From:	IN%"POSTMASTER@EMBL.BITNET"  "General PostMaster"  7-FEB-1990 17:23:30.49
To:	HARPER@cc.Helsinki.FI
Subj:	Automatic response to : GET SOFTWARE:BIOBIT.6

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Date: Wed, 07 Feb 90 16:05:45
From: EMBL Network File Server <NETSERV@EMBL.BITNET>
Subject: Automatic response to : GET SOFTWARE:BIOBIT.6
To: HARPER@cc.Helsinki.FI
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Organisation:   European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Postal-address: Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, W. Germany

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                              No 6
                   << EDITED BY ROBERT HARPER >>
    This  issue  of  BIOBIT  deals  with the use of two sets of programmes,
    namely programmes for ARCING/UNARCING  and  UUENCODING/UUDECODING.  But
    first  a  bit  imagery.  Lets  imagine  a  jack-in-the-box.  The  basic
    mechanism is a spring which has been compressed, and when you open  the
    box  the  puppet pops out. Well that is what the ARC programme does. It
    allows you to take a file and compress it to a much smaller  size  than
    the original, and ship it from one place to another and then uncompress
    it  so  that it pops out to its original size. The obvious applications
    are large  documents,  or  spreadsheets.  Some  ARCing  programmes  can
    compress  text  files  (.DOC  or  .TXT)  to 50% of their original size.
    Whereas the best compression for programmes (.EXE or .COM) is generally
    about 30-40% depending on the type of ARCing programme that you use.
    Archiving is a very "hot" topic  at  the  moment.  On  EARN/BITNET  the
    standard is the ARC format. On USENET there is a debate going on at the
    moment  whether  or  not  to  change  from  ARC  to  ZOO because ZOO is
    available for a variety of different operating  systems  (MSDOS,  UNIX,
    VMS)  and  it  would  be  nice  to  have  an  archiving  system that is
    compatible on many different systems. And then there is a new  archiver
    called  PKZIP  which gives very good compression percentages as well as
    being very fast at extracting files  from  .ZIP  files.  The  two  main
    things  that  people  look  for  when  they  use a ARCing programme are
    percentage compression and speed of extraction.  PKZIP  performs  these
    two  activities  very  well  and  this  is  why  it has an enthusiastic
    It is hard to think of an analogy for  UUENCODING.  Anyway  here  goes.
    Let's  compare  a  computer  programme to an enzyme. The enzyme usually
    performs a specific task. So does a programme. An enzyme has a  certain
    optimal  temperature  and  pH  before  it works. If you don't handle it
    properly it could become  inactive  and  useless.  Well  that  is  what
    happens  when  you  try  and send programmes over the network. They get
    trashed at the various gateways and when they arrive, due to the  rough
    handling  they  have  had they "loose all their activity", and they do
    not work. (EBCDIC->ASCII translation ;-) )
    Now an enzyme is only a certain arrangement of  amino  acids,  and  the
    original  code for them is to be found in a particular DNA sequence. So
    in theory if you know the original DNA sequence you should be  able  to
    make  the  enzyme  from  it... basic protein engineering. Well UUENCODE
    takes a programme (.EXE or COM) and translates it  into  a  code.  This
    code  is  pure  ASCII and it can be safely transfered over the network.
    When it arrives at its destination  it  is  UUDECODED  to  produce  the
    original programme once again... a sort of reverse engineering.
    It  takes a series of three neucleotides to code for one amino acid, so
    the DNA code sequence is larger than the code sequence for the  enzyme.
    The  same  is true for UUENCODED files. They are always larger than the
    original programme. This is  the  reason  that  UUENCODE  and  ARC  are
    employed  in  conjunction with each other. ARC is used to make the file
    as small as possible before the UUENCODING takes place. So now you know
    why this archiving and uuencoding are taking place. Simple isn't it?
    So lets now examine the steps involved getting a programme from  BIONET
    to  Helsinki.  At BIONET the programmes are ARCed to make them as small
    as possible and then UUENCODED. When I  get  them  to  Helsinki  and  I
    reverse the process.
    For  historical  reasons  we will be looking at ARC v5.12 which was the
    first popular archiver. It has many different  options  but  the  three
    most  often  used options used with ARC are A for ADD and V for verbose
    and X for extract. At BIONET two  files  are  added  into  the  archive
    PLASMIDC.ARC  by giving the following commands
    The resulting PLASMIDC.ARC  file is  then UUENCODED with the following
    The files are then brought to Helsinki by FTP and downloaded  to  a  PC
    using  the  KERMIT  protocol.  Once  the  file  are  on  the micro, the
    procedure is reversed. The UUDECODE programme looks at the  the  header
    of the .UUE file and decodes it to give the .ARC file.
           1)  C:\>uudecode plasmidc.uue
                Decoding plasmidc.uue
                Destination is plasmidc.arc
    The  PLASMIDC.ARC file is then examined with the VERBOSE option just to
    see what it contains. As you can see it contains the 2  files  and  the
    EXE file has been compressed by 16%
C:\>arc v plasmidc.arc
Name          Length    Stowage    SF   Size now  Date       Time    CRC
============  ========  ========  ====  ========  =========  ======  ====
PAINT.BAT           21     --       0%        21  15 Aug 87   6:55p  8674
PLASMIDC.EXE     62754  Crunched   16%     52951  15 Aug 87   6:49p  8250
        ====  ========            ====  ========
Total      2     62775             16%     52972
    The remaining step is now to EXTRACT the files with the X option
    and then boot the programme on the micro, and after that you
    should be able to draw simple plasmids.
                 2) C:\>arc x plasmidc.arc
                    Extracting file: PAINT.BAT
                    Extracting file: PLASMIDC.EXE
    There  are  many  different UUDECODE/UUENCODE programmes to be had, and
    ARC comes in many different flavours as well. Find a set of  programmes
    that  work well for your system and then stick to them. One STARTER KIT
    which I can recommend is called UseNET CBIP  Starter  kit.  For  anyone
    interested  you can get it by FTP from (,
    file ibmpc/General/starter.kit
    The file is too large to put into BIOBIT for it is about 800 lines, but
    here is a short summary of the contents.
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXTRACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                     UseNet CBIP Starter's Kit
    The files contained herein are public domain,  with  the  exception  of
    ARC-E,  (c)  Copyrighted  by Wayne Chin and Vernon D. Buerg. ALL RIGHTS
    This kit contains what you will need to begin  downloading  files  from, or from various archive sites. This kit contains:
                1) Instructions
                2) BASIC source for UUDECODE
                3) Pascal source for UUDECODE
                4) C source for UUDECODE
                5) ARC-E 3.1C, in uuencoded form
You will need:
                1) Pascal or C compiler or BASIC Interpreter
                2) File editor
What to do:
    You  will  need to split this file into 5 parts. Each part is separated
    by a line stating "---CUT HERE---" and a  short  description.  Using  a
    text  editor,  separate  the parts for the Pascal source, the C source,
    and the UUEncoded ARC-E program. Then compile one  of  the  sources  to
    create  an executable version of uudecode, and then run it on the ARC-E
    file. If you called the ARC-E file arce.uue, then type:
                        uudecode arce.uue
    This will give you ARC-E.COM, an executable ARC  file  extractor.  Type
    'arc-e'  for options. This file will allow you to extract all other ARC
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    Rob "that wasn't too painful was it?" Harper