Hi there fellow K 2000 owners in America..., Greetings from Holland!
(No, I don't live in Amsterdam but we do have a Queen.)
Thanks to the wonders of telecommunication and the fact that I don't have to
pay the phonebill I send you a nice multisample of a Fender strat 68
sampled via a Marshall JMP 1 valve pre-amp (no mic's used!) directly
into my K 2000S, ( 16 meg and check this out: rip out the floppydrive
and install, after a installing a larger powersupply, the new Syquest
SQ3105 105 Mb REMOVABLE ;-) See your local dealer Now!!!)
Well anyway, it's there (the guitar) and try to play Dave Gilmour's
diamond on it, the guitarplayer of my band saw it as one hell of a reason
to give his vision on those FXXXXX!! samplers they make today, and the
guy is very good.... Ofcourse I took a lot of the Samples from your board
and made quite a few fellow owners happy with it.
What to do:
Get the following files:
FENDERST.TXT     (as a matter of fact, you're reading it now, and we grow
some very good mariuana here in holland, please forget the tulips.)
FENDERST.kr1     The first disk, and
FENDERST.kr2     The last disk.
place them on seperate disks and rename them to .KRZ
Use the controller to switch between muted play and open string, playing
chords on it sounds a bit "sampled", but as a solo guitar it is good.
I'll hop/log in every once in a while and leave you all with greetings
from your European connection and a nice piece of cooking:
take two slices of Dutch white bread, put some Dutch Edam cheese
between them, and bake it. It's called a Tosti and we are mighty proud
of it.
As you see, it's hard to stay serious here in Holland, but we love it.
Bye Bye now,

(Portable) Nick Mulder
Brusselstraat 61
2711 AG Zoetermeer