****Soundlife Productions**** 
Name: SynAhh
Date: 05/20/95
Size: 342k (!!)
Source: JV-1080
Class: Pad, Synth, Vox

Synth Ahh-  Rich powerful vocal pad.  Identical to a 
    patch in the 1080. (the others are *not* :)

Fair Ahh - Breathy.  Pressure brings out the 
    'air' in this one. Distinctly lighter, and
    brighter than the first patch

Fresh Ahh - Nice Pad.  Lot's of motion brought out of the 
    sample in this one.  Mod wheel does that catchy (however
    non-original) Ooooo -> Ahhhhh transition  

AhhSquare Pad - Heres to the K2000!  Take the richness of
    a synvox sample and force it to become a square wave
    pad.  Nothing like the original sample.  I like the grit
    and depth in this one.

Swept Ahway - Another rich pad from this sample, this 
    one with a subtle filter sweep going up.  Try out the
**Check out some sequences I threw together to demo these!**    

These samples and associated patches and sequences are
licence free.  But I retain all rights of ownership.
They may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes
only.  If you wish to include them in any library or 
collection you must obtain my written permission.


Hey folks!    
My samples are free!  And I feel they represent good    
sampling/conversion, and fairly decent programming.    
Feel free to tweek them to your hearts delight, and    
if you like them PLEASE write me a letter or drop me     
an E-mail.  That way I will know this is worth my time    
uploading them.    
Thanks for listening to them.
There are more in ftp.netcom.com:\pub\fl\flam\kurzweil

James Johnson
Soundlife Productions