This is a stereo 44.1K multi-sampled patch from the Roland JD-800.
The patch was named "Crystal Rhodes" and is included with the internal
factory patches on the JD.  The sampling was done direct from the outputs
of the JD-800 into my K2000RS and is comprised of 3 split points.  The
low frequency filter is applied to the patch to simulate a darker/warmer
sound when played lightly vs a brighter/brilliant sound when played

   Since one of the JD-800's strongest features is its integrated
multi-effects processors, I did the sampling with the JD-800's internal
effects/reverb/chorus processors on.  By doing so, the samples on the
Kurzweil play back complete with the JD's integrated multi-effects while not
utilizing/tying-up the Kurzweil's own effects (thus elimininating extra noise
and freeing its use for other patches).  The downside is that near the low
extreme ranges of the split points, the reverb's "slap back" seems a little
sluggish.  However, I was trying to make it all fit within a single 1.44K HD

   An example of this "Crystal Rhodes" patch (but probably played from
an actual JD-800) can be heard as the primary synth/keyboard instrument
on many of the tracks of Kenny G's latest album release, "Breathless".

   This Kurzweil patch was sampled, looped, edited, and programmed
   by Billy Brown utilizing his Kurzweil K2000RS stocked with 34 MEG
   of RAM and a Quantum LPS-240 hard drive.


Billyb (** Bouncer **)