****Soundlife Productions**** EconoSample Series
Date: 10/10/94
Size: 69k (!!)
Source ASR10
Class: Vocal, Pad, Synth

SPECTRE - Ghostly vocal ooze sample, very good for a
    synthetic Vocal pad.  Can be kinda punchy too with
    velocity.  Don't be afraid to use it as a quasi-
    comp instrument.

Spooky 5s - Vocal Pad in 5ths.  Gentle shifting envelopes
    give a delicate spacial texture to this pad.

Haunted EP - Electric piano ala Vangellis.  Haunting is 
    a good description, as there is a light fourth in the
    the mixture of sounds, putting sweet tension in chords.

Slo Mo Ghosts - A good etherial pad with a slow attack and 
    decay.  Washed out in a cavernous reverb/delay/chorus
    effects patch.


Hey folks!
    My samples are free!  And I feel they represent good
    sampling/conversion, and fairly decent programming.
    Feel free to tweek them to your hearts delight, and
    if you like them PLEASE write me a letter or drop me 
    an E-mail.  That way I will know this is worth my time
    uploading them.
    Thanks for listening to them.

James Johnson
Soundlife Productions
4807 Swiss Ave.
Dallas TX, 75204 USA

flam@netcom.com <- use this is possible.  It won't change.
please send any positive or negative comments.

Coming Soon!!!

Samples of my *DW* (Drum workshop) drumset!