17 August 1994

Member Notice

We've just put up a fairly comprehensive implementation of the
INET94 Proceedings on the ISOC WWW server.  For those of you in
business establishments or institutional settings, it's an interesting
example of what you can produce as on-line proceedings with relatively
little effort.

URL  http:/info.isoc.org/isoc/inet/inet94.html

or just go to ISOC's home page at http://info.isoc.org and there is
a sentence on the Proceedings with an html link to the implementation.

It is a very nice way to browse through the proceedings and probably
a good prototype for the future.  It's a no brainer if you design for
html from the outset.  We'll get one up for INET95 and other conferences
in the near future.

A couple of notes:

The page has placeholders for every presentation, although
in some cases we don't yet have copies of the presentation.

It has a link directly to Carl Malamud's multimedia coverage of
the conference.

Judith Kiers has been successful in getting a few overhead slide sets
and these will be added.  She's done a wonderful job in putting the
basic proceedings together.

Virtually all the presentations are in postscript.  The latest
postscript viewers for Mosaic are pretty stable and transparent to
use for the PC Windows environment.  You can get them by going to
NCSA Mosaic either by its Home Page under Starting Points in Mosaic,
or ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu  and obtaining ghostscript (gs261exe.zip),
and gostview 1.0  Not sure what the status of postscript viewers is
for other platforms.

If for some reason you don't like using WWW, you can always fall back
on ftp or gopher to //info.isoc.org/isoc/inet94.