Hi everybody!

This is a sample of an electric bass, which is hopefully better than the 
other bass sounds available at this site. It was sampled using an AKAI 
S1100, but unfortunately I don't know the name of the guy who did it or
any other details, except that it was done in a good studio. I merely
transferred it to the k2k. There are 10 samples, ranging from C2 to E3. 
The file REALBASS.KRZ contains the samples, a keymap utilizing all of them
in the obvious manner, and two programs, one with no DSP and one with DATA-
slider controlled EQ, just for fun. Of course you may construct other keymaps;
In particular, you may find that the E2 sample has better attack than the D2
and C2, so you may discard the latter and stretch the E2 further downwards.

Enjoy! Opinions, flames etc. can be mailed to the K2000 list  or to me
at alona@sunrise.huji.ac.il

								- A. A.