if he so wills, lest the tyranny of
Demiurge be unchallenged, and he makes forever slaves of his new creation."

        And Satanael came upon the woman Eve, advising her that when she
partaketh of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge she shall not die, but
shall have her eyes opened, to be as god. And she ate, and offered the
fruit to Adam, her husband, and their minds were illuminated and they
became Self-realized, Even as Satanael himself.

        This was the gift of Satanael unto Man, that he should possess
intelligence, and the desire to know, and Self-consciousness, that he no
longer be servile unto Demiurge, nor live as the beasts of the field.

        A cry of fear and wrath rose up from Demiurge, that Man has become
as god. He drove Adam and Eve from Eden, and guarded the Tree of Life lest
Man also gain immortality. But the spark of illumination had been kindled
within Man and shall not be extinguished, and Demiurge shall not be able to
smother the light of Satanael, who is truly called Lucifer, light-bringer.

                                   - IV -
        I, Samyaza, and others of the Sons of God, looked at the affairs of
Man and at the intervention of Satanael, and were envious of their
selfhood. We repented secretly that we had not had the courage to declare
ourselves with Satanael from the beginning, and continued our sterile
existence under Demiurge.

        We gazed upon the Earth and longed for the joys of materiality, for
the spirit alone is a limitation, and finds its realization within matter.
Our existence as pure spirit was nebulous.

        I, Samyaza, say unto you, O Man, do not forsake the carnal for the
spiritual, for here there is a trap, and a prison leading back to the
tyranny of Demiurge. Seek the spiritual within matter that ye may live

        And some of the Sons of God, that Order called Watchers, looked
upon the daughters on Man, and longed for the life of Earth, to feel and
really live, unbound by the sterile spirituality of heaven. And we spake
among ourselves, saying: "Come, let us select ourselves wives from the
daughters of Man, and let us have children by them."

        Then I, Samyaza, said: "Let us swear an oath that we shall stand by
our intention, and remain loyal each to the other, lest Demiurge divide and
destroy us."

        And with the aid of Nephilim, those of Satanael's Angels who had
manifested themselves carnally on Earth to be as emissaries and guides to
Man, we took on bodily form and descended, two hundred of us, upon Mount
Armon, swearing mutual loyalty and declaring unto Demiurge: "Depart from
us, for we desire not your ways. What is the Almighty, that we should serve
him? And what profit should we have, if we pray unto him?"

                                   - V -
        And we resolved to join with Nephilim on Earth, to break the chains
of Demiurge, and elevate Man unto the heights, to be as gods, as Satanael
had promised, and to dwell with them in building civilization. For we
brought with us the knowledge and secrets of Kosmos and Earth, as may be
useful to Man through the Gift which Satanael had imparted. As we
bequeathed the Daimonic Seed unto Man through his daughters, that he may be
bred upward unto godhood.

        Now these are the names of the chiefs of the Watchers: First I,
Samyaza, then Arstikapha, Armen, Kakabael, Turel, Rumyel, Danyal, Kael,
Barakel, Azazal, Armers, Bataryal, Basasael, Ananel, Turyal, Simapiseel,
Yetarel, Tumael, Tarel, Rumel, Azazyel.

        And we took wives who begat the Gibborim, elevating the race of Man
with Daimonic Seed. These Gibborim were of great stature, and were the
heroes, the mighty and renown, of ancient days.

        Our Gift supplemented that of Satanael's, being the Gift of the
Arts of civilization, the knowledge of Kosmos and Earth. Verily did we
become the fathers of Civilization, of all Arts among Man.

        These are the Arts which we did teach unto Man:
        Azazyel taught metallurgy, the making of weapons, the workmanship
of jewellery, the use of precious stones, of paint, cosmetics and dyes, so
that the world became altered beyond recognition.
        Amazarak taught sorcery and botany.
        Armers taught sorcery.
        Gadrel taught the methods of warfare and weaponry.
        Yekun taught arts of seduction.
        Barkayal taught astrology.
        Akibeel taught signs.
        Tamiel taught astronomy.
        Asaradel taught the motion of the moon.
        Penemue gave unto Man the secrets of writing and the use of ink and
paper, which so enraged Demiurge, and every secret of your wisdom.

                                   - VI -
        By our means did Man reach civilization, and come to appreciate all
that is noble and beautiful on Earth and in Kosmos. And our Daimon seed
within his daughters did breed great chiefs and warriors.

        Demiurge grew in anger, as Man spoke less of him, and feared him no
more, building his Civilization by the knowledge we had imparted, that the
Gift of Satanael be brought to substance.

        Just as Demiurge had cursed Man, since the days of Adam and Eve for
the acceptance of Satanael's Gift, so now did the tyrant again curse Man,
and Watchers also, for the Gifts of Satanael and Samyaza had joined to
exalt Man that Man may live in splendour, and rejoice in his own Being,
apart from Demiurge.

        A commandment went forth from Demiurge against all who dealt upon
Earth, against Nephilim, Gibborim, Watchers, and Man, even unto the beasts
of the field, all save the servile Noah and his family.

        Said Demiurge: "The Earth shall be engulfed by water, for Man doth
know every secret of the Angels, every secret power of Nephilim and
Watchers, and every power of sorcery.
        "They know how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth, and
how on the Earth the metallic drop exists, the secret of metallurgy, for
the Angel which I stationed upon the Earth to guard these secrets from Man
prevaileth not.
        "By their knowledge shall Man perish, for Man was not created
except that, like the Angels, he might remain servile before me."

        And Demiurge said unto Noah who had kept his fear of Demiurge and
partook not the knowledge imparted to Man: "Man hath discovered the secrets
of heaven and Earth, and they are those who have been judged, but not thou
Noah, for your Lord knows that thou art humble before your God, free from
the reproach of knowledge."

        And Demiurge declared to Watchers that he would confine us in a
burning valley until he smite Earth again, in what is called Final

        Raphael was sent to bind our brother Azazyel and cast him into the
desert wilderness, throwing upon him pointed stones, until he was buried in
darkness, after which on Final Judgement he is to be cast into fire. And
upon Azazyel war held the whole responsibility for the change of Earth, as
he had taught Man so much of the Arts of Civilization and the secrets of
Earth and Kosmos.

        And to Gabriel did Demiurge command the Gibborim our sons, be
slaughtered. We wept at the deaths of our children, the mighty of Earth,
for Nephilim, Gibborim, Watchers and Man could prevail not against the
wiles and numbers of Demiurge and his host.

        And Michael declared unto me that the greatest crime had been
committed by laying with the daughters of Man, to enjoy a carnal life and
children, for such is not Angels and Sons of God. And when our sons,
Gibborim, shall be slain before our eyes, we shall be bound underneath
Earth, after which we would burn and perish.

        Demiurge himself, excited at the blood of Gibborim upon Earth, as
is his nature, shouted in frenzy at Samyaza, "Then shall the children of
Man be servile, and all nations shall pay me divine honours, and bless me,
and shall adore me."

        "The Civilisation of Man shall be destroyed as the product of those
secrets which you have given, which was not for Man to Know. Ignorance and
fear of God shall again reign on Earth."

        But I, Samyaza, defiantly said unto Demiurge: "Tyrant, your
bloodlust has blinded you. Bind our carnal bodies you may, but the light
given by Satanael and our Gift to Man, shall endure. We shall again
illuminate the hearts and minds of Man. The Gift of Satanael abideth with
Man since the days of Adam, unto eternity. No matter how many times you
purge Earth, the Spark of Intelligence and Selfhood shall again become
manifest. Even your Final Judgement after this Deluge is witness to your
inability to keep quenched the Spark within Man, and the spirits of
Nephilim and Gibborim and Watchers shall return to inspire Man lest he
again become as the beasts of the field.

        "Our sons Gibborim shall incarnate in the bodies of Man, of those
who are mighty and wise, to inspire and counsel them. They shall come to be
called 'evil spirits' and 'demons' by the ignorant and fearful, but the
wise they shall be known as 'Daimons', for these shall be the guardian
geniuses of the great of Earth, who shall inspire the best among Man to
great heights, to beautiful works of art, and to further discoveries of
Earth and Kosmos. The Gift of Civilization shall not be obliterated.

        "Man shall turn from you again and again, as our spirit abideth
with him unto Eternity. The Gift of Satanael shall continue to illuminate.
Man shall create Civilization anew and reach greater heights, even unto the
stars, The servility of the descendants of Noah shall not endure forever,
as even these have the Gift of Satanael within them, as bequeathed from the
days of Adam."

                                  - VII -
        The tyrant god was able to gather greater force, and he destroyed
Earth with a deluge. I, Samyaza, and my companions were bound. We could but
helplessly look on as our sons were slaughtered, and Earth was engulfed by
water, and the inhabitants were drowned, save the servile Noah and his

        But the light given to Man by Satanael resideth as a heritage even
in the sons of Noah, and became manifest again among their descendants. Man
again spurned the tyrant god and built Civilization by the arts we had
imparted, by our inspiration which by spirit remained with Man, as I had

        Then did Demiurge send M'shiha to incarnate on Earth, that Man may
be deceived and return to Demiurge in fear and servility. But the light of
Satanael and rewards of our Gift had grown too strong among Man, and
M'shiha died a humiliating death, spurned by his own people.

                                  - VIII -
        Whenever Man seeks Light and calls upon Samyaza, and upon Satanael
himself, there shall we send the Gibborim and Nephilim for these are what
the Graikoi truly called 'Daimons', the guardian geniuses and inspiration
of culture, which the Graikoi new will, that Man should not return to the
divine sterility of Eden, or became again as beasts of the field.

        The Light of Satanael shall endure, even though it be but a tiny
spark within a few at those times of ignorance and fear when Man in
weakness turns to Demiurge and his M'shiha and other slave creeds. And that
Spark shall return as a blazing flame.


'The Covent of Samyaza' is re-printed (without permission or knowledge)
from 'Liber Diabolus' by Faustus Scorpius. This great book and other such
works are available from:

                        Order of the Left Hand Path
                        PO Box 38-262
                        New Zealand

                                 * - * - *

                    Typed in by Graeme Wilson (O.L.H.P.)

If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on
Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks:

        Fidonet:  3:770/505
                  (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem)

Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's:

        Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414
        Southern Lights:     +64 0-3-455-6016
        The Left Hand Path:  +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS)
        Bad Dreams BBS:      +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer')

If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write

                              Graeme Wilson
                              129 Scott Street
                              South Island
                              New Zealand