T H E   W A T C H E R

N.Z. Voice of the
Left-Hand Path                                    No.  3,  July,  1990CE XXVAS

                            CRIME & PUNISHMENT

        Since liberalism ascended to the control of our society and
politically applied the Christian slush of tolerance and brotherly love to
the dregs of humanity, our society has witnessed an escalation of crime
year by year.
        Yet the liberals, and the preachers and lay-preachers who have
latched onto the Labour government, having witnessed the failure of their
other-worldly dogma, propose not a reversal of their currently disastrous
policies on crime but an extension on ever grander scales.
        What they will never admit, because it strikes at the very root of
their social gospel, is that one does not achieve a quality society if the
constituent parts of that society comprise an increasing number of genetic
        Social engineering schemes geared towards changes in the
educational and justice system are a complete waste of tax-expenditure if
they are not predicated upon a recognition of the predominantly genetic
basis of intelligence, personality/psychology, and the related factors of
crime, deliquency and personality disorder.
        In a study by Mednick, Gabrielli and Hutchings, published in
Science (May 1984), entitled "Genetic Influences in Criminal convictions:
Evidence from an Adoption Court" it was found that convictions of adoptive
parents didn't significantly relate to their son's criminality, but
convictions of the biological parents did.
        Clearly eugenic measures are long overdue, and are the key to
reducing crime and many other social ills.  Habitual criminals are likely
to be the product of their genetic inheritance, more so than any alleged
social disadvantage.  Sterilization and capital punishment are in order.
        Secondly, eugenic measures widely applied will create a quality
population and remove from the gene pool those genes making for low
intelligence, personality disorders and criminal tendencies.  Any organism
which does not excrete its toxic wastes will die, and the human social
organism is no exceptions.  Nature's law of genetic selection, put into
recess by civilization, needs to be reactivated as a conscious policy.
        Such proposals are of course anathema to the Christian as being a
tampering with the will of god, and to the liberal who sees them as a
denial of 'human rights'.
        In the short-term vigorous forms of punishment should not be
neglected, on the basis that they don't 'reform' offenders.
        Dr Raymond B Cattell, the eminent psychologist and eugenicist, has
advocated in his book Beyondism "the need for severe measures against
        "Any retribution, as distinct from a therapeutic treatment of
criminals the Humanist regards a purely irrational and demonstratably due
to deep 'psychoanalytic' sadisms in the citizen.  Yet in the normal
integrated person the severity with which demands are made on the self is
correlated with the severity of demands on others.  It is quite probable
from recent research on the superego that its strength in the majority may
be reinforced by just punishment of offenders and demoralized by an
unreflective system of meeting crime by an indulgent 'therapeutic'
        It's time to stop 'turning the other cheek' and start dispensing



        Set, the original Prince of Darkness, was being honoured with
petroglyphs on boulders in Hawaii as far back as 3000 years ago by Egyptian
        The Egyptians conducted explorations for gold which took them as
far afield as Indonesia, America, Australia, NZ and Hawaii.  In NZ Egyptian
coins have been found dating back to 200BCE.  At Gympie, Queensland, there
is a pyramid perhaps 3000 years old, near which petroglyphs of the anhk
cross, and a scarab have been found.
        The Hawaiian petroglyphs are on Lanai.
        In 1963 the British Egyptologist Dr Gwyn Griffiths, upon viewing
photographs of the inscriptions, said that they "are so Egyptian they were
done either by the Egyptians themselves, or by some tribe to whom they had
taught their religion."
        Of seven boulders examined by epigraphers, petroglyphs of Egyptian
tomb and other funerary designs, boats, Egyptian-type dogs, are among the
subjects to be seen.  Set is shown in his dog form, with forked tail, and
is also depicted with his symbolic trumpet and goose.  Set's wife Nephthys
is also portrayed.
REFERENCES:  Coin could prove vital historic link, Evening Post, NZ,
13 June, 1983
Australian Post 30 August 1984.
Ruth Knudsen, Egyptian signs in Hawaii, Epigraphic Socty.  Occ.
Publications, Vol.  13, 1985, San Diego.


                               TEMPLE OF SET

        The Temple of Set was incorporated in 1975CE, when Dr Michael
Aquino and the majority of the priesthood of the Church of Satan resigned
in protest against Anton LaVey's decision to redesign the C/S "as a
non-functional vehicle for his personal expression and financial income."
        Set is the Egyptian deity recognized by the Temple as the most
ancient of the divine personifications representing psychecentric
consciousness.  He is the origin of the Hebraic Satan (from Set-hen, one of
the god's formal titles).  Images of Set have been dated to ca.  3200 BCE,
and inscriptions dating to ca.  5000BCE.
        The Temple's philosophy is based on the development and
contribution of the individual psyche - "the 'real you' of your conscious
intelligence," rejecting the aim of other religions to melt the psyche into
oblivion of a 'universal consciouness.'
        "The second premise of the Temple is that the psychecentric
consciousness can evolve towards its own divinity through deliberate
exercise of the intelligence and will, a process of becoming or coming into
being" (Egyptian=Xeper).
        The Temple is not dogmatic, and "seeks merely to be a forum for
Setians to communicate and cooperate with one another constructively and
        "There are not congregations of docile 'followers' [present C/S
members please note - editor] - only cooperative philosophers and
        Initial fees are $50 (US), $US60.00 overseas for which the accepted
Setian I� receives a membership card and certificate, a medallion (all
beautifully produced) a sub.  to The Scroll of Set and the Crystal Tablet
of Set.  The latter includes members' intercommunication roster; The Book
of Coming Forth by Night, which gave Dr Aquino the mandate to form the
Temple; The Diabolicon, a wonderful piece of classical Satanism penned by
Dr Aquino while stationed as an intelligence officer in Vietnam; Dr
Aquino's commentary on Crowley's Book of the Law, and much else which will
provide abundant mental sunshine and inspiration to anyone interested in
the Left Hand Path.
        A copy of the Temple's Gen.  Info.  and Admission Policies is
available from:  Temple of Set, Box 4507 St.  Louis, MO 63108 USA, or
directly from the editor of the Watcher.


                           LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

        Thanks for The Watcher.  I do like your mag.  - you concentrate on
the areas in which you have expertise, which makes it particularly
                                Magda Graham, Editor, Dark lily, Britain.

        You are a great man - the very embodiment of Desmon's declaration,
"Blessed are the destroyers of false hope; they are the true Messiahs.  (HE
was a New Zealander also).
        Our next issue will be widely circulated!  We eagerly seek your
input.  Please free to "sound-off".  A scathing editorial or serious study -
whatever your prefer!      Yours in Satan, John Dewey Allee, Editor,
                           Brimstone, Ancient Brotherhood of Satan, USA

        From what we've read, your ministry is sound and quite dynamic on
the literary level.  Your work in the satanic mode is just as valid as
anyone elses.  You deserve more appreciation and recognition than you will
even get from others who want to hog the literary limelight for themselves.

                           Rev. Fox III� Priest of Mendes, Church of
                           S.A.T.A.N. USA.


                              Radio Werewolf
           #1313 8033 SUNSET BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90046

                                                5 February, 1990, XXV A.S.

Dear Sirs:

        Your information on The Order of The Left-Hand Path including The
Watcher and other pamphlets was recently shown to me by an associate in The
Black House.  I am a member of The Werewolf Order, an elite Satanic militia
who has taken on the responsibility of preparing the spearhead for a
radical Satanic dominion.  Upon reading your material I was struck by its
support of the drug abuser Aleister Crowley, the child molester Michael
Aquino and many other useless claimants to the Satanic philosophy.  The
Werewolf Order stands in strict opposition to all of these practices,
liberal-humanistic ideologies or in the worst case, The Temple of Shit
(sic), even a juvenile belief in a diety.  All of these beliefs contradict
the rational ideas presented in The Satanic Bible by Anton La Vey as well
as the philosophy of the Werewolf order.  Your use of the Church of Satan's
symbol seems questionable at best, as I doubt that they would approve of
the association.

        If you sincerely suppose the obsolete ideas implied by your listing
of all these individuals who we feels are standing in the way of true
Satanic world power, then we must state that you are hardly qualified to
represent Satanism in New Zealand or elsewhere as your activities would
only dilute the strength of a growing movement that would best be served
without such embarrassments to out cause.

        On a personal note, your quoting such an important thinker as
Nietzsche with such lightweights as Nomolos, The Black Flame and other
untermenschen would hardly point the way to The Overman.  This is not to
perpetuate the petty squabbling so familiar to all small minded
organizations, but to make clear that there is at least one Satanic group
that insists on being unholier than thou by refusing to give credence to
such excreta.

        Hopefully, you may awaken to these truths before you are drawn in
to the sinking ship you are presently drowning on.

                               Heil Fenris!

                               G. Escott
                               Minister of Ideological Purity


G Escott
Minister of Ideological Purity
Radio Werewolf
                                OPEN LETTER
Mr Escott
        Your letter of 5 Feb.  received today.
        Your description of the purpose of The Werewolf Order certainly
makes it sound commendable, but in view of your other comments I am left
wondering whether you have the experience and attitude necessary to achieve
such a lofty purpose as 'preparing the spearhead for a Satanic dominion.'
        Having effectively spoken out publicly against 'liberal-humanistic
ideologies' for 15 years, and demolished in debate some of NZ's leading
advocates of such ideologies among academe and the media, I don't really
need a lecture on ideology and strategy.
        Your attitude in your letter is wholly negative, sectarian and
dogmatic.  It is reminiscent of the self-destruct mechanism of
dogma-obsessed grouplets of the extreme Left and Right who are more
concerned with intra-group politics and intrigue than advancing their
respective causes.  The very term 'ideological purity' suggests this.
        Trivial bitching about ideological intricacies is no substitute for
advancing the cause.
        That you are so upset by my having listed impartially several
Satanist groups which are outside the scope of the Church of Satan
indicates insecurity within your own movement.
        I am fully aware of the various reprehensible personality traits of
Crowley, and he recognised his own shortcomings and failure to live up to
his own creed.  However, Crowley's personal life should not detract from
the fundamentally Nietzschean and satanic character of Thelema, once lifted
out of the obscurity of eastern and Western mysticism.  On a strictly
strategic and practical level I think there is also something to be said
for reaching out to those in the Thelemic community who may be receptive to
Satanism, rather than alienating ourselves from each other for the sake of
'ideological purity.' The CS must recognise this too, to some extent,
otherwise why would it trot out Kenneth Anger and his Crowleyan films when
it suits?
        My own views on drug-abuse, and indeed all forms of
self-dissipation are detailed in my article 'Satanic morality.'
        In re.  to my use of the CS symbol, I discontinued using it upon
being informed that it is reserved for CS official reps.  If the symbol is
so jealously guarded by CS then I would have thought sensible precautions
would have been taken, such as informing members as to its status via a
constitution.  I not that the symbol continues to be widely used by groups
outside the CS.
        I can assure you that I have no great desire to set myself up as a
rep.  of Satanism in NZ, although I don't know what qualifies you to tell
me I'm not qualified to do so.  It would be interesting to know which of us
has the greater experience as a polemicist, organizer and debator, and the
best track record.

        Since there is obviously little direction emanating from the
leadership of the CS, and there is obviously nobody else in NZ with the
gumption to initiate something here, I felt obliged to give it a go myself.
Since the CS leadership declines to give direction, I presumed it at least
encouraged self-initiative on the part of its members; obviously not.
        In your zeal for 'ideological purity' at the expense of tangible
progress it seems that even the CS affiliated magazine The Black Flame is
not spared your wrath.  Perhaps such negative criticism and condemnations
are the only outlets you can think of to justify your grandiose title, Ho.
Minister (?).

                             Satanic Greetings

                             Minister of Ideological Impurity


Michael A. Aquino

Dear Setian Bolton,

        Thank you for the copies of the 2/5/XXV letter from "G.  Escott" of
Radio Werewolf and your 5/22/XXV reply.

        We haven't paid much attention to RW, assuming it to be merely a
nom de plume for one or more LaVey-enthralled eccentrics in Los Angeles.
In his decadence Anton seems to be particularly attractive to the type of
social cripple who desperately needs a guru to fawn before - but also a
guru who is sufficiently aloof not to intrude upon his followers' bratty
rebelliousness with inconvenient expectations of mature behaviour.  It is
quite obvious to those of us who have been around for awhile that Anton
holds such "spaniels" in contempt - using them as they may be used, then
discarding them the moment they expect anything in return from him other
than an occasional kick to satisfy their masochism.

        How different it is from the authentic (I-X) Church of Satan, among
whose membership there was a climate of mutual courtesy, respect, and trust
similar to that of the Temple of Set today - unsurpising , after all, since
we are the original Church of Satan continued.

        This is the first time I have seen a LaVey-spaniel refer to me as a
"child molester".  Obviously the malicious allegations by that Army
chaplain against Lilith and myself have long since been exposed as
fraudulent, with no charges ever being brought against us.  The San
Francisco Police Department has since taken disciplinary action against the
two officers who used the chaplain's allegations as an excuse to attack us
[see the June Scroll of Set, now being mailed, as well as the enclosed
reprint from an earlier issue].  Other legal procedures continue which,
when brought to their logical conclusion, will see the chaplain personally
called to account for his crime against us.

        Accordingly RW's referral to me as a "child molester" in a letter
to you is a clear act of libel, which I shall file against the eventual but
unlikely possibility that RW may someday be financially worth the attention
of my attorneys.

        "Escott's" denunciation of our "juvenile belief in a diety" is very
impressive and would be even more so if "Escott" could spell the word
"deity" correctly.  Our philosophy indeed affirms the existence of Set and
of the Temple's authenticity as an institution sacred to that neter.
"Escott's" indignation is rather odd considering that the post-X "Church of
Satan" is neither a church nor does it believe in Satan.  It is, by
default, merely an Anton LaVey spaniel kennel - which is not exactly what
the Prince of Darkness had in mind when the Church was founded on
Walpurgisnacht I.

        As you so rightly observe in your response to "Escott", boorish
name-calling is no substitute for substantive criticism.  And the hard fact
of the matter is that the Temple of Set is a rather pleasant, honest, and
open institution in which a great many intelligent and interesting
individuals are enjoying one another's company, artistry, and creativity.


June 1,XXV


Dear Faustus Scorpius,
        I am sending along an IMO for a one year sub.  to the Watcher, one
copy of The Anti-Christ, and one copy of Essays on Satanism.
        I chose Satanism as my 'religion of choice' well over 15 years ago.
I have spent much of that time exploring many of the other systems offered
on today's palette of Occult/New age/Magickal teachings.  While I have
enjoyed these excursions into esoteric knowledge and have met many fine
people along the way, it seems that I always returned at some point of
divergence to my roots as a Satanist.
        The question of how others outside of the US may express their
Satanic beliefs has always intrigued me; and I look forward to reading your
publications.                   Sincerely, T.C.  WV., USA


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                                 DARK LILY
                     The Reality of the Left Hand Path

                           The Leading Magazine
                           of the Left Hand Path
                           in the United Kingdom

                            Published Quarterly
                �1.50 per issue, �6.00 annual subscription
               Overseas: �2.00 per issue, �8.00 subscription

                   BCM/Box 3406, London, WC1N 3XX, U.K.


                             CRY OF THE RAVEN
                           Quarterly journal of
                           the Church of the Raven
                           Editor: High Priest Luther.
                           Annual subscription $US 15.00
                           to: The Night Owl, Box 321,
                           Meredosia, Ill. 62665, USA.



Witches text by Colin Wilson, art by Una Woodruff.  Dragon's World Ltd.
Surrey 1989.  156pp.
        A history of witches and witch-craft and occultism generally, from
shamans of prehistory to the magicians of today.
        Legends such as those of Merlin and Morgan le Fay, and chapters on
the Knights Templar, the witch trials, Kabbalah, Werewolves, Gilles de
Raus, Mother Shipton, possession, spiritualism, Theosophy and Madam
Blavatsky, the Golden Dawn and Crowley, the modern wicca revival, and the
Church of Satan are among the subjects covered in 33 chapters.

The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook by Sandy Robertson (W Foulsham & Co.  Ltd.
London, 1988.  128pp.)
        This book contains a wealth of photographic material, some not
previously published, on virtually every page.  Included are memoirs on
Crowley, poems, art, reprints of contemporary scandal-mongering press
        A fascinating glimpse into the Abbey of Thelema is given.  Some of
Crowley's murals are shown, as restored by film-maker Kenneth Anger.
        The legacy of Crowley is scanned, covering present-day OTOs;
mentioned also are both LaVey's Church of Satan and Dr Aquino's Temple of
Set.  His influence on rock music, films and occult fiction is discussed.


                                TO THE LEFT

               Quarterly journal of the 88 Temple Ov Deities
               Box 4546 Miami Fl. 33014-0546 USA

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                         SUBSCRIBE TO THE WATCHER



One Year - NZ:  $4.00; Overseas - Surface:  $5.00; Air:  $10.00

                 Cheques payable to "Realist Publications"

To:  P.O.  Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


        The Watcher is brought to you in a slightly altered form on the
computer.  It lacks the pictures and title art of the original and has been
slightly restructured with respect to placement of advertisements and
subscription form.
        These issues of The Watcher are fairly old.  If you are considering
ordering anything from this issue it may be advisable to check out the
latest prices first.

                                 * - * - *

                    Typed in by Graeme Wilson (O.L.H.P.)

If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on
Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks:

        Fidonet:  3:770/505
                  (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem)
        Usenet:   fenris@otago.ac.nz

Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's:

        Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414
        Southern Lights:     +64 0-3-455-6016
        The Left Hand Path:  +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS)
        Bad Dreams BBS:      +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer')

If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write

                              Graeme Wilson
                              129 Scott Street
                              South Island
                              New Zealand