RodCoil.GIF -

This photo appeared in the December 1997 issue of Australian Energy News.
It's a dual-exposure shot with myself (Rodney Davies) sitting on a paint 
tin approx 0.5metres infront of the coil.

The setting is a small room (no bigger than an average bedroom), located 
on the Australian National University Campus, at a Hall of Residence.

The photo was taken in 2 steps:
1. The room was completely blackened, I sat upon the paint tin, and the 
photographer took a quick snap-shot of me.
2. I then stood up, moved over to the switch, waited for the que from the 
photographer, then fired up the coil. 

This is the 12" coil I've been talking about for a long time.
It's using a 11KV Pole-Pig SWER transformer, with a current-limitting 
inductor of 0.01H, and a Maxwell 0.152uF 50KV capacitor.
Frequency is around 77KHz.

It the photo, the streamers are around 2metres in length, with an 
estimated voltage somewhere between 750KV-1MV.

Any questions, you can find me on the Tesla List (Chip's), or at

