From:	IN%"POSTMASTER@EMBL.BITNET"  "General PostMaster"  7-FEB-1990 17:23:52.63
To:	HARPER@cc.Helsinki.FI
Subj:	Automatic response to : GET SOFTWARE:BIOBIT.9

Received: from jnet-daemon by cc.Helsinki.FI; Wed, 7 Feb 90 17:23 EET DST
Received: From EMBL(NETSERV) by FINUHB with Jnet id 8222 for HARPER@FINUH; Wed,
 7 Feb 90 17:22 O
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 90 16:06:58
From: EMBL Network File Server <NETSERV@EMBL.BITNET>
Subject: Automatic response to : GET SOFTWARE:BIOBIT.9
To: HARPER@cc.Helsinki.FI
Reply-to: General PostMaster <POSTMASTER@EMBL.BITNET>
Organisation:   European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Postal-address: Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, W. Germany

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                              No 9
                     << EDITED BY ROBERT HARPER >>
    For some time I have been wondering how a computer gets a NODE name
    on EARN. For example I send a lot of messages to LISTSERV at
    DB0FUB11 and  I get $HASP messages from FRMOP22. I suppose that
    these letters and numbers really  *DO* mean something... so it came
    as quite a revelation when I discovered an explanation behind these
    cryptic codes.
    You may ask yourself is this kind of information valuable... well
    once you know the secrets then you will realize  that you can do a
    SEND/FILE/VMSDUMP to CZHETH5A but not to DB0FUB11. You will know in
    which countries the machines are situated, the institutions that
    have the machines, and the operating system of the machine.
    For example who would have guessed that DB0FUB11 would yeild up
    the information that the computer is in Berlin Germany, at the Free
    University of Berlin and that its operating system is VM.
    The naming conventions adopted by EARN are only used by some of
    the countries in Europe. So after reading this article you should
    be able to look at the NODE and perhaps come to some conclusions
    about it.
    The debate started with an innocent enough message from Peter
    Flynn in Ireland who asked the following question.
    > Can anyone explain why so many EARN nodenames end in ...11 ?
    > Someone suggested they were all PDP-11's, ho ho :-)
    >   ...Peter
    And the definitive answer came from Frank Elsner in Germany who
    answered thus:
    ----------------------original message-----------------------
     Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland
    To ensure that node-names are unique in the network and to include
    meaningful information in the node-names they should contain the
      Country - Location - Institute - Software - System Nbr.
    An example for such a node-name DDAGSI31 is shown below:
      | D | D  A | G  S  I | 3 | 1 |
       --- ------ --------- --- ---
        |     |       |      |   |
        |     |       |      |   +---> System nbr. 1 - 9 and A - Z  (optional)
        |     |       |      +-------> Software: MVS JES3           (1 digit)
        |     |       +--------------> Institute's initials: GSI (max 4 digits
        |     +----------------------> Location: DA = Darmstadt     (2 digits)
        +----------------------------> Country: D = Deutschland     (1 digit)
    As country identifier the letters from the international car
    registration plates should be used (where possible):
    D = Germany (West)  E = Spain  I = Italy  C = Switzerland (CH)
    H = Netherlands (NL) (Holland)
    Countries other than those shown here have decided to use a 2 letter
    code for their country. A list of these codes is given at the end of
    this article. These countries also *DO NOT*  follow exactly the
    naming conventions described here.
    To identify the location of the node we should use 2 letters.
    Again the car registration numbers can be used in some countries.
    Single letter signs are expanded with a 0 as fill character to
    cover 2 positions in the nodename:
    Germany:  DA = Darmstadt, HH = Hamburg, B0 = Berlin etc.
    Italy:    PI = Pisa, MI = Milano, R0 = Roma etc.
    Switzerland:  GE = Geneve, BE = Bern etc.
    Other countries with no meaningful city code numbers may select
    significant location ids. e.g. PA = Paris, LY = Lyon etc.
    Institute initials may span 3 characters, 4 characters if system
    number is not used. e.g FUB  = Free University Berlin
                            EMBL = European Molecular Biology Laboratory
    The identification of the software system running at that node is
    given by the following numbers:
    0 = all software not registered under 1 - 9
    1 = VM/370 or VM/SP
    2 = MVS JES2
    3 = MVS JES3
    4 = BS3000 (Siemens/Fujitsu)
    5 = VMS (VAX/DEC)
    6 = UNIX (VAX/DEC)
    7 = MULTICS (H/BULL)
    8 = BS2000 NJE (Siemens)
    9 =
    The system nbr. is optional and is used to differentiate between
    several nodes at an installation. So putting it all together the
    NODE DHDEMBL5 can be interpreted as a EARN node in Germany (D) in
    the city of Heidelberg (HD) at the European Molecular Biology
    Laboratory (EMBL) which is running under the VMS (5) operating
    In some installations there may be reasons to not follow these
    naming conventions (e.g. integration of existing nets with
    accustomed names or, important nodes requiring names easy to
    remember). Of course every installation in EARN  is free to select
    its node-name as desired but the name must be unique in the
    Here is a list  of countries, country codes, filenames used for
    country related files, and nodename letters if applicable.
               Car-plate  ISO-code
Country          Code     (2)  (3)   Filenames  Nodenames
-------------  ---------  ---  ---   --------   --------
Argentina      RA         AR   ARG   BITNET     ........
Australia      AUS        AU   AUS
Austria        A          AT   AUT   ATEARN     A.......
Belgium        B          BE   BEL   BEEARN     B.......
Canada         CDN        CA   CAN   NETNORTH   ........
Denmark        DK         DK   DNK   DKEARN     DK......
Egypt          ET         EG   EGY
Finland        SF         FI   FIN   FIEARN     FIN.....
France         F          FR   FRA   FREARN     FR......
Germany        D          DE   DEU   DEEARN     D.......
Great Britain  GB         GB   GBR   GBEARN     UK......
Greece         GR         GR   GRC   GREARN     GR......
Iceland        IS         IS   ISL   ISEARN     IS......
Ireland        IRL        IE   IRL   IEEARN     IR......
Israel         IL         IL   ISR   ILEARN     ........
Italy          I          IT   ITA   ITEARN     I.......
Ivory Coast    RCI        CI   CIV   CIEARN     CI......
Japan          J          JP   JPN   BITNET     JPN.....
Liechtenstein  FL         LI   LIE
Luxemburg      L          LU   LUX   LUEARN     LUX.....
Mexico         MEX        MX   MEX   BITNET     ........
Netherlands    NL         NL   NLD   NLEARN     H.......
Norway         N          NO   NOR   NOEARN     NO......
Portugal       P          PT   PRT   PTEARN     PT......
Singapore      SGP        SG   SGP   BITNET     ........
Spain          E          ES   ESP   ESEARN     E.......
Sweden         S          SE   SWE   SEEARN     SE......
Switzerland    CH         CH   CHE   CHEARN     C.......
Turkey         TR         TR   TUR   TREARN     TR......
USA            USA        US   USA   BITNET     ........
Yugoslavia     YU         YU   YUG   YUEARN     YU......
    -------------------message end-----------------------
    Rob "FIN (Finland) UH (University of Helsinki)" Harper